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Summary SNQ1 gene function is required for the expression of resistance to 4NQO in wild-type yeast. The sequence of a 3.7 kb yeast DNA containing the gene SNQ1 was determined. The SNQ1 gene consists of an open reading frame of 1641 bp and encodes, according to the hydrophobicity analysis of the putative protein, a transmembrane protein of 547 amino acids. Homology searches in yeast genome databanks revealed a 100% sequence homology with gene ATR1 which controls resistance to aminotriazole in S. cerevisiae. Pre-treatment of wild-type yeast, but not of snq1-0::LEU2 disruption mutants, with sublethal doses of aminotriazole induced hyper-resistance to 4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide. Partial deletion of the nucleotide sequence coding for a putative ATP-binding site has no, or little, influence on resistance to 4NQO whereas total deletion of the region coding for this ATP-binding domain leads to 4NQO-sensitive nullmutants.Abbreviation 4NQO 4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide - aminotriazole 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole - HYR hyper-resistance  相似文献   

Summary The STA2 (glucoamylase) gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been mapped close to the end of the left arm of chromosome II. Meiotic analysis of a cross between a haploid strain containing STA2, and another strain carrying the melibiase gene MEL1 (which is known to be at the end of the left arm of chromosome II) produced parental ditype tetrads only. Since there is no significant DNA sequence similarity between the STA2 and MEL1 genes, or their respective flanking regions, we conclude that these two genes are carried by separate non-hybridizing sequences of chromosomal DNA, either of which can reside at the end of the left arm of chromosome II. By analogy with the mating-type locus of Neurospora crassa, we suggest that the STA2 and MEL1 genes are idiomorphs with respect to one another.  相似文献   

Summary The formation and removal of formaldehyde-mediated DNA protein cross-linking was measured by CsCI density gradient analysis in yeast strains of differing resistance to formaldehyde. Wild-type cells and transformants made hyperresistant to formaldehyde by a multi-copy vector containing the yeast SFA gene were specifically labeled in their DNA and incubated in the presence of formaldehyde. Treatment with formaldehyde lead to the formation of equal amounts of DNA protein cross-links; subsequent liquid holding of cells for 24 h resulted in the removal of nearly all DNA protein crosslinks regardless of the original formaldehyde resistance status of the strains.  相似文献   

Summary We have used the 2 mapping method described by Falco and Botstein (1983) and tetrad analysis to map four ribosomal protein genes (two linked pairs) in S. cerevisiae. One pair (rp28–rp55 copy 1) is on chromosome XV, 14 cM proximal to ARG8. The other pair (rp55–rp28 copy 2) is 19 cM from the centromere on the left arm of chromosome XIV. To map copy 1 we used the E. coli -galactosidase gene rather than a yeast gene to mark the ribosomal protein chromosomal locus. This provided a more sensitive color screening assay for chromosome loss in the 2 method. It also removed the restriction that the mapping tester strains must be mutant for the plasmid marker.  相似文献   

Summary Ten dominant omnipotent suppressors of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which were previously shown to be different from SUP46, have been examined. Nine are mapped in a region between lys5 and cyh2 on the left arm of chromosome VII. These suppressors, like SUP46, manifest sensitivity to increased temperature and the antibiotics paromomycin and hygromycin B. In addition, they have an identical action spectrum. These results strongly suggest that they are allelic to each other and they are designated SUP138. The tenth is mapped to a position between his1 and arg6 on the right arm of chromosome V. This suppressor, named SUP139, does not manifest temperature sensitivity nor antibiotic sensitivity. SUP139 and SUP138, which are clearly distinguished by means of action spectrum, act on much fewer nonsense mutations than SUP46. It is now clear that dominant omnipotent suppressors arising at a single locus are homogeneous and that their efficiency is locus-dependent. The order of efficiency is SUP46>SUP138>SUP139.  相似文献   

Summary By hybridization with a putative MAL2p regulatory sequence we have identified a 19 kb long BamH1 DNA fragment to contain the MALp sequence in a MAL4 strain. A mixture of recombinant plasmids was prepared by ligation of purified 19 kb BamH1 fragments partially digested with Sau3A into the multicopy vector YEp1357. The source of DNA was a strain carrying the MAL4 locus. Yeast maltose non-fermenting strains were transformed with the plasmid mixture. A recombinant plasmid, pRM-4, containing the MAL4p regulatory gene was isolated that complements the maltose-negative phenotype. The plasmid was shown to confer the ability to synthesize maltase to recipient strains grown under inducing as well as under repressing conditions.The MAL4p regulatory sequence cloned was used as a probe in hybridization experiments to study the degrees of homology between the different MAL regulatory genes. The results showed that the sequence from MAL4 strains is strongly homologous to that of MAL3 strains whereas it shows significant differences to the ones of MAL1 and MAL2 strains.Southern analysis of the segregants of crosses between maltose-positive strains and ma10 strains allowed us to localize the maltase regulatory sequence of each MAL locus within a characteristic BamH1 fragment of genomic DNA hybridizing to the isolated sequence.  相似文献   

Summary A screening of haploid yeast strains for enhanced resistance to nitrogen mustard (HN2) yielded a recessive mutant allele, hnm1, that conferred hyper-resistance (HYR) to HN2. Diploids, homo- or heterozygous for the HNM1 locus, exhibit normal wild-type like resistance while homozygosity for hnm1 leads to the phenotype HYR to HN2. The hnm1 mutation could be found in yeast strains proficient or deficient in different DNA repair systems. In these mostly HN2-sensitive haploid repair-deficient mutants, hnm1 acted as a partial suppressor of HN2 sensitivity. All isolated recessive mutations conferring hyper-resistance belonged to a single complementations group. The HYR to HN2 phenotype was maximally expressed in growing cells and was associated with reduced mutability by HN2. HNM1 most probably controls uptake of HN2 which would be impaired in the hnm1 mutants.  相似文献   

Primary gene amplification, i.e., mutation from one gene copy to multiple gene copies per genome, is important in genomic evolution, as a means of producing anti-cancer drug resistance, and is associated with the progression of tumor malignancy. Primary amplification has not been studied in normal eukaryotic cells because amplifications are extremely rare in these cells. A system has been developed to phenotypically identify co-amplifications of the ADH4 and CUP1 genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and 21 independent spontaneous amplifications have been isolated.  相似文献   

Summary Mutant strains, resistant against the amino acid analogues 5-methyltryptophan, 5-fluorotryptophan and canavanine were isolated, starting with a trp2 leaky auxotrophic strain. Of 10 such strains, only four turned out to be of the general control derepressed (gcd) mutant type. Three other isolates were shown to be defective in the general amino acid permease system, while the remaining three strains displayed low spore viability and were not further investigated. Complementation tests amongst the four new gcd-mutant strains, including strain RH558 gcd2-1 isolated earlier, yielded five complementation groups: GCD2, GCD3, GCD4, GCD5, and GCD6. All mutant strains showed a dual phenotype, which was not separable by wild type backcrosses: constitutive derepression and slow growth. Epistatis of all gcd mutations over gcn1-1, gcn2-1 and gcn3-1 was found with respect to both phenotypes, except for gcd5-1, which was lethal in these combinations. On the other hand gcn4-101 was found to be epistatic over all gcd mutations, but only with respect to the constitutive derepression phenotype, and not to slow growth; again the combination with gcd5-1 was lethal. Mutation gcd2-1 was mapped on chromosome VII, 50 cM from leu1 and 22 cM from ade6. A new model is discussed, in which GCD-genes are involved in the amino acid uptake into the vacuoles.  相似文献   

Summary Six unlinked loci for invertase structural genes are known in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae: SUC1-SUC5 and SUC7. These genes are similar in structure and expression but not identical. Different yeast strains possess none, one or several of these genes.We have isolated the genes SUC1-SUC5, subcloned them into the multicopy vector YEp24 and compared the expression of the five SUC genes in one recipient strain. SUC2 was isolated by transformation of a suc0 strain with a gene pool and complementation to sucrose fermentation. SUC4 was cloned from a minipool of chromosomal fragments which were shown to contain SUC4 by Southern hybridization. SUC1, SUC3 and SUC5 were isolated using the method of plasmid eviction. A plasmid containing regions flanking SUC4 was integrated next to these SUC genes. The plasmid together with the SUC genes were then cut out of the chromosome using an appropriate restriction endonuclease.The length of chromosomal DNA fragments containing the different SUC genes were 4.8 kb for SUC1, 5.2 kb for SUC2, 4.8 kb for SUC3, 12.8 kb for SUC4 and 17.2 kb for SUC5.Fragments containing the complete SUC genes and the sequences controlling their expression were subcloned into YEp24 and transformed into a strain without any active invertase gene. Invertase activity of transformants was measured after growth repressing (8% glucose) and derepressing (2% raffinose) conditions. As expected from results with strains carrying the individual SUC genes in a chromosomal location, the SUC genes were expressed to a different extent.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Fritz Kaudewitz on the occasion of his 65th birthdayThis work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Summary The gene FUR4, coding for the uracil permease in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was mapped on chromosome II, at a distance of 7.8 cM from the centromere on the right arm of the chromosome. In a first step, we used the chromosome loss mapping method developed by Falco and Botstein (1983) to determine on which chromosome the gene mapped. After the observation that FUR4 was closely linked to GAL10, one of the three genes forming the gal cluster (Bassel and Mortimer 1971), we could determine precisely the position of the gene on chromosome II.  相似文献   

Summary A novel type of regulatory mutation for galactose metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is described. The mutation named gal11 was recessive, non-allelic to GAL4, GAL80, GAL2, or GAL3, and unlinked to the gene cluster of GAL1, GAL10, and GAL7. It caused a coordinate reduction of galactokinase, galactose-1-P uridylyl transferase, and UDP-glucose 4-epimerase by a factor of more than 5, rendering the mutant cells galactose-nonfermenting. The effect of the mutation was manifested not only in cells grown on galactose but also in cells constitutively synthesizing the galactose-metabolizing enzymes.This work was supported in part by a grant (Project No. 410712) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science or Japan  相似文献   

Summary A diploid strain of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been constructed that has one copy of the ribosomal protein gene CYH2 completely deleted and replaced with the TRP1 gene using the method of Rothstein (1983). There are only small differences in growth rate and no detectable difference in steady state level of CYH2 mRNA between the diploid that is heterozygous for the CYH2 deletion and the parent diploid with two normal copies of this gene. This suggests that the diploid must partially compensate for the loss of one CYH2 gene. Tetrad dissection shows that haploid spores lacking the CYH2 gene cannot germinate. The lethality of this deletion can be rescued by a CYH2 cDNA on a low copy vector. Haploids which lack the genomic copy of the CYH2 gene, but contain a plasmid copy of the CYH2 cDNA are able to grow normally. These CYH2 deleted yeast haploids should be useful to analyze mutationally altered CYH2 genes and genes homologous to CYH2 from other organisms without interference from a genomic copy.  相似文献   

Summary In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, two nuclear pleiotropic drug resistance mutations pdr3-1 (former designation muc PR) and pdr3-2 (former designation DRI9/T7) have been selected as resistant to mucidin and as resistant to chloramphenicol plus cycloheximide, respectively. The pdr3 mutations were found not to affect the plasma membrane ATPase activity measured in a crude membrane fraction. Meiotic mapping using strains with standard genetic markers revealed that mutation pdr3-1 is centromere linked on the left arm of chromosome II at a distance of 5.9 ± 3.3 cM from its centromere and 11.6 ± 3.1 cM from the marker pet9. The centromere linked pdr3-2 mutation exhibited also genetic linkage to pet9 with a map distance of 9.8 ± 3.2 cM. These results indicate that pdr3-1 and pdr3-2 are alleles of the same pleiotropic drug resistance locus PDR3 which is involved in the control of the plasma membrane permeability in yeast.  相似文献   

The PEL1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is essential for the cell viability of mitochondrial petite mutants, for the ability to utilize glycerol and ethanol on synthetic medium, and for cell growth at higher temperatures. By tetrad analysis the gene was assigned to chromosome III, centromere proximal of LEU2. The PEL1 gene has been isolated and cloned by the complementation of a pel1 mutation. The molecular analysis of the chromosomal insert carrying PEL1 revealed that this gene corresponds to the YCL4W open reading frame on the complete DNA sequence of chromosome III. The putative Pel1 protein is characterized by a low molecular weight of approximately 17 kDa, a low codon adaptation index, and a high leucine content.  相似文献   

Summary A DNA fragment containing the CYS4 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was isolated from a genomic library. The cloned fragment hybridized to the transverse-alternating-field-electrophoresis band corresponding to chromosomes VII and XV. According to the 2 m DNA chromosome-loss procedure, the cys2 and cys4 mutations, which are linked together and co-operatively confer cysteine dependence, were assigned to chromosome VII. By further mapping involving tetrad analysis, the cys2-cys4 pair was localized between SUP77 (SUP166) and ade3 on the right arm of chromosome VII.  相似文献   

Summary The plasmid pSC4 which carries a 7.8 kb yeast DNA insert at the BamHI site of the Vector YEp13, complemented simultaneously MO-59-13c lys4, LU75 1ys15 and LU32 lys4lys15 (double) mutations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The 1.9 kb BamHl-XbaI DNA insert of the subclone pS051 complemented the LU75 lys15 mutation. The 2.8 kb XhoI-XhoI DNA insert of the pS052 subclone, like pSC4, complemented all three mutations. The 1.9 kb BamHI-XbaI DNA and the 2.8 kb XhoI-XhoI DNA were 100 bp apart in the pSC4 DNA insert and exhibited no homology with each other upon Southern hybridization. The 1.9 kb BamHI-XbaI DNA insert exhibited homology with the pSC4 and pS051 DNA as well as the genomic DNA of MO-59-13c lys4, LU75 lys15, LU32 lys4lys15, and RC1 (LYS) when digested with appropriate restriction enzymes. The 2.8 kb Xhol-XhoI DNA insert exhibited homology with the pSC4 and pS052 DNA as well as MO-59-13c lys4, LU75 lys15, LU32 lys4lys15, and RC1 (LYS) genomic DNA, when digested with XhoI enzyme. The 2.8 kb DNA probe also hybridized with ply(A)+ RNA from RC1 and lys4 transformant but not that from. MO-59-13c lys4 mutant.  相似文献   

Summary We have identified a mutant strain of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae which overproduces killer toxin. This strain contains a single mutation which fails to complement defects in both the SKI3 and SKI5 genes, while a cloned copy of this gene complements both the ski3 and ski5 defects. The level of secreted toxin from a cDNA based plasmid is not increased in a ski3 strain, showing that the overproduction phenotype is dependent upon an increased level of M1 dsRNA.  相似文献   

A cDNA coding for glucoamylase P of Hormoconis resinae was cloned using a synthetic oligonucleotide probe coding for a peptide fragment of the purified enzyme and polyclonal anti-glucoamylase antibodies. Nucleotide-sequence analysis revealed an open reading frame of 1848 base pairs coding for a protein of 616 amino-acid residues. Comparison with other fungal glucoamylase amino-acid sequences showed homologies of 37–48%. The glucoamylase cDNA, when introduced into Saccharomyces cerevisiae under the control of the yeast ADC1 promoter, directed the secretion of active glucoamylase P into the growth medium.  相似文献   

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