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目的:考察网络受欺负与身体、言语、关系受欺负的共发性。方法:采用青少年网络受欺负问卷、传统受欺负问卷,以整群抽样法选取河南、河北的954名中学生进行调查。结果:1在发生网络受欺负的青少年中,同时发生身体、言语、关系受欺负的比例依次为23.8%、54.4%、42.0%。2网络受欺负与身体、言语、关系受欺负的发生模式分为三类:所有类型受欺负类(10.3%)、网络/言语/关系受欺负类(47.5%)和非受欺负类(42.2%)。3三类群体的抑郁、自杀意念依次显著降低(F=19.27,P<0.01;χ2=28.64,P<0.01)。结论:网络受欺负与传统受欺负尤其是言语、关系受欺负具有较强的共发性;共发性越强,其抑郁和自杀意念越严重。  相似文献   

目的:了解青少年网络欺负的现状,为预防与干预网络欺负行为提供参考依据。方法:从湖南省3所中学抽取1234名青少年,采用网络欺负问卷进行调查。结果:青少年网络欺负的发生率为52.19%,性别和学段在不同类型的网络欺负发生情况上存在显著性差异,男生网络欺负水平显著高于女生(t=4.84,P0.001),初中生的网络欺负水平显著高于高中生(t=2.70,P0.01),上网时长与青少年网络欺负显著正相关(r=0.09,P0.01)。结论:不同形式的网络欺负发生率和青少年网络欺负水平存在显著的性别和学段差异;青少年每天上网时间越长,越有可能发生网络欺负。  相似文献   

目的:探讨父母教养方式与青少年网络欺负的关系以及移情在其间的中介作用。方法:武汉市773名初、高中生为被试填写父母教养方式问卷、基本移情量表和网络欺负量表,并用SPSS和AMOS对数据进行分析。结果:(1)父母教养方式各维度和青少年网络欺负显著相关,父母拒绝、父母过度保护与网络欺负显著正相关(r=0.180,0.155;P0.001),父母情感温暖与网络欺负显著负相关(r=-0.136,P0.001);(2)父母拒绝通过认知移情间接预测青少年的网络欺负(ab=0.01);父母情感温暖不仅对网络欺负具有直接预测作用(c’=-0.02,P0.001),还通过认知移情间接预测网络欺负(ab=-0.01);父母过度保护只能直接预测青少年网络欺负(c’=0.05,P0.001)。结论:父母教养方式对青少年网络欺负有显著预测作用,认知移情在父母拒绝、情感温暖与网络欺负间起中介作用。  相似文献   

随着互联网和电子通信工具的发展,欺负行为出现了一种新的形式,即网络欺负(cyberbullying).网络欺负现象造成的危害逐渐引起社会的关注,越来越多的研究者投入到对网络欺负的研究中.国内有人总结了青少年网络欺负的问题及防范[1],但是对当前网络欺负的研究现状很少涉及.本文介绍目前研究中提到的网络欺负的概念和方式,并将网络欺负与传统欺负进行比较,以期为网络欺负的进一步研究和干预提供依据.  相似文献   

张海燕 《校园心理》2012,(5):320-321
<正>对学校中欺负行为的研究始于20世纪70年代在瑞典和挪威的研究。一般而言,欺负是力量较强的一方有意地对力量较弱的一方实施的攻击行为,是一种特殊的攻击行为。它与一般攻击最根本的区别在于欺负行为的双方,即欺负者与受欺负者之间存在着力量的不均衡性[1]。此外欺负还有比较稳定的特点,即欺负者和受欺负者经常会在相当长的一段时  相似文献   

目的:探讨中美两国青少年校园欺负受害状况的异同。方法:以1677名中国中学生和1814名美国中学生为被试,采用特拉华欺负受害量表(学生卷)(DBVS-S),对中美青少年在受言语欺负、身体欺负、关系欺负和网络欺负量表得分上的年级和性别差异进行跨文化比较。结果:(1)总体上中国和美国青少年欺负受害发生率存在显著的差异,与中国青少年相比,美国青少年除受言语欺负百分比较低且二者差异极显著外,受身体欺负、关系欺负和网络欺负的百分比均较高,其中受关系欺负和网络欺负的得分差异分别达到显著和极显著水平;(2)在受欺负的类型上,中美青少年都是受言语欺负比例最高、网络欺负占比最小,相比受身体欺负而言,美国青少年遭受关系欺负的比例更高。(3)中美两国青少年的欺负受害存在显著的性别差异,无论中国还是美国,男生的欺负受害发生率均显著地高于女生;(4)中国青少年欺负受害发生率存在显著的年级差异,美国青少年欺负受害发生率年级差异不显著,但两国青少年受欺负的发生率均为十一年级受欺负百分比最高,十二年级受欺负百分比最低。结论:中美青少年校园欺负受害发生率存在显著差异。  相似文献   

欺负行为是攻击性行为的一个子集,指有意造成接受者的身体或心理伤害。国内对小学生欺负行为的差异性研究主要涉及的是性别和年级因素,缺乏城乡比较。本研究对城乡小学生的欺负行为进行考查,并进一步探讨不同欺负身份的儿童其孤独感的程度。  相似文献   

目的 探讨成人依恋对青少年网络欺负行为的影响,反刍思维在其中的作用机制,为预防青少年网络欺负行为提供科学依据。方法 采用分层抽样方法,运用亲密关系体验问卷、反刍思维量表和网络欺负行为量表对771名中等职业院校生进行调查。结果 (1)成人依恋、反刍思维、网络欺负行为两两呈正相关;(2)反刍思维在成人依恋与网络欺负行为间起完全中介作用。结论 帮助青少年树立积极正确的思维方式,有利于改善网络欺负行为的情况。  相似文献   

青少年网络成瘾者的应付方式特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
互联网使用可能使青少年的学业成就(认知发展)、情绪情感发展、行为活动等受到消极的影响。本文探讨了青少年网络成瘾者的应付方式特征。  相似文献   

应对风格既是一个人以往应对经验的积累,也是应对策略和方式的学习。以往研究多注重青少年应对方式分析,本文探讨青少年应对风格的发展趋势并分析其年级、性别差异。1对象与方法1.1对象采用分层随机整群取样法,在河南省抽取中小学生为被试,以自然班为单位进行取样,发放问卷1600份,回收有效问卷1479份,其中男生680名,女生799名;小学五年级学生205名,初中生675名,高中生599名。1.2工具青少年应对风格问卷[1],包括8个维度:问题情景策略、情绪表达策略、理智-合理化策略、针对情绪的身体策略、针对情绪的行为策略、否认-压抑策略、躲避和求助策…  相似文献   

Study ObjectivesStigmatized youth experience poorer sleep than those who have not experienced stigma. However, no studies have examined the sleep of gender minority adolescents (GMAs). Examining sleep disparities between GMAs and non-GMAs is critical because poor sleep is associated with mental health outcomes experienced disproportionately by GMAs. We examined sleep duration, sleep problems, and sleep quality among our sample and compared these parameters between GMAs and non-GMAs.MethodsAdolescents aged 14–18 years (n = 1,027 GMA, n = 329 heterosexual non-GMA, n = 415 sexual minority non-GMA; mean age = 16 years; 83% female sex at birth) completed a cross-sectional online survey, reporting sex assigned at birth and current gender identity, sleep duration, sleep problems (too much/too little sleep and inadequate sleep), sleep quality, and depressive symptoms.ResultsAccounting for demographic covariates, GMAs were more likely to report inadequate sleep and shorter sleep duration and had higher odds of reporting poor sleep quality and getting too little/too much sleep than heterosexual non-GMAs. After also adjusting for depressive symptoms, the finding that GMAs more often reported poor sleep quality remained significant.ConclusionsThis first large, nationwide survey of sleep among GMAs suggests that GMAs may be more likely to have poor sleep than non-GMAs. The significance of our results was reduced when adjusting for depressive symptoms, suggesting that poorer sleep may occur in the context of depression for GMAs. Future work should include objective measures of sleep, examine the emergence of sleep disparities among GMAs and non-GMAs, and explore pathways that increase risk for poor sleep among GMAs.  相似文献   

Drug use among pregnant adolescents   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Despite concern over the co-occurrence of substance use, unplanned pregnancy and other problem behaviors in adolescence, little information is available on substance use before, during, and after adolescent pregnancy. The authors report data from the first 100 Ss enrolled in an ongoing longitudinal study on drug use before and during pregnancy in adolescence. Unmarried pregnant adolescents, ages 17 and under, were recruited for the study from urban alternative school programs and community social and health service agencies. Findings indicate that although lifetime prevalence of drug use was relatively high and pregnant respondents appear embedded in drug prevalent environments, substance use declined voluntarily and substantially during pregnancy. Prepregnancy drug use predicted substance use during pregnancy, but neither best friends' nor boyfriends' use of alcohol or marijuana predicted subjects' use of these substances during pregnancy after taking prepregnancy use into account.  相似文献   

This paper examines a comprehensive set of data on the prevalence and correlates of psychological distress in a sample of 1038 adolescent students in a major urban area of a Canadian prairie province. About 27% of the students reported 6 or more symptoms of psychological distress on the GHQ-30. The frequency of symptoms varied with age, grade level and average marks, with sex being the most significant variation. 'Anxiety' and 'social dysfunction' were the most frequent symptom dimensions reported. More detailed analysis of possible predictors of mental health showed that the nature and quality of family life strongly affected adolescent mental health. Adolescents' positive evaluation of their school atmosphere and peer group life and their locus of control orientation also positively influenced their psychological well-being.  相似文献   

《Genetics in medicine》2019,21(4):994-1000
PurposeAdolescents increasingly need to be “genomics literate,” and may engage more with video educational formats than traditional written formats. We conducted a pilot study to assess and compare the impact of two modes of education about genome sequencing (GS) on adolescents’ genomic knowledge and genomic-related decisions.MethodsUsing an online survey, 43 adolescents ages 14–17 years were randomly assigned to watch a video or read a pamphlet about GS. Measures included pre- and postintervention assessment of genomic knowledge, perceived utility of these materials for decisions about participating in genetic research, interest in receiving GS results, and overall satisfaction with these materials. Analyses described results for all participants and compared results between intervention groups.ResultsSelf-reported genomic knowledge increased overall (p < 0.001). Postintervention knowledge about GS limitations was higher among video group than pamphlet group participants (p = 0.038). More video group than pamphlet group participants expressed satisfaction with the material’s understandability (45% vs. 29%) and suitability (91% vs. 76%). Interest in receiving personal GS results was significantly associated with being female (p = 0.01) and younger (14–15 years vs. 16–17 years) (p = 0.002).ConclusionA video format may be preferable for increasing genomic literacy among adolescents. Further research with adolescents is needed to better understand how gender and age may impact genomic decisions and preferences.  相似文献   

Psychological treatment of self-injury among adolescents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Self-injury is a dangerous and pervasive behavior problem among adolescents. Clinical trials testing the effectiveness of psychological treatments for this behavior problem among adolescents are lacking; however, several treatments have shown promise, such as those focused on teaching emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal skills. The authors provide a case illustration of the use of dialectical behavior therapy, which is one of the most promising treatments for adolescent self-injury. They then discuss several important considerations in the treatment of self-injury, such as the use of strategies to increase treatment participation and the assessment of self-injury and related target behaviors over the course of treatment to determine its effectiveness and to manage risk of self-injury.  相似文献   

This article examined moderators of the association between BMI and unhealthy weight control behaviors suggested by the Dual Pathway Model among 4,529 adolescents from the Health Behavior in School-Aged Children survey. An obese classification was associated with unhealthy weight control behaviors for boys and girls. Low life satisfaction, high negative affect, and body size dissatisfaction were associated with unhealthy weight control behaviors among boys as was low life satisfaction for girls. Among girls, healthy weight classification, coupled with low negative affect or body size satisfaction, was protective against unhealthy weight control behaviors. Improved self-care may decrease obesity and unhealthy weight control behaviors.  相似文献   

Clinical measures of impulsivity were administered to 33 incarcerated juvenile delinquents; scores were compared to the type and number of crimes committed. The data revealed that impulsivity is a measureable construct among delinquent adolescents, but that impulsiveness is not necessarily related to either type or number of crimes committed. The notion that impulsivity is an integral factor in the etiology of delinquency was not supported by the data.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori has been documented to be associated with chronic type B gastritis, peptic ulcer and gastric cancer. In order to examine the seroprevalence and risk factors for Helicobacter pylori infection in Taiwan, a total of 871 adolescents were selected randomly from junior high school children in 20 study precincts and townships. Serum samples collected were tested for IgG antibodies against Helicobacter pylori by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using commercial kits. The overall seropositive rate was 21.1% showing no gender difference. There was a striking geographical variation in seroprevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection ranging from 4.6% to 37.1% in 20 precincts and townships. The seroprevalence was highest in the north (25.4%), medium in central Taiwan (21.9%), and lowest in the south (18.7%). The higher the age-adjusted mortality from gastric cancer in a given study area, the higher the seroprevalence of Helicobacter pylori in the area. Metropolitan and aboriginal areas had higher seroprevalences than urban and rural areas, but the difference was not statistically significant. The seroprevalence was higher for those who had no sibling (29.4%) or had a sibship size of > or = 6 (31.1%) than for those with a sibship size of 1-5 (20.0%), but the difference was not statistically significant either.  相似文献   

This study assessed the interrelation among domains of ethnic factors; the individual’s sense of well-being; personality, attitudes, and behaviors; sibling and peer smoking; and adolescent smoking behavior. The sample consisted of 1,468 South African adolescents selected from 4 ethnic groups self-identified as defined by current South African usage: Black (mainly Zulu and Xhosa), Indian, White, and Colored (mixed ancestry). In accordance with family interactional theory, there was a sequence of patterning from ethnic factors and the individual’s sense of well-being to adolescent personality, attitudes, and behaviors and models of smoking. All of the 4 domains in the model also had a direct effect on adolescent smoking behavior. The findings suggest 4 possible targets of therapeutic or preventive intervention with regard to adolescent smoking: ethnic factors; the individual’s sense of well-being; personality, attitudes, and behaviors; and smoking within the peer group. This research was supported by Research Scientist Award DA 00244 to Judith S. Brook from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health, and grant TW 05391 to David W. Brook, from the Fogarty International Center.  相似文献   

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