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A case of intracoronal resorption in a recently erupted mandibular canine in an 11-year-old girl is presented. Possible aetiology and approaches to treatment of such lesions are discussed.  相似文献   

In the oral cavity, transmigration is defined as a tooth that crosses the mid-line by more than half its length. Following extensive literature review, it was found that, although well documented with respect to mandibular canines, there were only two publications detailing maxillary cuspid transmigration. This report presents a case of transmigration where the left maxillary canine gradually crossed the mid-line and migrated to the right side in a patient with hemifacial microsomia and cleft palate. The Mupparapu classification of the migratory pattern of the mandibular canines is discussed. Various clinical considerations, as well as guidelines for general practitioners to diagnose and manage such a condition, are also discussed.  相似文献   

This article presents a case of ectopic eruption of permanent teeth in the maxilla in the late mixed dentition. The authors advocate early diagnosis of ectopic eruption with a closer follow-up during the transition from primary to permanent dentition and space maintenance, as a way to avoid active orthodontic treatment for alignment ectopic erupted teeth.  相似文献   

Obstruction remains as an important cause of failure in the eruption of a tooth. In this article, a 15-year-old girl was presented with retained upper left primary canine (63) and first primary molar (64), while the contralateral permanent canine (13) and premolars (14 and 15) have erupted. Upon radiographic examination, a mass which was diagnosed later to be compound odontome was detected. The treatment consisted of surgical removal of the odontome, extraction of the primary canine (63) and left permanent canine (23), and transplantation of the permanent canine (23). The management of this case and the literature related to autotransplantation are discussed.  相似文献   

Unerupted primary teeth is very rare especially in the maxillary anterior teeth. A case of unerupted left maxillary Cuspid due to the presence of compound composite odontoma in a 10 years old female child is presented.  相似文献   

Management of an impacted canine often leads to an inadequate width of attached gingiva, which can be a possible risk for future gingival recession and associated complications. Uncovering a labially impacted maxillary canine can be performed by gingivectomy, apically positioned flap surgery, or a closed eruption technique. Choosing the right technique is sometimes confusing. The authors present a case that was managed by apically positioned flap surgery followed by orthodontic treatment.  相似文献   

The occurrence of supernumerary teeth is a relatively uncommon dental anomaly. The aetiology is not clear. Supernumerary teeth have frequently been observed as solitary teeth and impacted in the maxillary arch. This case report describes the rare presence of bilateral maxillary fourth molars and a supernumerary tooth in the maxillary canine region. On the left side, the third molar was extracted first, allowing the fourth molar to move into a more favourable position for later extraction. Two-year postoperative radiography confirmed that the supernumerary tooth had migrated occlusally and mesially permitting a safer extraction procedure.  相似文献   

A 13-year-old boy presented with clinical symptoms of periapical inflammation related to the right maxillary canine. A bizarre radiographic appearance of the root was considered suggestive of a compound odontome. Histological examination of the surgically extracted canine revealed a very rare variant of Oehlers' type 3 invagination. The invagination originated in a pit above the cingulum as a narrow coronal channel that opened into a large cavity inside the dilated root. The radicular part of the invagination contained all components of the attachment apparatus. The root canal and its apical foramen were slit-like and circular. Radiographic appearance of two roots separated by a wide interradicular area in a normally single-rooted tooth is indicative of this variant of type 3 invagination. Timely prophylactic treatment and follow-up or early endodontic treatment confined to the coronal channel are crucial to prevent pulp necrosis and consequent loss of the tooth.  相似文献   

This report describes the surgical and orthodontic management of a patient with a palatally impacted permanent maxillary canine. Following surgical exposure, orthodontic traction was applied to reposition the canine with resultant proper functioning, excellent esthetics, and good periodontal health.  相似文献   

An orthodontic-surgical treatment of a high labially impacted maxillary canine is described. The use of a transcoronal wire is recommended as a rapid and safe method to force the eruption of the unfavorable impacted canines. Minimal surgical exposure of the crown is necessary to place a transcoronal wire which can be easily inserted during surgery. Although the canine in the presented case was in an unfavorable position, and the root already formed, it was moved from its initial high position to occlusion in about one year with no loss of vitality and no periodontal anomalies.  相似文献   

Craniofacial osteomas may be located either superficially or intraosseously on any bone of the cranium or face or within a paranasal sinus. Osteomas within the paranasal sinus account for 0.01% to 0.43% of patients; of these, up to 80% occur in the frontal sinus. An osteoma of maxillary sinus is extremely rare. We describe a rare case of osteoma of a 56-year-old Asian woman in the maxillary sinus.  相似文献   

The maxillary canine has a long path of eruption, and the frequency of its impaction is second only to that of third molars. It usually impacts palatally or buccally, and the etiologies of these two types of impaction are quite different. This article highlights the importance of a meticulous radiographic examination and describes the surgical procedure used to treat a permanent maxillary canine impacted buccally to the lateral incisor but palatally to the central incisor.  相似文献   

The replacement of a single tooth with osseointegrated dental implants presents a unique challenge to both the prosthodontist and the surgeon. When anterior teeth are replaced, it is difficult to design an occlusal scheme that will direct forces down the long axis of an implant. This is especially true when the canine is involved. Wide-diameter implants offer advantages, such as increased surface area of implant to bone, stronger prosthetics, stronger implants, and less screw loosening or breakage when compared to standard-diameter implants. The single-stage technique is advantageous in terms of soft-tissue predictability, and it eliminates the need for second-stage surgery.  相似文献   

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