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A mortality study of lead workers, 1926-1985   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In a case-control study of 867 deaths between 1926 and 1985 of men who had relatively high occupational lead exposure, compared with 1,206 who died during the same period, and whose lead exposure had been low or absent, there was a statistically significant excess of deaths from cerebrovascular disease between 1946 and 1965. There were also signs of a decreasing secular trend in the odds ratios for deaths from this cause between 1926 and 1985, with no difference between the two groups over the past 20 yr. There was no statistically significant excess in the number of deaths from malignant neoplasms, either in general or for specific sites. Previous evidence of an increased risk of death from cerebrovascular disease is therefore confirmed, but it would seem that with the introduction of stricter standards of lead control that this has now disappeared, as has any marginal risk of death from malignant disease.  相似文献   

Occupational exposure to dust has been linked with excess mortality from stomach cancer. To examine this hypothesis in respect of cement workers the mortality of a group of men, identified as cement workers in 1939, was followed up from 1948 to 1981. An excess of mortality from stomach cancer was found which is not thought to be explained by the social class distribution of the study population. Mortality from respiratory disease was not increased.  相似文献   

Long term mortality was studied in a group of 57 chromate pigment workers who suffered clinical lead poisoning, mostly between 1930 and 1945. One death was attributed to lead poisoning and there were significant excesses of deaths from nephritis (observed/expected 3/0.24) and cerebrovascular disease (9/2.20), as well as non-significant excesses for respiratory diseases (7/3.59) and accidents and violence (3/1.13). The deaths from nephritis followed long spells of service exceeding 10 years. Poisoning appeared to have more adverse long term effects on older workers: 15 men aged 40 or over at the time of acute poisoning experienced generally high mortality, and 30 years later or by the end of 1981 only two survived instead of the seven expected. The risk of cerebrovascular disease appeared to be unrelated to duration of exposure and affected even men employed for under one year. Excluding the 57 lead poisoned men, other contemporary workers at the factories showed no excess mortality from cerebrovascular disease.  相似文献   

The mortality of workers employed at a factory producing friction materials has been studied from 1941 to 1986, extending a previous study by seven years. Apart from two periods before 1944, when crocidolite asbestos was used on one particular contract, only chrysotile asbestos has been used. Thirteen deaths were attributed to mesothelioma and of these, 11 were of subjects who had known contact with crocidolite asbestos. Of the remaining two, in one instance the diagnosis is uncertain and in the other the occupational history of the subject is not well established. There was no excess of deaths from lung cancer or other asbestos related tumours, or from chronic respiratory disease. After 1950 hygienic control was progressively improved and from 1970 levels of asbestos in air have not exceeded 0.5-1.0 f/ml. It is concluded that with good environmental control chrysotile asbestos may be used in manufacture without causing excess mortality.  相似文献   

The mortality of lead smelter workers: an update.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
OBJECTIVES. Mortality studies of lead workers have shown excesses of nonmalignant renal disease and cerebrovascular disease. Animal studies and one human study have shown excess kidney cancer. We have updated a mortality study of male lead smelter workers (n = 1990). METHODS. An analysis was conducted using standard life table techniques. The updated analysis added 11 years of follow-up and 363 new deaths. RESULTS. The original study had found elevated but nonsignificant risks for kidney cancer, stroke, and nonmalignant renal disease, probably attributable to lead exposure. Deaths from accidents and nonmalignant respiratory disease were significantly elevated, but probably not as a result of lead exposure. In the updated study, no new deaths from nonmalignant renal disease occurred (9 observed, standardized mortality ratio = 1.21). Three more deaths from kidney cancer were observed, yielding a standardized mortality ratio of 1.93 (9 observed, 95% CI = 0.88, 3.67), which increased for those who had worked in areas with the highest lead exposure (8 observed, standardized mortality ratio = 2.39, 95% CI = 1.03, 4.71). Cerebrovascular disease remained elevated for those with more than 20 years of exposure (26 observed, standardized mortality ratio = 1.41, 95% CI = 0.92, 2.07). CONCLUSIONS. This cohort with high lead exposure showed a diminishing excess of death from nonmalignant renal disease, a continued excess from kidney cancer, and an excess of cerebrovascular disease only in those with longest exposure to lead.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Carbon black, a powdered form of elemental carbon is used in the manufacture of rubber products, paints, plastics, and inks. In 1974, the Health and Safety Executive initiated a cohort mortality study on possible carcinogenic effects on carbon black workers. METHODS: The mortality of a cohort of 1,147 male manual workers from five U.K. factories manufacturing carbon black was investigated for the period 1951-1996. All subjects were employed in the carbon black industry for 12 months or more, and all were first employed before 1975. Limited work histories were used to calculate estimates of individual cumulative exposure to carbon black, using a job-exposure matrix derived by the study team. RESULTS: Based on serial rates for the general population of England and Wales, significantly elevated mortality was observed in the main study cohort for all causes (Obs 372, Exp 328.7, SMR 113, P < 0.05) and for lung cancer (Obs 61, Exp 35.3, SMR 173, P < 0.001). There were highly elevated lung cancer SMRs at two of the factories, and unexceptional SMRs at the remaining three factories. There was no indication of lung cancer SMRs increasing with period from first employment. Poisson regression analyses failed to find significant trends of lung cancer risks increasing either with cumulative exposure to carbon black (4 levels) or with duration of employment at the participating factories (4 levels). CONCLUSIONS: Confident interpretation of the elevated SMRs found for lung cancer in two of the factory subcohorts is not possible but the study has been unable to link cumulative exposure to carbon black with elevated risks of lung cancer.  相似文献   

上海某冶炼厂铅接触工人肿瘤死亡的回顾性队列研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 了解职业铅接触工人肿瘤死亡情况,探讨职业铅接触与肿瘤的关系。方法 1985年1月1日前在本厂工人1年以上,且1985年1月1日仍存活的男性工人共6971名组成全队列,其中3344名在铅接触车间工作的工人组成的亚队列为接触队列。随访从1985年1月1日至1997年12月31日。以上海市人口的肿瘤死亡率作为标准对照,计算标化死亡比(SMR);以本厂非接触人群作内对照计算相对危险度(RR);估计累计接触剂量进行剂量-反应关系分析。结果 全队列6971人共观察87576人年,接触队列3344人共观察41505人年。全队列中,肺癌的SMR(95%CI)为128.0(101.1-159.7)。1965年后入厂的工人肺癌的SMR为463.7(P<0.01)。有铅接触工作史且工龄超过20年的工人鼻咽癌的SMR=408.0(P<0.01),肺癌的SMR=156.6(P<0.01)。肿瘤总计、恶性肿瘤总计、食管癌、胃癌、肝和胆道癌、肺癌和膀胱癌的RR(95%CI)分别为3.25(2.43-3.89)、3.28(2.54-4.32)、3.57(1.08-10.47)、2.93(1.15-4.87)、4.58(2.03-9.97)、8.58(4.82-15.11)、6.66(2.83-13.01)。将累计接触剂量分为高、中、低3个组,中、高组工人恶性肿瘤RR分别为1.62(P<0.05)和1.70(P<0.05),且有随累计接触剂量增加危险性升高的趋势。中、高组工人的肺癌RR分别为2.55(P<0.05),和2.31(P<0.05)。结论 工人肿瘤死亡危险性升高可能与铅接触有关,但还需要在控制其他职业有害因素接触和非职业性有害因素接触的情况下作进一步的研究。  相似文献   

A mortality study of workers manufacturing friction materials: 1941-86   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The mortality of workers employed at a factory producing friction materials has been studied from 1941 to 1986, extending a previous study by seven years. Apart from two periods before 1944, when crocidolite asbestos was used on one particular contract, only chrysotile asbestos has been used. Thirteen deaths were attributed to mesothelioma and of these, 11 were of subjects who had known contact with crocidolite asbestos. Of the remaining two, in one instance the diagnosis is uncertain and in the other the occupational history of the subject is not well established. There was no excess of deaths from lung cancer or other asbestos related tumours, or from chronic respiratory disease. After 1950 hygienic control was progressively improved and from 1970 levels of asbestos in air have not exceeded 0.5-1.0 f/ml. It is concluded that with good environmental control chrysotile asbestos may be used in manufacture without causing excess mortality.  相似文献   

Mortality among workers in the Finnish pulp and paper industry was evaluated in a retrospective cohort study of 3520 workers who had been employed continuously for at least one year between 1945 and 1961. Six subcohorts were formed according to six work areas: sulphite, sulphate, paper, and board mills, maintenance department, and power plant. National mortality rates were used for comparison. The mortality of a cohort of 1290 sawmill workers was also studied in order to have a socially, geographically, and occupationally similar group without the exposures typical of the pulp and paper industry for comparison. Smoking habits were surveyed. Mortality was followed up until 31 December 1981. Overall mortality for the entire cohort did not differ from that expected (1044 obs, 1029.4 exp, SMR 101), but there was an excess of deaths from diseases of the circulatory system among the men (489 obs, 404.9 exp, SMR 121). This was due to the excess of deaths from ischaemic heart disease found among the men at the sulphite, sulphate, and paper mills, maintenance department, and power plant, but not at the sawmill. The existing smoking data did not explain this finding and it may therefore be associated with occupational exposures.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, hygienic improvements have led to a reduction in the level of airborne pollutants in Danish foundries. This mortality study reflects the exposure situation prior to 1970, and the findings may be used as a baseline for future evaluations of the preventive impact of reduced exposure. Mortality data were derived from a historical cohort study in which 3,056 foundry workers were compared with 43,024 workers employed in other industries. The foundry workers' life-long risk of dying from pneumoconioses averaged 2% and the corresponding standardized mortality ratio (SMR) equaled 7,368 (95% confidence interval (95% CI): 4,029–12,363). Excess mortality was also seen for chronic bronchitis and emphysema (SMR = 132, 95% CI: 98–185). Nonsignificant increases were seen for buccal cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, and urothelial cancer. In conclusion, Danish foundry workers exposed prior to 1970 seem to suffer an excess risk of devastating lung disease of occupational origin. Am. J. Ind. Med. 32:223-233, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Following an inquiry from the workers of a large newspaper plant in Milan, Italy, a mortality study was undertaken to investigate the reportedly high occurrence of cancer. The study covered the period from 1956 to 1975. Among the 700 workers participating, for a total of 12,198 person-years, 199 deaths had occurred. Overall mortality was not lower than expected and a significant excess was found among the workers aged 25-54 years. Cancer mortality was higher than expected; the only significant excess, however, was found among packers and forwarders who had a greater incidence of all neoplasms, all respiratory cancers, and lung cancer. Some possible explanations concerning personal life-style and occupational exposure previously not considered are proposed. Mortality from circulatory diseases and ischemic heart disease was significantly in excess among the workers aged 25-54 years and was associated with length of employment, age at the time of hiring, and duration of follow-up; analysis by job category revealed a significant mortality excess from these causes among packers and forwarders. It is suggested that the mortality pattern observed for cardiovascular disease, as well as for all causes, could be interpreted in the light of the peculiar characteristics of newspaper production. The initial complaint, instigating the study, arose from the packers and forwarders department.  相似文献   

This report presents a mortality study among the 17,344 members of the Construction Workers' Health Insurance Society of Mie Prefecture in Japan. The study period was between 1973 and 1993. During this period, 480 members died. Age-specific mortality rates of Mie Prefecture were used as comparison standards. Significantly elevated standardized mortality ratio (SMR) and proportionate mortality ratio (PMR) were observed for “accidents and adverse effects.” In addition, the PMRs of all cancers and “cancers of trachea, bronchus and lung” were also significantly elevated. The job classifications were reorganized into three groups, according to the frequency of asbestos exposure the workers experienced on the construction sites. The asbestos exposure was based on job classifications among 7,411 workers who had completed a self-administered survey questionnaire. In the frequent-exposure group, the PMR was significantly elevated for all cancers. In the medium-exposure group, the SMRs were significantly elevated for all cancers and “cancer of trachea, bronchus and lung.” The PMR was significantly elevated for “cancer of trachea, bronchus and lung.” In the less-exposure group, the PMR was significantly elevated for “accidents and adverse effects.” This study provided support for the hypothesis that working in the construction industry might be associated with high risks for asbestos-associated cancers and accidental deaths. Am. J. Ind. Med. 32:35-41, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that early retirement per se may have a negative effect on health to such an extent that it increases mortality risk. One type of early retirement often referred to in these studies is retirement with disability pension/benefit. Given the overall objective of disability benefit programmes – to help the disabled live socially and economically satisfactory lives, freed from exposure to employment health hazards and thus avoid further declines in health – the finding is challenging. This paper examined the relationship between timing of retirement and mortality using a cohort of Swedish construction workers. The mortality risk of disability pensioners – excluding those with diagnoses normally connected to increased mortality – was compared with the risk of those continuing to work. Although initial indications were in line with earlier results, it became obvious that the increased mortality risk of disability pensioners did not depend on early retirement per se but on poor health before early retirement not explicitly recognized in the diagnosis on which the disability pension rested. The results indicate that there are no general differences in mortality depending on timing of retirement. Future studies of mortality differences arising from working or not working must sufficiently control for health selection effects into the studied retirement paths.  相似文献   

The mortality rate of a cohort of asbestos workers was investigated in Tianjin, China, between January 1, 1972, and December 31, 1987. The cohort consisted of 662 males and 510 females, employed in asbestos textiles, friction material, and asbestos cement manufacturing. A statistically significant excess mortality was observed for lung cancer in both males and females (SMR 278 and 427, respectively). An increasing trend in SMR was observed with increasing intervals of exposure as well as with increasing exposure level. A synergistic effect was seen between asbestos exposure and cigarette smoking regarding lung cancer. The ratio of smoking and nonsmoking lung cancer death rates was virtually the same in asbestos and in nonasbestos workers. This ratio was approximately 1.6, a value much less than that reported in other countries. This low ratio appears to reflect the fact that many nonsmokers were in fact passive cigarette smokers. Second, it reflects the fact that most smokers smoked hand-rolled tobacco, since manufactured cigarettes did not become popular in China until 1965. These data confirm the hazards of asbestos exposure in developing countries.  相似文献   

A multicentre cohort study was carried out to study the possible association between exposure to ethylene oxide and cancer mortality. The cohort consisted of 2658 men from eight chemical plants of six chemical companies in the Federal Republic of Germany who had been exposed to ethylene oxide for at least one year between 1928 and 1981. The number of subjects in the separate plants varied from 98 to 604. By the closing date of the study (31 December 1982) 268 had died, 68 from malignant neoplasms. For 63 employees who had left the plant (2.4%) the vital status remained unknown. The standardised mortality ratio for all causes of death was 0.87 and for all malignancies 0.97 compared with national rates. When local state rates were used the SMRs were slightly lower. Two deaths from leukaemia were observed compared with 2.35 expected (SMR = 0.85). SMRs for carcinoma of the oesophagus (2.0) and carcinoma of the stomach (1.38) were raised but not significantly. In one plant an internal "control group" was selected matched for age, sex, and date of entry into the factory and compared with the exposed group. In both groups a "healthy worker effect" was observed. The total mortality and mortality from malignant neoplasms was higher in the exposed than in the control group; the differences were not statistically significant. There were no deaths from leukaemia in the exposed group and one in the control group.  相似文献   

A mortality study of workers at seven beryllium processing plants.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has found that the evidence for the carcinogenicity of beryllium is sufficient based on animal data but "limited" based on human data. This analysis reports on a retrospective cohort mortality study among 9,225 male workers employed at seven beryllium processing facilities for at least 2 days between January 1, 1940, and December 31, 1969. Vital status was ascertained through December 31, 1988. The standardized mortality ratio (SMR) for lung cancer in the total cohort was 1.26 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.12-1.42); significant SMRs for lung cancer were observed for two of the oldest plants located in Lorain, Ohio (SMR = 1.69; 95% CI = 1.28-2.19) and Reading, Pennsylvania (SMR = 1.24; 95% CI = 1.03-1.48). For the overall cohort, significantly elevated SMRs were found for "all deaths" (SMR = 1.05; 95% CI = 1.01-1.08), "ischemic heart disease" (SMR = 1.08; 95% CI = 1.01-1.14), "pneumoconiosis and other respiratory diseases" (SMR = 1.48; 95% CI = 1.21-1.80), and "chronic and unspecified nephritis, renal failure, and other renal sclerosis" (SMR = 1.49; 95% CI = 1.00-2.12). Lung cancer SMRs did not increase with longer duration of employment, but did increase with longer latency (time since first exposure). Lung cancer was particularly elevated (SMR = 3.33; 95% CI = 1.66-5.95) among workers at the Lorain plant with a history of (primarily) acute beryllium disease, which is associated with very high beryllium exposure. The lung cancer excess was not restricted to plants operating in the 1940s, when beryllium exposures were known to be extraordinarily high. Elevated lung cancer SMRs were also observed for four of the five plants operating in the 1950s for workers hired during that decade. Neither smoking nor geographic location fully explains the increased lung cancer risk. Occupational exposure to beryllium compounds is the most plausible explanation for the increased risk of lung cancer observed in this study. Continued mortality follow-up of this cohort will provide a more definitive assessment of lung cancer risk at the newer plants and among cohort members hired in the 1950s or later at the older plants. Further clarification of the potential for specific beryllium compounds to induce lung cancer in humans, and the possible contribution of other exposures in specific processes at these plants, would require a nested case-control study. We are currently assessing whether available industrial hygiene data would support such an analysis.  相似文献   

A mortality study among workers in an English asbestos factory.   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The previous report on this cohort study of workers in an asbestos textile factory (Knox et al., 1968) showed little evidence of increased mortality among workers who had entered the factory after the implementation in 1932 of the first Asbestos Industry Regulation (1931) but observed that no firm conclusions could be drawn, as little carcinogenic effect would be expected for 20 years after first exposure. A further 8 1/2 years of follow-up has revealed some asbestos-related disease in this latter group, although very much less than for employees first exposed before 1933. Among the 963 workers first exposed in 1933 or later, mortality was increased for carcinoma of the bronchus (31 deaths; 19-3 expected for all lung cancers) and non-malignant respiratory disease (35 deaths, 25-0 expected), and a further 5 deaths were attributed to pleural mesothelioma.  相似文献   

A mortality study of workers employed between 1944 and 1977 at an electrical capacitor manufacturing plant where polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), chlorinated naphthalenes, and other chemicals were used was undertaken. Age, gender, and calendar year-adjusted standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) were calculated for 2885 white workers. Total mortality and all-cancer mortality were similar to expected in both males and females. Females employed 10 or more years had a significantly elevated SMR of 6.2 for liver/biliary cancer. Intestinal cancer was significantly elevated in females employed 5 or more years after PCBs were introduced (SMR = 2.2). In males, stomach cancer (SMR = 2.2) and thyroid cancer (SMR = 15.2) were significantly elevated. Although individual exposure assessment was limited, PCBs alone or in combination with other chemicals could be associated with increased risks for liver/biliary, stomach, intestinal, and thyroid cancer.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine the relationship between ambient lead levels and blood lead levels and to explore the modifiers of the relationship between ambient lead and blood lead. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted in two lead battery factories. Blood lead level and ambient lead concentration were measured for each participant concurrently. A structured questionnaire was administered to collect sociodemographic characteristics and occupational history. Design: Biological and personal environmental measurements of 219 lead-exposed workers were analyzed by both simple and multiple linear regression. A regression model was selected for interpretation. Results: A high correlation (r=0.62) between ambient lead (PbA) and blood lead (PbB) was observed. In addition, numerous factors, including age, sex, alcohol consumption, personal hygiene practice and type of lead exposure, were also found to influence blood lead levels. Although PbB was highly correlated with PbA, blood lead level may not be effectively lowered by reducing ambient lead level. Based on the regression coefficients, improvement of hygienic practice was more effective at lowering PbB than reducing ambient lead level. Good hygienic practice may be the preferential way to reduce lead exposure in current conditions. Conclusion: Education of correct work practice may be more important than engineering control in the developing countries to lower blood lead levels in lead battery factories. Received: 28 May 1996/Accepted: 30 August 1996  相似文献   

While there have been numerous epidemiology studies of refinery workers, no studies have been done on producing and pipeline workers. This is a retrospective follow-up study of all persons who were employed for at least 6 months at a Texaco producing or pipeline location and who worked at some time during the period 1946-1980. Of the 11,098 white men in the cohort, 8,964 were alive, 1,886 were known to be dead, and the vital status of the remaining 248 as of December 31, 1980 was unknown. The standardized mortality ratio (SMR) of 63 for all causes was significantly low, on the basis of 2,976 expected deaths. Statistically significant deficits also were seen for all major causes of death. Mortality patterns were also examined for the major job categories in these departments. Similar patterns of mortality were seen, although there was a significant excess of thyroid cancer in those employed as pumper-gaugers. However, it was based on only four cases.  相似文献   

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