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In order to understand the influence of temperature and moisture, polymer blends of polyethyleneglycol 6000 (PEG 6000) and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose 2910 E5 (HPMC 2910 E5) and solid dispersions of itraconazole in these polymer blends were spray dried, further dried for 2 weeks and stored at three different conditions: 25 degrees C, 0% relative humidity (RH); 25 degrees C, 52% RH; 60 degrees C, 0% RH. MTDSC analysis of the polymer blends revealed that at 25 degrees C, 52% RH, PEG 6000 recrystallized to a high extent. At 60 degrees C, 0% RH the two polymers were miscible, probably due to the removal of bound water. In the ternary dispersions the polymers behaved similarly. The crystallinity degree of itraconazole in samples stored at 25 degrees C, 52% RH and at 60 degrees C, 0% RH was increased compared to the samples stored at 25 degrees C, 0% RH, probably due to the plasticizing effect of moisture at 25 degrees C, 52% RH and to an increased mobility at 60 degrees C, 0% RH. XPS analysis revealed a redistribution of itraconazole at the surface as itraconazole recrystallized from the blend. Dissolution tests revealed that a decrease in the itraconazole release was directly related to its crystallinity degree, no correlation was found with the crystallinity degree of PEG 6000.  相似文献   

Temperature dependency of saturated vapour pressure and the thermochemical characteristics of the fusion process were measured for flufenamic acid and niflumic acid, and thermodynamic functions of sublimation, fusion and evaporation calculated. An approach to split specific and non-specific energetic terms in crystal lattices is developed. The melting points of the considered molecules correlate with the ratio between specific and non-specific interactions in crystal lattices. Temperature dependencies of the solubility in buffers with pH 2.0 and 7.4, in n-octanol and in n-hexane were measured. The thermodynamic functions of solubility, solvation and transfer processes were deduced. Specific and non-specific solvation terms were distinguished by the transfer from "inert"n-hexane to the other solvents. Comparison of the ratio between specific and non-specific interactions in solid state and in the solutions was carried out. A diagram to analyse energetic terms of partitioning and distribution processes is introduced.  相似文献   

As in a previous paper [Int. J. Pharm. 258 (2003) 193–201], the Kirkwood–Buff theory of solutions was employed to calculate the solubility of a solid in mixed solvents. Whereas in the former paper the binary solvent was assumed ideal, in the present one it was considered nonideal. A rigorous expression for the activity coefficient of a solute at infinite dilution in a mixed solvent [Int. J. Pharm. 258 (2003) 193–201] was used to obtain an equation for the solubility of a poorly soluble solid in a nonideal mixed solvent in terms of the solubilities of the solute in the individual solvents, the molar volumes of those solvents, and the activity coefficients of the components of the mixed solvent.

The Flory–Huggins and Wilson equations for the activity coefficients of the components of the mixed solvent were employed to correlate 32 experimental data sets regarding the solubility of drugs in aqueous mixed solvents. The results were compared with the models available in literature. It was found that the suggested equation can be used for an accurate and reliable correlation of the solubilities of drugs in aqueous mixed binary solvents. It provided slightly better results than the best literature models but has also the advantage of a theoretical basis.  相似文献   

Purpose. To investigate the solution process of drug substances (exemplified by benzoic acid, BA, and acetylsalicylic acid, ASA), particularly the interrelation between enthalpic and entropic terms of Gibbs energy, in different solvents. To develop an approach for the estimation of standard solution enthalpies based on a self-consistent thermochemical scale. Method. Two independent methods, solubility experiments (concentrations of saturated solutions) and solution calorimetry (standard solution enthalpies) in aliphatic alcohols and individual organic solvents were used. Correlation between the thermodynamic functions in various solvents were analyzed by standard statistical methods. Multiple regression analysis between H 0 sol values and the parameters of the solvents was run on the Koppel-Palm equation. Results. Based on experimental data, a compensation effect between thermodynamic functions was observed. Correlation was found between H 0 sol (BA) and H 0 sol (ASA) [where the H 0 sol (BA)-values were used as a self-consistent thermochemical scale]. Furthermore, H 0 sol correlated with the Koppel-Palm basicity of the solvents. Conclusions. The model based on solubility and solution experiments might be useful for the prediction of solubility or solvation of drug substances in different media. The regression equation based on the self-consistent thermochemical scale makes it possible to approximate the ability to solvate a drug substance in comparison with structure-relative substances.  相似文献   

Darcy's law and Fick's law of Part I are combined with bulk and species conservation of mass equations, respectively, to obtain flow and transport models for swelling drug delivery systems. The model identifies three distinct regimes and makes the appropriate simplifying assumptions for each. The result is a set of highly nonlinear, coupled, integro-partial differential equations. The advantage of this model is that it can be easily modified to account for multiple simplified scenarios and geometries. As an example, boundary conditions are given for a radially symmetric drug delivery device.  相似文献   

Issues. Illicit drugs are never far from the media gaze and although identified almost a decade ago as ‘a new battleground’ for the alcohol and other drug (AOD) field there has been limited research examining the role of the news media and its effects on audiences and policy. Approach. This paper draws together media theories from communication literature to examine media functions. We illustrate how each function is relevant for media and drugs research by drawing upon the existing literature examining Australian media coverage during the late 1990s of escalating heroin‐related problems and proposed solutions. Key Findings. Media can influence audiences in four key ways: by setting the agenda and defining public interest; framing issues through selection and salience; indirectly shaping individual and community attitudes towards risk; and feeding into political debate and decision making. Each has relevance for the AOD field. For example, media coverage of the escalating heroin‐related problems in Australia played a strong role in generating interest in heroin overdoses, framing public discourse in terms of a health and/or criminal issue and affecting political decisions. Implications and Conclusion. Media coverage in relation to illicit drugs can have multifarious effects. Incorporating media communication theories into future research and actions is critical to facilitate understanding of the short‐ and long‐term impacts of media coverage on illicit drugs and the avenues by which the AOD field can mitigate or inform future media debates on illicit drugs.[Lancaster K, Hughes CE, Spicer B, Matthew‐Simmons F, Dillon P. Illicit drugs and the media: Models of media effects for use in drug policy research. Drug Alcohol Rev 2011;30:397–402]  相似文献   

Summary Beta-adrenergic blocking agents inhibit serotonin uptake by human blood platelets; in addition they induce release of the previously accumulated amine in vitro. Propranolol was the most active drug, followed by alprenolol, Kl 255, Kö 592, INPEA, oxprenolol, pindolol, Kö 1366, practolol, and sotalol. Kinetic analysis revealed a mixed type of inhibition of serotonin uptake. A significant correlation between these parameters and the lipid solubilities of the respective drugs was found. In contrast to the active serotonin uptake labelled -sympatholytics were accumulated by the platelets passively, i. e. independently of temperature and of time of incubation. The degree of accumulation by human blood platelets and human erythrocyte ghosts was again correlated with the hydrophobicity of the compounds. Therefore, it is concluded that these effects of -adrenergic blocking agents are mainly unspecific in nature, depending on the lipid solubility of the drugs, and leading to conformational changes within the membranes. This assumption is supported by the electron microscopical findings in human platelets, indicating ultrastructural changes and cell lysis.Supported by a grant of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.Part of this work has been presented at the 2nd Int. Symp. on Metabolism and Membrane Permeability of Erythrocytes, Thrombocytes and Leucocytes, Vienna 1972 (Lemmer et al., 1972).  相似文献   

Methazolamide (MTZ) is an anti-glaucoma drug. The present paper aims to characterize the physicochemical properties and degradation kinetics of MTZ to provide a basis for topical ophthalmic delivery. With the increase in pH (pH 5.5–8.0) of aqueous solution, the solubility of the compound increased while the partition coefficient (Ko/w) which was estimated in the system n-octanol/aqueous solution decreased. The degradation of MTZ in aqueous solution followed pseudo-first-order kinetic. The degradation rate kpH is the rate in the absence of buffer catalysis. Plotting the natural logarithm of kpH versus the corresponding pH value gave a V-shaped pH-rate profile with a maximum stability at pH 5.0. The degradation rate constants as a function of the temperature obeyed the Arrhenius equation (R2 = 0.9995 at pH 7.0 and R2 = 0.9955 at pH 9.0, respectively). A decrease in ionic strength and buffer concentration displayed a stabilizing effect on MTZ. Buffer species also influenced the MTZ hydrolysis. Phosphate buffer system was more catalytic than tris and borate buffer systems. In brief, it is important to consider the physicochemical properties and the stability of MTZ during formulation.  相似文献   

Cyclodextrins can increase the apparent solubility and dissolution rate of poorly water-soluble drug candidates improving their biopharmaceutical performance. The current data assess the ability of hydrophilic cyclodextrins to solubilize compounds via stabilization of supersaturated drug solutions presumably by inhibition of nucleation and arresting crystal growth. To these points, the effects of 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HPbetaCD) and sulfobutylether-beta-cyclodextrin (SBEbetaCD) on equilibrium solubility was assessed via phase-solubility analysis as were the interactions of these excipients on drug solubility under conditions favoring supersaturation. Phase-solubility analysis indicated that different profiles were generated as a function of the cyclodextrin examined and the pH of the complexing medium. When kinetic solubility measurements were completed, the cyclodextrins were found to stabilize concentrations of itraconazole significantly in excess of their equilibrium solubility when supersaturated solutions were formed using the co-solvent/solvent quench approach. These solutions were stable over 240 min falling in concentration at the 24 h time point of the experiment unlike those formed using surfactants and other polymers which demonstrated a rapid decrease in concentration over time. These data suggest that hydrophilic cyclodextrins might be useful formulation adjuncts in supersaturating drug delivery systems.  相似文献   

The release rate of nicardipine HCl from various alginate microparticles was investigated. Manugel A7B618 which has a high guluronic acid content of 70% and a low polymerization degree of 60-400 was used as alginate. A 2(3) factorial design was utilized for the preparation of the alginate microparticles. The effect of drug:polymer weight ratio, CaCl2 concentration and curing time on parameters such as the time for 50% of the drug to be released (t50%) and the drug entrapment efficiency were evaluated with analysis of variance. The mean particle sizes and the swelling ratios of the microparticles were determined. The in vitro release studies were carried out with a flow-through cell apparatus at different media (pH 1.2, 2.5, 4.5, 7, 7.5 buffer solutions). Drug:polymer weight ratio and the concentration of the crosslinking agent were the influential factors on the release of NC from the alginate microparticles. The release of nicardipine was extended with alginate microparticles prepared in a ratio of 1:1 (drug:polymer weight ratio). The release of drug from alginate microparticles took place by both diffusion through the swollen matrix and relaxation of the polymer at pH: 1.2-4.5. However, the release was due to diffusion and erosion mechanisms at pH 7-7.5.  相似文献   

Solubilities are reported for p-tolylacetic acid in binary mixtures of cyclohexane with n-hexane, n-heptane, n-octane and isooctane at 25 °C. The results are compared to the predictions of equations developed previously for solubility in systems of purely non-specific interactions, with the carboxylic acid considered as either monomeric or dimeric molecules in solution. The dimer model provided the more accurate predictions, with a maximum deviation of 5.6% between observed and predicted solubility in all systems studied.  相似文献   

Lipoamino acids (LAAs) are promoieties able to enhance the amphiphilicity of drugs, facilitating their interaction with cell membranes. Experimental and computational studies were carried out on two series of lipophilic amide conjugates between a model drug (tranylcypromine, TCP) and LAA or alkanoic acids containing a short, medium or long alkyl side chain (C-4 to C-16). The effects of these compounds were evaluated by monolayer surface tension analysis and differential scanning calorimetry using dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine monolayers and liposomes as biomembrane models. The experimental results were related to independent calculations to determine partition coefficient and blood–brain partitioning. The comparison of TCP–LAA conjugates with the related series of TCP alkanoyl amides confirmed that the ability to interact with the biomembrane models is not due to the mere increase of lipophilicity, but mainly to the amphipatic nature and the kind of LAA residue.  相似文献   

The effect of four formulation and processing variables, calcium concentration, drying condition, concentration of hardening agent and hardening time on the bead properties and the release characteristics of a model drug from calcium pectinate gel (CPG) beads were studied. A poorly soluble compound, indomethacin, was used as the model drug. The investigated variables affected the bead size, the entrapment efficiency and the release of indomethacin from CPG beads. Drug release was found to be a function of the formulation and processing variables. The slower drug release was achieved from the formulations with higher calcium concentration, higher concentration of hardening agent and longer hardening time. The drying condition, however, did not influence the drug release. The mechanism of indomethacin release from CPG beads followed the diffusion controlled model for an inert porous matrix. All drug release data fitted well to the Higuchi square root time expression.  相似文献   

Balkan endemic nephropathy (BEN) occurs in Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Croatia. BEN has been characterized as a chronic, slowly progressive renal disease of unknown etiology. In this study, we examined the influence of soluble organic compounds in drinking water leached from Pliocene lignite from BEN-endemic areas on plasma lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) activity. We found that changes for all samples were the most prominent for the dilution category containing 90% plasma and 10% of diluting media. Water samples from BEN villages from Serbia and Romania showed higher LCAT inhibiting activity (p=0.02) and (p=0.003), respectively, compared to deionised water and non-endemic water. A secondary LCAT deficiency could result from this inhibitory effect of the organic compounds found in endemic water supplies and provide an ethiopathogenic basis for the development of BEN in the susceptible population.  相似文献   

Moisture sorption and permeability characteristics of polymer films were studied and their effectiveness to protect a hydrolyzable drug assessed. Cast films were prepared from Eudragit L30 D-55, Eudragit EPO, Opadry AMB and Sepifilm LP dispersions, which were also applied onto tablet cores formulated with aspirin as a model moisture sensitive active ingredient. Sorption studies were undertaken using dynamic vapour sorption, ranging between 0% and 90% RH at 25 degrees C. Cast films exhibited fast equilibration (相似文献   

In first unit of running was described the properties, method the obtention and kinds sensitive on factors such how the temperature, pH, the electrolytes, the chosen substances, light, of hydrogels and hydrogel delivery systems. The following study is a review of literature related to application of hydrogel as healing substances carriers, possibility of application of hydrogels in oral, applied on skin and the rectal, vaginal systems of release, applied on nasal as well as passed to eyes and parenteral. The utilization the hydrogels in construction the new systems of release the substance allows to remain the aspect ratio time of substance at the application place, the obtainment of prolonged release the medicine, by parallel of applied dose and the system undesirable effects. The hydrogels on the basis of were received the form of medicine about controlled release the substance, bioadhesive drug carriers as well targetable devices of therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

The effect of four formulation and processing variables, calcium concentration, drying condition, concentration of hardening agent and hardening time on the bead properties and the release characteristics of a model drug from calcium pectinate gel (CPG) beads were studied. A poorly soluble compound, indomethacin, was used as the model drug. The investigated variables affected the bead size, the entrapment efficiency and the release of indomethacin from CPG beads. Drug release was found to be a function of the formulation and processing variables. The slower drug release was achieved from the formulations with higher calcium concentration, higher concentration of hardening agent and longer hardening time. The drying condition, however, did not influence the drug release. The mechanism of indomethacin release from CPG beads followed the diffusion controlled model for an inert porous matrix. All drug release data fitted well to the Higuchi square root time expression.  相似文献   

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