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A total of 123 balanced rearrangements, including 26 occurring as a sole anomaly, not known to be recurrent in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) or acute myeloid leukemia (AML) prior to the Workshop, were ascertained retrospectively from 104 patients with treatment-related MDS/AML (t-MDS/t-AML). Thirteen of the aberrations were reported previously in single cases and hence may be classified as recurrent as a result of the Workshop. Patients with Unique aberrations had complex karyotypes more often (P < 0.001 for all pairwise comparisons) than did other Workshop subgroups, with 72% having 3 or more aberrations. Among 85 cases with secondary chromosomal abnormalities, -5, -7, del(5q), and del(7q) were observed in 76%, which is significantly higher (P < or = 0.007 for all pairwise comparisons) than the frequencies found in the Workshop subgroups of patients with previously known recurring aberrations. The chromosome bands most often involved in balanced aberrations were 1p36 and 3q26-27. Treatment exposure was significantly different (less topoisomerase II inhibitor exposure, more radiotherapy-only exposure) than for patients with 11q23 (P < 0.001 and P = 0.002, respectively) and 21q22 (P = 0.007 and P = 0.002, respectively) abnormalities. The median time from the first toxic exposure to secondary disease, 59 months, was significantly longer (P < or = 0.016 for all significant pairwise comparisons) than the median latency of all other patients except those in the Rare subgroup, and the median survival time, 7 months, was significantly shorter than for patients in the 21q22, inv(16), and t(15;17) subgroups (P < or = 0.002 for all pairwise comparisons), but similar to patients in the 11q23 and Rare subgroups. In contrast to known recurring abnormalities, significantly more patients (61%, all P < 0.001) presented with t-MDS, with over one-third of these patients progressing to t-AML. Thus, this group of patients appears to be more similar to the typical t-MDS/t-AML patients, with complex karyotypes as well as chromosome 5 and 7 abnormalities, than to those with recurrent balanced rearrangements.  相似文献   

Among 511 patients with therapy-related myelodysplastic syndrome or acute leukemia (t-MDS/t-AL) and balanced chromosome aberrations, 162 (32%) had translocations involving 11q23. The recurring translocation partners were 9p22 (48%), 19p13.3 (11%), 19p13.1 (10%), 4q21 (9%), 6q27 (6%), 1p32 (2%), 16p13.1 (2%), 10p13 (1%), and 17q25 (1%); in 9%, the translocations were seen only once. The remaining 349 patients were divided into five subgroups based on the balanced aberration: 21q22, inv(16), t(15;17), Rare, and Unique aberrations. Patients in the 11q23 subgroup had a sole cytogenetic abnormality more often than those in the 21q22, inv(16), Rare, and Unique subgroups, and a complex karyotype or -5/del(5q) and/or -7/del(7q) less often than patients in the 21q22, Rare, and Unique subgroups. Clinically, 11q23 patients had acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) more often as their primary disease and a shorter latency from start of treatment for the primary disease to their t-MDS/t-AL diagnosis, except when compared with the inv(16) subgroup. The 11q23 subgroup demonstrated a younger age at t-MDS/t-AL diagnosis, but this finding was not significant when patients with AL as their primary diagnosis were excluded. Survival from the time of diagnosis of t-MDS/t-AL was significantly shorter for the 11q23 subgroup compared with that of the 21q22, inv(16), and t(15;17) subgroups (median 8 vs. 14, 28, and 29 months, respectively). Inferior survival occurred even though 11q23 patients were younger and more often received blood or marrow transplantation (BMT). Even among patients receiving BMT, 11q23 patients had a shorter median survival (9 vs. 12-31 months for the other subgroups). However, among 11q23 patients, those receiving BMT survived longer, with 1- and 5-year survivals of 43% and 18% compared with 23% and 7% for patients not transplanted. With regard to prior therapy, 11q23 patients, compared with other patients, received radiotherapy less often as their sole therapy and chemotherapy more often. They had received VP16, methotrexate, 6MP/6TG, L-asparaginase, daunorubicin, cytarabine, and VM26 more often, likely attributed to the high frequency of AL as their primary disease. More patients in the 11q23 subgroup had received doxorubicin, except in comparison with the 21q22 subgroup; more vincristine, except in comparison with the Rare and Unique subgroups; and more prednisone, except in comparison with the Unique subgroup. Patients in the 11q23 subgroup more often received alkylating agents (AAs) (86% vs. 59-82% for the other subgroups), and topoisomerase II inhibitors (TIs) (84% vs. 49-75%), and they more often reported exposure to AAs plus TIs without radiotherapy (33% vs. 12-21%), except in comparison with the 21q22 subgroup (36%). We performed a multivariate analysis to determine whether the adverse survival of 11q23 patients compared to other Workshop patients was explained by factors other than the presence of the 11q23 abnormality. Covariates in the final model were the five cytogenetic subgroup indicators, where the 11q23 subgroup was the referent (P < 0.0001); age at t-MDS/t-AL (P = 0.0036); previous exposure to lomustine (P < 0.0001) and mitoxantrone (P = 0.0225); BMT for t-MDS/t-AL (P = 0.0006); and karyotype complexity (P = 0.0114). The risk of death for 11q23 patients relative to patients in the 21q22, inv(16), t(15;17), and Unique subgroups was significant, even after adjustment for other risk factors (relative risks 2.3, 3.6, 3.1, and 1.5, respectively; P < 0.0001 for the first three comparisons and P = 0.0125 for the last). When a multivariable model was constructed, excluding patients with AL or MDS as their primary diagnosis, the relative risk of death for 11q23 patients was significantly higher than that of all five other cytogenetic subgroups. We conclude that among t-MDS/t-AL patients with balanced aberrations, 11q23 translocations are an independent adverse risk factor. Although BMT is the current therapy of choice, new treatment is required.  相似文献   

The Workshop identified 48 unselected patients with therapy-related myelodysplastic syndrome or acute myeloid leukemia (t-MDS/t-AML) and inv(16), and 41 patients with t(15;17) after chemotherapy (CT) and/or radiotherapy (RT) for a malignant or nonmalignant disease. The primary diseases were: breast cancer, 33 patients; lymphomas, 24 patients; various other solid tumors, 30 patients; and nonmalignant diseases, 2 patients. The general type of previous therapy was RT only in 10 patients with an inv(16) and in 12 patients with a t(15;17), alkylating agents plus topoisomerase II inhibitors in 24 patients with an inv(16) and in 18 patients with a t(15;17), topoisomerase II inhibitors only in 5 patients with an inv(16) and in 2 patients with a t(15;17), alkylating agents only in 6 patients in each subgroup, and other types of chemotherapy in 3 patients in each subgroup. Most CT-treated patients (69%) also received RT. The latency period to development of t-MDS/t-AML was short: a median of 22 months in patients with inv(16) and 29 months in patients with t(15;17). Twenty-six patients (54%) with an inv(16) and 17 patients (41%) with a t(15;17) had additional cytogenetic abnormalities, which were unrelated to age and survival in both subgroups. Trisomy of chromosomes 8, 21, and 22 and del(7q) were the most frequent additional abnormalities in the inv(16) subgroup, whereas +8, -5, and del(16q) were most frequent in the t(15;17) subgroup. The disease was overt t-AML in 38/48 patients (79%) with an inv(16) and in 38/41 patients (93%) with a t(15;17). Thirty-three of 39 intensively treated patients (85%) with an inv(16) obtained a complete remission, whereas 24 of 35 intensively treated patients (69%) with a t(15;17) obtained a complete remission. The median overall survival of intensively treated patients was 29 months in both cytogenetic subgroups. In the inv(16) subgroup, patients younger than 55 years of age had a longer survival when compared with older patients (P = 0.006). The study supports the observation that t-MDS/t-AML with inv(16) and t(15;17) is often associated with prior therapy with topoisomerase II inhibitors; however, a notable finding was the high frequency of treatment with only radiotherapy, 29% of t(15;17) and 21% of inv(16). Response rates to intensive chemotherapy in this study were comparable to those of de novo disease.  相似文献   

The International Workshop on the relationship between prior therapy and balanced chromosome aberrations in therapy-related myelodysplastic syndromes (t-MDS) and therapy-related acute leukemia (t-AL) identified 79 of 511 (15.5%) patients with balanced 21q22 translocations. Patients were treated for their primary disease, including solid tumors (56%), hematologic malignancy (43%), and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (single case), by radiation therapy (5 patients), chemotherapy (36 patients), or combined-modality therapy (38 patients). 21q translocations involved common partner chromosomes in 81% of cases: t(8;21) (n = 44; 56%), t(3;21) (n = 16; 20%), and t(16;21) (n = 4; 5%). Translocations involving 15 other partner chromosomes were also documented with involvement of AML1(CBFA2/RUNX1), identifying a total of 23 different 21q22/AML1 translocations. The data analysis was carried out on the basis of five subsets of 21q22 cases, that is, t(8;21) with and without additional aberrations, t(3;21), t(16;21), and other 21q22 translocations. Dysplastic features were present in all 21q22 cases. Therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia (t-AML) at presentation was highest in t(8;21) (82%) and lowest in t(3;21) (37.5%) patients. Cumulative drug dose exposure scores for alkylating agents (AAs) and topoisomerase II inhibitors indicated that t(3;21) patients received the most intensive therapy among the five 21q22 subsets, and the median AA score for patients with secondary chromosome 7 aberrations was double the AA score for the entire 21q22 group. All five patients who received only radiation therapy had t(8;21) t-AML. The median latency and overall survival (OS) for 21q22 patients were 39 and 14 months (mo), compared to 26 and 8 mo for 11q23 patients, 22 and 28 mo for inv(16), 69 and 7 mo for Rare recurring aberrations, and 59 and 7 mo for Unique (nonrecurring) balanced aberration (latency P < or = 0.016 for all pairwise comparisons; OS, P < or = 0.018 for all pairwise comparisons). The percentages of 21q22 patients surviving 1 year, 2 years, and 5 years were 58%, 33%, and 18%, respectively. Noticeable differences were observed in median OS between 21q22 patients (n = 7) receiving transplant (BMT) (31 mo) compared to 21q22 patients who received intensive non-BMT therapy (n = 46) (17 mo); however, this was nonsignificant because of the small sample size (log-rank, P = 0.33). t-MDS/t-AML with balanced 21q22 aberrations was associated with prior exposure to radiation, epipodophyllotoxins, and anthracyclines, dysplastic morphologic features, multiple partner chromosomes, and longer latency periods when compared to 11q23 and inv(16) t-MDS/AML Workshop subgroups. In general, patients could be divided into two prognostic risk groups, those with t(8;21) (median OS, 19 mo) and those without t(8;21) (median OS, 7 mo) leukemia (log-rank, P = 0.0007).  相似文献   

Most neoplasms are monoclonal and the tumor cells are believed to be the progeny of a single transformed cell. Clonality has been demonstrated by X-chromosomal enzymes, immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor gene rearrangements, or clonal cytogenetic abnormalities. Nevertheless, cytogenetically unrelated clones with disparate chromosome abnormalities are found infrequently in hematologic malignancies. We report four kinds of coexisting independent clones, +8/+21, der(1;7)/+8, del(9)/-X/i(Xq), and i(7p)/+11, respectively, which to our knowledge mostly have not been reported in same individuals, in two myelodysplastic syndrome and two acute myeloid leukemia cases.  相似文献   

Acquired chromosome abnormalities in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are among the most valuable determinants of diagnosis and prognosis. In search of new recurrent balanced translocations, we reviewed the Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB) cytogenetics database containing pretreatment and relapse karyotypes of 4,701 adults with AML and 565 with MDS who were treated on CALGB trials. We identified all cases with balanced structural rearrangements occurring as a sole abnormality or in addition to one other abnormality, excluded abnormalities known to be recurrent, and then reviewed the literature to determine whether any of what we considered unique, previously unknown abnormalities had been reported. As a result, we identified seven new recurrent balanced translocations in AML or MDS: t(7;11)(q22;p15.5), t(10;11)(q23;p15), t(2;12)(p13;p13), t(12;17)(p13;q12), t(2;3)(p21;p21), t(5;21)(q31;q22), and t(8;14)(q24.1;q32.2), and additionally, t(10;12)(p11;q15), a new translocation in AML previously reported in a case of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Herein, we report hematologic and clinical characteristics and treatment outcomes of patients with these newly recognized recurrent translocations. We also report 52 unique balanced translocations, together with the clinical data of patients harboring them, which to our knowledge have not been previously published. We hope that once the awareness of their existence is increased, some of these translocations may become recognized as novel recurring abnormalities. Identification of additional cases with both the new recurrent and the unique balanced translocations will enable determination of their prognostic significance and help to provide insights into the mechanisms of disease pathogenesis in patients with these rare abnormalities. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Kreipe HH 《Der Pathologe》2011,32(Z2):271-276
Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) represent neoplastic proliferations of hematopoietic stem cells, which may progress to loss of differentiation and acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Transitions between MDSs and MPNs as well as combinations between both disorders occur and MPNs may acquire dysplastic features combined with cytopenia. Myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasms show dysplastic and myeloproliferative properties and have in common genetic aberrations at the stem cell level (TET2, ASXL?1, CBL, IDH?1, IDH?2, EZH2, p53, Runx1), which may be found in one cell or may affect different hematopoietic stem cells, expanding in parallel. Progress to AML follows a linear clonal evolution only in a subset of cases. Alternatively AML derives from secondary clones, devoid of any marker mutation or originates from a common aberrant progenitor cell which shares other but not the JAK2 ( V617F ) mutation.  相似文献   

A review on the association between acute leukemias (AL) and constitutional chromosome abnormalities (CCA) is presented. AL, myeloblastic or lymphoblastic according to age are 16 to 20 times more frequent in Down Syndrome (DS) children than in non DS children. The incidence of acquired chromosome abnormalities is similar in leukemic cells of DS and non DS patients but the type of anomalies, in the leukemic myeloblastic cells of DS, are different: hyperdiploidy, excess of C, F and G. Gain of chromosomes 8, 19 and 22 would characterize leukemic myeloblasts in an early stage of differentiation. Recent data on transient leukemoid reactions show that a 21 in DS appears to be predisposing factor in the development of AL. Association between AL and other balanced or unbalanced CCA appears until now to be fortuitous.  相似文献   

Monosomy 18 and partial deletion of 18q are nonrandom events in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and secondary acute myeloblastic leukemia (sAML). They are part of complex chromosome abnormalities, as shown in the present study of six patients with MDS and sAML. We compared occurrence of chromosome 18 abnormalities in these syndromes with that in de novo AML.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this review is to emphasize the critical role that chromosome analysis can play in the diagnosis, prognosis and management of blood malignancies. Table 3 shows that most patients with AML, MDS and ALL can be placed into one of three major prognostic categories. When chromosome analysis is combined with a cytological study in AML and MDS and with a cytological and immunophenotypic study in ALL, the clinical value of such analysis is further enhanced. Because of critical prognostic information that may be obtained primarily from refined chromosome analysis, we recommend that a major effort be undertaken to develop capability for such analysis in all large institutions so that the information derived can be used routinely in the assessment of haematological malignancies. In particular, it is now necessary to reassess the value of current treatments taking into consideration refined chromosome studies. We believe that patients within specific chromosomal categories should be treated with specific types of therapy in an attempt to improve overall survival.  相似文献   

In acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) there are frequently complex karyotypes with multiple structurally altered chromosomes, many of which are marker chromosomes of unknown origin. The aim of this study was to apply comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) to cases of AML or MDS in transformation submitted for routine cytogenetic analysis to investigate whether this approach would yield any further information and, if possible, to predict which cases would benefit from CGH analysis. Nineteen cases with AML or MDS in transformation were analyzed. CGH revealed nine cases with gains or losses of chromosomal material. In six of these cases the chromosomal location of this material was not apparent from cytogenetic analysis especially when multiple markers were present. By using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with specific libraries for the chromosome regions that showed discordance between CGH and conventional cytogenetics, we were able to identify the chromosome location of material within the karyotype. In this group of six patients, four cases of an unbalanced translocation involving regions of chromosomes 5 and 17 were characterized. Three of these cases had additional abnormalities, including two cases with regions of amplification in which oncogenes are located (MYC, MLL) and one case with a dic(7;21)(p10;p10). In all six cases it was possible to characterize complex chromosomal aberrations such as derivative chromosomes, marker chromosomes, and ring chromosomes. This study demonstrates that CGH can detect true gain and loss of critical chromosome regions more accurately than conventional karyotyping in cases with very complex karyotypes, and can thus prove useful in predicting prognosis and pinpointing areas of the genome that require further study. Also, CGH can be a useful technique to identify the origin of marker chromosomes, and it can assist in choice of probes for confirmatory FISH, when there is no clue provided from the analysis of G-banded chromosomes.  相似文献   

Secondary leukemias group essentially together myelodysplastic syndromes and acute leukemias, therapy-related (chemo- or radio-), or consecutive to environmental factors. It's now proven that some recurrent abnormalities are associated with effects of therapeutic agents, as -5/del(5q), -7/del(7q) linked to alkylating agents, or 11q23 and 21q22 abnormalities linked to inhibitors of Topoisomerase II. Even if important differences between secondary and "de novo" forms exist, the discrimination between these 2 categories is not always obvious: many common chromosomal abnormalities, "de novo" leukemias in older patients having characteristics close to those of postalkylating leukemias, neonatal forms possibly secondary to maternal affect. Recent studies identified some others chromosomal abnormalities in the secondary leukemias and confirmed the poor prognosis of these hemopathies. This review sums up criterions, circumstances and cytogenetic abnormalities.  相似文献   

Balanced chromosome rearrangements are the hallmark of therapy-related leukemia that develops in patients treated with topoisomerase II inhibitors. Many of these rearrangements involve recurrent chromosomal sites and associated genes (11q23/MLL, 21q22.3/AML1, and 11p15/NUP98), which can interact with a variety of partner genes. One such rearrangement is the rare t(1;11)(q23;p15), which involves juxtaposition of the homeobox gene PMX1 (PRRX1) and NUP98. We report on an additional patient with t(1;11) who presented with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) subsequent to treatment for a pleomorphic liposarcoma. With time, the patient's disorder progressed to acute myelomonocytic leukemia with cytogenetic evidence of clonal evolution. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a patient presenting with a myelodysplastic syndrome with isolated t(1;11) (q23;p15), which evolved into therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia (t-AML). This patient is the third reported with this cytogenetic rearrangement and t-AML, and is compared with the other two reports of t(1;11)(q23;p15).  相似文献   

A t(3;5)(q25.1;q34) reciprocal translocation identifies a subset of cases of myelodysplastic syndrome or acute myeloid leukemia (AML) that are characterized by increased numbers of megakaryocytes and severe trilineage dysplasia. As a first step in characterizing the t(3;5) breakpoints, we asked whether the translocation involves the CSFIR/PDGFRB locus at 5q33-q35. Pulsed-field gel electrophoretic analysis of a region extending 580 kb 5' to the PDGFRB gene and 120 kb 3' to the CSFIR gene did not reveal aberrant restriction fragments in leukemic cell DNA, confirming that the breakpoint does not occur in the vicinity of these genes. To sublocalize the breakpoint, we performed Southern blot hybridizations using DNA from human x hamster somatic cell hybrids containing the normal 3, the normal 5, the derivative 3, or the derivative 5 human chromosome. Using a series of polymorphic DNA probes from the long arm of chromosome 5, which have been linked by genetic recombination, we bracketed the breakpoint to within a region that spans approximately 13 centimorgans (sex average) and is flanked by the q34-qter markers cKK5.19 and L1200 (D5S62). This analysis places the chromosome 5 breakpoint of the t(3;5) considerably telomeric to the CSFIR/PDGFRB locus, confirming our studies with pulsed-field electrophoresis. Future efforts to identify the genes affected by the t(3;5) should focus on the 5q segment described in this study.  相似文献   

Chromosome abnormalities in acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL) are of diagnostic and prognostic importance. The presence of an abnormality in ANLL patients predicts an unfavorable course; the prediction is particularly significant for acute myelocytic leukemia. The occurrence of a t(15;17) assists in the diagnosis of “microgranular” acute promyelocytic leukemia; transmission electron microscopy can aid in confirming this diagnosis. The presence of a chromosome abnormality in previously treated malignant lymphoma patients with undiagnosed cytopenia supports a diagnosis of preleukemia. The presence of a chromosome abnormality in patients with the hypereosinophilic syndrome might identify the subset of patients who have a neoplastic disease.  相似文献   

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