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The ovaries’ task in the hormonal cycle can be divided into an exocrine and endocrine function: Besides stimulating the maturation of oocytes, the ovaries control synthesis and excretion of hormones (predominantly estrogen and progesterone) while being subject to regulation by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Regarding the maturation process one of the most influential hormones is the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Estrogens (e.g., inhibins, activins, and follistatin), the luteinizing hormone (LH), and several growth factors also affect this process. Follicle maturation is considered to be a decisive mechanism in the life of pubescent women. This article deals with the course of follicle genesis, the consequent ovulation such as the synthesis of the yellow body and explains their function in the hormonal cycle. The information given will clarify the importance and need for further research on this topic.  相似文献   

Our growing understanding of the effects of estrogens in the central nervous system has helped to define the molecular correlate of estrogens’ weight-reducing effects. Numerous studies have documented a causal connection between excessive weight gain and estrogen deficiency not only in animal models but also in human patients. While obesity associated with estrogen deficiency in animal models arises from both increased food intake and decreased energy expenditure, the weight gain associated with the menopause in human patients appears to result mainly from a decrease in energy expenditure. Moreover, postmenopausal estrogen deficiency results in fat depot redistribution with subsequent visceral obesity, which is a major metabolic and cardiovascular risk factor. While clinical trials demonstrate unequivocally that hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal patients does not result in the frequently discussed additional excessive weight gain, it is not yet known for sure whether HRT can prevent menopause-associated weight gain and fat redistribution.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Endometrium k?nnen durch verschiedene Techniken β-adrenerge Rezeptoren nachgewiesen werden. Die Bindungsmaxima dieser Rezeptoren steigen ?strogenabh?ngig in der Proliferationsphase signifikant an werden progesteronabh?ngig in der Sekretionsphase reduziert.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die 11 ?-HSD k?nnte ein wichtiger intrazellul?rer Regulationsmechanismus sein, welcher bei der Glukokortikoidtherapie Beachtung finden sollte.  相似文献   

Conclusio Ein positiver Effekt auf die periphere Knochendichte zeigte sich bei der Gruppe mit früher Menarche, Parit?t (1–2 Kinder), eine kurze Stillzeit (unter 6 Monate) und eine Einnahme oraler Kontrazeptiva. Eine negative Auswirkung zeigte sich bei jenen Frauen mit einer relativ sp?ten Menarche (über 15 Jahre), einer Parit?t mit 4 und mehr Kinder, sowie einer Stillperiode, welche über einen Zeitraum von 6 Monaten hinausgeht.  相似文献   

During pregnancy physiological changes of the urinary tract occur due to hormonal and anatomical alterations. Dilatation of the upper urinary tract is the most important of these changes and causes an increased susceptibility for symptomatic urinary tract infections redulting from asymptomatic bacteriuria. Screening for asymptomatic bacteriuria and antibiotic treatment is therefore recommended. Symptomatic urinary tract infections are treated according to the results of urine cultures. The preferred antibiotics are penicillin, cephalosporin and fosfomycin trometamol. Stones in the urinary tract are treated with spasmoanalgetic medications. If there is no spontaneous stone passage after a reasonable time, uncontrollable pain or persistent fever, a ureteral stent or percutaneous nephrostomy tube are inserted. Functional or morphological abnormalities of the urinary tract can cause problems during pregnancy. The presence of a kidney transplant does not preclude a successful pregnancy; however in these cases an interdisciplinary approach is mandatory.  相似文献   

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