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棉尘中的内毒素与棉尘症发生的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
棉尘中的内毒素与棉尘症发生的关系赖玉熔林炜过伟军叶贻彪柳朝长聂丽燕李恒光棉尘症是由于吸入某些植物性粉尘如棉花、软大麻、亚麻等所致的呼吸系统疾病,其典型的症状为工人经过休假或周末休息后再回到生产车间几小时后,产生的一种特征性的胸部紧缩感。可伴有气急、咳...  相似文献   

本文测定了棉纺织厂车间粉尘浓度,细菌和内毒素浓度。同时检查工人机体反应。实验结果表明,中性粒细胞和淋巴细胞增多与细菌和内毒素有关。IgM、IgG、T-淋巴细胞酯酶、补体C_3显著增加,亦可能与内毒素相关。同时说明“棉尘症”发病机理不仅与内毒素有关,而且与存在于棉花植物的苞叶部分中的多种因素有关。  相似文献   

棉尘症的形成受其环境影响,Cinkotai等报道棉纱厂空气细菌菌落数达10~2~10~3cfu/m~3,并从棉尘中测出内毒素浓度。Haglind等作了三家棉纱厂细菌学调查,指出棉尘症的流行与空气传播的革兰氏阴性杆菌和棉尘程度相关。本文就棉尘症环境细菌学调查报告如下。1 材料与方法1·1 标本 无锡市第七和第四棉纺织厂开棉、梳棉、并条、粗纱、细纱、筒子、回棉车间的空气标本,以及两家工厂生产所用的原棉洋马527、精落二级棉及三级棉、车肚、破籽和二、三、四级棉的棉花标本。1·2 菌落计数及细菌总数测定  相似文献   

蚕丝作业工人X线胸片分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蚕丝加工业在我国有着悠久的历史。在生产加工过程中产生一定量的蚕茧丝有机粉尘(下简称茧尘)污染作业场所,给作业工人健康带来一定影响。现将某厂187例接触茧尘作业工和1115例不接触茧尘工X线胸片进行双盲对比分析,结果报告如下。 1.作业场所劳动条件该厂是全省八大丝绸骨干企业之一,主要生产桑棉短纤维绢丝绸系列产品。在生产过程中粉尘主要在原料车间的选、切、剥和制棉车间的梳、排棉工序。前者茧尘浓度均值为23.91±20.45mg/m~3(10个样品),后者浓度均值为5.05±3.80mg/m~3(36个  相似文献   

新工人棉尘暴露3年呼吸系统症状发生与肺功能改变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
新工人棉尘暴露3年呼吸系统症状发生与肺功能改变马庆晏李德鸿钟毓娜周晓燕陈巍棉尘病由棉花、亚麻和软大麻等粉尘暴露引起,严重者可致劳动能力丧失。研究发现在粉尘累积接触剂量与棉尘病患病率之间存在剂量-反应关系,但棉花纤维本身并非真正的致病因子〔1〕。该病的...  相似文献   

浦江县棉纺织厂各车间粉尘浓度多次测定结果为从0.7~16.3mg/m~3,其中游离SiO_2含量3.51~7.79%.对接触矽棉混合尘的生化、免疫指标进行了析析. 检查对象分为(1)棉尘病患者组即按“标准呼吸系统检查询问表“主诉符合”星期一症状”者并班前、后时间肺活量下降5%以上初步定为棉尘  相似文献   

通过对棉尘接触工人与正常人肺功能比较研究,发现长期接尘可致FEV_1%下降,FVC、MMF、V_50几乎不受影响。吸烟对FEV_1%下降起明显促进作用。分析认为主要与棉尘性状有关。工人接尘浓度多年来一直在3—10mg/m~3之间。  相似文献   

为探索纺织行业棉尘治理的有效措施,选择1家大型纺织企业为调查对象,采用ZC-F便携式粉尘采样器在每个工作日浓度最高时对纺部车间、后织车间和前织车间所有产生棉尘的作业岗位进行棉尘浓度测定,连续3d。结果显示,采取了对风管和滤尘口棉尘定期清理,合理调整车间布局,部分环锭纺改为气流纺等一系列整改措施后操作位上控制风速由0.20m/s增加到0.45m/s,岗位棉尘浓度大幅下降,合格率由整改前的33.33%上升为58.33%。提示,采取新型的设备、适当的卫生工程防护措施和合理布局设备是降低纺织棉尘的关键措施。  相似文献   

某橡胶厂接触炭黑尘作业工健康调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
我们对某橡胶厂轮胎制造车间接触炭黑尘作业工357人进行了健康检查。 该车间历年炭黑粉尘浓度测定样本87个,平均浓度15.41mg/m~3(0.95~29.88mg/m~3),最高粉尘浓度超标2.9倍。车间有防尘通风设施。 该车间接触炭黑尘工人共365名,实检357名,受检率97. 8%。男性347名,女性10名。年龄平均36岁(18~68岁)。接尘工龄14.3年(1~39年)。 工种计有配料(配合)工24人,窑炼工262人,叉车工9人,保全工39人,半成品6人,微机员4人,电梯工3人,其它工种10人。吸烟307人,不吸烟50人。 接触炭黑尘作业工人临床自觉症状不明显,但随着工龄增加,少数工人出现呼吸道症状,咳嗽68人,  相似文献   

目的探讨贝叶斯分析技术掘进工粉尘累积暴露评估,为粉尘累积暴露评估提供参考。方法通过某高速隧道掘进工随机12 d粉尘浓度及效率、年工作天数、防护与环境等信息,运用贝叶斯决策分析技术评估粉尘累积暴露水平,并估计决策分析最小样本数。结果掘进工接触矽尘(游离SiO_2:26.17%~30.81%),总尘超标率为100.00%(几何均数浓度为8.14 mg/m~3),呼尘超标率为75.00%(几何均数浓度为2.48 mg/m~3);呼尘和总尘似然分布暴露等级(ER5)均为100.00%,且均与效率呈正向关系(R~2值分别为0.901和0.82,均有P0.05),先验分布总尘和呼尘暴露等级主要为ER4(28.00%、55.20%)和ER5(71.70%、44.50%),累积暴露总尘和呼尘浓度分别为8.89 mg/m~3、2.95 mg/m~3,后验分布的概率均为0和100%;似然分布的概率均数(标准差)分别为9.08%(20.03%)、90.9%(20.04%),后验分布为5.17%(12.34%)和94.83%(12.34%),估计累积暴露最小样本数为4。结论高速隧道掘进工暴露矽尘浓度超标严重,基于粉尘测定的贝叶斯决策分析技术可实现累积暴露预测及最少检测样本估算。  相似文献   

Byssinosis in Guangzhou, China.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
OBJECTIVES--To study the prevalence of byssinosis and other respiratory abnormalities in workers exposed to cotton dust in Guangzhou in two factories that processed purely cotton. METHODS--All the 1320 workers exposed were included. The controls were 1306 workers with no history of occupational dust exposure. Total dust and inhalable dust were measured by Chinese total dust sampler and American vertical elutriator respectively. A World Health Organisation questionnaire was used. Forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) were measured by a Vitalograph spirometer. RESULTS--The median inhalable dust concentrations ranged from 0.41 to 1.51 mg/m3 and median total dust concentrations from 3.04 to 12.32 mg/m3. The prevalence of respiratory abnormalities in the cotton workers were (a) typical Monday symptoms 9.0%; (b) FEV1 fall by > or = 5% after a shift 16.8%; (c) FEV1 fall by > or = 10% after a shift 4.2%; (d) FEV1 < 80% predicted 6.1%; (e) FEV1/FVC < 75% 4.0%; (f) cough or phlegm 18.2%; (g) chronic bronchitis 10.9%; and (h) byssinosis, defined by (a) plus (b) 1.7%. With the exception of (d), most of the prevalences increased with increasing age, duration of exposure, and cumulative inhalable dust exposure. No increasing trends of respiratory abnormalities were found for current total dust, inhalable dust, and cumulative total dust concentrations. Compared with controls, after adjustment for sex and smoking, with the exception of (d), all the pooled relative risks of respiratory abnormalities were raised for cotton exposure. CONCLUSION--It is concluded that cumulative inhalable cotton is likely to be the cause of byssinotic symptoms, acute lung function decrements, cough, or phlegm, and chronic bronchitis.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study of respiratory disorders and atopy in Danish textile industry workers was conducted to survey respiratory symptoms throughout the textile industry, to estimate the association of these disorders with atopy, and to study dose-response relationships within the cotton industry. Workers at cotton mills, a wool mill, and a man-made fiber (MMF) mill were examined. Four hundred nine (90%) of the 445 workers participated in this survey, i.e., 253, 62, and 94 workers at the cotton mills, the wool mill, and the MMF mill, respectively. An interview designed to assess the prevalence of common respiratory and allergic symptoms was given to all workers willing to participate, and blood samples were drawn. Lung function measurements determined a baseline FEV1, FVC and the change in FEV1 and FVC during work hours on a Monday. The working environment was examined for dust, bacteria, endotoxins, and molds, and the exposure was estimated for each participant. The mean personal samples of airborne respirable dust and respirable endotoxin were highest in the cotton industry, i.e., 0.17-0.50 mg/m3 and 9.0-126 ng/m3 respectively, whereas mold spores were found in the highest concentrations in the wool mill: 280-791 colony-forming units (cfu)/m3. Only small concentrations of microorganisms were found in the MMF mill. The mean change in FEV1% and FVC% was greatest among atopic individuals in both cotton and wool industry and other textile industries although the differences were not significant. FEV1% and FVC% in the cotton workers were significantly associated with the cumulative exposure to respirable endotoxin. Byssinosis was diagnosed only in the cotton industry. We found a dose-response relationship between endotoxin exposure and byssinosis, and a significant association between A-1-A serum concentrations less than or equal to 35 mumol/liter and byssinosis, a finding we are further evaluating in subsequent studies.  相似文献   

The study of byssinosis in China: a comprehensive report   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cross-sectional studies were conducted during 1981-1983 among 861 textile workers in 3 cotton mills and 822 controls in 2 silk factories. Questionnaire and lung function tests were taken and inhalable dust concentrations were measured. Prevalence of byssinosis was 5.6%. Average dust concentrations were highest in carding rooms, 1.47-1.99 mg/m3. The correlations (r) between prevalence of byssinosis and dust concentrations was 0.64 (p less than 0.05). The prevalence of chronic bronchitis was 14.4% in cotton workers and 5.1% in controls (p less than 0.05). Acute FEV1 percent decrement (greater than 5%) was higher among cotton workers (32.1%) compared to controls (14.5%) (p less than 0.001). In one cotton blanket factory, the prevalence of byssinosis and chronic bronchitis was higher among workers in the high-dust work areas. Long-term effect studies included pulmonary function test among 173 cotton workers and 373 controls, retired 1-10 years, using the flow volume curve (FVC); chest X-rays of 140 pairs of cotton workers and controls with working tenures over 20 years; and examination of lobectomy specimens of 8 textile workers matched with 16 controls. In male cotton workers, only smokers had a prominent decrement of lung function indices, except FVC. For non-smoking females, there was no difference between the two groups. Additive effects were seen between smoking and dust exposure. According to the International Labor Organization (ILO) Pneumoconiosis Classification, the prevalence of abnormality (profusion greater than 1/0) was 4.3% and 8.7% in non-smoking controls and cotton workers. The interstitial changes on X-ray due to smoking would be much heavier. Additive effects also existed between smoking and dust exposures. No significant changes attributable to dust exposure were seen on pathological section of lobectomy specimens.  相似文献   

AIMS: The aim of this study was to measure personal exposure to dust, endotoxin and crystalline silica during various agricultural operations in California over a period of one year. METHODS: Ten farms were randomly selected in Yolo and Solano counties and workers were invited to wear personal sampling equipment to measure inhalable and respirable dust levels during various operations. The samples were analysed for endotoxin using the Limulus Amebocyte Lysate assay and crystalline silica content using X-ray diffraction. In total 142 inhalable samples and 144 respirable samples were collected. RESULTS: The measurements showed considerable difference in exposure levels between various operations, in particular for the inhalable fraction of the dust and the endotoxin. Machine harvesting of tree crops (Geometric mean (GM) = 45.1 mg/m3) and vegetables (GM = 7.9 mg/m3), and cleaning of poultry houses (GM = 6.7 mg/m3) showed the highest inhalable dust levels. Cleaning of poultry houses also showed the highest inhalable endotoxin levels (GM = 1861 EU/m3). Respirable dust levels were generally low, except for machine harvesting of tree crops (GM = 2.8 mg/m3) and vegetables (GM = 0.9 mg/m3). Respirable endotoxin levels were also low. For the inhalable dust fraction, levels were reduced considerably when an enclosed cabin was present. The percentage of crystalline silica was overall higher in the respirable dust samples than the inhalable dust samples. CONCLUSIONS: Considerable differences exist in personal exposure levels to dust, endotoxin and crystalline silica during various agricultural operations in California agriculture with some operations showing very high levels.  相似文献   

广州市棉尘病的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对广州市1989年仅有的两家加工纯棉工厂1320名工人作研究,发现可吸入性棉尘与总尘浓度、内毒素含量中位数分别为0.71(0.41-1.51)与5.28(3.04-12.32)mg/m^3,2007(1236-4100)Eu/m^3;呼吸系统异常的检出率、慢性气管炎及棉尘病患病率分别为:(1)典型星期一症状9.0%,(2)班后FEV1下降≥5%为16.8%,(3)班后FEV1下降≥10%为4.2%  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine if work area measurements of endotoxin and/or cotton dust obtained from the vertical elutriator (VE) can be used to predict levels of personal endotoxin exposure as measured by the Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) inhalable dust sampler in the cotton textile industry. METHODS: Fifty-six work area cotton dust samples were collected from 14 areas and 82 personal cotton dust samples were collected from 41 workers in three textile mills (Mills A, B and C) in Shanghai, China. Cotton dust concentrations were determined gravimetrically from sample filters, of which endotoxin concentrations were determined using a kinetic chromogenic modification of the limulus amoebocyte lysate assay. Linear regression models were used to determine the association between log IOM personal endotoxin concentration and log VE area endotoxin concentration. RESULTS: Median cotton dust and endotoxin concentrations measured from VE area samples in the three mills were 0.36 mg m(-3) and 1280.76 endotoxin units per cubic meter (EU m(-3)), respectively, compared to 1.74 mg m(-3) and 2226.83 EU m(-3) from IOM personal samples. Excluding samples from weaving processes, we observed linear associations between VE area measures of endotoxin and IOM personal endotoxin concentrations; VE area concentration of endotoxin explained 83 and 89% of the total variation in IOM personal endotoxin concentration for Mills A and B, respectively (Mill A: R2 = 0.83, P < 0.0001; Mill B: R2 = 0.89, P < 0.0001). Although area measures of cotton dust was also a significant predictor of person endotoxin, the model explained less of the variance in personal endotoxin measurements. CONCLUSIONS: Specific to the conditions of the textile mills investigated in this study, work area measurements of endotoxin, but not cotton dust, may be reasonable proxies for personal levels, at least for rank-ordering exposures.  相似文献   

Aims: To determine chronic effects of long term exposure to cotton dust and endotoxin on incidence of respiratory symptoms and the effect of cessation of exposure.

Methods: Respiratory health in 429 Chinese cotton textile workers (study group) and 449 silk textile workers (control group) was followed prospectively from 1981 to 1996. Byssinosis, chest tightness, and non-specific respiratory symptoms were assessed by means of identical standardised questionnaires at four time points. Exposures to cotton dust and endotoxin were estimated using area samples collected at each survey. Incidence and persistence of symptoms were examined in relation to cumulative exposure and exposure cessation using generalised estimating equations (GEE).

Results: Among cotton workers, the cumulative incidence of byssinosis and chest tightness was 24% and 23%, respectively, and was significantly more common in smokers than in non-smokers. A high proportion of symptoms was found to be intermittent, rather than persistent. Among silk workers, no typical byssinosis was identified; the incidence of chest tightness was 10%. Chronic bronchitis, cough, and dyspnoea were more common and persistent in the cotton group than in the silk group. Significantly lower odds ratios for symptoms were observed in cotton workers who left the cotton mills; risk was also related to years since last worked. Multivariate analysis indicated a trend for higher cumulative exposure to endotoxin in relation to a higher risk for byssinosis.

Conclusion: Chronic exposure to cotton dust is related to both work specific and non-specific respiratory symptoms. Byssinosis is more strongly associated with exposure to endotoxin than to dust. Cessation of exposure may improve the respiratory health of cotton textile workers; the improvement appears to increase with time since last exposure.


In support of an epidemiological study of cancer incidence among cotton textile workers in Shanghai, PRC, historical estimates of exposure to cotton dust and endotoxin were developed for subjects drawn from a cohort of 267,400 female textile workers. A large dataset of historical cotton dust measurements were available from 56 of the study factories. Using these data, a series of models were developed to estimate cotton dust exposure by year, factory and process. Model estimates were validated by comparing with independently collected measurements gathered over a 15 year period and indicated a low relative bias (< 2%) and relative accuracy (+/- 61%). Endotoxin exposures were estimated using the endotoxin content of cotton dust by major processes obtained in five separate surveys in these factories. The validated exposures were assigned to the 7,242 jobs held by the 3,812 study subjects. Among the exposed workers, the mean cumulative exposure levels were 113.8 mg m(-3)*years for cotton dust and 6,707.7 EU m(-3)*years for endotoxin, respectively. The overall correlation among cotton dust and endotoxin exposures for these subjects was r = 0.58. Using an unusually rich set of historical cotton dust measurements, along with independently collected exposure measurements for validation and conversion to endotoxin levels, validated estimates of cumulative exposure were constructed for this large case-cohort study in the textile industry.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Monoterpenes and wood dust are released into the work environment during sawing of fresh wood. Symptoms related to exposure to monoterpenes and wood dust include irritation of the eyes, mucous membrane, and skin. METHODS: We studied 22 sawhouse workers who process pine and spruce in 1997-99. Exposure to monoterpenes was assessed by determining monoterpenes in air and verbenols in urine by gas chromatography using flame ionization detection. Wood dust was determined gravimetrically. A questionnaire was used to evaluate work-related subjective symptoms. RESULTS: Exposures to monoterpenes (geometric mean, GM) among sawhouse workers were 61-138 mg/m(3) and 2.0-13 mg/m(3) during processing of pine and spruce, respectively. Urinary verbenol correlated well with worker exposure to the alpha-pinene fraction of monoterpenes. The inhalable dust concentration in the breathing zone was 0.5- 2.2 mg/m(3) during pine processing and 0.4-1.9 mg/m(3) during spruce processing. The prevalence of symptoms, in the eyes or respiratory tract, was high during both seasons and in connection with either tree species. CONCLUSIONS: The highest monoterpene concentration (GM), in the breathing zone, measured during processing of pine, was less than one-fourth of the Finnish occupational exposure limit (OEL, 570 mg/m(3)). Verbenol concentrations in postshift urine samples reflected accurately the exposure to monoterpenes. The concentrations of inhalable dust (GM) were less than one-half the Finnish OEL (5 mg/m(3)). No significant differences in dust exposure were observed among tree species processed. Work-related symptoms appeared to correlate with monoterpene exposure during processing of pine and with wood dust exposure during processing of spruce.  相似文献   

Exposure to organic dust components was studied in four potato processing plants because preliminary results showed high exposures accompanied by work-related health complaints. Ambient air concentrations of inhalable dust ranged from below 0.4 up to 44 mg m−3 [geometric mean (GM) 0.64 mg m−3]. Respirable dust concentrations were considerably lower. Personal concentrations of inhalable dust were somewhat higher, and strongly related to a few working tasks dealing with dried starch or protein. Ambient air concentrations of endotoxin ranged from 0.5 to more than 60 000 endotoxin units (EU) per m3 for the inhalable size fraction (GM = 280 EU m−3). For the respirable size fraction, endotoxin concentrations were lower (about the same factor as for dust). Personal endotoxin concentrations were lower than ambient air concentrations, probably because workers did not work the whole period of the shift near endotoxin sources. Endotoxin exposure was evaluated as very high; 23% of the workers had a mean exposure above 1000 EU m−3 (100 ng m−3). Differences between plants had a large influence on both dust and endotoxin exposure. A fairly good correlation was found between counts of airborne gram-negative bacteria and airborne endotoxin of the respirable size fraction. Ambient air levels of bacteria and endotoxin were strongly related to process water temperature, suggesting that exposure reduction can be achieved by lowering this temperature or by other measures that inhibit bacterial growth. We conclude that recycling of process water probably constitutes an exposure source of bacteria and endotoxin in many facilities.  相似文献   

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