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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of sonographic guidance for therapeutic intra-articular sacroiliac joint injections in patients with sacroiliitis. METHODS: Thirty-four consecutive patients with sacroiliitis were enrolled in this study. The synovial portions of 60 sacroiliac joints received injections under sonographic guidance. For treatment, a mixture of a corticosteroid and a local anesthetic was injected intra-articularly. Fluoroscopic spot images were obtained to assess the accuracy of the sonographically guided technique. RESULTS: Of the 60 sonographically guided injections, 46 (76.7%) were successful (i.e., intra-articular), and 14 (23.3%) were missed. The successful intra-articular injection rate was 60% in the first 30 injections, and it gradually improved, reaching 93.5% in the last 30 injections. The mean procedure time was 9 minutes. CONCLUSIONS: Our initial experience suggests that sonographically guided therapeutic injections to sacroiliac joints could be valuable alternatives to other guidance modalities in patients with sacroiliitis. In the hands of experienced radiologists, this technique is safe, rapid, and reproducible.  相似文献   

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction: evaluation and management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sacroiliac joint dysfunction is believed to be a significant source of low back and posterior pelvic pain. METHODS: To assess the clinical presentation, diagnostic testing, and treatment options for sacroiliac joint dysfunction, a systematic literature review was performed using MEDLINE. RESULTS: Presently, there are no widely accepted guidelines in the literature for the diagnosis and treatment of sacroiliac instability. Establishing management guidelines for this disorder has been complicated by the large spectrum of different etiologic factors, the variability of patient history and clinical symptoms, limited availability of objective testing, and incomplete understanding of the biomechanics of the sacroiliac joint. CONCLUSIONS: A reliable examination technique to identify the sacroiliac joint as a source of low back pain seems to be pain relief following a radiologically guided injection of a local anaesthetic into the sacroiliac joint. Most patients respond to non-operative treatment. Patients who do not respond to non-operative treatment should be considered for operative sacroiliac joint stabilization.  相似文献   

背景:以往可单独使用的圆柱状螺纹融合器对腰椎原有稳定结构破坏较大,能引起腰椎不稳导致融合失败或者融合器移位,现有可扩张型融合器等微创化融合器单独应用于临床,设计原理基于尽量减少关节突关节的切除.目的:建立山羊侧后入路腰椎椎间融合模型,并评估单侧关节突切除对腰椎椎间融合器长期融合结果的影响.设计、时间及地点:随机对照动物实验,于2007-11/2008-05在武警江苏总队医院骨科动物实验室完成.材料:雄性山羊16只,体质量30~35 kg.山羊融合器设计为箱形体,长6 mm,宽4 mm,高3 mm,均采用医用钛合金材料,由上海市锐植医疗器械有限公司提供.方法:16只山羊以随机数字表法分为2组,每组8只.融合器1组:关节突小部分切除(<1/3);融合器2组:关节突部切除(>2/3),经腰椎侧后方入路行L45椎间融合术.主要观察指标:分别于造模后即刻及2,4,6个月摄正侧位X射线平片,造模后2,4,6个月CT观察融合器融合情况;6个月后处死动物组织学观察新生骨小梁及融合情况.结果:实验时2只山羊因损伤脊髓造成术后后肢功能障碍,但1个月后均恢复正常.①影像学检测造模后即刻各组融合器在椎间隙位置均良好;造模后2个月融合器1组融合器位置良好,而融合器2组有2例出现移位;造模后4个月融合器1组中融合器位置良好,其中4例部分融合,融合器2组中2例融合器明显移位,3例部分融合;造模后6个月融合器1组中融合器位置良好,6例完全融合,2例部分融合,融合器2组中3例融合器未融合或明显移位,3例部分融合,2例完全融合.②组织学观察融合器1组中大多有连续新生骨小梁形成;融合器2组中大多新生骨小梁稀疏间杂较多纤维组织.结果显示融合器1组比融合器2组有更好的椎间融合效果.结论:腰椎单侧关节突关节大部切除明显影响腰椎椎间融合器的融合率.  相似文献   

Although spinal epidural abscess is uncommon, its incidence is likely to rise with increasing use of epidural injections for the control of lower back pain. We report a case of spinal epidural abscess after epidural steroid injection. The abscess resolved with conservative medical management.  相似文献   

目的回顾性分析13例SAPHO综合征患者的骶髂关节MRI图像,旨在提高临床医师对此病的认识,提高诊断的准确性。材料与方法纳入2014年11月至2015年8月于北京协和医院就诊的13例伴骶髂关节受累的SAPHO综合征患者,其中女9例,男4例,平均年龄(45.9±8.9)岁,总结其骶髂关节病变的影像学特征。结果 13例患者中双侧骶髂关节受累者有11例,单侧者2例,因此,共24个骶髂关节受累。16个关节以骶骨侧病变为主,20个关节病变同时累及滑膜部和韧带部。一些骶髂关节邻近骨质出现异常MRI信号,包括骨髓水肿信号(16/24)、脂肪沉积信号(24/24)、骨质破坏(18/24)、骨质硬化(19/24)。关节间隙增宽者占8.3%(2/24),关节间隙狭窄者占16.7%(4/24),关节强直者占20.8%(5/24)。25%(6/24)的病变关节出现关节腔积液,8.3%(2/24)的病变关节出现周边软组织水肿。结论 SAPHO综合征患者的骶髂关节病变多为双侧受累、骶骨侧病变为主,且具有新老病灶并存的特点,较少引起关节强直。上述特征可从影像学上提示SAPHO综合征,结合患者的皮肤病变,综合评估做出诊断。  相似文献   

Pain is a widespread issue in the United States. Nine of 10 Americans regularly suffer from pain, and nearly every person will experience low back pain at one point in their lives. Undertreated or unrelieved pain costs more than $60 billion a year from decreased productivity, lost income, and medical expenses. The ability to diagnose and provide appropriate medical treatment is imperative. This case study examines a 23-year-old Active Duty woman who is preparing to be involuntarily released from military duty for an easily correctable medical condition. She has complained of chronic low back pain that radiates into her hip and down her leg since experiencing a work-related injury. She has been seen by numerous providers for the previous 11 months before being referred to the chronic pain clinic. Upon the first appointment to the chronic pain clinic, she has been diagnosed with sacroiliac joint dysfunction. This case study will demonstrate the importance of a quality lower back pain assessment.  相似文献   

骶髂关节损伤与血管的应用解剖学测量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
背景:骶髂关节部位骨折脱位可导致血管的严重损伤。目的:观察骶髂关节周围血管解剖学特征,明确各血管与周边组织的关系。设计、时间及地点:单一样本观察,于2007-10/2008-01在南通大学解剖教研室完成。材料:20具防腐成年尸体骨盆标本(南通大学解剖教研室提供),男16具,女4具,年龄在30~60岁。方法:40侧骨盆标本,依次选用不同的平面,采用前后双侧入路,观察血管的走行特点。主要观察指标:测量血管直径及到骨盆后壁的垂直距离。结果:①左侧髂总动脉距骨壁平均距离为(5.31±0.25)mm,右侧髂总动脉距骨壁平均距离为(5.47±0.23)mm。②髂外动脉自髂总动脉发出后于骶骨翼的前方向外下方走行,行程中于距起点(32.30±0.43)mm处斜跨骶髂关节的前方,其跨越骶髂关节处距骶髂关节的距离为(17.28±0.43)mm,于骶岬处距骶髂关节的距离分别为(2.20±0.21)cm和(2.95±0.25)cm。③髂内动脉左右侧口径无显著差别(P>0.05)。④左侧髂内动脉距骨壁距离大于右侧。⑤髂腰动脉至骨壁距离为(6.97±0.17)mm,小于10mm,距骨壁较近。结论:骶髂关节动脉解剖学特点决定了在骶髂关节骨折脱位中损伤的概率。根据测量结果可以得出:①骶髂关节脱位及骨折时,损伤髂总动脉的概率较小。②髂外动脉距骶髂关节的垂直距离较远,髂内动脉距骨壁距离较远,当发生骶髂关节部骨折时,骨折片直接刺伤血管的可能性较小。③髂内动脉距骶髂关节水平距离较小,故当发生骶髂关节脱位半骨盆移位时,有可能受到牵拉损伤。④骶外侧动脉距骨壁较近,所以骶骨I区骨折时易受损伤。⑤髂腰动脉至骨壁距离较近,故当发生骶髂关节脱位时半骨盆移位可能受到牵拉损伤。  相似文献   

Report by Jane Sholsberg, Medical Student
Checked by Rupert Jackson, Consultant  相似文献   

目的:对人类颈、腰椎关节突关节内“半月板样物”进行形态学和组织学研究。方法:对5具国人成年尸体福尔马林固定标本,2具成人新鲜尸体标本的脊柱颈、腰椎关节突关节。进行手术显微镜下的形态学和光学显微镜下的组织学研究。结果:7具尸体的所有颈椎和腰椎关节突关节内均存在有“半月板样物”。该结构为关节囊滑膜向关节腔内的延伸.充填关节腔的边缘空隙。组织学研究:其结构由滑膜、脂肪和纤维组织构成。在颈椎,自上而下,其结缔组织逐渐增加、变厚.有的深部有钙盐沉积。而在腰椎。所有“半月板样物”均较厚,底部可见大量致密结缔组织,并伴有多少不等的软骨化生和钙盐沉积。结论:在颈、腰椎的活动过程中。该关节内结构的存在可维持关节突关节的动态稳定性:“半月板样物”的厚度.软骨化生和钙化等。与该部位所受到的张力和应力有关;在病理状况下可能是一些临床表现.如“绞锁腰”和“绞锁颈”的病理学基础。  相似文献   

背景:腰椎关节突关节是脊柱后柱的重要结构,其固定与融合在腰椎后路手术被广泛应用.目的:阐述了各种腰椎关节突关节融合技术的优缺点和疗效.方法:应用计算机检索PubMed 数据库、CNKI 数据库中有关腰椎关节突关节融合方法的文献.结果与结论:传统的关节突关节融合方法为关节突关节V 形开槽,然后植入松质骨,不需要作大范围的剥离,创伤小,所需植骨量较少,融合率高,缺点是即刻的稳定性较差.经关节突关节螺钉固定联合横突间融合可以提高植骨融合率,但存在融合失败、术后症状缓解不明显、螺钉松动和断裂、硬膜撕裂、螺钉穿刺到椎管引起神经损伤等并发症.圆柱体嵌入椭圆体的融合器有利于融合器与关节面充分的接触,同时提高了融合器的稳定性和抗移位能力.目前对腰椎关节突关节融合的研究远没有对后外侧融合的研究那么充分,系统的生物力学研究和中远期临床疗效及并发症的研究有待深入研究.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In the medical literature, test procedures for sacroiliac joint diagnostics are viewed as controversial. The provocation tests are based on provoked sacroiliac pain, whereas the palpation tests examine the motion of the sacroiliac joint or describe the condition indirectly if limitation of the sacroiliac function is present. It must be presumed that the use of different test results in the detection of varying functional phenomena of a sacroiliac dysfunction or, alternatively, that identical effects of a dysfunction are evaluated in differing ways. OBJECTIVE: This article presents results with regard to the consistency of tests for sacroiliac joint dysfunctions carried out on participants from the building trade. DESIGN AND PARTICIPANTS: The consistency of the tests (standing flexion test, spine test, iliac compression test, iliac springing test) used in a cross-section investigation of a cohort of 480 male construction workers is presented. To evaluate the degree of consistency of the test procedure the percentage agreement and the kappa value, including a confidence interval of 95%, are given. RESULTS: The consistency between the iliac compression test and the three sacroiliac palpation tests could not be shown to be statistically significant. The consistency between the three palpation tests was moderate to good and the percentage agreement was acceptable (87.4%, 88.6%, 80.9%). CONCLUSIONS: It may be assumed that the palpation tests characterize the same dysfunction of the sacroiliac joint. Standing flexion test, spine test, and iliac springing test seem to be valuable tools for sacroiliac joint diagnostics.  相似文献   

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction and low back pain in school aged children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Back pain is known to be very common in adults, but the prevalence in children is unknown. Furthermore, the prevalence of sacroiliac dysfunction, and its relationship to back pain has not been previously studied. In this study, we found a high percentage of school aged children had sacroiliac dysfunction and low-back pain.  相似文献   

局部封闭治疗肱骨外上髁炎疗效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨肱骨外上髁炎局部封闭治疗的疗效。方法对39例肱骨外上髁炎病例进行局部肌筋膜内注射复方倍他米松注射液(封闭治疗),并结合4周肘部制动治疗。结果采用封闭治疗的39例均取得了满意疗效,优良率为94.9%,复发率为7.7%;与对照组相比差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论局部封闭治疗肱骨外上髁炎可取得较好疗效,为保守治疗肱骨外上髁炎的首选方法。  相似文献   

Current literature and a recent meta-analysis suggest a favorable role for corticosteroid injections in the nonoperative treatment of radiculopathy [70]. The superior results reported in recent literature may be attributable to precise fluoroscopically guided transforaminal placement of injectate close to the disc-nerve root interface and near the dorsal root ganglia, maximizing the therapeutic effect. The favorable results of corticosteroid injections in the treatment of radiculopathy caused by a focal disc herniation are consistent with the biochemical construct of radicular pain. The preliminary unfavorable results of therapeutic SNRB for radicular pain caused by epidural or intraneural fibrosis or occurring after trauma may relate to a biomechanical rather than a biochemical etiology. Outcomes for acquired cervical or lumbar spinal stenosis are intermediate compared with those observed for herniated discs and scarring or trauma. Such results may stem from the multifactorial origin of stenosis symptoms; they may develop from impaired venous flow, restricted neural glide, inflammation, or structural root injury. Better-designed studies that use strict inclusion criteria that stratify patients into categories according to the mechanism of injury (atraumatic versus traumatic), the presence or absence of neurologic deficits or imaging abnormalities, and prior treatment will provide the basis for evidence-based treatment decisions. Such an emphasis is just beginning and inevitably will occur. Until then, decisions have to be predicated on the limited and flawed work conducted to date [71]. Nevertheless, the information gleaned from these published reports provides valuable insight not available just a decade ago.  相似文献   

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