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Background Secretor (Se) and Lewis (Le) genes are involved in the synthesis of Lewis b (Leb) and type I antigens throughout the body, especially in the epithelial cells of gastric mucosa. Helicobacter pylori can attach to the gastric epithelial cells with the blood group antigen-binding adhesin, which binds to Leb or H type I carbohydrate structures. In a previous study, a marked association between H. pylori seropositivity and polymorphism of the Se and Le genes was observed among Japanese outpatients of a gastroenterology clinic. The present work aims to investigate the associations between Se and Le gene polymorphisms and H. pylori infection among Japanese-Brazilians.Methods The subjects consisted of 942 healthy volunteer Japanese-Brazilians, who were tested for the presence of anti-H. pylori IgG antibodies and genotyped for Se and Le polymorphisms.Results The sex-age-adjusted odds ratios (aORs) for H. pylori seropositivity were 0.99 for the Sese genotype relative to the SeSe genotype (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.73–1.33), and 1.03 for sese relative to SeSe (95% CI, 0.71–1.48). On the other hand, the aOR for the subjects with the le allele (Lele or lele) relative to the LeLe genotype was 1.48 (95% CI, 1.07–1.79). When the Se and Le genotypes were analyzed in combination according to risk group, no statistically significant association was observed.Conclusions These results are inconsistent with previous work and may have been modulated by an external factor or some other unidentified factor. Japanese-Brazilians are genotypically the same as Japanese, but their lifestyle is adapted to that of Brazil. Further investigations are necessary to clarify this influence on susceptibility to H. pylori infection.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine by meta-analysis whether polymorphisms of the gene encoding peptidylarginine deiminase 4 (PADI4) are associated with susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis (RA). A literature review was conducted to identify data sets that described analyses of genetic association between PADI4 polymorphisms and RA. Data sets were collated and a meta-analysis was performed, with a specific focus on associations within Caucasian and Asian populations. A total of 15,947 RA cases and 22,696 controls that were taken from 28 studies in 24 papers were included in this study. Meta-analysis showed a significant association between allele 2 of the PADI4_94 polymorphism and RA in the overall population (odds ratio [OR]?=?1.155, 95 % confidence interval [CI]?=?1.069–1.249, p?=?2.7?×?10?5). Stratification by ethnicity revealed an association between PADI4_94 allele 2 and RA in Asians (OR?=?1.273, 95 % CI?=?1.193–1.359, p?<?1.0?×?10?9), but not in Caucasians (OR?=?1.024, 95 % CI?=?0.973–1.078, p?=?0.358). However, meta-analysis using homozygote contrast showed an association between PADI4_94 allele 2 and RA in both Asians (OR?=?2.311, 95 % CI?=?1.1.858–2.875, p?<?1.0?×?10?9) and Caucasians (OR?=?1.523, 95 % CI?=?1.157–2.004, p?=?0.008). Meta-analysis also revealed an association between allele 2 of the PADI4_104 polymorphism and RA in both Asians (OR?=?1.547, 95 % CI?=?1.247–1.919, p?=?7.1?×?10?6) and Caucasians (OR?=?1.096, 95 % CI?=?1.025–1.172, p?=?0.008). Finally, meta-analysis showed an association between allele 2 of the PADI4_92 polymorphism and RA in Asians (OR?=?1.263, 95 % CI?=?1.153–1.384, p?=?5.8?×?10?8), but not in Caucasians (OR?=?1.123, 95 % CI?=?0.980–1.287, p?=?0.095). Meta-analysis indicated no association between allele 2 of either the PADI4_90 or PADI4_89 polymorphisms and RA in Asians. This meta-analysis revealed that the PADI4_94 and PADI_104 polymorphisms are associated with susceptibility to RA in Asians and Caucasians, and that the PADI4_92 polymorphism is associated with susceptibility to RA in Asians, but not in Caucasians.  相似文献   

We conducted a comprehensive meta-analysis with all available data on the association of allele and genotype of peptidylarginine deiminases 4 (PADI4) polymorphisms with RA overall and in each ethnic population to explore whether the PADI4 polymorphisms confer susceptibility to RA. Nine comparisons, three Asians and six Europeans, from eight studies were included in this meta-analysis. Overall meta-analysis shows a significant association of PADI4_94, 104 and 90 with RA (OR = 1.20, 1.17, 1.35, P = 0.001, <0.0001, 0.006, respectively). There was a significant association with all of the PADI4 polymorphisms with RA in people of Asian descent. However, there was no significant association of PADI4 polymorphisms with RA in people of European descent, except for PADI_94. The presence of 2/2 genotype of the PADI4 significantly increased the risk for RA in European populations (OR = 2.10, 95% CI, 1.66–2.66, P < 0.0001) without between-study heterogeneity (I 2 = 44.3, P = 0.15). In conclusion, this meta-analysis demonstrates that the PADI4 polymorphisms may represent a significant risk factor for RA in Asians and Europeans and may play a larger role in susceptibility to RA in Asian than in European populations. Further studies are needed to see if the PADI4 gene confers a risk of RA in other ethnic groups.  相似文献   

Apoptosis signals are necessary for maintaining homeostasis and an adequate immune response. Dysregulation of apoptosis-related genes in the immune system has an important impact on autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Thus, we investigated the association between Fas rs2234767 G/A, FasL rs763110 C/T, Bcl2 rs12454712 T/C, Bcl2 rs17757541 C/G, and Caspase-8 rs1035142 G/T polymorphisms and RA susceptibility in a Chinese population. These five single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were studied in a Chinese population consisting of 615 patients with RA and 839 controls. Genotyping was performed using a custom-by-design 48-Plex SNP scan TM kit. Furthermore, we undertook a meta-analysis between FasL rs763110 C/T and RA. This study indicated that Fas rs2234767 and Bcl2 rs17757541 polymorphisms were risk factors for RA. No association was observed between FasL rs763110 C/T, Bcl2 rs12454712 T/C, and Caspase-8 rs1035142 G/T polymorphisms and RA in this study. The results of this meta-analysis suggested no significant association between FasL rs763110 C/T and RA. However, stratification analysis of this meta-analysis indicated that FasL rs763110 C/T increased the risk of Caucasian RA patients. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that Fas rs2234767 G/A and Bcl2 rs17757541 T/C polymorphisms might be associated with an increased risk of RA. This meta-analysis revealed that FasL rs763110 C/T was associated with an increased risk of Caucasian RA patients.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether 11 polymorphisms of endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 1 (ERAP1) confer susceptibility to ankylosing spondylitis (AS). The authors conducted meta-analyses on associations between ERAP1 polymorphisms and AS susceptibility by using fixed and random effects models. A total of 19 articles were included in this meta-analysis, which comprised a total of 19,902 AS patients and 39,750 controls. The meta-analysis revealed a significant association between AS and the minor alleles of the rs30187 polymorphism in all study subjects (OR?=?1.255, 95 % CI?=?1.147–1.373, P?=?8.0?×?10?8). Stratification by ethnicity led to the identification of a significant association between this polymorphism and AS in European patients (OR?=?1.283, 95 % CI?=?1.237–1.331, P?<?1.0?×?10?9). Meta-analyses of the results for the rs27044, rs10050860, rs2287987, rs17482078, and rs26653 polymorphisms showed the same pattern that was found for rs30187. Interestingly, the rs27037 polymorphism was significantly associated with AS susceptibility in both European and Asian patients. Meta-analysis showed a significant association between AS and the minor alleles of the rs27980 and rs27582 polymorphisms in the East Asian patients (OR?=?0.904, 95 % CI?=?0.818–0.999, P?=?0.047; OR?=?0.871, 95 % CI?=?0.772–0.982, P?=?0.024, respectively) (Table 2). However, these polymorphisms have not been studied in Europeans. This meta-analysis shows that the ERAP1 polymorphisms are associated with the development of AS in Europeans and East Asians.  相似文献   



Accumulating evidences implicate the selenium-containing cytosolic glutathione peroxidase, GPx-1, as a determinant of cancer risk and a mediator of the chemopreventive properties of selenium. Since the identification of a well-characterized functional polymorphism named Pro198Leu (rs1050450 C>T) in GPx-1, abundant studies have evaluated the association between Pro198Leu polymorphism and tumor risk in diverse population. But, the available results are conflicting.  相似文献   

The process of aging is a hallmark of the natural life span of all organisms and individuals within a population show variability in the measures of age related performance. Longevity and the rate of aging are influenced by several factors such as genetics, nutrition, stress, and environment. Many studies have focused on the genes that impact aging and there is increasing evidence that epigenetic factors regulate these genes to control life span. Polycomb (PcG) and trithorax (trxG) protein complexes maintain the expression profiles of developmentally important genes and regulate many cellular processes. Here, we report that mutations of PcG and trxG members affect the process of aging in Drosophila melanogaster, with perturbations mostly associated with retardation in aging. We find that mutations in polycomb repressive complex (PRC1) components Pc and Su(z)2 increase fly survival. Using an inducible UAS-GAL4 system, we show that this effect is tissue-specific; knockdown in fat body, but not in muscle or brain tissues, enhances life span. We hypothesize that these two proteins influence life span via pathways independent of their PRC1 functions, with distinct effects on response to oxidative stress. Our observations highlight the role of global epigenetic regulators in determining life span.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the association between the polymorphism of transporters associated with antigen processing (TAP1/TAP2) genes and rheumatoid arthritis in Chinese patients. A total of 100 RA patients and 99 healthy control subjects were enrolled. Analyses with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based restrictions were used to identify the polymorphisms of the TAP1 and TAP2 genes, which were mapped on chromosome 6. There was a significant difference in the distribution of the TAP2 gene codon 565 polymorphism frequency between the RA patients and healthy control subjects (p<0.001). The odds ratio for the risk of the A allele in RA patients was 1.60 (95% CI: 0.82–2.92). No statistical associations in the distribution of the TAP1 gene polymorphism frequency were found between RA patients and controls. There were some physical links found between TAP1/TAP2 gene polymorphism loci. However, there was no linkage observed from TAP1/TAP2 gene polymorphisms and HLA-DRB1*04 between RA patients and healthy controls. We concluded that the TAP2 gene codon 565 A allele was associated with RA in Chinese patients in Taiwan. Individuals possessing the A allele had a higher incidence of RA. A lack of association of TAP1 gene polymorphisms between RA patients and healthy individuals was noted. The results of this study provide genetic evidence that TAP2 gene codon 565 polymorphism may play a role in RA.Abbreviations MHC Major histocompatibility - MS Multiple sclerosis - PCR Polymerase chain reaction - RA Rheumatoid arthritis - SNP Single nucleotide polymorphism  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Statine haben bei der Prävention von vaskulären Ereignissen einen sehr hohen Stellenwert. Als Wirkmechanismus wird primär die Senkung des LDL-Cholesterins gesehen. In den letzten Jahren konnten zudem diverse immunmodulatorische Wirkungen nachgewiesen werden, die in dieser Übersichtsarbeit diskutiert werden. Diese neuen Erkenntnisse haben dazu geführt, dass vom Deutschen Diabeteszentrum eine multizentrische Interventionsstudie begonnen wurde, bei der die beim frisch manifesten Typ-1-Diabetes noch vorhandene residuelle Insulinproduktion durch eine Therapie mit Atorvastatin erhalten werden soll.  相似文献   

Bone mineral density (BMD) can be measured by a variety of techniques at several skeletal sites. Once measured, the manufacturers’ software uses the BMD to calculate a T-score and/or Z-score. Both T-scores and Z-scores are derived by comparison to a reference population on a standard deviation scale. The recommended reference group for the T-score is a young gender-matched population at peak bone mass, while the Z-score should be derived from an age-matched reference population. T-scores and Z-scores are widely quoted in scientific publications on osteoporosis and BMD studies, and are the values used for DXA diagnostic criteria and current clinical guidelines for the management of osteoporosis. Errors in BMD measurement, differences in reference populations, and variations in calculation methods used, can all affect the actual T-score and Z-score value. Attempts to standardize these values have made considerable progress, but inconsistencies remain within and across BMD technologies. This can be a source of confusion for clinicians interpreting BMD results. A clear understanding of T-scores and Z-scores is essential for correct interpretation of BMD studies in clinical practice.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to conduct a meta-analysis to assess whether combined evidence shows associations between C677T and A1298C polymorphisms of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) and genetic susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis (RA). A total of 11 articles involving 20 comparisons were included, containing 12 comparisons for the MTHFR C677T polymorphism and 8 comparisons for the MTHFR A1298C polymorphism. Significant evidence was detected for the association of RA susceptibility with the MTHFR C677T polymorphism T allele under allelic contrast and dominant model in Asians (T versus C, OR = 1.300, 95 % CI = 1.104–1.531, p = 0.002; TT + CT versus CC, OR = 1.495, 95 % CI = 1.187–1.882, p = 0.001). Significant association between RA susceptibility and the MTHFR A1298C polymorphism A allele under recessive model was found in the overall meta-analysis (AA versus AC + CC, OR = 1.281, 95 % CI = 1.048–1.565, p = 0.016). Our meta-analysis results demonstrate that the MTHFR C677T polymorphism is involved in the genetic susceptibility of RA in Asians, and the MTHFR A1298C polymorphism is associated with genetic susceptibility to RA in the overall population. Given the paucity of studies, especially in non-Asian populations, further studies with larger sample sizes are required to elucidate the role of MTHFR polymorphisms in the genetic basis of RA in different ethnic populations.  相似文献   

Aims/hypothesis Variation within six novel genetic loci has been reported to confer risk of type 2 diabetes and may be associated with beta cell dysfunction. We investigated whether these polymorphisms are also associated with impaired proinsulin to insulin conversion. Methods We genotyped 1,065 German participants for single nucleotide polymorphisms rs7903146 in TCF7L2, rs7754840 in CDKAL1, rs7923837 and rs1111875 in HHEX, rs13266634 in SLC30A8, rs10811661 in CDKN2A/B and rs4402960 in IGF2BP2. All participants underwent an OGTT. Insulin, proinsulin and C-peptide concentrations were measured at 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 min during the OGTT. Insulin secretion was estimated from C-peptide or insulin levels during the OGTT using validated indices. We used the ratio proinsulin/insulin during the OGTT as indicator of proinsulin conversion. Results In our cohort, we confirmed the significant association of variants in TCF7L2, CDKAL1 and HHEX with reduced insulin secretion during the OGTT (p < 0.05 for all). Variation in SLC30A8, CDKN2A/B and IGF2BP2 was not associated with insulin secretion. The risk alleles of the variants in TCF7L2, CDKAL1 and SLC30A8 reduced proinsulin to insulin conversion (p < 0.05 for all), whereas the risk alleles in HHEX, CDKN2A/B and IGF2BP2 were not associated with reduced proinsulin to insulin conversion (p > 0.6). Conclusions/interpretation Diabetes-associated variants in TCF7L2 and CDKAL1 impair insulin secretion and conversion of proinsulin to insulin. However, both aspects of beta cell function are not necessarily linked, as impaired insulin secretion is specifically present in variants of HHEX and impaired proinsulin conversion is specifically present in a variant of SLC30A8. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorised users.  相似文献   

Purpose To detect the hMSH2, hMSH6 and hMLH1 DNA mismatch repair gene mutations and microsatellite instability in somatic colorectal cancer.Patients and methods The mutations of hMSH2, hMSH6, and hMLH1 genes, including microsatellite instability of BAT-26, BAT-40, D2S123, D5S346 and D17S250 were analyzed in 31 patients with colorectal.Results The results revealed that eight cases (25.8%) harbored mutations in DNA mismatch repair genes. Of these, five novel mutations including I237V in exon 4 of hMSH2, ins T at codon 1196 in exon 7 of hMSH6, and ins G at codon 154 in exon 6, N158H in exon 6, and del A at codon 257 in exon 9 of hMLH1 were identified. Moreover, several intronic polymorphisms, including c–g transversion at IVS-1 nt211 + 9 of hMSH2, del T in poly T track at IVS-6 nt3559-5, ATCT duplicate in IVS-7 nt 3642 + 35 and t–g transversion at IVS-10 nt4080 + 185 of hMSH6 were demonstrated in these patients. In addition, seven cases (22.5%) exhibited microsatellite instability (MSI).Conclusion These results suggested that the inactivation of DNA mismatch repair genes and microsatellite instability may play a minor role in somatic colorectal cancer development.  相似文献   


Purpose of review

BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers can be at increased cardiovascular risk. The goal of this review is to provide information about factors associated with increased cardiovascular risk, methods to prevent cardiovascular toxicities, and recommended screening guidelines.

Recent findings

BRCA1/2 mutation carriers who are diagnosed with cancer are often exposed to chemotherapy, chest radiotherapy, and/or HER2 directed therapies, all of which can be cardiotoxic. In addition, BRCA1/2 carriers often undergo prophylactic salpingoopherectomies, which may also increase cardiovascular risks.


Understanding the potential for increased cardiovascular risk in individuals with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation, as well as gold standard practices for prevention, detection, and treatment of cardiac concerns in this population, is important.

Interferon regulatory factor 5 (IRF5) is a member of IRF family which induce signaling pathways and are involved in modulation of cell growth, differentiation, apoptosis, and immune system activity. Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is an auto-inflammatory syndrome where the inflammatory markers are believed to play a fundamental role in its pathogenesis. In this study, we aimed to assess the association of IRF5 gene polymorphisms with susceptibility of JIA in Iranian population. Three IRF5 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (rs10954213 A/G, rs2004640 G/T, and rs3807306 G/T) were genotyped using TaqMan assays in 55 patients with JIA and 63 matched healthy individuals. The frequency of the IRF5 rs2004640 T allele was significantly higher (69 vs 45%, P value?=?0.0013) in JIA group as compared to control. The frequency of the IRF5 rs 2004640 G allele was significantly higher in the control group in comparison to JIA group (54 vs 32%, P value?=?0.001). Allele and genotype frequencies of the rs10954213 and rs3807306 did not show any significant difference between JIA and control group. IRF5 rs 2004640 T allele can be considered as a risk factor for the development of JIA and presence of rs 2004640 G may be act as protective factor.  相似文献   

Anisakis is a parasite of marine mammals that uses a great number of fish species as intermediate or paratenic hosts. It is common in commercially important marine fishes and its presence is of great concern for both human health and economic reasons. Horse mackerels (Trachurus trachurus) originated from the Northern Aegean Sea were examined for the presence of Anisakis spp. larvae. The prevalence of Anisakis spp. was found 98.8 %. The number of parasites was significantly related to the host’s length but was not related to the fish gender. The month of sampling affected the size of the fishes and consequently the number of parasites. The length of larvae was not related to the host’s length. The present study resulted in the design of a prediction model for the number of existing parasites in the fish by measuring only its Fixed Length.  相似文献   

Intellectual disability is a heterogeneous disease with many genes and mutations influencing the phenotype. Consanguineous families constitute a rich resource for the identification of rare variants causing autosomal recessive disease, due to the effects of inbreeding. Here, we examine three consanguineous Arab families, recruited in a quest to identify novel genes/mutations. All the families had multiple offspring with non-specific intellectual disability. We identified homozygosity (autozygosity) intervals in those families through SNP genotyping and whole exome sequencing, with variants filtered using Ingenuity Variant Analysis (IVA) software. The families showed heterogeneity and novel mutations in three different genes known to be associated with intellectual disability. These mutations were not found in 514 ethnically matched control chromosomes. p.G410C in WWOX, p.H530Y in RARS2, and p.I69F in C10orf2 are novel changes that affect protein function and could give new insights into the development and function of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

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