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Phagocytosis of yeast particles by peripheral blood and synovial fluid neutrophils was compared in the sera and synovial fluids from 16 osteoarthritis, 23 rheumatoid arthritis, and 12 miscellaneous arthritis patients. Phagocytosis by normal peripheral blood neutrophils was decreased equally and significantly in all synovial fluids. All synovial fluid neutrophils demonstrated decreased phagocytic capacity in all media. Rheumatoid arthritis synovial fluid neutrophils showed significantly less phagocytosis than miscellaneous arthritis synovial fluid neutrophils. Normal peripheral blood neutrophils which in vitro had previously ingested monosodium urate crystals or oil red O, subsequently exhibited a normal yeast phagocytic capacity. Normal peripheral blood neutrophils, which had ingested preformed immunoglobulin G-rheumatoid factor complexes exhibited significantly less yeast phagocytic capacity than control cells or cells preincubated with the individual complex components. There was a significant correlation between the log of the reciprocal of the rheumatoid factor titer in sera used to produce complexes and the phagocytic capacity exhibited by test neutrophils. Ingestion of immunoglobulin G-rheumatoid factor complexes may be important in the production of the cellular phagocytic defect which this study has demonstrated in rheumatoid arthritis synovial fluid neutrophils.  相似文献   

Phagocytic function of the reticuloendothelial system as measured by the clearance of (125)I-labeled aggregated human serum albumin (AA) was studied in patients with Hodgkin's disease. Each more advanced stage of the disease was associated with more rapid clearance of the AA. Production of remission by radiation therapy or by chemotherapy was associated in some patients with slowing of the clearance rate, whereas relapse seemed to be associated with acceleration. Thus, impaired phagocytosis cannot be implicated in the several defects in immunity known to be present in Hodgkin's disease. Furthermore, determination of the clearance rate of AA in patients with Hodgkin's disease may have clinical usefulness as another indicator of extent or activity of disease.  相似文献   

应用氦-氖激光治疗感染性皮肤病120例取得满意疗效.急性细菌性感染痊愈率95.24%,病毒性感染痊愈率100%.为探讨其机理,应用CL检测患者治疗前后PMNL的吞噬功能,结果显示有显著差异,证明在氦-氖激光治疗中能增强PMNL吞噬功能,提高机体免疫功能,达到治愈之目的.  相似文献   

Polymorphonuclear leukocytes from patients with chronic granulomatous disease respond to the phagocytosis of latex particles with normal increments in glucose consumption, lactate production, Krebs' cycle activity, and lipid turnover.The leukocytes of these patients fail to show normal increments in respiration, direct oxidation of glucose, and hydrogen peroxide formation during particle uptake.It appears that the stimulation of respiration with the formation of hydrogen peroxide and stimulation of the direct oxidative pathway of glucose metabolism are closely linked to degranulation and intracellular killing of bacteria by polymorphonuclear leukocytes.  相似文献   

【目的】探讨内镜下胆总管取石术中,十二指肠乳头括约肌切开术(ES T )处理后对患者术后胆囊功能的影响。【方法】随机选择30例曾经接受内镜下胆总管取石术而行ES T (本组行大切开至乳头根部)患者作为观察组,选择同期30例健康体检者作为对照组。所有患者均采用99m Tc‐EHIDA肝胆动态核素显像进行定量分析,通过肝脏半排时间(TEX )、胆囊显影时间(GBVT )、胆肠分配率(Fgb)、肠道比例(Fsi)、胆囊的半排时间(GBT1/2)、30 min胆囊排空分数(GBEF)、胆囊排泄率(GBER)、胆总管高峰时间(CBD Tup)、十二指肠显影时间(DUT)、十二指肠高峰时间(DU Tup)综合评价胆囊的功能。【结果】与对照组比较,观察组TEX明显缩短( P <0.05),CBD Tup、DUT、DU Tup出现的时间较早( P <0.05),GBVT 时间延迟( P <0.001), GBT1/2缩短( P<0.001),GBEF 30 min较大( P <0.001),10 min ,20 min及30 minGBER较快( P <0.001),Fgb明显减少( P <0.001),Fsi(%)增加( P <0.001)。【结论】EST 患者胆囊贮存功能明显受损,排泄功能增强。  相似文献   

Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a muscle and movement disorder that affects children and is the result of early brain injury. The causes and nature of the brain damage may vary considerably, which renders children with cerebral palsy a heterogeneous group. Only recently has research begun to utilize technology to determine the nature of the brain injury and the relation to clinical observations. This paper reviews neuropsychological findings on children with a diagnosis of CP with regard to the spastic, dyskinetic, and ataxic types. Specifically, areas of sensorimotor functioning, language and verbal skills, visual-spatial and perceptual skills, learning and memory, and executive functioning are reviewed. Implications for learning as well as a neurobiological cause of executive function deficits are discussed.  相似文献   

脑卒中对基本认知功能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:观察老年脑卒中患者的基本认知功能特征。方法:选择脑卒中患者89例为卒中组,55名健康老年人为对照组,均进行基本认知功能测验。结果:卒中组平均认知总分明显低于对照组(P<0.05);二分类Lo-gistic回归分析显示知觉速度、心算效率、记忆分别较对照组下降16.4倍、8.1倍和9.1倍(P=0.000)。结论:无认知障碍的脑卒中患者知觉速度、思维效率、记忆已有明显受损。  相似文献   

Differential Effects of Immunosuppressants on Lymphocyte Function   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
In vitro and in vivo parameters of T lymphocyte function were evaluated in guinea pigs following treatment with the "cycle-active" drugs, 6-mercaptopurine (6MP) and methotrexate, and the "non-cycle-active" alkylating agent, cyclophosphamide. Commencing at the time of sensitization to tuberculin protein, animals were treated with an 8 day course of one of the cytotoxic drugs. This regimen either reduced or abolished the cutaneous response to PPD. The two cycle-active drugs inhibited the in vitro lymphoproliferative response to PPD and suppressed the elaboration of migration inhibition factor (MIF) by lymph node cells. However, these agents did not reduce blood lymphocytes, deplete the cellularity of the thymic dependent areas of peripheral tissues, or alter the in vitro response of lymph node cells to the nonspecific mitogen PHA. In contrast, treatment with cyclophosphamide was associated with a reduction in peripheral blood and tissue lymphocytes and impaired responses to PHA by residual lymph node cells. In vitro proliferative responses to PPD were inhibited but the capacity of lymph node cells to elaborate MIF was not suppressed. In addition to their effects on antigen-reactive lymphocytes, all three drugs significantly reduced the number of macrophages in induced peritoneal exudates. With respect to immunosuppressive activities, results of these investigations suggest that the noncycle-active agents affect both intermitotic and dividing T lymphocytes without impairing certain intermitotic functions of residual cells. The cycle-active drugs have a more restricted toxicity limited to those T lymphocytes which have been stimulated to undergo active DNA synthesis by antigenic challenge.  相似文献   

Effects of Corticosteroids on Human Monocyte Function   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
This report examined the effect of corticosteroids in vitro on human peripheral blood monocytes, essential cells in both immune and nonimmune cellular defense mechanisms. Monocyte chemotaxis in response to sera, Escherichia coli filtrate, and lymphokine chemotactic factor was markedly reduced (P < 0.01) by hydrocortisone succinate (HCS) at 16 mug/ml. Methylprednisolone succinate and unesterified hydrocortisone produced similar impairment of monocyte chemotaxis while two drugs which unmodified do not enter cells, hydrocortisone phosphate (HCP) and cortisone acetate, had no effect on chemotaxis. HCS also significantly impaired monocyte random migration at 16 mug/ml. Monocyte bactericidal activity was reduced by HCS at 16 mug/ml (P < 0.01)) but was not affected by HCP even at 120 mug/ml. In comparison, HCS did not alter granulocyte chemotaxis even at 500 mug/ml, and bactericidal activity was reduced at 16 mug/ml (P < 0.01). Monocyte phagocytosis of cryptococci was reduced only 20% (P < 0.05) at 120 mug/ml. HCS at 120 mug/ml did not alter monocyte base-line or postphagocytic hexosemonophosphate shunt activity, viability by trypan blue exclusion, adherence to tissue culture flasks, or surface binding of IgG globulin. These corticosteroid-induced defects in monocyte function may contribute to reduced cellular defense during corticosteroid therapy.  相似文献   

皮衍玲  王雪强  刘慧  杨震 《中国康复》2011,26(2):106-108
目的:探讨全膝关节置换术后对患侧本体感觉的影响。方法:选取48例全膝关节置换术后3个月的患者(置换组)和50例同龄正常人(健康组),以Biodex 3等速系统测试双膝关节主动复位的误差角度,以作为个体本体感觉能力优劣的评估指标。结果:置换组患者术侧膝关节主动复位误差角度显著大于健康组的左右膝(P〈0.05)。结论:全膝关节置换术后患者的个体本体感觉明显降低,因此其运动康复计划中应包含本体感觉的训练。  相似文献   

目的探讨长期吸烟者不同戒烟时间对小气道功能的影响。方法选择有小气道功能病变的长期吸烟男性患者23例为戒烟组,非吸烟健康男性28例为对照组,分别测定戒烟组戒烟前及戒烟后3、6、9及12个月及对照组(入选后12个月内)的小气道功能[最大呼气中段流量(MMEF)、用力呼出25%肺活量时呼气流量(FEF25%)、用力呼出50%肺活量时呼气流量(FEF50%)、用力呼出75%肺活量时呼气流量(FEF75%)],比较戒烟各时间段小气道功能的变化。结果戒烟组戒烟后3个月各项指标与戒烟前比较差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05);戒烟后6个月MMEF、FEF25%、FEF50%较戒烟前均有所提高(均P<0.05);戒烟后9、12个月MMEF、FEF25%、FEF50%及FEF75%较戒烟前均明显提高(均P<0.01);戒烟组戒烟后12个月的FEF25%、FEF50%与对照组比较差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。结论无症状吸烟者戒烟后6个月方能改善小气道功能。戒烟后12个月FEF25%与FEF50%可恢复至正常。更多还原  相似文献   

Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) can have severe and permanent adverse effects on children. The most severe outcome is fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). FAS can affect the neuroanatomical and neurophysiological make-up of the brain as well as specific neuropsychological function. This paper reviews some of the literature with regard to the neuroanatomical, neurophysiological, and neurobehavioral effects of PAE on individuals. In particular, studies show that there are neuroanatomical changes in the brain due to PAE or FAS, and illustrate specific vulnerability in the hippocampus, corpus callosum, basal ganglia, and the cerebellum. Neurophysiological studies have identified delays in the brain’s electrical response to specific sensory stimuli in children with FAS. Furthermore, neuropsychological studies have identified impairment in overall intellectual functioning, fine and gross motor performance, and adaptive functioning.  相似文献   

呼吸功能锻炼对食管癌患者术后肺功能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 评估术前呼吸功能锻炼改善食管癌患者术后肺功能的效果.方法 将53例拟行开胸手术的原发性食管癌患者随机分为观察组和对照组,对照组术前采用常规护理,观察组在常规护理的基础上术前7 d起进行沙袋加压腹式呼吸训练和有效咳嗽训练,观察锻炼前后两组患者肺功能改善情况.结果 呼吸功能锻炼前两组患者的肺功能各指标比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);呼吸功能锻炼后(术后1周)观察组患者的呼吸频率低于对照组,氧分压、VC、MVV、FEV1 均高于对照组,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01). 结论术前进行呼吸功能锻炼可增强呼吸肌群的耐受力和力量,促进食管癌患者术后肺功能的恢复.  相似文献   

Effects of Encainide on the Function of Implanted Pacemakers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of encainide on chronic pacing thresholds was evaluated in 10 patients, age 64-89, who were exposed to weekly increased encainide dosing (25 mg TID, 50 mg TID, 75 mg TID). Median pacing threshold (mujoules) increased modestly at each period compared to placebo and returned rapidly to baseline after discontinuation. (table; see text) No patient experienced a pacing-related clinical event. One patient had a large threshold increase (566%), but no failure to capture on 24-hour ECG, and one patient whose threshold increased minimally had clinically insignificant capture failure, the longest event being 3 beats. No other failure to capture was noted. Thus, encainide, like a number of other antiarrhythmic drugs, appears to affect pacing thresholds. At the highest dose of 225 mg/day (75 mg TID, which exceeds the generally recommended dose of 50 mg TID), but not at lower doses, some patients may experience loss of capture that does not appear related to the change in threshold energy required. Increases in the duration of the paced QRS induced by encainide did not predict increases in threshold. Therefore, when higher doses of encainide are required in patients with pacemakers, clinical observation and ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring should be carried out.  相似文献   

甲基莲心碱对长春新碱抗肿瘤作用的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】观察甲基莲心碱(Neferine,Nef)在体外对长春新碱(Vincristine,VCR)抗人胃癌细胞(SGC7901)作用的影响以探讨其化疗增敏作用。【方法】MTT法检测药物的细胞毒性.PI染色流式细胞术检测细胞凋亡。【结果】2.5、5、10μmol/L Nef对SGC7901细胞无明显细胞毒性.但可使VCR对SGC7901的IC10从0.059μg/ml下降至0.036、0.030、0.014μg/ml。流式细胞术显示SGC7901细胞的自然凋亡率为3.1%,10μmol/L Nef与SGC7901细胞作用24h后,细胞凋亡率为3.2%,说明Nef并不显著诱导SGC7901细胞凋亡。0.5、2、4μg/ml VCR与SGC7901细胞作用24h后.细胞凋亡率分别为5.80%、6.59%、16.4%,VCR可一定程度的诱导SGC7901细胞凋亡;当与10μmol/L Nef合用时.其凋亡率明显增加.分别为18.5%、23.7%、35.4%。[结论]Nef能增强VCR的体外抗肿瘤作用.可能是一种化疗增敏剂。  相似文献   

既往研究表明,中等强度有氧运动可显著改善认知功能。本研究旨在进一步探究高强度运动对认知功能的影响。受试者为10名具有杠铃深蹲训练经验的男性。使用自由重量杠铃评估所有受试者进行背部深蹲的最大重复次数。训练包括:40%~60%可耐受最大杠铃重量,重复5~10次;60%~80%可耐受最大杠铃重量,重复3~5次;以此类推,逐渐增加负荷,直至不能完成深蹲。评估所有受试者的自动化神经心理评估指标(ANAM),该评估涉及认知功能各个方面,包括反应速度、注意力和专注力、即时记忆和延迟记忆、空间处理以及决策速度和效率。在测试当天,运动前对受试者进行ANAM评估,然后进行6组、每组10次的深蹲,允许两组之间休息2分钟。运动后,数学处理任务的成绩有所提高(P<0.003),通过/不通过任务得分显著降低(P=0.006)。然而,在运动后,编码替代延迟(CDD)的分数出现下降(P=0.11)。数据表明,这些练习促进了与基本计算技能和反应抑制相关的认知领域,同时干扰了需要记忆和回忆的技能。结论:本研究表明,高强度运动可改善反应时间和处理速度,但会干扰需要记忆和回忆的任务完成。  相似文献   

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