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BACKGROUND: Despite the widespread proliferation of consumer health information provision, little is known about information needs or information-seeking behaviour in mental health. A qualitative study was therefore undertaken to explore these issues for mental health service users. DESIGN: In-depth interview study with purposive sample of 36 men and women with experience of mental health problems. RESULTS: Four main themes were identified. A general lack of information was equated with a lack of respect. People undertook their own research into their condition, and recognized the challenge to professionals. Stigma was widespread and inhibited information seeking. There was a desire for an explanation of mental health problems in physical terms. People particularly valued hearing other people's experience of mental health problems, for reasons of universality, instillation of hope, and understanding and empathy. CONCLUSIONS: The findings provide support for a more equal partnership between patients and professionals. Information providers and health practitioners should take account of the value of other people's experience as an information source.  相似文献   

When research involves people, ethics are fundamental. In the health and social sciences, when qualitative methodologies are used, in addition to ensuring an ethical process approved by the ethics review board, it is also necessary to guarantee an ethical practice capable of responding adequately to the complex questions and dilemmas which arise as the study progresses. This theoretical article analyses some of the most sensitive issues involved in qualitative research and discusses the following questions: (a) How should ethics be approached when working with vulnerable groups? (b) Is informed consent enough? (c) Should we rethink anonymity? (d) What is the difference between confidentiality and anonymity? (e) What exactly do we mean by relational ethics? (f) How can we avoid hurting people, yet remain honest? In the conclusions, we discuss some basic aspects for ensuring ethical studies. This paper, therefore, may be of interest to all health and social researchers concerned about ensuring that their studies comply with ethical principles which recognise, protect and respect participants’ rights.  相似文献   

Reflective supervision has been promoted as essential to the practice of infant and early childhood mental health. The authors employed a qualitative program evaluation of a four-month reflective supervision training, using focus groups with 34 supervisors from 26 publicly funded infant and early childhood mental health programs. Participants reported the training to be effective and impactful, particularly experiential components. Barriers to implementation included lack of buy-in from administrators, isolation when others in the agency were not familiar with the model, and job demands. Recommendations include adding a collective participation approach to training within agencies to support dissemination and sustainability.  相似文献   

Evidence is unequivocal: the premature death of people with severe mental health problems is attributable primarily to cardiovascular disease, and healthcare provided is often suboptimal. With the overarching aim of improving outcomes, policies and guidelines oblige mental health services and psychiatrists to monitor cardio‐metabolic health of patients and intervene as appropriate. Practice is highly variable; however, with ongoing debate about resourcing and responsibilities dominated by clinicians who have identified disinterest among patients as influencing practice. Seeking to balance discussion, we posed the question ‘what do patients experience and expect of mental health services in relation to their physical health?’ To answer it, we interviewed a convenience sample of 40 service users recruited from a mental health service in Australia, early in 2015. Data were analysed using the framework approach. With few regarding themselves as healthy, participants were commonly concerned about side effects of medication, weight and fitness but rarely mentioned tobacco smoking. Participants’ accounts reinforce extensive research demonstrating variability in attention to physical health in mental health services. Reports by some participants of comprehensive care are encouraging, but widespread uncertainty about reasons for various assessments and denial of requests for management of medication side effects, including weight gain, gives cause for concern. Although participants in this study wanted to improve their health and health‐related quality of life, they acknowledged that their motivation and ability to do so fluctuated with mental health. They expected clinicians to work proactively, especially when symptoms compromised capacity for self‐care, and mental health services to provide or enable access to health‐promoting interventions. Attention should be given, as a matter of priority, to creating conditions (culture and infrastructure) needed to support sustained attention to physical health within services and, importantly, to full engagement of service users in management of their physical health.  相似文献   

西方学校心理健康教育呈现出目标清晰、领域广泛、依托载体多样、方法独特有效、人才培养科学、资格认证规范、组织机构发展迅速和监督管理严格等最新进展。在急剧变化和迅速发展的现代社会情境下,学生成长的环境日趋复杂,其心理素质状况越来越令人担忧,因此借鉴西方学校心理健康教育的最新发展,对于现阶段加强学校心理健康教育具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

The National Service Framework for Mental Health (1999) emphasizes the need for a culture of evidence-based practice (EBP) in mental health care. However, there is relatively little research addressing EBP from the perspective of community mental health nurses and we are still unsure of why the uptake of this style of working has been slow. This paper suggests that rather than thinking in terms of 'barriers' to the uptake of EBP, the issue may best be conceptualized as a form of praxis on the part of nurses, as they seek to manage the diversity of ideologies and practices in their working lives. From an interview and focus group study, we identify how practitioners' narrow definition of EBP itself, their formulation of how EBP was at odds with the nurse's professional activity and the organizational constraints within which they work were perceived to inhibit access to information and offer little time and managerial support for information seeking. Those who attempt to further the involvement of community mental health staff in EBP will have to reconceptualize the reasons why staff have yet to incorporate it fully, and acknowledge that this does not occur because staff are simply 'ignorant Luddites', but that this resistance enables them to retain a sense of control over their working lives and retain a focus on work with clients. Future EBP initiatives will have to address these ideological and organizational factors in order for uptake to be accelerated. This may involve changing organizational cultures and work roles and even encouraging activism on the part of the practitioners so as to enable them to learn from each other and educate and change their work environments.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe Family Connections™ (FC) program is a 12‐week support and skill‐training program for caregivers of youth with mental health challenges. The intervention was originally developed with a focus on borderline personality disorder (BPD). It is important to understand the experiences of caregivers in such interventions, as well as its applicability beyond BPD, for the purposes of evaluation and ongoing program improvement.ObjectiveTo explore and analyse the experiences of caregivers of youth with diverse mental health challenges and who participated in FC.DesignSemi‐structured interviews with thirteen FC‐participating caregivers of youth with mental health challenges.ResultsThematic analysis uncovered three major themes regarding caregivers'' experience with FC: (a) FC increased the caregivers'' ability to manage their youth''s mental health challenges; (b) participating in FC impacted their intra‐ and interpersonal spheres; and (c) improvements to the program were proposed. Following participation in FC, caregivers felt they learned a new approach to understanding themselves, their youth and mental health, and were better able to manage their youth''s mental health challenges.Discussion and conclusionFC is a promising intervention for caregivers of youth with mental health challenges, beyond the traditional BPD focus. The intervention has the potential to provide broad‐based benefits for caregivers and should be considered for implementation and scale‐up across youth‐ and caregiver‐serving organizations. Potential areas of intervention flexibility and improvement are discussed.Patient/public contributionCaregivers were involved in the program development and facilitation of FC. A person with lived experience was involved with the analysis.  相似文献   

One in five young adults (aged 18–25 years) in the United States experiences a past year mental disorder, commonly including depression or anxiety. Yet, 1.5 million each year do not receive needed mental health services and are unlikely, in general, to seek formal mental healthcare. We aimed to inform the development of a novel programme for young adult mental health by first eliciting their positive and negative prior experiences with mental health providers. Four focus groups with 19 young adults (aged 19–26 years) recruited from the community and with moderate to severe depression and/or anxiety were conducted in 2018 in a western US state. Participants’ prior experiences with services/providers were elicited along six pre‐defined recovery‐related concepts: feeling listened to and validated, inclusivity, full information and consent, hope and optimism, connectedness, and change. Focus groups were audio‐recorded, transcribed verbatim and uploaded into NVivo version 12 software. Two independent coders used deductive thematic analysis to identify patterned responses. Feeling listened to and validated appeared as a cornerstone of other recovery concepts. Participants discussed past negative experiences with psychiatrists and regret for being put on medications in their teenage years without information or options. Hope and optimism were low because of a general focus by professionals to address immediate symptom‐based issues, rather than on improving their overall lives. Service providers’ focus on medication‐taking, and other one‐size‐fits‐all tools, was interpreted as lacking a sincere desire to help. Young adults were particularly sensitive to inauthentic interactions and superficial strategies, which left them craving care that incorporated their whole lives, acknowledged biopsychosocial interconnections and prioritised improving their lives over ‘feeling better’ in a given moment. Mental health providers should consider developing programmes that shift focus away from an exclusively medical understanding of distress and towards holistic, educational or relational approaches that value body, mind, self‐exploration and authentic connection.  相似文献   

Objective : This study explored the impact of separation from family members on the mental health and wellbeing of Sudanese refugees in Australia, and the coping strategies used. Methods : In‐depth interviews were conducted with Sudanese community representatives and health workers, primary and mental health care practitioners, health service managers and policy makers. Interviews were analysed using thematic analysis. Results : Separation was perceived as having a negative impact on the mental health of Sudanese refugees in Australia, and manifested in concern about the safety of relatives abroad and in changing roles. The pressure to send money home emerged as a high priority for Sudanese refugees, often superseding local concerns. Several strategies were used to bridge the separation gap, including maintaining contact through the use of information communication technologies, and family‐reunification. Conclusions : Separation from family can be an ongoing source of stress and sadness among refugees in countries such as Australia. While resettling refugees are actively taking steps to cope with the impact of separation, awareness of the issue in mainstream services appears to be low. Implications : Separation from family continues to affect refugees’ lives in countries of resettlement. While it may be difficult to alter the course of the monumental circumstances that cause forced migration, service providers can support refugees’ coping abilities by understanding these global‐local intersections.  相似文献   

Although the police play an important role for people with mental health problems in the community, little is known about joint working practices between mental health, social care and police services. There is potential for tensions and negative outcomes for people with mental health problems, in particular when the focus is on behaviours that could be interpreted as anti‐social. This study explores perceptions about joint working between mental health, social care and police services with regard to anti‐social behaviour. We conducted a multi‐method sequential qualitative study in the UK collecting data between April 2014 and August 2016. Data were collected from two study sites: 60 narrative police logs of routinely gathered information, and semi‐structured interviews and focus groups with professionals from a range of statutory and third sector organisations (N = 55). Data sets were analysed individually, using thematic iterative coding before integrating the findings. We also looked at sequencing and turning points in the police logs. Findings mapped on a continuum of joint working practices, with examples more likely to be away from the policy ideal of partnership working as being central to mainstream activities. Joint working was driven by legal obligations and concerns about risk rather than a focus on the needs of a person with mental health problems. This was complicated by different perceptions of the police role in mental health. Adding anti‐social behaviour to this mix intensified challenges as conceptualisation of the nature of the problem and agreeing on best practice and care is open to interpretations and judgements. Of concern is an evident lack of awareness of these issues. There is a need to reflect on joint working practices, including processes and goals, keeping in mind the health and welfare needs of people with mental health problems.  相似文献   

Over the last 20 years, a paternalistic view in health care has been losing ground. The question about less asymmetrical positions in the healthcare professional–patient relationship is, for example, being addressed by the increased emphasis on person‐centred care, promoted in disciplines such as medicine and nursing. Partnership is considered as a key component in person‐centred care. Although the previous studies have addressed the attributes inherent in partnership, there is still potential for further discussion on how the various interpretations of partnership influence their use in healthcare literature. A vague understanding might also affect education and evaluation. As we see it, the philosophical underpinnings of the idea of partnership have not been sufficiently explored and discussed. The study reveals that partnership originates in the term “partener” defined as a relationship between individuals or groups characterized by cooperation and responsibility. Etymologically speaking, partnership is hence bound by a contract, which in this study is discussed in the frame of Rawls’ contract theory, which in turn intersects with Benhabib and her distinction between “the abstract” and “the concrete Other.” Further, the expression “equal partnership,” which often appears in the context of person‐centredness, is explored in relation to the philosophies of Rawls and Benhabib. The opportunity for partnership, as well as the risk of partnership becoming a tempting magnet with a vague and imprecise meaning, is discussed. Without exploration, reflection and discussion of the philosophical underpinnings, partnership carries a substantial risk of becoming an indistinct idea used in health care.  相似文献   

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