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目的探讨创伤后椎体迟发性骨坏死(Kummell病)的早期预防及治疗。方法将100例有骨质疏松、外伤后表现为腰背痛的患者,按照随机数字表法,随机分为两组,对照组50例:佩带腰围1个月加塞来昔布0.2 g,qd×7 d;实验组50例:绝对卧床1个月加塞来昔布0.2 g,qd×7 d。分别于受伤时,伤后1个月摄腰椎正、侧位X线片和CT,观察椎体内真空现象。对Kummell病患者采用经皮椎体成形术(PKP)进行治疗,术后疗效采用视觉模拟评分系统(VAS)评价。结果对照组有10例伤后1个月时X线片出现椎体压缩骨折伴椎体内真空现象(位于椎体中央上终板部位),患病率为20%。实验组有2例于伤后1个月时X线片出现椎体压缩骨折及椎体内真空现象,患病率为4%。创伤后Kummell病患病率对照组明显高于实验组(P〈0.01)。12例Kummell病患者,VAS评分术前为4.5~7.0(6.14±0.16)分,术后为6.5~9.1(8.23±0.18)分,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论骨质疏松患者外伤后影像学无明显异常者,早期绝对卧床1个月对预防创伤后Kummell病有积极作用。PKP可有效缓解Kummell病疼痛。  相似文献   

Summary We report the case of a delayed partial posttraumatic vertebral body necrosis (PVBN) 1 year after a spinal trauma. Operative treatment became necessary due to incipient paraplegia. PVBN, also known as Kümmell-Verneuil's disease, can occur as a rare but serious complication several months or even years after a spinal trauma. Radiologically, it often presents with an intravertebral vacuum phenomenon. The underlying reasons for the necrosis as mentioned in the literature seem to be an initial microtrauma, metabolic disturbances and primarily overlooked compression fractures. Histologically, it resembles a pseudarthrosis with only little bony reparation, as in an avascular femoral head necrosis.  相似文献   

Summary A differential diagnosis of diseases affecting the elbow joint in children should also give due consideration to osteonecroses. They are very rare in the context of the humeral trochlea, the case with which we are concerned being one of a total of 15. In the light of this syndrome's relative rarity, we will report on the case of a 7-year-old boy. This is also the first time that a MR image of Hegemann's disease has been shown.
Zusammenfassung Bei der Differentialdiagnose von Erkrankungen des kindlichen Ellenbogengelenkes sind auch die aseptischen Knochennekrosen zu erwagen. An der Trochlea humeri sind sie sehr selten, mit dem von uns beschriebenen Fall sind es insgesamt 15. Wegen der relativen Seltenheit dieses Krankheitsbildes berichten wir kasuistisch über einen von uns beobachteten Fall bei einem 7-jährigen Jungen. Erstmals wird auch ein kernspintomographisches Bild eines Morbus Hegemann demonstriert.

Dedicated to Prof. D. Hohmann, Director of the Department of Orthopaedics, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

患者,男,16岁,因双髋关节弹响、活动受限5年入院.患者自诉5年前无明显诱因开始出现双髋关节下蹲弹响,下蹲时双膝向外划一弧形后,双膝才能靠拢下蹲,跑步时双下肢轻度外旋、外展,坐位时双膝可并拢,不能跷"二郎腿".发病前有频繁双侧臀部肌肉注射青霉素史.入院查体:全身皮肤无斑点、红肿,双下肢等长,双侧臀部萎缩、尖削,臀部可触及挛缩束带,双髋关节屈伸活动正常,内旋0°、外旋60°,双侧"4"字征阳性,Allis征(-),Ober征(+),蹲位时划圈征(+),屈伸髋关节时股骨大粗隆表面有束带划过并产生弹响.实验室检查:血钙、血磷、碱性磷酸酶均正常;骨盆平片示双侧髂骨以髋臼为中心呈放射状排列大小不等的斑点状致密影,双侧耻骨、股骨近端亦见大小不等的斑点状致密影(图1a).入院诊断:①双侧臀肌挛缩症;②双髋关节滑膜软骨瘤病.入院拟行关节镜下双髋臀肌挛缩松解加双髋关节清理术.  相似文献   

Avascular necrosis of a vertebral body,a relatively uncommon entity,is caused by malicgnancy,infection,radiation,systemic stemid treatment,trauma,and the ike.1 Vertebral osteonecrosis induced by trauma is called Kümmell's disease,because it was initially described by Hermann KLimmell of Germany in 1891.2 This paper reported a young female with posttraumatic vertebral osteonecrosis and analyzed the causes.She was treated by thoracoscopic Surgery successfully.  相似文献   

Kummell's disease is a rare, delayed posttraumatic collapse of a vertebral body that can occur several months or even years after an osteoporotic compression fracture. However, there are few reports of posterior element fractures associated with Kummell's disease. A 72-year-old man who had sustained an L1 osteoporotic compression fracture 14 months prior was admitted to our institution with incapacitating back pain. Plain radiographs showed progressive collapse of the L1 vertebral body and severe kyphosis at the thoracolumbar junction. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a posterior element fracture as well as osteonecrosis of the L1 vertebral body. An L1 percutaneous vertebroplasty was performed, followed by bone cement-augmented screw fixation to maintain stability and correct the kyphotic deformity. After surgery, pain relief was immediate, and the patient was able to walk unassisted. This case illustrates that continuous axial distraction stress caused by aggravated kyphosis secondary to Kummell's disease may result in posterior element fractures. Our discussion concludes with a literature review.  相似文献   

Aortoenteric fistulas (AEFs) are a rare complication of infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. They occur in <1% of aortic grafting procedures, result from graft defects, foreign bodies, and trauma, and are associated with a high mortality rate. We report a complex AEF associated with vertebral body osteomyelitis, likely secondary to tuberculous infection. A 78-year-old man presented with a 2-week history of abdominal pain, fever, and anemia. Past surgical history is significant for open repair of infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm followed later by an endovascular repair of a proximal para-anastomotic aneurysm. Computed tomography angiography revealed air in the aneurysm sac, without evidence of endoleak. The posterior aspect of the aneurysm was noted to be in continuity with a destructive osteomyelitis of the second lumbar vertebral body and an adjacent psoas abscess. Percutaneous drainage revealed purulent fluid containing mixed enteric flora. With fluoroscopic guidance, injection of contrast in the aortic sac drainage catheter demonstrated complex fistulous communications from the aortic sac to the overlying small intestine. After a course of drainage, antibiotic therapy, and parenteral nutrition, the patient underwent a transperitoneal repair of the AEF with duodeno-duodenectomy and wide debridement of the aortic sac and Dacron graft. Pathology revealed giant cell granulomas, highly suggestive of tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Osteonecrosis (ON) is a common complication following femoral neck fracture and most studies have reported the incidence of ON after less than 3 years follow-up. Here we report a case of delayed osteonecrosis 7 years after initial treatment for a femoral neck fracture. This example supports the need for continued clinical and radiographic follow-up over an extended period after femoral neck fracture and suggests that 3 years is too short a time to reliably rule out ON as a postoperative complication.  相似文献   

 目的 探讨前路人工椎体撑开矫正胸腰段陈旧性骨折后凸畸形的有效性与安全性。方法回顾性分析2009年8月至2011年8月应用前路人工椎体撑开矫正胸腰段陈旧性骨折后凸畸形13例患者的病历资料,男4例,女9例;年龄38~62岁,平均(53.3±7.6)岁。T12 5例,L1 6例,L2 2例。所有手术均由同组医生完成,采用侧前方入路,术中切除病椎及其上、下椎间盘,保留邻椎骨性终板,置入合适大小的人工椎体,并利用其良好的可延伸性进行主动撑开矫正后凸畸形。随访观察指标包括手术时间、出血量、后凸Cobb角变化、植骨融合情况、疼痛视觉模拟评分(visual analog scale,VAS)及Oswestry功能障碍指数(Oswestry disability index,ODI)及并发症等。结果 所有患者均获得12~28个月的随访,平均(18±5.5)个月。随访12个月时所有患者均获得骨性融合。后凸Cobb角从术前平均33.9°±7.2°(22°~53°)恢复至末次随访时平均7.3°±4.8°(2°~16°),VAS评分由术前平均(6.4±0.9)分(5~8分)降低至平均(1.5±0.8)分(0~3分),ODI由术前平均50.5%±10.8%(38%~78%)降低至平均10.9%±4.9%(4%~22%),差异均有统计学意义。结论 应用人工椎体撑开的前路手术治疗胸腰段陈旧性骨折后凸畸形具有矫正角度大、对神经干扰少、损伤小、固定节段少等优势,可获得满意的矫形效果与临床近期疗效。  相似文献   

生物陶瓷人工椎体系统重建椎体缺损的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的检测由脊柱前路解剖型固定钢板,生物陶瓷与骨水泥等组成的生物陶瓷人工椎体系统临床应用的可行性。方法选健康2~4岁山羊14只,平均体重28.6kg,经氯胺酮诱导,气管插管,安氟醚吸入麻醉后,取右下腹腹膜外斜切口,前路切除L4椎体后,应用钛合金解剖型固定钢板、骨水泥、磁性生物陶瓷组成的“生物陶瓷人工椎体”植入体内。结果一般情况:所有试验动物均成活,术后8h即可恢复站立,行走(不使用任何外固定支架);24h后恢复正常行走,进食。术后6个月,腹部彩色B超检查未见血拴形成,腹部大血管血供正常。定期X线检查,肉眼大体标本观察,光境观察,扫描电镜(SEM)观察,材料与骨实现“生物愈合”。结论“生物陶瓷人工椎体系统”是一个制约性固定结构,类似于“钢筋骨水泥”,稳定性极强,能够保证生物材料与椎骨的“生物愈合”,形成“生物固定”,减少了长期固定“松动”发生的可能,整个系统操作简单,使用安全。具有极大的临床使用价值。  相似文献   

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