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目的 评价小剂量复合麻醉剂关节内注射在全膝关节置换术(TKA)后的镇痛作用.方法 30例需行TKA手术的骨性关节炎患者随机分为关节内麻醉剂注射组和非注射组,采用双盲对照,通过比较两组患者术后麻醉剂使用、膝关节功能康复情况,对局部的复合镇痛效果进行评价.结果 术后总的麻醉剂使用情况和关节功能康复情况,关节内注射组优于非注射组.在对所有患者术后并发症的监测上,两组间均没有显著差异(P>0.05).结论 小剂量复合麻醉剂的关节内注射有助于减轻TKA手术患者的术后急性疼痛,减少术后总的麻醉剂使用量,是一种安全有效的镇痛方法 .  相似文献   

目的 评价全膝关节置换术后关节内注射鸡尾酒式镇痛混合剂的镇痛效果和安全性.方法 将80例行单侧TKA的骨关节炎患者进行随机分配:试验组关节内注射鸡尾酒式镇痛混合剂(吗啡、布比卡因、复方倍他米松),对照组注射生理盐水.术后48h内均经静脉镇痛泵滴注吗啡行自控镇痛,疼痛难以忍受时,肌内注射吗啡5~10mg.比较两组患者术后膝关节静息和活动VAS疼痛评分、吗啡使用情况、主动直腿抬高时间、屈膝90°时间、膝关节活动度以及并发症.结果 采用关节内鸡尾酒式镇痛混合剂注射后,可以显著减少术后0~36h各时间段和总的吗啡使用量,并推迟术后第一次肌内注射吗啡的时间.术后第6、10、24、36h试验组静息痛VAS评分显著小于对照组,术后24、36h试验组活动痛VAS评分显著小于对照组.患者主动直腿抬高时间、屈膝90°时间以及术后15天膝关节活动度比较,试验组均优于对照组.两组在术后伤口愈合、感染发生率、血压、心率、皮疹、呼吸抑制和尿潴留的监测等方面进行比较,差异均无统计学意义,恶心呕吐发生率试验组小于对照组.结论 关节内鸡尾酒式镇痛混合剂注射有助于减少术后麻醉镇痛剂使用量,减轻术后早期疼痛,且没有明显的不良反应.  相似文献   

目的探讨全膝关节置换术中经关节周围软组织内注射包含大剂量布比卡因的混合镇痛药物的护理配合,以顺利完成操作,避免发生并发症。方法重视深浅组织内注射混合药物的不同配方,避免配制过程中发生错误和污染,提醒和配合医生分层分次注射,严格掌握3次注射药液的部位和注射时间,注意提醒麻醉师观察注射药麻醉深度调整和是否有注射药中毒反应。结果 2010年10月至2011年2月,对30例接受全膝关节置换术病人采用术中关节周围软组织内注射包含大剂量布比卡因的混合药物的方法进行术后镇痛治疗,结果显示无局部麻醉药不良反应发生,术后1~3 d疼痛视觉模拟评分(VAS)分别为平均1.08±0.67分、1.21±0.6分和3.67±0.89分。术后1 d时53.3%病人能够进行自主直腿抬高动作,出院时自我满意度为平均9.25±0.75分。结论掌握关节注射镇痛法的配合要点、药物性能、药理作用、配制方法等,娴熟配合骨科医生完成手术,有利于明显降低全膝关节置换术病人术后疼痛,避免并发症发生。  相似文献   

目的 比较吗啡关节周围联合药物注射(PMDI)和鞘内注射对人工全膝关节置换术(TKA)患者术后疼痛和关节功能的影响。方法 回顾分析我院行TKA患者153例,按照麻醉方式分成对照组、PMDI组和鞘内注射组,每组51例。对照组患者接受常规腰麻及关节周围软组织注射,PMDI组患者关节周围额外注射10 mg盐酸吗啡注射液,鞘内注射组患者腰麻药物中额外加入0.1 mg盐酸吗啡注射液。记录三组患者术后疼痛视觉模拟量表(VAS)评分。记录三组患者术后追加曲马多用量和首次追加曲马多时间。记录三组患者术后患肢主动关节屈曲角度。记录三组患者术后呕吐次数和术后止呕药物使用次数。结果 术后6、12和24 h PMDI组和鞘内注射组患者术后疼痛VAS评分显著低于对照组患者(P<0.05),术后6、12和24 h鞘内注射组患者术后疼痛VAS评分显著低于PMDI组患者(P<0.05)。术后12 h和24 h PMDI组和鞘内注射组患者追加曲马多用量显著低于对照组患者(P<0.05),术后12 h和24 h 鞘内注射组患者追加曲马多用量显著低于PMDI组患者(P<0.05)。PMDI组和鞘内注射组患者术后首次追加曲马多时间显著低于对照组患者(P<0.05),鞘内注射组患者术后首次追加曲马多时间显著低于PMDI组患者(P<0.05)。术后12 h和24 h PMDI组和鞘内注射组患者术后患肢主动关节屈曲角度显著高于对照组患者(P<0.05),术后12 h和24 h 鞘内注射组患者术后患肢主动关节屈曲角度显著高于PMDI组患者(P<0.05)。术后12 h、24 h和48 h PMDI组和鞘内注射组患者术后呕吐次数和术后止呕药物使用次数显著高于对照组患者(P<0.05),术后12 h、24 h和48 h PMDI组患者术后呕吐次数和术后止呕药物使用次数显著高于鞘内注射组患者(P<0.05)。结论 吗啡PMDI和吗啡Ⅱ均为有效的TKA术后镇痛方法,其中吗啡Ⅱ较吗啡PMDI可进一步缓解TKA术后患者疼痛,加快患者早期关节功能恢复。但吗啡PMDI和吗啡Ⅱ均会增加TKA术后呕吐发生率,需要临床医生重视。  相似文献   

髋关节骨性强直或融合后的全髋关节置换术   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目的 探讨髋关节骨性强直或融合后行全髋关节置换术的可行性。方法 对 10例髋关节骨性强直或融合患者行全髋关节置换术的临床疗效及手术相关问题进行分析。结果 随访 6~ 30个月 (平均 18个月 ) ,10例 12个髋关节活动度术前为 0° ,术后总的活动度平均 16 3° ,屈髋平均 89°;Har ris评分术前平均 15 6分 ,术后平均 89分。术后髋痛消失 ,膝痛、下腰痛明显改善 ,步态基本恢复正常 ,8例重返工作岗位。结论 髋关节骨性强直或融合后如果发生严重的下腰痛、对侧髋关节、同侧膝关节疼痛或髋关节融合在非功能位上 ,髋关节周围软组织条件好 ,外展肌基本正常 ,应行全髋关节置换术  相似文献   

人工全髋关节置换术后并发症   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
自2 0世纪60年代Charnley人工全髋关节置换术以来,无数的患者因此受益,但它的并发症却给这项良好的治疗技术的愈后带来不良的影响。据Charlotte〔1〕等人报道,全髋置换术后主要的并发症为脱臼( 3 9% )、肺栓塞( 0 9% )和深部感染( 0 2 % ) ,而接受全髋关节再置换的患者,其并发症除了肺栓塞比首次置换的患者略低( 0 8%对0 9% )外,脱臼( 14 4%对3 9% )和深部感染( 1 1%对0 2 % )都要高于首次置换的患者。1 脱 臼很多学者〔2、3〕研究发现,大约1/4~1/2的脱臼发生在术后前1个月内,而翻修术后脱臼发生的机率更高( 3 9%升至2 1% ) ,…  相似文献   

目的 探讨全膝关节置换术中关节周围注射止痛药物对术后镇痛效果的影响.方法 将38例膝关节置换患者随机分成两组,用药组在术中采用布比卡因结合吗啡混合液行关节周围浸润注射;对照组不接受药物注射.患者术后36 h内接受自控式标准化镇痛,并在不同时间段进行数字化疼痛评分(NRS).结果 用药组患者术后24 h内NRS评分明显低于对照组(P<0.05),对镇痛要求显著降低.结论 全膝关节置换术中关节周围注射止痛药物术后镇痛效果可靠.  相似文献   

髋臼骨折是一种严重的高能量损伤,易导致关节功能障碍,即使初次手术复位,后期的创伤性关节退变仍高达75%以上,并发股骨头无菌性坏死也达2%~40%。因此,此类病例行全髋关节置换术(Total Hip Replacement,THR)常不可避免。本文对38例髋臼骨折后全髋关节置换术病例进行总结和探讨。  相似文献   

在全髋关节置换术已经非常成熟的今天,我们不能忘记John Charn ley,他开创了全髋关节置换术的新时代,他设计的低磨损全髋关节假体,是人工髋关节置换术发展历程上的一个里程碑。Charn ley也被誉为现代全髋关节置换术之父[1]。Charn ley(1911-1982)是莱庭顿医院(W righ tingtonHo  相似文献   

全髋关节置换术后假体周围关节感染研究进展李金松王明喜邵光湘全髋关节置换术(简称THA)后假体周围关节感染(periprostheticJointInfections,简称PJI)的发病率已由70年代的9%下降至0.27%〔1〕。这主要应归功于围手术...  相似文献   

One hundred patients receiving unilateral total hip arthroplasty (THA) were randomized to receive an intra-articular injection of 300 mg bupivacaine or normal saline after completion of surgery. Pain scores of the bupivacaine group were significantly lower than those of the control group the first 12 hours postoperatively (all, P < 0.001). A significantly lower dose of meperidine was used in the study group than in the control group the first 24 hours postoperatively (median, 25 vs. 45 mg, P < 0.001). Nineteen patients in the study group required meperidine the first day after surgery, as compared to 45 patients in the control group. We conclude that intra-articular injection of bupivacaine after THA reduces pain and meperidine use in the first 12 hours after surgery.  相似文献   

The efficacy of periarticular multimodal drug injection (PMDI) to reduce pain after total knee or hip arthroplasty (TKA or THA) still remains controversial. Our study aimed at evaluating the efficacy of PMDI after TKA or THA. A fully recursive literature search was conducted to identify relevant randomized controlled trials. Ultimately, 21 studies were included in the analysis. Pooled results showed that the PMDI group had better pain relief, less opioid consumption, larger range of motion, and lower rates of nausea and vomiting than the placebo group. No significant difference was seen in regard to the length of hospital stay between the two groups. In conclusion, PMDI should be recommended for the pain management after TKA or THA.  相似文献   

《The Journal of arthroplasty》2020,35(5):1275-1280
BackgroundNo randomized controlled trial has investigated a more optimal timing of periarticular injection for pain relief after total hip arthroplasty.MethodsThe study included 140 patients, and these patients were randomly allocated to the early-stage (periarticular injection was performed just before arthrotomy, and placebo was injected after implantation) or late-stage (placebo was injected just before arthrotomy, and periarticular injection was performed after implantation) injection groups. Other perioperative interventions were similar in all participants. The prespecified primary outcome was postoperative pain score at the recovery room.ResultsThe visual analog scale score at the recovery room of the early-stage injection group was significantly lower than that of the late-stage injection group (30 ± 28 vs 46 ± 30 mm; 95% CI, −25 to −5 mm; P = .0022), and this difference reaches a minimal clinically important difference level of 10 mm. No differences were observed with regard to complication rate.ConclusionEarly-stage periarticular injection during total hip arthroplasty provided better postoperative pain relief than late-stage periarticular injection without elevating complication rate.Level of EvidenceLevel I, randomized controlled trial.  相似文献   

《The Journal of arthroplasty》2022,37(10):1928-1938.e9
BackgroundPeriarticular injection (PAI) is administered intraoperatively to help reduce postoperative pain and opioid consumption after primary total joint arthroplasty (TJA). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of PAI in primary TJA to support the combined clinical practice guidelines of the American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Hip Society, Knee Society, and American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine.MethodsThe MEDLINE, Embase, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials databases were searched for studies published prior to March 2020 on PAI in TJA. All included studies underwent qualitative and quantitative homogeneity testing followed by a systematic review and direct comparison meta-analysis to assess the efficacy and safety of PAI.ResultsThree thousand six hundred and ninety nine publications were critically appraised to provide 60 studies regarded as the best available evidence for an analysis. The meta-analysis showed that intraoperative PAI reduces postoperative pain and opioid consumption. Adding ketorolac or a corticosteroid to a long-acting local anesthetic (eg, ropivacaine or bupivacaine) provides an additional benefit. There is no difference between liposomal bupivacaine and other nonliposomal long-acting local anesthetics. Morphine does not provide any additive benefit in postoperative pain and opioid consumption and may increase postoperative nausea and vomiting. There is insufficient evidence to draw conclusions on the use of epinephrine and clonidine.ConclusionStrong evidence supports the use of a PAI with a long-acting local anesthetic to reduce postoperative pain and opioid consumption. Adding a corticosteroid and/or ketorolac to a long-acting local anesthetic further reduces postoperative pain and may reduce opioid consumption. Morphine has no additive effect and there is insufficient evidence on epinephrine and clonidine.  相似文献   

《The Journal of arthroplasty》2021,36(12):3938-3944
BackgroundThe ideal dose of intravenous glucocorticoids to control pain in total hip arthroplasty (THA) remains unclear. This randomized controlled trial compared postoperative pain and tramadol requirement in patients undergoing unilateral primary THA who received one versus two perioperative doses of dexamethasone.MethodsPatients consented to undergo blinded, simple randomization to either one (at anesthetic induction [1D-group]: 54 patients) or two (with an additional dose 8 hours after surgery [2D-group]: 61 patients) perioperative doses of 8-mg intravenous dexamethasone. Pain was evaluated with visual analog scale at 8, 16, and 24 hours postoperatively and with tramadol requirement. The secondary outcomes included postoperative nausea and vomiting, time to ambulation, and length of stay.ResultsAge (mean, 66 ± 13 years), body mass index (mean, 29 ± 5), gender (60% female), and history of diabetes were similar between groups (P >.05). Pain was higher at 16 (4 [interquartile range {IQR} 3-5] vs 2 [IQR 1-3]; P <.001) and 24 (2.5 [IQR 2-3] vs 1 [IQR 0-1] P <.001) hours postoperatively in the 1D-group patients. 1D-group patients had significantly more tramadol consumption (50 [IQR 50-100] vs 0 [IQR 0-50]; P = .01), as well as postoperative nausea and vomiting (18 [33.3%] vs 5 [8.2%]; P = .001). Fifty-five (90%) patients in the 2D-group and 32 (59%) in the 1D-group ambulated on postoperative day 0 (P = .0002). Fifty-eight (95%) patients in the 2D-group and 37 (68%) in the 1D-group were discharged on postoperative day 1 (P = .0002).ConclusionAn additional dose of dexamethasone at 8 hours postoperatively significantly reduced pain, tramadol consumption, time to ambulation, and length of stay after primary THA.  相似文献   



The use of intravenous acetaminophen has seen recent enthusiasm as one component of a multimodal approach to pain management. However, there is a lack of literature examining the efficacy of intravenous acetaminophen for pain control in total joint arthroplasty. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of intravenous acetaminophen following primary total knee arthroplasty.


This is a retrospective review of 38 patients undergoing primary total knee arthroplasty by a single surgeon at one institution. Twenty-five patients received 1 gram of intravenous acetaminophen every 6 hours for 24 hours postoperatively. Thirteen patients received no additional intervention. Exclusion criteria were bilateral or concomitant procedures, allergy to medications included in the standard postoperative protocol, neuropathy or sensory disturbances, history of opioid dependence or abuse, deviations from protocol, revision procedures, and incomplete data. Primary outcomes were change in patient-reported visual analog scale (VAS) pain score, overall opioid consumption measured in morphine milligram equivalents, and hospital length of stay.


We found no difference in length of stay, at 3.3 days in the control group and 2.9 days in the intervention group. There was a significant difference in VAS score between 16 and 24 hours. There was a statistically significant decrease in overall opioid consumption in the intravenous acetaminophen group 37.6 vs 18.6 morphine milligram equivalents.


Intravenous acetaminophen is effective in significantly reducing opioid requirements in the first 24 hours following primary total knee arthroplasty. Additionally, there is a clinically significant decrease in VAS pain scores in patients receiving this intervention.  相似文献   

Pain management after total hip arthroplasty has improved dramatically in the past decade. However, most protocols use opioid medications for pain control. In the current study, 100 patients were prospectively selected to receive a traditional narcotic-based patient-controlled analgesia protocol or a nonnarcotic oral protocol for pain management after primary total hip arthroplasty. Therapy programs were similar for both groups. Postoperatively, patients were followed daily for opioid use, medication adverse effects, pain control, and overall satisfaction. The nonnarcotic oral group showed lower mean pain scores during the first 24 hours after surgery. The satisfaction rate was high in both groups. Both protocols provided adequate pain control after total hip arthroplasty; the nonnarcotic pain management protocol resulted in significantly decreased opioid consumption and fewer adverse effects.  相似文献   

目的 评价加入硫酸镁的鸡尾酒麻醉混合剂在全髋关节置换术(total hip arthroplasty,THA)后早期的镇痛效果.方法 选择2019年9月至2020年11月在武汉科技大学附属孝感医院骨科行初次单侧THA病人共60例,随机分为观察组(硫酸镁250 mg+罗哌卡因50 mg+曲安奈德25 mg+0.9%生理盐...  相似文献   

《The Journal of arthroplasty》2022,37(11):2149-2157.e3
BackgroundGabapentinoids are recommended by guidelines as a component of multimodal analgesia to manage postoperative pain and reduce opioid use. It remains unknown whether perioperative use of gabapentinoids is associated with a reduced or increased risk of postoperative long-term opioid use (LTOU) after total knee or hip arthroplasty (TKA/THA).MethodsUsing Medicare claims data from 2011 to 2018, we identified fee-for-service beneficiaries aged ≥ 65 years who were hospitalized for a primary TKA/THA and had no LTOU before the surgery. Perioperative use of gabapentinoids was measured from 7 days preadmission through 7 days postdischarge. Patients were required to receive opioids during the perioperative period and were followed from day 7 postdischarge for 180 days to assess postoperative LTOU (ie, ≥90 consecutive days). A modified Poisson regression was used to estimate the relative risk (RR) of postoperative LTOU in patients with versus without perioperative use of gabapentinoids, adjusting for confounders through propensity score weighting.ResultsOf 52,788 eligible Medicare older beneficiaries (mean standard deviation [SD] age 72.7 [5.3]; 62.5% females; 89.7% White), 3,967 (7.5%) received gabapentinoids during the perioperative period. Postoperative LTOU was 3.8% in patients with and 4.0% in those without perioperative gabapentinoids. After adjusting for confounders, the risk of postoperative LTOU was similar comparing patients with versus without perioperative gabapentinoids (RR = 1.07; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.91-1.26, P = .408). Sensitivity and bias analyses yielded consistent results.ConclusionAmong older Medicare beneficiaries undergoing a primary TKA/THA, perioperative use of gabapentinoids was not associated with a reduced or increased risk for postoperative LTOU.  相似文献   

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