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AIMS: To investigate the hypothesis that commonly occurring bacterial toxins cause sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) by (1), determining in which tissues bacterial toxins are concentrated after intravenous injection in rats; and (2), seeing if the same tissues contain detectable toxins in cases of SIDS. METHODS: The tissue distribution of intravenously injected staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA), enterotoxin B (SEB), enterotoxin C (SEC), enterotoxin D (SED), toxic shock syndrome toxin (TSST-1), and alpha-haemolysin was studied in rats using immunohistology and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with immunoblotting. Immunostaining was also carried out on formalin fixed kidneys from cases of SIDS and a comparison series of necropsy cases using anti-SEA, anti-SEB, anti-SEC2 and anti-SED. RESULTS: Immunohistology showed that SEB, SEC, SED and TSST-1 were all concentrated in the proximal convoluted tubular cells of the kidney. The presence of these toxins was confirmed in kidney homogenates using electrophoresis and immunoblotting. There was positive granular staining in the proximal convoluted tubular cells of the kidney in 36% of SIDS cases and 12% of the comparison series with anti SEC2 (chi 2 = 6; p < 0.025). CONCLUSION: SEC, or a bacterial toxin with epitopes in common, could have a pathogenic role in SIDS.  相似文献   

Staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome is an exfoliative dermatitis characterized by the separation of the epidermis at the stratum granulosum. This disruption is mediated by one of two Staphylococcus aureus exotoxins, exfoliative toxins A and B (ETA and ETB). Both ETA and ETB have been reported to be bacterial superantigens. A controversy exists, however, as other data indicate that these exotoxins are not superantigens. Here we demonstrate that recombinant exfoliative toxins produced in Escherichia coli do not act as T-cell mitogens and thus are not bacterial superantigens. These data fit the clinical profile of the disease, which is not associated with the classic symptoms of a superantigen-mediated syndrome.  相似文献   

Two epidermolytic toxins, produced by different strains of Staphylococcus aureus, split human skin at a site in the upper epidermis. Clinical effects are most common in infants, but adults are susceptible. Epidermolysis may also be observed in the mouse, in vivo and in vitro, and in a few other mammals. Recent in vitro experiments have demonstrated an inhibition by chelators and point to metal-ion, possibly Ca2+, involvement. The epidermolysis effect is insensitive to a wide range of other metabolic inhibitors. The toxin amino acid sequences are similar to that of staphylococcal proteinase, and new experiments by chemical modification and site-directed mutagenesis have shown that toxicity depends on active serine residues of a catalytic triad similar to that found in serine proteases. Furthermore the toxins possess esterolytic activity, also dependent on the active serine sites. However, the toxins have low or undetectable activity towards a range of peptide or protein substrates. In histological and related studies, the toxins bound selectively to an intracellular skin protein, profilaggrin, but there was no evidence that the toxin can enter intact epidermal cells. Therefore, although the circumstantial evidence that the toxins act by proteolysis is convincing, a specific skin proteolytic substrate for the toxin has not been identified.  相似文献   

Virulent strains of Staphylococcus hyicus can cause exudative epidermitis in pigs. The major symptom of this disease is exfoliation of the skin in the upper stratum spinosum. Exfoliation of the skin is strongly associated with exfoliative toxin including ExhA, ExhB, ExhC, ExhD, SHETA, and SHETB. Recently, genes for ExhA, ExhB, ExhC and ExhD were cloned. Exfoliative toxins produced by S. aureus have been shown to selectively cleave human or mouse desmoglein 1, a desmosomal adhesion molecule, that when inactivated results in blisters. In this study, we attempted to identify the molecular target of Exhs in porcine skin. Each of recombinant Exhs injected in the skin of pigs caused superficial epidermal blisters or crust formation. Cell surface staining of desmoglein 1, but not that of desmoglein 3, was abolished when cryosections of normal porcine skin were incubated with one of Exhs suggesting that Exh selectively degrade porcine desmoglein 1. In vitro incubation of the recombinant extracellular domains of desmoglein 1 and desmoglein 3 of human, mouse or canine origin demonstrated that only mouse desmogleins 1alpha and 1beta were cleaved by ExhA and ExhC at high concentration. Furthermore, injection of ExhA and ExhC at high concentration caused superficial blisters in neonatal mice. These findings strongly suggest that Exhs cause blister formation of porcine skin by digesting porcine desmoglein 1 in a similar fashion to exfoliative toxins from S. aureus.  相似文献   

Abeta is the major component of amyloid in the brain in Alzheimer's disease and is derived from an amyloid precursor protein (APP) by the sequential proteolytic processing of two putative proteases, called beta- and gamma-secretase. To clarify the mechanism of gamma-secretase processing, we created constructs contained the C-terminal domain of APP and analyzed the processing in COS-1 cells. We found that C-terminal fragments (CTFs) containing a short extra N-terminal region before the beta-secretase cleavage site were directly processed at gamma-secretase cleavage site. This suggests that gamma-secretase cleavage occurs independently and is not dependent on alpha- and beta-secretase cleavage.  相似文献   

Exfoliative toxin produced by Staphylococcus hyicus bound to the GM4-like glycolipid extracted from the skin of 1-day-old chickens but did not bind to glycolipid from adult chickens or suckling mice. Exfoliative toxin produced by Staphylococcus aureus bound to the GM4-like glycolipid extracted from the skin of suckling mice but not to glycolipid from 1-day-old or adult chickens. S. hyicus and S. aureus exfoliative toxins lost their toxicity by preincubation with GM4-like glycolipid from 1-day-old chickens and suckling mice, respectively.  相似文献   

We sought a possible correlation between the clinical manifestations of staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome (SSSS) and the serotype of exfoliative toxins (ET) by PCR screening of the eta and etb genes in Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from 103 patients with generalized SSSS and 95 patients with bullous impetigo. The eta gene and the etb gene were detected in, respectively, 31 (30%) and 20 (19%) episodes of generalized SSSS and 57 (60%) and 5 (5%) episodes of bullous impetigo. Both genes were detected in 52 (50%) episodes of generalized SSS and 33 (35%) episodes of bullous impetigo. To explain this link between etb and generalized SSSS, we examined the distribution of ETA- and ETB-specific antibodies in the healthy population (n = 175) and found that the anti-ETB antibody titer was lower than the anti-ETA titer. Thus, ETA is associated with bullous impetigo and ETB is associated with generalized SSSS, possibly owing to a lower titer of anti-ETB neutralizing antibodies in the general population.  相似文献   

Toxic-shock syndrome (TSS) is an acute onset, multiorgan illness which resembles severe scarlet fever. The illness is caused by Staphylococcus aureus strains that express TSS toxin-1 (TSST-1), enterotoxin B, or enterotoxin C. TSST-1 is associated with menstrual TSS and approximately one-half of nonmenstrual cases; the other two toxins cause nonmenstrual cases, 47% and 3%, respectively. The three toxins are expressed in culture media under similar environmental conditions. These conditions may explain the association of certain tampons with menstrual TSS. Biochemically, the toxins are all relatively low molecular weight and fairly heat and protease stable. Enterotoxins B and C, share nearly 50% sequence homology with streptococcal scarlet fever toxin A; they share no homology with TSST-1 despite sharing numerous biological properties. Numerous animal models for development of TSS have suggested mechanisms of toxin action, though the exact molecular action is not known. The toxins are all potent pyrogens, induce T lymphocyte proliferation, requiring interleukin 1 release from macrophages, suppress immunoglobulin production, enhance endotoxin shock, and enhance hypersensitivity skin reactions. The genetic control of the toxins has been studied and suggests the exotoxins are variable traits. Some additional properties of TSS S. aureus which facilitate disease causation have been clarified.  相似文献   

Two enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays were developed for detection of staphylococcal exfoliative toxins A and B (ETA and ETB) with a double-antibody sandwich protocol. Antibodies against both toxins were purified by affinity chromatography from sheep antisera raised against purified ETA and ETB. These affinity-purified antibodies were free of detectable amounts of antibodies to other staphylococcal antigens and neutralized the actions of ETA and ETB. Alkaline phosphatase was conjugated to these antibodies. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, which could detect at least 3 ng of ETA and ETB per ml, was used to quantitate the toxins in the culture supernatant fluids of staphylococcal strains. Thus, the kinetics of ETA and ETB synthesis and of ETA and ETB release into the supernatant fluids were determined; other determinations included the roles of carbon dioxide concentration, pH, glucose concentration, temperature, and agitation on the production of ETA and ETB.  相似文献   

The exfoliative (epidermolytic) toxins of Staphylococcus aureus are the causative agents of the staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome (SSSS), a blistering skin disorder that predominantly affects children. Clinical features of SSSS vary along a spectrum, ranging from a few localized blisters to generalized exfoliation covering almost the entire body. The toxins act specifically at the zona granulosa of the epidermis to produce the characteristic exfoliation, although the mechanism by which this is achieved is still poorly understood. Despite the availability of antibiotics, SSSS carries a significant mortality rate, particularly among neonates with secondary complications of epidermal loss and among adults with underlying diseases. The aim of this article is to provide a comprehensive review of the literature spanning more than a century and to cover all aspects of the disease. The epidemiology, clinical features, potential complications, risk factors, susceptibility, diagnosis, differential diagnoses, investigations currently available, treatment options, and preventive measures are all discussed in detail. Recent crystallographic data on the toxins has provided us with a clearer and more defined approach to studying the disease. Understanding their mode of action has important implications in future treatment and prevention of SSSS and other diseases, and knowledge of their specific site of action may provide a useful tool for physiologists, dermatologists, and pharmacologists.  相似文献   

Exfoliative toxin (ET) from a phage group II Staphylococcus aureus strain causing staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome was purified by electrofocusing. Ampholytes and salts were removed from the final product by column chromatography on G-50 Sephadex. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels of the final product yielded a single band upon gel electrophoresis, even when 60 mug of protein was placed in the gels. Radiolabeling of the purified toxin with 125I yielded a product that still caused exfoliation of suckling mice, indicating that the toxin was still biologically active. A radioimmunobinding assay was developed and used to test rabbit and human sera for antibodies to exfoliative toxin. Although the maximum percentage of binding was not as high as expected (approximately 40%), it was postulated that either iodination had not been sufficiently vigorous or the toxin had sustained immunological damage. The assay was reproducible and more sensitive than the existing neutralization method and readily applicable to the testing of human sera for exfoliative toxin antibodies.  相似文献   

A total of 429 different Staphylococcus aureus isolates encompassing 219 blood isolates and 210 isolates taken from anterior nares were systematically searched by two multiplex PCR-DNA enzyme immunoassays (PCR-DEIA) for exfoliative toxin (ET) genes eta and etb, as well as for the classical members of the pyrogenic toxin superantigen (PTSAg) gene family comprising the staphylococcal enterotoxin (SE) genes sea-see and the toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 gene tst. In addition, a third PCR-DEIA was established to investigate the possession of four recently described SE genes, viz. seg-sej. The most frequent PTSAg/ET genes amplified were seg and sei, which were found strictly in combination in 55.0% of the S. aureus isolates tested. Other frequently detected toxin genes were tst (20.3%), sea (15.9%), and sec (11.2%). Only five isolates harbored ET genes. Regarding the origin of the S. aureus isolates, a significant difference (P = 0.037) was found for the possession of the sed/sej gene combination (10.5% of blood isolates versus 3.3% of nasal strains). Overall, about half of S. aureus isolates tested harbored genes of the classical members of the PTSAg family and ETs (50.8%), whereas 73.0% of S. aureus isolates were toxin gene positive if the recently described SE genes were included. This notable higher prevalence indicates that the possession of PTSAg genes in particular seems to be a habitual feature of S. aureus. Moreover, mainly due to the fixed combinations of seg plus sei, as well as sed plus sej, the possession of multiple PTSAg genes (62.9%) is more frequent than assumed so far.  相似文献   

Genes encoding staphylococcal enterotoxins (sea to see, seg, and seh), toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (tst), and exfoliative toxins (eta and etb) were not detected in a large panel of 48 Staphylococcus sciuri group isolates tested. This strongly suggests that production of the staphylococcal exotoxins by these bacteria is highly unlikely.  相似文献   

A multiplex PCR assay for detection of genes for staphylococcal enterotoxins A to E (entA, entB, entC, entD, and entE), toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (tst), exfoliative toxins A and B (etaA and etaB), and intrinsic methicillin resistance (mecA) was developed. Detection of femA was used as an internal positive control. The multiplex PCR assay combined the primers for sea to see and femA in one set and those for eta, etb, tst, mecA, and femA in the other set. Validation of the assay was performed using 176 human isolates of Staphylococcus aureus. This assay offers a very specific, quick, reliable, and inexpensive alternative to conventional PCR assays used in clinical laboratories to identify various staphylococcal toxin genes.  相似文献   

Eight pairs of synthetic oligonucleotide primers were used in a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocol to detect genes for staphylococcal enterotoxins A to E, exfoliative toxins A and B, and toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 in Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from clinical specimens and contaminated foods. Primers were targeted to internal regions of the toxin genes, and amplification fragments were detected after the PCR by agarose gel electrophoresis. Unequivocal discrimination of toxin genes was obtained by the PCR by using nucleic acids extracted from 88 strains of S. aureus whose toxigenicity was established biologically and immunologically. In immunological assays, two strains of S. aureus produced equivocal results for production of enterotoxin C or toxic shock syndrome toxin 1, giving an overall concordance between phenotypic and genotypic identification of 97.7%. Primer specificity was established in the PCR by using nucleic acids from known toxin-producing bacterial pathogens and from nontoxigenic S. aureus. Strains of Streptococcus spp., including some producers of pyrogenic exotoxin A carrying the speA gene, were negative by the PCR designed to detect staphylococcal toxins. The detection limits were established for all the staphylococcal toxin genes within their respective PCR protocols. The identification of staphylococcal toxin genes in strains of S. aureus by the PCR offers a very specific, sensitive, relatively rapid, and inexpensive alternative to traditional immunological assays which depend on adequate gene expression for reliability and sensitivity.  相似文献   

Specific detection of amanitins in body fluids is necessary for an early diagnosis of an intoxication with amanita mushrooms. In this paper, a liquid chromatographic-mass spectrometric assay after immunoaffinity extraction (IAE-LC-MS) is described for the determination of alpha- and beta-amanitin in urine. The method has been validated according to the criteria established by the Journal of Chromatography B. The assay was found to be selective. The calibration curves for alpha- and beta-amanitin were linear from 5 to 75 ng/ml. Intra- and inter-day accuracy and precision were inside the required limits. Amatoxins in frozen urine samples or immunoaffinity extracts were stable for more than 6 months, and the IAE columns could be used more than fifty times without remarkable loss in performance. LOD for alpha- and beta-amanitin was 2.5 ng/ml and LOQ for both was 5.0 ng/ml. The absolute recoveries of alpha- and beta-amanitin were 63% and 58% for the low quality control and 61% and 57% for the high quality control. The absolute recovery for the internal standard gamma-amanitin methyl ether at 25 ng/ml was 60%. The analysis of 5 authentic urine samples from patients intoxicated by amanita mushrooms showed a good correlation between the results measured by radioimmunoassay and the IAE-LC-MS assay. A partial validation showed that the assay was also suitable for plasma analysis.  相似文献   

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