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电镜技术已广泛应用于医学及生物中,从而使电镜技术也越来越显得非常重要。现在很多人为了科研及疑难病例诊断使用子电镜技术,但对电镜技术了解甚少,并且不知道对电镜标本如何取材及固定,甚至有人干脆让我们自己去取,从而浪费时间。为了减少不必要的麻烦,通过几年来...  相似文献   

成年健康Wistar大鼠由山东大学实验动物中心提供,体重约200g,雌雄兼用。麻醉剂为1%戊巴比妥,冲洗液为0.9%NaCl,每200ml加0.1g肝素,缓冲液为pH7.4、0.1%mol/L的磷酸缓冲液,固定液为4%戊二醛,以及透射电镜半薄切片及超微切片常规试剂系列。Wiatar大鼠全麻后,开胸暴露心脏,将0.9%NaCl冲洗液用输液器针头穿刺入左心室,剪破右心房放血,冲  相似文献   

利用电子显微镜进行细胞的超微结构研究已成为生物科学研究领域的一个重要手段 ,为广大科研工作者所广泛应用。但由于电镜样品制备周期较长 ,制约了科研的进度 ,尤其制约了利用电镜做临床病理诊断的推广。近年来 ,随着诊断电镜学的发展 ,电镜样品快速制备方法受到广大电镜工作者的关注。我们通过大量实验 ,长期摸索 ,总结出一套比较满意的电镜样品的快速制备方法 ,报告如下。1 材料与方法临床手术所取的心、脑、肺、软骨等各种组织及穿刺骨髓细胞。用双面刀片修成 1mm× 1mm× 1mm的组织块 ,4%多聚甲醛— 2 %戊二醛前固定 1h ,0 .1…  相似文献   

透射电镜生物样品的取材是电镜样品制备过程中的关键步骤之一,并由实验者亲自动手操作完成。作者根据多年电镜实验课的教学经验,就指导学生取材的正确方法及培养学生的动手能力,谈谈实验教学中的一些方法和体会。  相似文献   

本文介绍的电镜生物样品的快速制备,可在5小时内完成样品制备程序,用此方法其细胞超微结构保存较好,可达到快速诊断的目的。  相似文献   

The ultrastructural change of rat liver, which was not immediately fixed after separation from the animal, was observed under electron microscope. The results showed that the ultrastructure of hepatocytes still satisfied the needs for diagnostic electron microscopy if the isolated livers were soaked in normal saline for 30 minutes, at room temperature, or placed in 4 degrees C refrigerator for 60 minutes, then they were fixed. After the isolated samples were put at room temperature for over 30 minutes, ultrastructure of hepatocytes were damaged so severely as to lose value for observation under electron microscope.  相似文献   

电子显微镜(电镜)是一种利用电子束代替可见光作为照射光源的高分辨、高放大的显微装置,常用的是透射电镜及扫描电镜。透射电镜用于观察细胞内的微细结构,如线粒体等细胞器的超微结构,研究各种原因引起的细胞损伤及细胞凋亡等;扫描电镜主要观察细胞表面的微细结构,如观察细胞表面的突起及真菌孢子等。电镜用于疾病诊断有近50年历史,现已成为临床疾病诊断中重要的工具之一,并建立了新兴的电镜诊断学。尽管20世纪70年代兴起的免疫组化技术以操作简便、价格低廉及相对的高灵敏性对电镜应用形成一定的冲击,但电镜作为一种先进的工具以其独有的高…  相似文献   

透射电镜样品取材应注意的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医学超微结构是一个不断被刷新的形态学领域,透射式电子显微镜技术被广泛地应用于生物医学的研究中。生物医学的研究对象很多,有组织、细胞、微生物及生物大分子等等,在做这些电镜样品超薄切片前的制样过程时间长而复杂,尤其对取材有严格的要求。标本的质量好坏,直接影响到观察和超微病理诊断的正确性,值得格外重视,因此对标本制备的每一个步骤都要重视。而标本的收集则为制备工作的第一步,它的好坏直接影响到标本制备的后续步骤与最后结果。在实际工作中有些十分珍贵的样品,由于固定原因,样品大小不符和规定或部位不准确,造成超薄切片的定…  相似文献   

目的 提高透射电镜生物样品超薄切片的染色效率和染色质量.方法 在传统染色方法基础上进行改进,采用"插入式滴染法"和连续染色方式.结果 在较短时间内完成大批生物样品超薄切片的电子染色.结论 与传统方法相比省时省药,减少污染概率,电镜观察结构清晰,反差较好.  相似文献   

应用电镜及免疫电镜技术对218例垂体腺瘤进行了观察分析,并根据瘤细胞超微结构及免疫细胞化学反应特点进行了分类。53例为多颗粒型或少颗粒型生长激素细胞腺瘤,78例少颗粒型腺瘤及3例多颗粒型腺瘤属泌乳素细胞腺瘤,11例为 ACTH 细胞腺瘤。5例为促性腺激素细胞腺瘤,主要由 FSH 或 LH 阳性细胞组成。16例肿瘤为生长激素及泌乳素细胞混合腺瘤。无功能肿瘤中包括嗜酸性干细胞瘤(4例),嗜酸细胞瘤(10例),未分化细胞腺瘤(38例)。部分有激素活性的腺瘤临床上也表现为无功能肿瘤。本文报道了这些肿瘤的超微结构及免疫细胞化学反应特点。  相似文献   

目的 开展川贝母粉末饮片的掺杂鉴别研究。方法 采用傅里叶红外光谱法(FIR)和扫描电镜法鉴别川贝母粉掺加淀粉和米粉。结果 淀粉和米粉的红外光谱一维图谱与川贝母粉末饮片极其相似,二阶导数图谱显示川贝母粉掺加淀粉和米粉后有变化,淀粉与米粉分别在1489cm-1和669cm-1处有特征吸收峰;川贝母粉掺加淀粉和米粉的扫描电镜图谱与川贝母粉末有明显不同。结论 红外光谱分析和扫描电镜可以直观、有效地鉴别川贝母粉是否掺加淀粉和米粉,为川贝母粉末饮片的质量评价提供参考。   相似文献   

The election microscopic examination of allantoic fluid from embryonated hens' eggs inoculated with tissue homogenates from organs of birds suffering with infectious bronchitis, reveals the presence of coronaviruses as early as the first or the second passage. This method permits a rapid diagnosis and is as accurate as the standard technique.  相似文献   

We observed 1000 cases human tumors by electron microscope, as compared with by light microscope. Results were classified into four groups: First, the diagnosis by both light microscope and electron microscope were the same in 92 per cent of total cases. Second, diagnosis by light microscope was completely changed by the use of electron microscope, and the correct diagnosis was determined only by electron microscope in 4 percent when light microscope failed. Third, although major diagnosis of some tumors by both light and electron microscope was the same, by electron microscope, the diagnosis was extended and supplemented in 3 per cent. Finally, diagnosis was still unclear in 1 per cent. We think that ultrastructural evaluation contributes to diagnosis in 7 per cent of all the cases. Electron microscope plays a very important role in the differential diagnosis of tumors, especially, small cell malignant tumors, and pleomorphic malignant tumors, and also in determination of two-directional or multi-directional differentiation of some tumors.  相似文献   

We analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) the sequence of erythrocyte ingestion by a virulent strain of Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites. Axenic cultures of amebas were placed in chamber plastic slides for 30 min. Human red blood cells (RBC) were added to the wells in a ratio of 1:100, ameba:erythrocytes. After different times of interaction, cells were fixed and processed for SEM. Erythrophagocytosis by E. histolytica is characterized by random suction of cells at early stages and polarization of the phagocytic event at one end of the parasite during later stages.  相似文献   

Summary The infrared spectroscope, polarizing microscope and scanning electron microscope were used in the study of the composition and structure of urinary calculi. It was found that most calculi contained calcium oxalate, but none of them was pure. The nuclei of calcium oxalate-uric acid microcrystal type of calculi only consisted of pure uric acid without any matrix or other elements, indicating that the nuclei are probably formed first by precipitation, crystallization and aggregation of uric acid, and then deposition of calcium oxalate is induced. Foreign bodies in calcium oxalate calculi were mostly necrotic tissues with a large amount of apatites, which is most probably due to bacterial infection of the urinary tract.  相似文献   

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