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We report on 2 unrelated patients who had chromosome analysis performed because of psychomotor delay, Failure to thrive, and minor anomalies. Each patient had a novel proximal 14q deletion (q11.2 to q21.1 in patient 737 and q12 to q22 in patient 777). Polymorphic (C-A)n microsatellite markers distributed along the length of chromosome 14q were examined in both patients and their parents in order to determine which marker loci were deleted. The deletion in patient 737 was found to be paternal in origin, based on the analysis of 2 marker loci (D14S54 and D14S70), thus assigning these loci to the deleted interval q11.2 q21.1. Furthermore, 3 loci were not deleted (TCRD, D14S50, and D14S80), suggesting that they are within or proximal to 14q11.2. In the other family (patient 777), none of the markers were fully informative, but the deleted chromosome was determined to be paternally derived based on cytogenetic heteromorphisms. Despite having overlapping proximal 14q deletions, these 2 patients shared few phenotypic similarities except for failure to thrive, micrognathia, and hypoplasia of the corpus callosum. Therefore, a distinct proximal 14q deletion syndrome is not yet apparent. However, the molecular analyses facilitated the localization of several 14q DNA markers to the deletion regions in these 2 patients, while excluding other markers from each deletion. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We report on a detailed phenotypic characterization of two patients with novel de novo deletions involving 15q13q14, a chromosomal region immediately distal to the Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome critical interval. Both cases were detected by the clinical array-based comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH) and were precisely delineated through the high-density Agilent 244 K oligonucleotide array. The comparison of our patients with previously reported deletion cases involving the 15q13q14 region demonstrated a recurrent pattern of developmental anomalies including mild dysmorphic features, cleft palate/bifid uvula, congenital heart defects (PFO or ASD), developmental delay, and learning disabilities. The potential role of the genes within the deleted region in the pathogenesis of these various phenotypic abnormalities is discussed.  相似文献   

Deletions of chromosome 18q are among the most common segmental aneusomies compatible with life. The estimated frequency is approximately 1/40,000 live births [Cody JD, Pierce JF, Brkanac Z, Plaetke R, Ghidoni PD, Kaye CI, Leach RJ. 1997. Am. J. Med. Genet. 69:280–286]. Most deletions are terminal encompassing as much as 36 Mb, but interstitial deletions have also been reported. We have evaluated 42 subjects with deletions of 18q at our institution. This is the largest number of individuals with this chromosome abnormality studied by one group of investigators. Here we report the physical findings in these individuals. We have compared our findings with those of previously reported cases and have found a significantly different incidence of several minor anomalies in our subjects. We also describe here several anomalies not previously reported in individuals with deletions of 18q, including short frenulum, short palpebral fissures, disproportionate short stature, overlap of second and third toes, and a prominent abdominal venous pattern. Characteristics found in subjects were analyzed for correlation with cytogenetic breakpoints. Several traits were found to correlate with the extent of the deletion. Large deletions were associated with significantly decreased head circumference and ear length as well as the presence of proximally placed and/or anomalous thumbs. Individuals with the smallest deletions were more likely to have metatarsus adductus. Although relatively few genotype/phenotype correlations were apparent, these data demonstrate that correlations with breakpoint are possible. This implies that more correlations will become evident when the more precise molecularly based genotyping is completed. These correlations will identify critical regions on the chromosome in which genes responsible for specific abnormal phenotypes are located. Am. J. Med. Genet. 85:455–462, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Deletions of chromosome 18q are among the most common segmental aneusomies compatible with life. The estimated frequency is approximately 1/40,000 live births [Cody JD, Pierce JF, Brkanac Z, Plaetke R, Ghidoni PD, Kaye CI, Leach RJ. 1997. Am. J. Med. Genet. 69:280-286]. Most deletions are terminal encompassing as much as 36 Mb, but interstitial deletions have also been reported. We have evaluated 42 subjects with deletions of 18q at our institution. This is the largest number of individuals with this chromosome abnormality studied by one group of investigators. Here we report the physical findings in these individuals. We have compared our findings with those of previously reported cases and have found a significantly different incidence of several minor anomalies in our subjects. We also describe here several anomalies not previously reported in individuals with deletions of 18q, including short frenulum, short palpebral fissures, disproportionate short stature, overlap of second and third toes, and a prominent abdominal venous pattern. Characteristics found in subjects were analyzed for correlation with cytogenetic breakpoints. Several traits were found to correlate with the extent of the deletion. Large deletions were associated with significantly decreased head circumference and ear length as well as the presence of proximally placed and/or anomalous thumbs. Individuals with the smallest deletions were more likely to have metatarsus adductus. Although relatively few genotype/phenotype correlations were apparent, these data demonstrate that correlations with breakpoint are possible. This implies that more correlations will become evident when the more precise molecularly based genotyping is completed. These correlations will identify critical regions on the chromosome in which genes responsible for specific abnormal phenotypes are located.  相似文献   

Lindstrand A, Malmgren H, Sahlén S, Schoumans J, Nordgren A, Ergander U, Holm E, Anderlid BM,Blennow E. Detailed molecular and clinical characterization of three patients with 21q deletions. We have investigated three patients with 21q deletions, two with developmental delay, dysmorphic features and internal organ malformations, and one with cognitive function within the normal range but with some deficits in gross and fine motor development. All aberrations were characterized by array‐comparative genomic hybridization (array‐CGH). In addition, extensive fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) mapping on metaphase chromosomes and mechanically stretched chromosomes was performed on patient 1 who had an extremely complex intrachromosomal rearrangement with 16 breakpoints, four deletions and four duplications. Patients 2 and 3 had interstitial deletions comprising 21q21.1‐21q22.11 and 21q11.2‐21q21.3, respectively. Partial deletions of 21q are rare and these patients display a highly variable phenotype depending on the size and position of the deletion. A review of the literature identified 38 cases with pure 21q deletions. Twenty‐three of these had reliable mapping data. The combined information of present and previous cases suggests that the ITSN1 gene is involved in severe mental retardation in patients with 21q deletion. In addition, a critical region of 0.56 Mb containing four genes, KCNE1, DSCR1, CLIC6 and RUNX1, is associated with severe congenital heart defects, and deletions of the most proximal 15–17 Mb of 21q is associated with mild or no cognitive impairment, but may lead to problems with balance and motor function.  相似文献   

Twenty-six patients with deletions of 18q were analyzed at the clinical and molecular levels in an attempt to delineate regions of chromosome 18 important to the 18q– syndrome phenotype. Molecular cytogenetic analysis was carried out using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and deletions ranging from 18q21.1–qter to 18q22.3–qter were detected. The parental origin of the deletions was determined by the analysis of inheritance of microsatellite markers. No correlation between size, parental origin, or severity of the resulting phenotype was found. The results suggest that a critical region for the 18q– syndrome lies in the most distal portion of 18q and that it confers susceptibility for the various clinical manifestations of the 18q– syndrome when present in one copy. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mutations in COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes, encoding the alpha1 and alpha2 chain of type I collagen, respectively, are responsible for the vast majority of cases of osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) (95% of patients with a definite clinical diagnosis). We have investigated 22 OI patients, representing a heterogeneous phenotypic range, at the biochemical and molecular level. A causal mutation in either type I collagen gene was identified in 20 of them: no recurrent mutation was found in unrelated subjects; 15 out of 20 mutations had not been reported previously. In two patients, we could not find any causative mutation in either type I collagen gene, after extensive genomic DNA sequencing. Failure of COL1A1/COL1A2 mutation screening may be due, in a few cases, to further clinical heterogeneity, i.e. additional non-collagenous disease loci are presumably involved in OI types beyond the traditional Sillence's classification.  相似文献   

Extensive genomic deletions involving chromosome 10 are the most common genetic alteration in glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). To localize and examine the potential roles of two chromosome arm 10q tumor suppressor regions, we used two independent strategies: mapping of allelic deletions, and functional analysis of phenotypic suppression after transfer of chromosome 10 fragments. By allelic deletion analysis, the region of 10q surrounding the MMAC/PTEN locus was shown to be frequently lost in GBMs but maintained in most low‐grade astrocytic tumors. An additional region at 10q25 containing the DMBT1 locus was lost in all grades of gliomas examined. The potential biological significance of these two regions was further assessed by examining microcell hybrids that contained various fragments of 10q. Somatic cell hybrid clones that retained the MMAC/PTEN locus have a less transformed phenotype with clones exhibiting an inability to grow in soft agarose. However, presence or absence of DMBT1 did not correlate with any in vitro phenotype assessed in our model system. These results support a model of molecular progression in gliomas in which the frequent deletion of 10q25–26 is an early event and is followed by the deletion of the MMAC/PTEN during the progression to high‐grade GBMs. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 24:135–143, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

It has recently been shown that apparently similar deletions of chromosome 15q occur commonly in the Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes. The distinctness of the syndromes suggests that the deletions are not identical. To address this possibility, the specific bands involved and the sizes of the deletions were compared in seven patients with Prader-Willi syndrome and 10 patients with Angelman syndrome using high-resolution G-, Q-, and fluorescent R-banding techniques. The parental origin of the nine cases of Angelman syndrome for which parents were available for study was determined. The same proximal band was deleted (q11.2) in both syndromes. In general, the deletion in patients with Angelman syndrome was larger, though variable, and included bands q12 and part of q13. All of the studied deletions in patients with Angelman syndrome were of maternal origin. This contrasts with the predominant paternal origin of the deletion in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome. Two possible reasons for these observations are postulated: 1) the deleted regions are different at the cytologic and/or molecular level because of different exchange points in meiosis in males and females or to different mechanisms of breakage in males and females, resulting in differing breakpoints; 2) the deleted regions are essentially the same, but differential expression of the genes in the homologous chromosome 15 has occurred (imprinting).  相似文献   

Ring chromosome 14 is a rare cytogenetic disorder. Individuals with r(14) generally have developmental delay and seizures. Other features include hypotonia, microcephaly, mild facial dysmorphism, and retinal pigmentation. Most of these features are also found in patients with linear terminal deletions of chromosome 14, except for seizures and retinal abnormalities. The objective of the study was to determine if deletion of a specific chromosome region is a possible explanation for the occurrence of seizures in patients with ring chromosome 14. Patients diagnosed either with r(14) (six patients) or a deletion of distal 14q (three patients) were analyzed by FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization) with BAC probes. We observed differences in the size of deletions in the studied group. In two r(14) patients, we did not detect any deletion; the four other patients had deletions of various sizes, ranging from 0.8 Mb to 5 Mb. Two linear deletions were 3.2 Mb and 5.3 Mb in length, respectively; the third case had an interstitial deletion that did not overlap with the others. The deleted regions in ring chromosomes showed overlap with those in the two linear terminal deletions. We conclude that there is unlikely to be a specific deleted locus in 14q32.3 that predisposes r(14) patients to seizures or retinal pigmentation. The cause is probably related to the formation of the ring itself and the effect this may have on local chromatin structure.  相似文献   

Deletion of 13q14 as the sole abnormality is a good prognostic marker in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Nonetheless, the prognostic value of reciprocal 13q14 translocations [t(13q)] with related 13q losses has not been fully elucidated. We described clinical and biological characteristics of 25 CLL patients with t(13q), and compared with 62 patients carrying interstitial del(13q) by conventional G‐banding cytogenetics (CGC) [i‐del(13q)] and 295 patients with del(13q) only detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) [F‐del(13q)]. Besides from the CLL FISH panel (D13S319, CEP12, ATM, TP53), we studied RB1 deletions in all t(13q) cases and a representative group of i‐del(13q) and F‐del(13q). We analyzed NOTCH1, SF3B1, and MYD88 mutations in t(13q) cases by Sanger sequencing. In all, 25 distinct t(13q) were described. All these cases showed D13S319 deletion while 32% also lost RB1. The median percentage of 13q‐deleted nuclei did not differ from i‐del(13q) patients (73% vs. 64%), but both were significantly higher than F‐del(13q) (52%, P < 0.001). Moreover, t(13q) patients showed an increased incidence of biallelic del(13q) (52% vs. 11.3% and 14.9%, P < 0.001) and higher rates of concomitant 17p deletion (37.5% vs. 8.6% and 7.2%, P < 0.001). RB1 involvement was significantly higher in the i‐del(13q) group (79%, P < 0.001). Two t(13q) patients (11.8%) carried NOTCH1 mutations. Time to first treatment in t(13q) and i‐del(13q) was shorter than F‐del(13q) (67, 44, and 137 months, P = 0.029), and preserved significance in the multivariate analysis. In conclusion, t(13q) and del(13q) patients detected by CGC constitute a subgroup within the 13q‐deleted CLL patients associated with a worse clinical outcome. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Subtelomeric deletions of 1q44 cause mental retardation, developmental delay and brain anomalies, including abnormalities of the corpus callosum (ACC) and microcephaly in most patients. We report the cases of six patients with 1q44 deletions; two patients with interstitial deletions of 1q44; and four patients with terminal deletions of 1q. One of the patients showed an unbalanced translocation between chromosome 5. All the deletion regions overlapped with previously reported critical regions for ACC, microcephaly and seizures, indicating the recurrent nature of the core phenotypic features of 1q44 deletions. The four patients with terminal deletions of 1q exhibited severe volume loss in the brain as compared with patients who harbored interstitial deletions of 1q44. This indicated that telomeric regions have a role in severe volume loss of the brain. In addition, two patients with terminal deletions of 1q43, beyond the critical region for 1q44 deletion syndrome exhibited delayed myelination. As the deletion regions identified in these patients extended toward centromere, we conclude that the genes responsible for delayed myelination may be located in the neighboring region of 1q43.  相似文献   

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