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Background: Development of indicators to measure health-care quality has progressed rapidly. This development has, however, rarely occurred in a systematic fashion, and some aspects of care have received more attention than others. The aim of this study is to identify and classify indicators currently in use to measure the quality of care provided by hospitals, and to identify gaps in current measurement.
Methods: A literature search was undertaken to identify indicator sets. Indicators were included if they related to hospital care and were clearly being collected and reported to an external body. A two-person independent review was undertaken to classify indicators according to aspects of care provision (structure, process or outcome), dimensions of quality (safety, effectiveness, efficiency, timeliness, patient-centredness and equity), and domain of application (hospital-wide, surgical and non-surgical clinical specialities).
Results: 383 discrete indicators were identified from 22 source organizations or projects. Of these, 27.2% were relevant hospital-wide, 26.1% to surgical patients and 46.7% to non-surgical specialities, departments or diseases. Cardiothoracic surgery, cardiology and mental health were the specialities with greatest coverage, while nine clinical specialities had fewer than three specific indicators. Processes of care were measured by 54.0% of indicators and outcomes by 38.9%. Safety and effectiveness were the domains most frequently represented, with relatively few indicators measuring the other dimensions.
Conclusion: Despite the large number of available indicators, significant gaps in measurement still exist. Development of indicators to address these gaps should be a priority. Work is also required to evaluate whether existing indicators measure what they purport to measure.  相似文献   

随着我国医疗体制改革的逐渐深化,医院的管理体制走进了新的阶段。在现代康复医院管理中绩效管理使用的得当与否,对医院的综合竞争力有着至关重要的作用。本文通过对绩效管理的含义及意义进行分析,探索绩效管理在实际应用中存在的问题,并针对现实问题提出针对性的解决措施和建议。  相似文献   

A world-wide revolution in thinking about public sector management has occurred in recent years, termed the ‘new public management’. It aims to improve the efficiency of service provision primarily through the introduction of market mechanisms into the public sector. The earliest form of marketization in developed countries has tended to be the introduction of competitive tendering and contracts for the provision of public services. In less wealthy countries, the language of contracting is heard with increasing frequency in discussions of health sector reform despite the lack of evidence of the virtues (or vices) of contracting in specific country settings. This paper examines the economic arguments for contracting district hospital care in two rather different settings in Southern Africa: in South Africa using private-for-profit providers, and in Zimbabwe using NGO (mission) providers. The South African study compared the performance of three ‘contractor’ hospitals with three government-run hospitals, analysing data on costs and quality. There were no significant differences in quality between the two sets of hospitals, but contractor hospitals provided care at significantly lower unit costs. However, the cost to the government of contracting was close to that of direct provision, indicating that the efficiency gains were captured almost entirely by the contractor. A crucial lesson from the study is the importance of developing government capacity to design and negotiate contracts that ensure the government is able to derive significant efficiency gains from contractual arrangements. In other parts of Africa, contracts for hospital care are more likely to be agreed with not-for-profit providers. The Zimbabwean study compared the performance of two government district hospitals with two district ‘designated’ mission hospitals. It found that the two mission hospitals delivered similar services to those of the two government hospitals but at substantially lower unit cost. The nature of the contract between government and missions was implicit rather than explicit and of long standing. On the whole the mission organizations felt the informal nature of the agreement was advantageous, though the government plans to introduce service contracts at district level with all hospitals, both government and mission. The paper concludes by identifying concerns raised by the case-studies that are of relevance to other countries considering the introduction of explicit contractual arrangements for district hospital provision.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe local health care market dynamics that support increasing use of hospitalists' services and changes in their roles. DESIGN: Semistructured interviews in 12 randomly selected, nationally representative communities in the Community Tracking Study conducted in 2002-2003. Interviews were coded in qualitative data analysis software. We identified patterns and themes within and across study sites, and verified conclusions by triangulating responses from different respondent types, examining outliers, searching for corroborating or disconfirming evidence, and testing rival explanations. SETTING: Medical groups, hospitals, and health plans in 12 representative communities. PARTICIPANTS: One hundred seven purposively sampled executives at the 3-4 largest medical groups, hospitals, and health plans in each community: medical directors and medical staff presidents; chief executive and managing officers; executives responsible for contracting, physician networks, hospital patient safety, patient care services, planning, and marketing; and local medical and hospital association leaders. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: We asked plan and hospital respondents about their competitive strategies, including their experience with cost pressures, hospital patient flow problems, and hospital patient safety efforts. We asked all respondents about changes in their local market over the past 2 years generally, and specifically: hospitals' and physicians' responses to market pressures; payment arrangements hospitals and physicians had with private health plans; and physicians' relationships with plans and hospitals. We drew on data on hospitalist practice structures, employment relationships, and productivity/compensation from the Society for Hospital Medicine's 2002 membership survey. Factors that fomented the creation of the hospital medicine movement persist, including cost pressures and primary care physicians' decreasing inpatient volume. But emerging influences made hospitalists even more attractive, including worsening problems with patient flow in hospitals, rising malpractice costs, and the growing national focus on patient safety. Local market forces resulted in new hospitalist roles and program structures, regarding which organizations sponsored hospitalist programs, employed them, and the functions they served in hospitals. CONCLUSIONS: These findings have important implications for patients, hospitalists, and their employers. Hospitalists may require changes in education and training, develop competing goals and priorities, and face new issues in their relationships with health plans, hospitals, and other physicians.  相似文献   

Malaria and pneumonia are the leading causes of child death in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI) at health facilities is presumptive: fever for malaria, and cough/difficult breathing with fast breathing for pneumonia. Of 3671 Ugandan under-fives at 14 health centres, 30% had symptoms compatible both with malaria and pneumonia, necessitating dual treatment. Of 2944 "malaria" cases, 37% also had "pneumonia". The Global Fund and Roll Back Malaria are now supporting home management of malaria strategies across SSA. To adequately treat the sick child, these community strategies need to address the malaria-pneumonia symptom overlap and manage both conditions.  相似文献   

Previous work has focused on HIV prevalence among forestry workers and the impact of HIV/AIDS on the sustainability of forest resources. Following a review of work examining the impacts of HIV/AIDS on the South African economy, this article presents original qualitative research examining the responses of company management to the HIV epidemic across a range of enterprises in the South African forestry industry, including large companies, contractors and cooperatives. At the level of the enterprise, management occupies a critical nexus, at which the intersecting requirements of complex government legislation, the wellbeing of workers and the demands of the business must be met. The research demonstrates that large forestry companies tend to provide only a small fraction of their workforces with HIV/AIDS education, prevention or treatment services, as they have essentially outsourced the requirement through the use of labour-supply contractors who, by and large, provide workers with scant HIV/AIDS-related programmes or benefits. Moreover, the extent to which the different types of forestry enterprises incorporate the management of HIV/AIDS in the workforce with the management of the business is highly variable, and in most instances falls short of legislative requirements that have been in place for over a decade. The implications of this for the forestry industry in South Africa are acute.  相似文献   

目的:了解中国心血管病医生对急性冠状动脉综合征(ACS)诊疗的观点,评估目前中国ACS急性期诊治及二级预防治疗的模式.方法:在全国范围内选取代表性医院,于2010-04-2010-08期间向各医院负责ACS诊疗的科室的负责医生邮寄统一的调查问卷,了解其对ACS急性期及二级预防诊疗的观点,并进行描述和统计分析.结果:共发...  相似文献   

Background: Diabetes diagnosis is delayed 4–7 years and 50% are undiagnosed. Forty percent of hospitalized patients with any blood glucose level (BGL) ≥10 mmol/L have diabetes 3 months post‐discharge, yet less than 5% are detected in hospital. We review identification of, and responses to, hyperglycaemia in inpatients at a teaching hospital. Methods: The world's largest retrospective review of medical records for inpatients with venous BGL ≥11.1 mmol/L without known diabetes over 12 months (2005–2006). The primary outcome was recognition of hyperglycaemia; secondary outcomes were treatment and documentation of follow up. Logistic regression was performed with variables including BGL, admitting team, length of stay and endocrine team review. Results: Of 10 973 people screened, 162 were eligible. The median age was 58 years and BGL 13.3 mmol/L, with increased mortality and length of stay. Hyperglycaemia was noted as definitely in 26%, maybe in 24% and definitely not in 50%. Forty percent of patients were treated in hospital and 19% on discharge. Follow up was documented for 24%. A higher BGL and review by the endocrine team were strongly associated with clinical recognition on uni‐ and multivariate analyses. However, where an endocrine review was sought for non‐hyperglycaemia reasons, similar rates of non‐recognition occurred. Conclusion: Despite evidence for improved inpatient outcomes when treated, and high short‐term progression to frank diabetes, inpatient hyperglycaemia remains frequently missed. In‐hospital recognition is cheap, and vital for the implementation of activities to improve outcomes and prevent progression and complications. Changes to systems for checking pathology results, medical officer education and inpatient screening guidelines are indicated.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Historical undertreatment of pain among inpatients has resulted in a national requirement for pain practice standards. OBJECTIVE: We hypothesized that adoption/promulgation of practice standards in January 2003 at 1 suburban teaching hospital progressively increased compliance with those standards and decreased pain. DESIGN: We retrospectively reviewed medical records each month during 2003, when pain standards were adopted with repeated, institution-wide, and nursing-unit-based interventions. Also, we reviewed discharges during 1 month in adjacent years. PATIENTS: We identified adult patients from 20 medical and surgical All-Payer Refined Disease Related Groupings (APRDRGs) in which opiate charges were most common in 2003. Among these, we considered patients actually receiving opiates and randomly chose equal numbers of matching subjects in each month of 2003. Matching was for APRDRG and complexity group. We also matched January 2003 discharges with those from January 2001, 2002, and 2004. MEASUREMENTS: For each patient, we captured 3 variables measuring standards compliance: percentage pain observations reported numerically, number of observations, and median time to reassessment after opiates. We also captured 3 pain variables: median pain score, rate of improvement in pain score, and total opiates dispensed. RESULTS: There were 360 qualifying discharges in 2003, and 75 in the other years. Numeric observations increased 15%, number of assessments 36%, and reassessment time decreased 60%. All changes were significant but occurred before standards implementation. Among pain measures, only rate of pain improvement changed, worsening slightly but significantly (-0.02 to -0.005 U/h), also before standards. CONCLUSIONS: Implementation of pain practice standards affected neither practice nor pain.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Ugandan Ministry of Health has adopted the WHO Home Based Fever Management strategy (HBM) to improve access to antimalarial drugs for prompt (<24 h) presumptive treatment of all fevers in children under 5 years. Village volunteers will distribute pre-packed antimalarials free of charge to caretakers of febrile children 2 months to 5 years ('Homapaks'). OBJECTIVE: To explore the local understanding and treatment practices for childhood fever illnesses and discuss implications for the HBM strategy. METHODS: Focus Group Discussions were held with child caretakers in three rural communities in Kasese district, West Uganda, and analysed for content in respect to local illness classifications and associated treatments for childhood fevers. RESULTS: Local understanding of fever illnesses and associated treatments was complex. Some fever illness classifications were more commonly mentioned, including 'Fever of Mosquito', 'Chest Problem', 'the Disease', 'Stomach Wounds' and 'Jerks', all of which could be biomedical malaria. Although caretakers refer to all these classifications as 'fever' treatment differed; some were seen as requiring urgent professional western treatment and others were considered severe but 'non-western' and would preferentially be treated with traditional remedies. CONCLUSIONS: The HBM strategy does not address local community understanding of 'fever' and its influence on treatment. While HBM improves drug access, Homapaks are likely to be used for only those fevers where 'western' treatment is perceived appropriate, implying continued delayed and under-treatment of potential malaria. Hence, HBM strategies also need to address local perceptions of febrile illness and adapt information and training material accordingly.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Both the speed of commencement and the appropriateness of i.v. antibiotic administration influence outcomes in patients hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). While quality improvement projects have been linked to better CAP management and outcomes, there are limited data evaluating simple and achievable interventions. METHODS: A simple educational programme targeting rapid and appropriate antibiotic administration for the inpatient treatment of CAP was evaluated using a retrospective chart review of all patients admitted through the emergency department with CAP during 'pre-intervention' and 'post-intervention' periods. RESULTS: There were 108 pre-intervention patients (56 women, median age 63 years) and 88 post-intervention patients (43 women, median age 61 years) included in the evaluation. Comparison of indicators of care in the post-intervention period with those in the pre-intervention period showed there were significant changes in: median time to antibiotic administration (2.5 h vs 3.5 h, 95% CI: 0-1.25, P = 0.01); subjects not prescribed macrolide antibiotics (2.3% vs 10.2%, 95% CI for OR 1.02-46.19, P = 0.04); hospital length of stay (3.5 vs 6 days, 95% CI: 1-3, P < 0.001) and mortality (0% vs 6.5%, 95% CI for OR 1.13 to infinity, P = 0.02). CONCLUSION: A simple, inexpensive educational intervention was associated with significant improvements in the hospital management of CAP. The widespread introduction of similar programmes has the potential to effect substantial improvements in management, and possibly patient outcomes, and requires prospective confirmation in a larger, randomized sample.  相似文献   

Improving quality and safety of hospital care is now firmly on the health-care agenda. Various agencies within different levels of government are pursuing initiatives targeting hospitals and health professionals that aim to identify, quantify and lessen medical error and suboptimal care. Although not denying the value of such 'top-down' initiatives, more attention may be needed towards 'bottom-up' reform led by practising physicians. This article discusses factors integral to delivery of safe, high-quality care grouped under six themes: clinical workforce, teamwork, patient participation in care decisions, indications for health-care interventions, clinical governance and information systems. Following this discussion, a 20-point action plan is proposed as an agenda for future reform capable of being led by physicians, together with some cautionary notes about relying too heavily on information technology, use of non-clinical quality personnel and quantitative evaluative approaches as primary strategies in improving quality.  相似文献   

Summary The integrated management of childhood illness approach (IMCI) is currently being implemented by a number of countries worldwide. This is the second report from a study in western Uganda comparing the assessment and classification of disease by medical assistants using the IMCI algorithm with that of hospital-based general medical officers, who used their clinical judgement to assess and provide treatment. Treatment prescribed by the hospital medical officers was compared to that indicated by IMCI disease classifications. The study population comprised 1226 children aged 2–59 months. Medical assistants had some difficulty in completing the IMCI assessment, leading to incorrect classification of findings in 138 of 1086 completed forms (13%). If their classifications had been used to decide on hospital referral, 37 children who met IMCI criteria for referral would have been sent home. Consultations took on average 7.2 min, longer than usual for several African countries. Use of the IMCI guidelines would have referred 16.2% of children to hospital, compared with 22% referred by the medical officers. Use of IMCI could have reduced the cost of medication to US$0.17 per child compared to the treatment cost of US$0.82 as prescribed by medical officers. Medical officers prescribed both a greater number and a greater variety of drugs than indicated by the IMCI algorithm. Compared to the present management of sick children by medical officers at Kabarole district hospital, using the IMCI algorithm would bring major changes in pharmaceutical use and referral practices. However, there is concern about the difficulty medical assistants had in using it, and the potential for longer consultation times.  相似文献   

The management of heart failure in Sweden   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Heart failure is a major concern to health care providers in Sweden due to its increasing prevalence and the rising health care costs. Heart failure affects more than 160000 Swedes, approximately 2% of the population. The costs for the management of heart failure have been calculated to be approximately SEK 2.500 million (Euro 275 million) which is 2% of the total health care budget. Most heart failure patients are managed by primary care physicians but hospitalisation is common and heart failure is the most common cause for hospitalisation in patients over 65 years of age. National diagnostic and treatment guidelines are not completely adhered to. Echocardiography is performed in a little more than 30% of patients in primary care probably due to poor access. In hospitals echocardiography is more easily available and routinely used for diagnosis. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and beta-blockers appear to be under prescribed. Nurse-led heart failure clinics are being widely established in an attempt to curtail costs and improve management.  相似文献   

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