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Locally projecting inhibitory interneurons play a crucial role in the patterning and timing of network activity. However, because of their relative inaccessibility, little is known about their development or incorporation into circuits. In this study, we characterized the functional onset, neurotransmitters, rostrocaudal spread, and funicular distribution of one such spinal interneuronal circuit during development. The R-interneuron is the avian homologue of the mammalian Renshaw cell. Both cell types receive input from motoneuron recurrent collaterals and make direct connections back onto motoneurons. By stimulating motoneurons projecting in a given ventral root and recording the response in adjacent ventral roots, we demonstrate that the R-interneuron circuit becomes functional between embryonic day 6 (E6) and E7. This ventral root response is observed at E11 and at E14 until it can no longer be detected at E16. Using bath-applied neurotransmitter receptor antagonists, we were able to demonstrate that the circuit is predominately nicotinic and GABAergic from E7.5 to E15. We also found a glutamatergic component to the pathway throughout this developmental period. The R-interneuron projects three or more segments both rostrally and caudally through the ventrolateral funiculus. The distribution of this circuit may become more locally focused between E7.5 and E15.  相似文献   

A/J and CBA/H mice infected with Plasmodium berghei ANKA, a murine model of cerebral malaria, were used to see whether antioxidants influenced the outcome of this disease. Untreated, infected mice died 7 to 9 days after infection, often with cerebral symptoms. Haemorrhages, mononuclear infiltration and oedema were present in the central nervous system (CNS). Feeding a diet containing 0.75% (w/w) butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) greatly altered the course of this disease. Death was delayed by up to 2 weeks and mice appeared healthy at parasitaemias that would have caused cerebral symptoms and death had they been on a conventional diet. BHA-fed mice showed few or no cerebral symptoms at a time at which control mice were clearly affected, and greatly reduced haemorrhages, mononuclear infiltration and oedema when the CNS was examined. Similar, but more consistent, protective effects were seen after administration of BHA by repeated injections or in osmotic pumps. The combination of superoxide dismutase and catalase, coupled to polyethylene glycol, when administered intravenously also protected mice against death from cerebral complications. Permeability of the blood-brain barrier was monitored by the use of 125I-labelled bovine serum albumin, 51Cr-labelled erythrocytes and the dye Evans blue, all of which are normally excluded from the CNS. Infected mice on control diet showed an increase in Evans blue staining and 125I and 51Cr retention in the CNS tissue itself. Feeding the diet containing BHA reduced these indices of increased blood-brain barrier permeability. In view of the potent radical scavenging activity of BHA in many other systems it is likely, but unproven, that this is its main role here. The protective effect of superoxide dismutase and catalase lends support to the idea that reactive oxygen species are involved in the pathology of experimental cerebral malaria.  相似文献   

Two isoforms of a novel smooth muscle cell (SMC) -specific cytoskeletal protein, smoothelin, have been described. In the adult chick, the 55-kDa smoothelin-A is expressed in visceral SMC, whereas the 120-kDa smoothelin-B is the major product in vascular SMC. Chicken was chosen to study smoothelin expression during embryogenesis and neonatally. Smoothelin-B was found in vascular SMC from stage 20 onward. In visceral SMC, smoothelin-B was present from stage 29 until hatching. Perinatally, a strong up-regulation of smoothelin synthesis was observed in visceral tissues, coinciding with a switch to the A-isoform. Transient smoothelin synthesis was observed in the somites and the developing heart. Western blotting revealed in these tissues a 62-kDa smoothelin isoform, designated smoothelin-C. Expression of the smoothelin isoforms seems to be strictly controlled with respect to cell type and developmental stage and may be related to the mode of contraction of the different cells.  相似文献   

Trial-by-trial variability is important in feedback-based motor learning. Variation in motor output enables evaluation mechanisms to differentially reinforce patterns of motor activity that produce desired behaviors. Here, we studied neural substrates of variability in the performance of adult birdsong, a complex, learned motor skill used for courtship. Song performance is more variable when male birds sing alone (undirected) than when they sing to females (directed). We test the role of the anterior forebrain pathway (AFP), an avian basal ganglia-forebrain circuit, in this socially driven modulation of song variability. We show that lesions of the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium (LMAN), the output nucleus of the AFP, cause a reduction in the moment-by-moment variability in syllable structure during undirected song to the level present during directed song. This elimination of song modulation is immediate and long-lasting. We further show that the degree of syllable variability and its modulation are both attenuated in older birds, in concert with decreased variability of LMAN activity in these birds. In contrast to the requirement of LMAN for social modulation of syllable structure, we find that LMAN is not required for modulation of other features of song, such as the number of introductory elements and motif repetitions and the ordering of syllables or for other motor and motivational aspects of courtship. Our findings suggest that a key function of avian basal ganglia circuitry is to regulate vocal performance and plasticity by specifically modulating moment-by-moment variability in the structure of individual song elements.  相似文献   

A neural circuit for circadian regulation of arousal.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
An unknown aspect of behavioral state regulation is how the circadian oscillator of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) regulates sleep and waking. In this report, we describe the necessary elements for a circuit that provides circadian regulation of arousal. Trans-synaptic retrograde tracing revealed a prominent indirect projection from the SCN to the noradrenergic nucleus locus coeruleus (LC), a brain arousal system. Double-labeling experiments revealed several possible links between the SCN and the LC, including the dorsomedial (DMH) and paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei (PVN), as well as medial and ventrolateral pre-optic areas. Lesion studies confirmed that the DMH is a substantial relay in this circuit. Next, neurophysiology experiments revealed circadian variations in LC impulse activity. Lesions of the DMH eliminated these circadian changes in LC activity, confirming the functionality of the SCN-DMH-LC circuit. These results reveal mechanisms for regulation of circadian and sleep-waking functions.  相似文献   

1. Using a preparation of rat colon mucosa mounted in vitro in small chambers, some factors which influence the electrical properties of the mucosa have been investigated.2. The mucosa behaved mainly as an ohmic resistance although a very brief transient occurred on first passing current. At 32 degrees C, the fresh preparation had a mean resistance of 108Omega/cm(2) and a mean short circuit current (s.c.c.) of 143 muA/cm(2). Tissues taken from Na-depleted and adrenalectomized rats differed little from normal tissues in electrical resistance but those from Na-depleted rats had higher potential difference (p.d.) and s.c.c.3. Increase of temperature led to a rise of conductance of similar order to that found for ions in aqueous solution. S.c.c. also rose with increase of temperature but the effect was relatively greater consistent with its being dependent on metabolic processes.4. Anoxia or the addition of cyanide, iodoacetate or 2,4-dinitrophenol to the bath fluid caused considerable fall in the p.d. and s.c.c.5. Ouabain decreased the p.d. and s.c.c. when added to the serosal side but had no effect when on the luminal side.6. Aldosterone and acetazolamide had no effect.7. Varying serosal side [K] produced only minor changes in p.d.8. Reducing [Na] of the luminal solution caused a considerable fall of p.d. but similar reduction of [Na] on the serosal side had little effect.9. The frequently employed model which represents the transepithelial p.d. as the sum of diffusion potentials originating at the luminal and serosal sides of the cell layer is not consistent with the present results. The colonic transmucosal p.d. probably originates in the electrogenic transport of Na by a mechanism located on the serosal side of the epithelium.  相似文献   

The stomatogastric nervous system (STNS) of the embryonic lobster is rhythmically active prior to hatching, before the network is needed for feeding. In the adult lobster, two rhythms are typically observed: the slow gastric mill rhythm and the more rapid pyloric rhythm. In the embryo, rhythmic activity in both embryonic gastric mill and pyloric neurons occurs at a similar frequency, which is slightly slower than the adult pyloric frequency. However, embryonic motor patterns are highly irregular, making traditional burst quantification difficult. Consequently, we used spectral analysis to analyze long stretches of simultaneous recordings from muscles innervated by gastric and pyloric neurons in the embryo. This analysis revealed that embryonic gastric mill neurons intermittently produced pauses and periods of slower activity not seen in the recordings of the output from embryonic pyloric neurons. The slow activity in the embryonic gastric mill neurons increased in response to the exogenous application of Cancer borealis tachykinin-related peptide 1a (CabTRP), a modulatory peptide that appears in the inputs to the stomatogastric ganglion (STG) late in larval development. These results suggest that the STG network can express adult-like rhythmic behavior before fully differentiated adult motor patterns are observed, and that the maturation of the neuromodulatory inputs is likely to play a role in the eventual establishment of the adult motor patterns.  相似文献   

目的研究被动吸烟致畸中细胞凋亡的发生及其与凋亡相关基因Bcl-2和Bax表达的关系.方法采用自制的半封闭式被动吸烟染毒箱,用烟熏的方法建立金黄地鼠被动吸烟的致畸模型.用免疫组织化学和图象分析方法对鼠胚神经上皮Bcl-2和Bax表达进行了定性、定位和定量检测.结果1.Bcl-2和Bax正常分布于金黄地鼠胚胎神经上皮和周围间充质中,定位于核膜和胞浆,二者的表达量在孕9天最高,之后逐渐下降.2.被动吸烟后各实验组胚胎神经管上皮Bcl-2免疫组化染色强度均不同程度的低于对照组.Bax的表达均不同程度的高于对照组.结论被动吸烟能抑制Bcl-2的表达,促进Bax的表达,从而导致了过量细胞凋亡的产生.  相似文献   

Expression of the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) under control of a thymidine kinase promoter/nestin second intron was specifically detected in nestin immunoreactive neural precursor cells after selection of murine embryonic stem (ES) cells in chemically defined medium. Allowing differentiation in vitro, the capacity of these cells to give rise to astroglia, oligodendroglia, and neurones was investigated. After intracerebral transplantation, long-lasting integration of precursor cells into the host tissue was observed, serving as a pool for successive neuronal and glial differentiation. EGFP expression by ES cell-derived neural precursor cells may be a valuable tool to optimize protocols for maintenance and expansion of these cells in vitro as well as in vivo after intracerebral transplantation. In addition, preparative fluorescence-activated cell sorting of EGFP-labeled neural precursor cells should be useful for standardization of a donor cell population for cell replacement therapies.  相似文献   

目的:探讨正常鸡胚脊髓发育过程中背侧抑制性轴突导向蛋白的表达时间和表达部位与鸡胚脊髓神经嵴细胞迁移过程的相关性。方法:应用原位杂交、免疫组织化学等方法,观察鸡胚脊髓内背侧抑制性轴突导向蛋白的表达时间和表达部位及神经嵴细胞迁移路径,同时比较两者在时间和空间分布上的相关性;应用免疫组织化学、电穿孔的方法在正常鸡胚一侧脊髓内过表达背侧抑制性轴突导向蛋白,观察背侧抑制性轴突导向蛋白过表达对鸡胚脊髓内神经嵴细胞迁移的影响。结果:正常鸡胚脊髓发育过程中,背侧抑制性轴突导向蛋白的表达时间早于神经嵴细胞开始迁移的时间。背侧抑制性轴突导向蛋白表达由颅侧向尾侧呈节段性分布,而神经嵴细胞在节段性分布的背侧抑制性轴突导向蛋白之间进行迁移;电穿孔过表达背侧抑制性轴突导向蛋白引起相邻部位神经嵴细胞迁移路径的异常。结论:背侧抑制性轴突导向蛋白的表达时间和表达部位与脊髓神经嵴细胞的迁移密切相关。  相似文献   

Stem cell technology combined with nano-scaffold surfaces provides a new tool for better induction involved in cell lineage differentiations and therefore for central nervous system repair. This study was undertaken to investigate appropriate neural cell-substrate interactions. Neural progenitors (NPs) were established from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), as a first step, using an adherent system and a defined medium supplemented with a combination of factors. Next, the behavior of hESC-derived NPs (hESC-NPs) was evaluated on a synthetic, randomly oriented, three-dimensional nanofibrillar matrix composed of electrospun polyamide nanofibers (Ultra-Web?) using a variety of experimental approaches. We have demonstrated that homogenous, expandable, and self-renewable NPs can be easily generated from hESCs; they can express related markers Nestin, Sox1, and Pax6; and they can undergo multipotency differentiation to neurons and glials. Functionally, NPs cultured on nanofibers demonstrated an increase in the rate of migration, proliferation, morphology, and neurite length when compared with NPs cultured on two-dimensional culture surfaces. The results suggest that topographical features of the extracellular matrix of the cell environment have paved the way for a better understanding of human neuronal development, thus allowing for future clinical applications.  相似文献   

目的 探讨不同发育时期的鸡胚脊髓内背侧抑制性轴突导向蛋白(draxin)表达与神经嵴迁移之间在空间分布上的相关性。方法 选
取HH 15-16、HH19-20阶段鸡胚各10只,应用原位杂交、免疫组织化学等方法,观察各阶段鸡胚脊髓内draxin的表达部位及神经嵴细胞迁移路
径内的神经嵴细胞是否具有与draxin蛋白直接结合的能力。结果 随着发育时间的推移,鸡胚脊髓内draxin的表达和神经嵴迁移都具有明显的
同时迁移路径内的神经嵴细胞具有与draxin蛋白体外直接结合的能力。结论 draxin表达在神经嵴迁移路径周围且部分神经嵴具有与draxin蛋白
体外直接结合的能力,推测draxin可能在鸡胚脊髓神经嵴迁移过程中发挥重要的调节作用。  相似文献   

G Essery  M Feldmann    J R Lamb 《Immunology》1988,64(3):413-417
The exposure of human T-cell clones to supra-immunogenic concentrations of peptide antigen in the absence of accessory cells induces antigen-specific unresponsiveness. Using this model we have investigated the ability of cytokines to modulate the induction of, or reversal of, T-cell tolerance. Our findings demonstrate that interleukin-2 (IL-2), but not interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) or interleukin-1 (IL-1), is able to inhibit the induction of T-cell unresponsiveness in a dose-dependent fashion. Moreover, IL-2 was able to reverse established antigen-dependent T-cell unresponsiveness. In order to determine if modulation of IL-2 receptors is able to induce or abrogate unresponsiveness, the T cells were treated with anti-Tac antibody alone or together with tolerizing concentrations of antigen. Anti-Tac antibody was neither able to induce nor inhibit the induction of tolerance. The application of this model in the manipulation of immune responses is discussed here.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular defects are common in diabetic offspring, but their etiology and pathogenesis are poorly understood. Extracellular matrix accumulates in adult tissues in response to hyperglycemia, and transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF beta1) likely mediates this effect. The objective of this study was to characterize TGF beta expression in the organogenesis-stage mouse heart and to evaluate TGF beta and fibronectin expression in embryonic mouse heart exposed to hyperglycemia. Prominent TGF beta1, and minimal TGF beta2 or TGF beta 3, protein expression was demonstrated in embryonic day (E) 9.5-E13.5 hearts. Hyperglycemia for 24 hr produced significantly increased fibronectin, slightly increased TGF beta1, and unchanged TGF beta2 or TGF beta 3, by immunohistochemistry. Increased TGF beta1 was demonstrated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in embryonic fluid and isolated hearts after hyperglycemia for 24 hr, but not 48 hr. Hyperglycemia increased fibronectin protein and mRNA expression in embryonic hearts after 24 hr, and pericardial injection of TGF beta1 also increased fibronectin mRNA in the embryonic heart. It is proposed that TGF beta1 and fibronectin may play a role in diabetes-induced cardiac dysmorphogenesis.  相似文献   

Understanding neuroectoderm formation and subsequent diversification to functional neural subtypes remains elusive. We show here that human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) differentiate to primitive neuroectoderm after 8-10 days. At this stage, cells uniformly exhibit columnar morphology and express neural markers, including anterior but not posterior homeodomain proteins. The anterior identity of these cells develops regardless of morphogens present during initial neuroectoderm specification. This anterior phenotype can be maintained or transformed to a caudal fate with specific morphogens over the next week, when cells become definitive neuroepithelia, marked by neural tube-like structures with distinct adhesion molecule expression, Sox1 expression, and a resistance to additional patterning signals. Thus, primitive neuroepithelia represents the earliest neural cells that possess the potential to differentiate to regionally specific neural progenitors. This finding offers insights into early human brain development and lays a foundation for generating neural cells with correct positional and transmitter profiles. Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest is found at the end of this article.  相似文献   

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