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抗癫痫药物的血清浓度、疗效和不良反应观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:观察癫痫患在长期服用抗癫痫药物期间的血药浓度,疗效和严重的不良反应。方法:采用美国产全自动荧光免疫偏振分析仪和相应的试剂药盒对本市可评价的213例癫痫患进行血药浓度监测,并观察各种抗癫痫药物的疗效和严重不良反应。结果:卡马西平,丙戊酸,苯胺英,苯巴比妥和氯硝西泮分别有95.7%,45.8%,30.4%,80.5%和70.3%例次在有效治疗血药浓度范围中;严重不良反应较少见;卡马西平和丙戊酸疗效较佳,苯妥英疗效较差,结论:卡马西平(除婴儿痉挛外)和丙戊酸宜作为癫痫患的首选药物,血清浓度分别宜控制在6-8μg/ml和60-90μg/ml,苯妥英不宜用于癫痫的治疗。  相似文献   

抗癫痫药物的选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

采用针灸方法治疗1例癫痫患者,选取可直接调心脑之气的心俞穴,起化痰作用的肝俞、肾俞穴,具有平衡阴阳之气的后藤艮山灸法(取穴:大椎、长强及其中点和中点左右各4cm处共5个穴位,均为非化脓灸),另外采用本神透阳白、阳白透本神的刺法,给上额以交叉刺激。经3个月治疗患者癫痫发作及药物副作用基本得到控制,疗效满意,但其治疗机制尚须深入探讨。  相似文献   

抗癫痫药物的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
(接上期 )3 难治性癫痫与抗癫痫新药3 1 难治性癫痫的定义 :对药物治疗效果差的癫痫患者临床曾有不同名称 ,如难治性癫痫 (IntractableEpilepsy)、顽固性癫痫 (RefractoryEpilepsy)、严重型癫痫 (SevereEpi lepsy)、慢性癫痫 (ChronicEpilepsy)等。目前难治性癫痫一词已为多数学者所接受 ,由于对这类癫痫的认识不尽相同 ,各自提出不同的诊断标准 ,有人认为难治性癫痫是指那些已得到相应抗癫痫药物治疗而发作仍未控制 ,持续发作数年或每月仍有 1次以上发作 ,持续半年以…  相似文献   

癫痫是神经系统中第二大常见疾病,在我国有超过900万的患者。尽管目前已经有超过20种抗癫痫发作药物,仍然有大约1/3的患者对抗癫痫发作药物治疗表现出耐药性。近年来,癫痫治疗领域取得了明显的进展,引入了新的抗癫痫发作药物,为患者提供了更多治疗选择。这些药物不仅在控制癫痫发作方面发挥着作用,而且在减轻药物不良反应和提高患者生活质量方面取得了明显的改善。本文旨在综述近15年来上市的抗癫痫发作药物,以提升临床医师对新上市抗癫痫发作药物的了解,并加深对它们在临床实践中的应用认知水平。  相似文献   

目的 观察癫痫患者在长期服用抗癫痫药物期间的血清药物浓度、疗效和严重药物不良反应.方法 自1989年1月至2006年1月,采用美国产全自动荧光免疫偏振分析仪和相应的试剂药盒对本市可评价的273例癫痫患者进行血清药物浓度监测,并观察各种抗癫痫药物的疗效和严重不良反应.结果 卡马西平、丙戊酸、苯妥英、苯巴比妥和氯硝西泮分别有91.1%、46.9%、30.4%、72.8%和86.9%例次在有效治疗血药浓度范围内;严重不良反应较少见;卡马西平和丙戊酸疗效较佳,苯妥英疗效较差.结论 卡马西平(婴儿痉挛除外)和丙戊酸宜作为各型癫痫患者的首选药物,单用时血清药物浓度分别宜控制在6~10μg/ml和60~100μg/ml;苯妥英尽可能不用于癫痫的治疗.  相似文献   

药物是治疗癫(癎)的一线手段,抗癫(癎)药物已经经历了一个多世纪的发展.从1978年以前上市的传统抗癫(癎)药物,到1993年以后上市的新型抗癫(癎)药物,抗癫(癎)药物在作用机制、疗效与不良反应方面的研究都取得了一些新进展.近年一批新药正在进行临床试验,未来有望用于临床;某些可能具有抗癫(癎)作用的靶点、机制及通路也是目前的研究热点.本文将从药理机制上对历代抗癫(癎)药物及其可能的新的作用机制的研究进展作一回顾与综述.  相似文献   

 药物是治疗癫的一线手段,抗癫药物已经经历了一个多世纪的发展。从1978年以前上市的传统抗癫药物,到1993年以后上市的新型抗癫药物,抗癫药物在作用机制、疗效与不良反应方面的研究都取得了一些新进展。近年一批新药正在进行临床试验,未来有望用于临床;某些可能具有抗癫作用的靶点、机制及通路也是目前的研究热点。本文将从药理机制上对历代抗癫药物及其可能的新的作用机制的研究进展作一回顾与综述。  相似文献   

目的 评价传统抗癫痫药物代表丙戊酸钠与新型抗癫痫药物代表对癫痫患者认知功能的影响.方法 将80例癫痫患者随机分为丙戊酸钠组与拉莫三嗪组,利用韦氏智能测定,分别于治疗前及用药6个月后对患者认知功能进行统计分析.结果 两组癫痫患者用药前语言智商(VIQ)操作智商(PIQ)总智商(FIQ)分值无明显差异;在用药6个月,丙戊酸钠组,语言智商(VIQ)操作智商(PIQ)总智商(FIQ)分值明显下降,而拉莫三嗪无明显变化,两组结果具有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 丙戊酸钠对患者认知功能有影响,而拉莫三嗪对患者认知功能无明显影响.  相似文献   

覃业语  黄春新  林慧 《海南医学》2012,23(21):106-107
目的分析抗癫痫药物(AEDs)临床疗效与血药浓度之间的关系,为临床合理用药提供个体化用药参考,探讨如何开展抗癫痫类药血药浓度监测后的药学服务。方法采用酶扩增均相免疫分析法(EMIT)监测抗癫痫类药物丙戊酸钠(VPA)、苯妥英钠(PHT)、卡马西平(CBZ)血药浓度,回顾性调查、统计分析2009-2011年945例次VPA、278例次PHT、157例次CBZ血药浓度监测结果。结果其中55.3%的患者VPA监测结果在有效参考血药浓度范围以内,31.7%的患者PHT监测结果在有效血药浓度范围以内,79.0%的患者CBZ监测结果在有效参考血药浓度范围内。结论抗癫痫药物血药浓度监测是临床用药的依据之一,临床药师于血药浓度监测后为患者提供个体化给药建议,对合理用药有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

抗癫痫药布立西坦(Brivaracetam),又名布瓦西坦,是左乙拉西坦的衍生物,原研制剂于2016年1月22日和2016年2月18日分别在欧盟和美国上市,至今没有仿制药上市.本文通过检索文献,分别对布立西坦原料药性质、上市产品及在研产品等方面进行综述,以期为布立西坦的制剂研究提供参考.  相似文献   

The new antiepileptic drugs: scientific review   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
LaRoche SM  Helmers SL 《JAMA》2004,291(5):605-614
Context  The past decade has brought many advances to the treatment of epilepsy, including many new pharmacological agents. Primary care physicians often care for patients with epilepsy and therefore should be familiar with the new options available. Objective  To review data regarding the efficacy and tolerability of antiepileptic drugs introduced in the past decade. Data Sources  A search of the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials was performed to identify all published human and English-language randomized controlled trials evaluating the efficacy and tolerability of the antiepileptic drugs that have been approved for use in the United States since 1990. Additional reports evaluating pharmacokinetic properties were identified through a MEDLINE search as well as review of article bibliographies. Study Selection and Data Extraction  Search terms included felbamate, gabapentin, lamotrigine, topiramate, tiagabine, levetiracetam, oxcarbazepine, and zonisamide. Studies were selected if efficacy and tolerability were reported as major outcome measures. Included studies (n = 55) enrolled a minimum of 20 adult subjects and had a treatment period of at least 6 weeks. Data Synthesis  Eight new antiepileptic drugs have been approved for use in the United States in the past decade. Each new antiepileptic drug is well tolerated and demonstrates statistically significant reductions in seizure frequency over baseline. No randomized controlled trials have compared the new antiepileptic drugs with each other or against the traditional antiepileptic drugs. Although there is no evidence to suggest that the newer medications are more efficacious, several studies have demonstrated broader spectrum of activity, fewer drug interactions, and overall better tolerability of the new agents. Conclusions  New antiepileptic drugs offer many options in the treatment of epilepsy, each with unique mechanisms of action as well as adverse effect profiles. The new antiepileptic drugs are well tolerated with few adverse effects, minimal drug interactions, and a broad spectrum of activity.   相似文献   

The new antiepileptic drugs: clinical applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
LaRoche SM  Helmers SL 《JAMA》2004,291(5):615-620
In the past decade, 8 new antiepileptic drugs have been approved for use in the United States, offering many new treatment options to patients with epilepsy. With expanding use of these newer agents, primary care clinicians are challenged with understanding the roles that each new agent plays in the treatment of patients with epilepsy as well as possible interactions with other pharmacological therapies. Each new medication provides a unique profile of pharmacokinetics, adverse effects, and mechanisms of action, making an appreciation of how these agents are best utilized even more difficult. Despite well-performed trials evaluating the safety and efficacy of specific antiepileptic drugs, the lack of head-to-head comparisons among them makes it difficult to endorse a single therapeutic regimen. Limited studies have compared the new antiepileptic drugs with more traditional medications and found similar efficacy but improved tolerability of the newer agents. There remains no well-established guidelines for choosing a particular antiepileptic drug or for choosing a newer agent over a traditional one. However, careful consideration of seizure type, patient comorbidities, and specific medication toxicities aids in prescribing the most appropriate medication. This article aims to familiarize the general practitioner with the appropriate roles and effective uses of the new antiepileptic drugs in specific clinical scenarios.   相似文献   

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