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为了解38种特殊化妆品对皮肤刺激的改变,依据《化妆品安全性评价程序和方法》进行了多次皮肤刺激试验和病理组织学检查,结果:皮肤刺激指数为0的占36.8%,>30的占10.5%;病理反应积分为0的占21.1%,>4的占10.5%.在采集的152份皮肤标本中,有病理改变108份,占71%.皮肤反应以表皮改变较为多见,占65.7%,其次是表皮和真皮同时出现改变,占30.6%.表皮反应以棘层增厚最为多见,占83.3%.真皮反应以浅层小血管充血多见.  相似文献   

洗涤剂破坏皮肤屏障功能机制的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨洗涤剂破坏皮肤屏障功能的机制。方法利用薄层层析技术,以皮肤胆固醇含量的改变为指标,分析洗衣粉对离体新生大鼠背、腹部皮肤和洗衣粉包装工手部表皮脂类的影响;并用透射电镜观察洗衣粉对豚鼠皮肤表皮形态的作用。结果洗衣粉对皮肤的脱脂量随浓度增高和接触时间的延长而增加;洗衣粉包装工表皮胆固醇含量明显低于对照组(P<0.01);豚鼠皮肤接触洗衣粉4小时,0.5%洗衣粉组结果基本同对照组,但细胞间偶见小裂隙;1.0%洗衣粉组颗粒层细胞间未见完整的脂质板层膜结构,细胞内缺乏板层体。结论洗涤剂破坏皮肤屏障功能的机制与其脱脂作用和改变皮肤表皮形态,特别是脂质板层结构和板层体有关  相似文献   

青年人急性心肌梗死的特点及预防   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗悦性 《现代预防医学》2006,33(8):1370-1371
目的:探讨青年人急性心肌梗死的特点及预防。方法:对28例青年人(≤40岁)心肌梗死的临床资料进行分析。结果:本组男性26例,占92.9%;7-9月份发病16例,占57%;体力劳动者22例,占78.6%;有明显冠心病危险因素者28例,占89.3%;发病前有诱发因素者23例,占82.1%。结论:青年人心肌梗死具有男性多见、夏季多见、体力劳动者多见、危险因素多明显、诱发因素多突出、先兆少、症状多典型等特点。其发生多与不良生活方式有关。加强健康教育,建立良好的生活方式是预防青年人心肌梗死的关键。  相似文献   

妇幼医院使用抗生素的调查   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
调查400份1992年医院的病历,以了解妇幼医院抗生素的使用情况。400份病历中有349份使用了抗生素,居前3位的依次为青霉素类、氨基甙类、头孢菌素类及喹诺酮类;用药基本合理占96.3%,不合理占3.7%;给药的主要途径为静脉点滴;参考病原菌选药只占8%,依据药敏选药仅占4.2%。  相似文献   

农村卫生院人力资源及在职培训需求调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、现状分析1、一般情况。全省19个县、市的304所区、乡、镇卫生院共有专业卫生人员6688人,其中卫生技术人员(以下简称卫技人员)5321人,占79.6%;管理人员658人.占9.8%;工勤人员709人,占10.6%,管理人员结构基本合理。2、卫技人员性别、年龄构成。5321名卫技人员中,男性占50.7%,女性占49.3%。占比例最大的四个年龄组全部在40岁以下,35岁以下者占卫技人员总数的47.6%,年龄构成呈年轻比的特点.青年职工占比例相当大。3、卫技人员职称构成。以士级人员占比例最大(4…  相似文献   

急性病毒性肝炎住院患者血清学分型与流行病学分布研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文收集了西安市住院急性病毒性肝炎患者血清标本293份,用ELISA进行分型检测,并作流行病学调查。结果发现:甲肝占65.19%,乙肝占10.92%,丙肝占4.78%,丁肝占3.75%,戊肝占4.44%,诊断不明者占10.92%。结果表明,在西安市住院的急性病毒性肝炎中,甲肝为主要类型;与以往结果比较,甲肝患者的发病年龄明显后移;除乙肝外,各型肝炎中男性均多于女性,尤以丁肝和戊肝为著;甲肝有明显的  相似文献   

培养学生良好的卫生习惯,是学校卫生工作的主要任务之一。为了摸清我校学生个人卫生情况,笔者于1993年5月17~18日对五个年级934名学生进行了个人卫生情况调查,其中男生478人.女生456人。头发清洁者929人,占99.46%,不清洁者5人,占0.54%;耳后皮肤清洁者927人.占99.25%,不清洁者7人,占0.75%;双手皮肤清洁者918人.占98、29%,不清洁16者人,占1.71%;衣服清洁者916人,占98.07%、不清洁18人,占1.93%;指甲清洁者878入,占94.00%;留长指甲者56人.占6.00%,其中女生有32人,占留长指甲者57.14%.个别女生还涂了指…  相似文献   

430例急性职业中毒分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
百起急性职业中毒430人,发生在本市16个区县,患病率为68.95,病死主4.2%,急性职业中毒以有机溶剂所致中毒最多(34)起,而中毒人数以刺激性气体居首位(152人),有机溶剂居第二位(117人),分别占中毒总人数的35.4%和27.2%;工种分布在21个工种以上,以喷漆工、搬运工和检修工为主,共占中毒总人数的31.9%;农民工患病率和病死率均高于正式职工;急性职业中毒的发生不仅与季节有关,而  相似文献   

何柯  黄性凯 《冶金防痨》1995,6(1):12-13
本文对收治的经病理细胞学证实的126例肺癌病人,其中腺癌49例,占39.6%;鳞癌45例,占35.71%;小细胞肺癌25例,占19.93%。126例中仅55例以怀疑肺癌或鉴别诊断入院;其余71例论断2炎肺结核病38例,占53.5%;结核性胸膜炎12例,占16.9%;肺内炎变、结核待除外12例,占16.9%。说明肺癌极易与上述疾病混淆而延误诊断,提醒同道应提高警惕。  相似文献   

笔者在不同栖息场所采集Cella氏Ⅱ~Ⅲ期中华按蚊及嗜人按蚊共357只,同时用ELISA及沉淀试验鉴定蚊胃血中的人、牛血。结果357份标本,经沉淀试验人血阳性126份,占35.3%;牛血阳性59份,占16.5%。ELISA测定人血阳性135份,占37.8%;牛血阳性75份,占21.0%。后法较前法阳性率高,阳性反应强度较高。沉淀试验鉴定为人牛血的30份,ELISA测定人血5份,牛血8份,人牛血17份。沉淀试验鉴为猪血的130份,ELISA测定为阴性反应。沉淀试验鉴定人、牛血为阴性的12份标本,经ELISA法检测全为阳性反应,其中人4份,牛血8份,进一步证明后法较前法特异性强,更适合现场蚊胃血鉴定。  相似文献   

目的比较多重荧光PCR-熔解曲线法与病理诊断法检测福尔马林固定石蜡包埋(FFPE)肺组织样本中病原真菌的价值。方法选择2014—2019年本院病理科病原真菌阳性患者的42份肺组织样本(念珠菌8份、曲霉菌23份、隐球菌11份)作为阳性组,病原真菌阴性的肺组织样本50份作为阴性组,均进行多重荧光PCR-熔解曲线法检测,并应用配对χ2检验和Kappa值对两种方法的检测结果进行比较。结果阳性组42份样本多重荧光PCR-熔解曲线法检出23份阳性,并可分辨至种水平,其中念珠菌4份(白色念珠菌2份、热带念珠菌1份、克柔念珠菌1份)、曲霉菌13份(烟曲霉11份、黄曲霉2份)、新型隐球菌6份。阴性组50份样本多重荧光PCR-熔解曲线法检测均阴性。Kappa值0.568,以病理诊断法为"金标准",多重荧光PCR-熔解曲线法检测病原真菌的灵敏度为54.8%(23/42)、特异性为100.0%(50/50)。结论多重荧光PCR-熔解曲线法检测FFPE样本中病原真菌的灵敏度不高,但可以将病原真菌鉴定至种,是病理诊断法的补充。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the case reports concerning children (14 years or younger) in the Spanish Pharmacovigilance System over a 10-year period (1982-1991). FINDINGS: The study of 1419 reports of adverse drug reaction (9.8% of all those received) showed the most commonly involved organs and systems to be the skin, digestive tract, and nervous system (62.8%). The most commonly involved pharmacological groups were antibiotics, respiratory medications, and vaccines (69%). The absolute number of reports is higher in children between 1 and 4 years of age (37.9%). There were more reports among males than in females. Less than 5% of the reports notified directly life-threatening or fatal reactions. CONCLUSIONS: Adverse drug reaction are not common in pediatric patients, and most are mild. However, due to limitations of clinical trials in children, pharmacoepidemiological studies may be the only source of information on the benefit-risk profile of drugs received by these patients, and as such require special attention.  相似文献   

目的:探讨着色干皮病(xeroderm a p igm entosum,XP)伴发鳞状细胞癌(squamous cell carc inom a,SCC)的临床病理特点。方法:采用组织病理学方法对1993年~2004年间收集的XP伴发SCC患者进行分析。结果:4例中,男性1例,女性3例。发病年龄最小1岁,最大4岁,平均2.5岁。并发肿瘤年龄,最小7岁,最大18岁,平均12.8岁。其中有明确近亲婚配者2例(50%)。4例患者临床症状及病理结果均典型。结论:XP为常染色体隐性遗传性皮肤病,是一种癌前病变,以早年并发恶性肿瘤为其特征,其中以鳞状细胞癌和基底细胞癌最为常见。与皮肤损害和紫外线损伤程度密切相关。  相似文献   

We have used two different primer pairs to assess HIV-1 infection of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The study was carried out on 150 individuals: 50 seronegative individuals without risk behaviours for HIV-1 infection, 50 individuals with risk-behaviours but seronegative for HIV-1 and 50 patients with risk-behaviours who were HIV-1 seropositive. Discordances were found between the two primer pairs (SK38/39; SK68/69) in 3 cases. In the non-risk seronegative group, one specimen was scored positive with only one primer pair (SK38/SK39); all the samples belonging to seropositive individuals were found to be positive for HIV-1 DNA using both primer pairs; in the seronegative at risk group 2 samples were positive with only one primer pair (SK38/SK39), and 4 samples were found positive by both primer pairs (SK38/39 & SK68/69). Our study demonstrates that discrepant results take place with relatively high frequency; we propose that all specimens should be tested twice using at least two different primer pairs.  相似文献   

目的了解2012年新疆乌鲁木齐市婴幼儿轮状病毒流行特征及基因型别特点。方法收集2012年1—12月在乌鲁木齐市第一人民医院就诊住院的0~60月龄婴幼儿腹泻患儿粪便标本300份,用酶联免疫法进行轮状病毒抗原检测,检测结果阳性标本用逆转录-聚合酶链式反应法进行G/P基因分型鉴定。结果在300份粪便标本中,检测出阳性样本131份,阳性率为43.7%;在G基因分型鉴定中,G9型为优势株,占53.44%,其次为G2型,占17.56%,G3和G1型分别占12.98%和9.92%,G型混合感染占6.11%;在P基因型鉴定中,P[8]型占绝对优势,占73.28%,其次为P[4]型,占20.61%,混合感染占5.34%;G9P[8]型是最常见的G/P组合,占48.85%,其次为G2P[4]型,占17.56%。结论2012年乌鲁木齐轮状病毒流行优势毒株发生了从G3到G9的漂移,G9P[8]成为该地区最主要的基因型。  相似文献   

目的:探讨DNA倍体分析系统在脱落细胞学及术中病理诊断中的应用价值。方法:收集空军总医院4 240例患者的组织样本,包括宫颈样本1 676例,胸水样本279例,腹水样本96例,心包积液样本16例,尿液样本438例,脑脊液样本53例,支气管刷片及灌洗液样本96例,组织学印片1 413例。分别制成薄层细胞片,Feulgen染色,DNA倍体分析系统进行细胞核DNA含量分析。结果:腹水、心包积液、尿、脑脊液、痰、支气管刷片及灌洗液、组织学印片的阳性率分别为28.13%、18.15%、22.37%、0、7.15%、48.96%、39.99%。其中92例DNA倍体分析与宫颈活检进行比较,其敏感性为77.78%,特异度为66.15%。128例胸水DNA倍体分析结果与胸水良恶性比较,其敏感性与特异性分别为91.11%和100.00%。结论:DNA倍体分析系统在脱落细胞学及术中冰冻病理诊断中有更高的临床指导价值。  相似文献   

Mite allergen exposure can lead to sensitization in genetically predisposed individuals, and the development of asthma in previously sensitized individuals. The major allergens of mites belong to Dermatophagoides spp. and Blomia tropicalis (Bt). Various allergens of Bt have been cloned and sequenced. Some of them show homology sequence with purified allergens from Dermatophagoides pteronissynus (Dp). Recently, the allergen group 1 from Bt, Blo t 1, was cloned and sequenced at our laboratory. Recombinant Blo t 1 showed 35 % of identity and 50% of similarity with group 1 allergens as Der p 1 (from Dp), Der f 1 (from D. farinae) and Eur m 1 (from Euroglyphus maynei) at amino acid level. This would suggest that cross-reactivity between allergens of different mite species could exist. Here, we analyzed the crossreactivity between group 1 allergens from mites using recombinant proteins and monoclonal antibodies against them. ELISA inhibition assay showed that crossreactivity between homologous allergens from Dermatophagoides spp. is high, but it is low to moderate between mites from different species. IgE-reactivity analysis using serum samples from allergic individuals revealed a strong reactivity of rBlo t 1 for serum samples from subjects with highly positive reaction to Bt extract in skin test, but lack of reactivity of this protein with serum samples from individuals with highly positive reaction to house dust mite extract in the skin test. These results suggest that it is important to include Bt allergens in routine skin test in order to improve the diagnostic accuracy and precision of allergies.  相似文献   

Pichl E  Rabitsch H 《Health physics》2003,85(2):159-164
We have performed an extensive study to determine the activity distributions of radiocesium (137Cs) and of the radioisotope 40K of potassium in the whole body of a cow. ICRP assumes that cesium and potassium are distributed homogeneously throughout the whole body of an organism. The current investigation measured concentrations of 137Cs and 40K in components of the skin, horns, and hooves of a cow. Activity levels of 137Cs were caused by the long-term ingestion following the Chernobyl fallout, whereas the naturally occurring potassium (40K) is an essential part of cow's normal diet. The cow was born at the time of the fallout following the Chernobyl accident and had ingested heavily contaminated forage during its entire lifetime. Activities of 137Cs and 40K were determined simultaneously by gamma spectrometry. All activities are related to the day of slaughter and include also corrections for self attenuation of photons caused by the different densities of the samples. Radionuclide concentrations in samples were corrected for moisture losses incurred during freezing and sample preparation. Surface contamination on the skin was estimated by rinsing it in heated water followed by removal of the epidermis and hair. In comparison with the activities of the components of the skin we observed a considerable amount of external contamination on the surface of the skin. But with respect to whole body countings of the animal this amount of external contamination appears to be negligible. It was found that activity ratios of 137Cs to 40K are greater than 1 in all measured components. The average activity concentrations of 137Cs and 40K in the common integument are 23.3 Bq kg(-1) and 13.3 Bq kg(-1), respectively. The highest activity concentrations of 137Cs and 40K were measured in clean hair and hypodermis. Despite being its largest organ, the cow's skin contains probably less than 1% of the animal's whole body 137Cs activity.  相似文献   

Salmonellosis is one of the major concerns in the poultry industry and some serovars of Salmonella involve in zoonosis. This study determines the seroprevalence of Salmonella in poultry and their drug-resistant patterns, variability in infectivity and mortality rate of birds, and predilection of some serovars to cause zoonoses. The average seroprevalance of Salmonella in three different age groups was found to be 37.9%. A total of 503 samples were examined over a period of 1 year from five different poultry farms of a semiurban area of Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The prevalence of Salmonella was recorded to be 21.1%. Salmonella was found high in dead birds (31.2%) than live birds (18.1%). Salmonella infection was higher (23.6%) in summer than in winter (12.9%) season. Among the 106 isolates, 46 belong to serogroup B (43%) and 60 isolates to serogroup D (57%). The highest Salmonella infection was recorded as 47.9% on the 30-35-week-old birds. A total of 106 Salmonella isolates were used for antimicrobial susceptibility test against 10 common antibiotics and 17 multiple drug resistance patterns were found. Among the isolates, 69 (65%) harbored plasmids 1-4 with size variation between >1.63 and >40?kb and rest 37 (35%) isolates were plasmid free but showed resistance against 5-10 antibiotics. The results of the present investigation suggested that multiple drug resistance is common among the Salmonella isolates of poultry and some of these isolates may have zoonotic implications.  相似文献   

In 1995-2000 we examined in the mycological laboratory 8663 specimens for fungal infection by microscopical examination cultivation. The species was identified by the germ-tube test, fermentation and assimilation of carbohydrates. We examined 3421 specimens of faeces and found fungal infection in 37%, the most common was Candida albicans and Geotrichum candidum. In 1736 specimens of sputum and bronchial lavage, yeast microorganisms were isolated in 48%, mostly Candida albicans. In 2697 specimens of skin and mucous membranes in 26% we found fungal microorganisms. We examined 550 samples from the external ear, 40% was mycologically positive, the most common infectious agent of otomycosis was Aspergillus sp. Among 87 specimens from eyes we isolated molds. Acremonium sp., Fusarium sp. and Penicillium sp. Among 123 samples of urine, 41% were mycologically positive, most common was Candida albicans. In 49 blood samples yeasts were found only three times.  相似文献   

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