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BACKGROUND: Men who have sex with men (MSM) and who use drugs have shown high HIV risks in Europe, and the Americas. We investigated MSM-drug user demographics, HIV sexual and drug use risks and behaviors in Chiang Mai, northern Thailand to identify prevention targets. METHODS: A total of 2005 males aged 13 years and older were enrolled during inpatient drug treatment from 1999-2000 and assessed for HIV, hepatitis C virus (HCV), syphilis, and for demographics and risks by questionnaire. Data were analyzed using chi and multiple logistic regression to estimate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). RESULTS: Of 2005 males in treatment, 1752 (87.4%) had ever had sex, and 66 of 1752 (3.8%) reported ever having sex with another man; mostly Katoey (transgendered male) partners. MSM had higher HIV rates (OR, 2.32; 95% CI, 1.36-3.96) and were younger (P = 0.002); more likely to be Thai (P < 0.0001); better educated (P < 0.0001); had more lifetime sex partners (P < 0.0001), more female partners (P = 0.002), more female paid partners (P < 0.0001), and been paid for sex (P < 0.0001). MSM were more likely to have ever injected (P < 0.0001), sold drugs, been in prison, injected in prison, used heroin, and to have HCV (OR, 2.59; 95% CI, 1.55-4.34). CONCLUSIONS: Northern Thai MSM-drug users are at high HIV and HCV risk. In addition to sex risks with men, they have more sex with women and sex workers than other men, which fits Thai MSM patterns but not Western ones. Prevention must take into account their high rates of substance use and multiple partner types.  相似文献   

We examined HIV infection and estimated the population-attributable risk percentage (PAR%) for HIV associated fellatio among men who have sex with other men (MSM). Among 239 MSM who practised exclusively fellatio in the past 6 months, 50% had three partners, 98% unprotected; and 28% had an HIV-positive partner; no HIV was detected. PAR%, based on the number of fellatio partners, ranges from 0.10% for one partner to 0.31% for three partners. The risk of HIV attributable to fellatio is extremely low.  相似文献   

Epidemics of HIV in men who have sex with men (MSM) continue to expand in most countries. We sought to understand the epidemiological drivers of the global epidemic in MSM and why it continues unabated. We did a comprehensive review of available data for HIV prevalence, incidence, risk factors, and the molecular epidemiology of HIV in MSM from 2007 to 2011, and modelled the dynamics of HIV transmission with an agent-based simulation. Our findings show that the high probability of transmission per act through receptive anal intercourse has a central role in explaining the disproportionate disease burden in MSM. HIV can be transmitted through large MSM networks at great speed. Molecular epidemiological data show substantial clustering of HIV infections in MSM networks, and higher rates of dual-variant and multiple-variant HIV infection in MSM than in heterosexual people in the same populations. Prevention strategies that lower biological transmission and acquisition risks, such as approaches based on antiretrovirals, offer promise for controlling the expanding epidemic in MSM, but their potential effectiveness is limited by structural factors that contribute to low health-seeking behaviours in populations of MSM in many parts of the world.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a health department-based peer referral program for identifying previously undiagnosed cases of HIV among men who have sex with men (MSM). DESIGN AND METHODS: Between 2002 and 2005, 283 MSM peer recruiters were enrolled in a public health program in King County, Washington, USA. Peer recruiters were enrolled from a sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinic, an HIV clinic, via media advertisements and through collaboration with community-based organizations (CBO). The peer recruiters underwent a brief training and were then paid US$ 20 for each peer they referred to be tested for HIV, STD and viral hepatitis. Peers were paid US$ 20 for being tested. The main outcome measure was the number of new cases of HIV identified and cost per case of HIV identified. RESULTS: Recruiters referred 498 peers for HIV, STD and hepatitis testing. Among 438 peers not previously diagnosed with HIV, 22 (5%) were HIV positive, of whom 18 received their HIV test results. Other infections were variably prevalent among tested peers: gonorrhea [23/307 (8%)], chlamydia [6/285 (2%)], syphilis [1/445 (0.2%)], hepatitis C [61/198 (31%)], surface antigen positive hepatitis B [8/314 (3%)]. Excluding the costs of testing for viral hepatitis and STDs other than HIV, the cost per new HIV case identified was US$ 4929. During the same period, the cost per new case of HIV detected through bathhouse-based HIV testing and through the county's largest CBO-based HIV testing program were US$ 8250 and US$ 11 481, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Peer referral is an effective means of identifying new cases of HIV among MSM.  相似文献   

Among 976 men who have sex with men (MSM) who had undergone repeat HIV testing between 1984 and 2003 at a sexually transmitted infection clinic in Rome, Italy, we observed a dramatic increase in HIV incidence in 2002 and 2003, with the cumulative incidence for 2000-2003 being twice as high as that for 1984-1995, and significantly higher than that for 1996-1999. This trend suggests the need for interventions aimed at encouraging behavioural changes among MSM.  相似文献   

性网络与男男性行为人群的HIV传播   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
性网络是男男性行为人群(MSM)经性途径传播艾滋病病毒(HIV)的直接通道。网络分析方法可揭示性网络构成与个体感染HIV风险及与群体中HIV传播的动力学关系。为深入探讨MSM HIV传播风险,为预防干预定位提供信息,该文对性网络与MSMHIV传播关系的研究现况做一简要概述。  相似文献   

Risk factors for HIV infection among men who have sex with men   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
OBJECTIVES: Risk factors for HIV acquisition were examined in a recent cohort of men who have sex with men (MSM). DESIGN: A longitudinal analysis of 4295 HIV-negative MSM enrolled in a randomized behavioral intervention trial conducted in six US cities. METHODS: MSM were enrolled and assessed for HIV infection and risk behaviors semi-annually, up to 48 months. RESULTS: In multivariate analysis, men reporting four or more male sex partners, unprotected receptive anal intercourse with any HIV serostatus partners and unprotected insertive anal intercourse with HIV-positive partners were at increased risk of HIV infection, as were those reporting amphetamine or heavy alcohol use and alcohol or drug use before sex. Some depression symptoms and occurrence of gonorrhea also were independently associated with HIV infection. The attributable fractions of high number of male partners, use of alcohol or drugs before sex, and unprotected receptive anal intercourse with unknown status partners and the same with presumed negative partners accounted for 32.3, 29.0, 28.4 and 21.6% of infections, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The challenge is to develop strategies to identify men in need. Interventions are needed to help men reduce their number of sexual partners, occurrences of unprotected anal intercourse, alcohol or drug use before sex and address other mental health issues.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the proportion of new sexual partners potentially exposed to HIV from young MSM who disclosed being HIV-negative. DESIGN: Cross-sectional, observational study of men aged 23-29 years recruited from randomly sampled MSM-identified venues in six US cities. METHODS: Participants were interviewed and tested for HIV. Analyses were restricted to MSM who reported last testing HIV-negative and having one or more new partners in the prior 6 months. RESULTS: Of 1701 MSM who reported a total of 11 793 new partners, 1075 (63%) disclosed being HIV-negative to 4253 (36%) new partners before having sex with them for the first time. Of disclosers, 352 (33%) reported last testing HIV-negative > 1 year before their interview and 80 (7%) tested HIV-positive (HIV-infected unaware). By race, 24% of black, 5% of Hispanic, and 3% of white disclosers tested HIV-positive. Of the 4253 new partners, 296 (7%) were partners of the 80 HIV-infected unaware MSM. By race, 22% of new partners of black, 3% of new partners of Hispanic, and 4% of new partners of white MSM, were partners of HIV-infected unaware MSM who disclosed being HIV-negative. CONCLUSIONS: Many new sex partners may be unintentionally exposed to HIV from young MSM, particularly those who are black and who disclose being HIV-negative based on an earlier test. Young MSM should test for HIV more frequently and consistently use condoms with all partners unless they are in a mutually monogamous relationship in which both partners have tested HIV-negative at least 3 months since their last potential HIV exposure.  相似文献   

Men who have sex with men (MSM) have been substantially affected by HIV epidemics worldwide. Epidemics in MSM are re-emerging in many high-income countries and gaining greater recognition in many low-income and middle-income countries. Better HIV prevention strategies are urgently needed. Our review of HIV prevention strategies for MSM identified several important themes. At the beginning of the epidemic, stand-alone behavioural interventions mostly aimed to reduce unprotected anal intercourse, which, although somewhat efficacious, did not reduce HIV transmission. Biomedical prevention strategies reduce the incidence of HIV infection. Delivery of barrier and biomedical interventions with coordinated behavioural and structural strategies could optimise the effectiveness of prevention. Modelling suggests that, with sufficient coverage, available interventions are sufficient to avert at least a quarter of new HIV infections in MSM in diverse countries. Scale-up of HIV prevention programmes for MSM is difficult because of homophobia and bias, suboptimum access to HIV testing and care, and financial constraints.  相似文献   

目的通过使用第四代与第三代艾滋病病毒(HIV)抗体酶联免疫试剂检测结果及核酸检测结果的比较,评估其在天津市男性性行为人群(MSM)HIV感染筛查中的应用效果。方法对天津市某区自愿咨询检测点进行咨询检测的男男性行为人群用EDTA抗凝管采集血液样品,同时使用两代HIV抗体筛查试剂进行检测,阳性者进行确证检测,两种筛查试剂检测结果均为阴性的样品,采用集合核酸检测方法进行检测。结果共计检测MSM人群血液样本2 065份,共对87份样品进行了确证试验,1 978份HIV抗体筛查阴性样品经核酸检测,有1份集合样品呈阳性。HIV抗体确证试验为阴性和不确定的6份样品,进行单份核酸检测,有4份HIV-1RNA阳性,病毒载量检测结果均符合HIV急性感染特征。此次研究中的MSM人群HIV感染率为4.16%(86/2 065),95%可信区间3.34%~5.12%。发现5例HIV急性感染者,估计该人群年发病率为3.16%,95%可信区间1.01%~7.35%。使用第三代抗体试剂进行筛查时,总费用为148 360元,其敏感性为94.2%(81/86)、特异性为100%,发现HIV感染者的单位成本为1 832.6元。使用第四代抗体试剂进行筛查时,总费用为166 080元,其敏感性为98.8%(85/86)、特异性为99.9%(1 977/1 979),发现HIV感染者的单位成本为1 953.9元。结论此次研究估测该人群的HIV感染年发病率为1.01%~7.35%,提示其高危性行为程度较高。在该人群中,使用第四代试剂筛查时,HIV感染者发现数比使用第三代试剂增加4.9%,发现HIV感染者的单位成本增加6.2%,提示具有推广应用价值。  相似文献   

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