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1954年,我国外科界掀起了学习、借鉴苏联医学的热潮,尤其注重巴甫洛夫学说在外科学的应用。中华医学会外科学会、中华外科杂志编辑委员会在《中华外科杂志》1954年第1期发表的“关于1954年度编辑工作的一些希望和意见”中提出:“我们的目的是逐步走向有计划、有重点地介绍苏联医学。苏联外科方面有代表性的作品拟用择文、文摘或综述方式刊出。”这一期《中华外科杂志》刊登了北京医院计苏华教授在1953年9月27日由中国科学院、中华全国自然科学专门学会联合会、中央卫生研究院联合举办的纪念巴甫洛夫诞辰104周年纪念会上所作的“巴甫洛夫学说在外科学的应用”的报告,还刊登了黄家驷教授的“参观苏联外科的感想”一文,介绍了苏联外科的发展成就。在这一年里,《中华外科杂志》先后刊登了“苏联外科的成就”(王雪寒译)、“论医科大学外科教学方法”(陈纯义译)、“巴甫洛夫学说及外科临床工作中的机构问题”(郑扶民译)、“就巴甫洛夫学说的观点论急性肠梗阻病发的机理”(袁中兴译)等20余篇苏联文献。  相似文献   

The work ”Akiurgische Abbildungen” (surgical illustrations) by the surgeon Ernst Blasius from Halle compiles the surgical equipment of the nineteenth century in a unique guide. Not only does it illustrate the enormous number of more than 3,000 instruments, it also impresses with its accuracy. Additionally, each instrument is explained in detail by indications and function. During the 33 years in his position as the Chair of surgery at the Friedrichs University in Halle, Blasius left behind an amazing life’s work and also trained many subsequently famous doctors. He collected the surgical and ophthalmological knowledge of his time in several textbooks. Especially their aspects concerning vascular surgery are emphasized in part II of this article. Derived from the ligature of arteries, operations on blood vessels as described by Blasius were performed in almost all topographies of the human body. However, they were carried out more or less close to the body surface. Established in France and England these operations had been utilized for almost 100 years before Blasius’ time and hence originate from a period prior to narcosis. It is thus surprising that Blasius delivers no more information about the development of vascular surgery after the introduction of narcosis.  相似文献   

The work “Akiurgische Abbildungen” (surgical illustrations) by the surgeon Ernst Blasius from Halle compiles the surgical equipment of the nineteenth century in a unique guide. Not only does it illustrate the enormous number of more than 3,000 instruments, it also impresses with its accuracy. Additionally, each instrument is explained in detail by indications and function. During the 33 years in his position as the Chair of surgery at the Friedrichs University in Halle, Blasius left behind an amazing life’s work and also trained many subsequently famous doctors. He collected the surgical and ophthalmological knowledge of his time in several textbooks. Especially their aspects concerning vascular surgery are emphasized in part II of this article. Derived from the ligature of arteries, operations on blood vessels as described by Blasius were performed in almost all topographies of the human body. However, they were carried out more or less close to the body surface. Established in France and England these operations had been utilized for almost 100 years before Blasius’ time and hence originate from a period prior to narcosis. It is thus surprising that Blasius delivers no more information about the development of vascular surgery after the introduction of narcosis.  相似文献   

本文解决了一类商高数的Jes′manowicz猜测,即证明下列定理:设a=(n+h)~2-n~2、b=2n(n+h)、C=(n+h)+n~2,此处正整数n、h满足h~2=2n~2-1,则丢番图方程a+b~y=c~z仅有正整数解x=y=z=2。  相似文献   

"黏"与"粘"在使用中容易混淆,是常有的事,主要是因为原来"粘"为多音字,在作为形容词的时候,"粘"是"黏"的简化字。现在根据第5版的《现代汉语规范词典》的注解,这两个字是有区别的。《现代汉语规范词典》将"粘"(zhān)标为动词,将"黏"(niān)标为形容词。表示动作,用"黏"的东西使物体连接起来应  相似文献   

Mary Angharad Guy was born one of three daughters of an affluent seafaring family. After preclinical education in Cardiff she proceeded to Charing Cross Hospital, London, for her clinical studies and on qualification worked with eminent men. She married John Guy, who became county medical officer for Westmorland, and they had three children. She gave up her career after marriage and it was another 15 years before she returned to work, to undertake school and baby clinics. She was a woman of outstanding promise and gifted artistically, but she was caught in a social trap between the wars, when women were expected to give up professional careers on marriage.  相似文献   

Long-term incidence studies are required to identify high-risk groups, establish trends, and forecast needs, and thus contribute to health care planning in spinal cord injury (SCI). This study aimed to determine the incidence of traumatic SCI over a 36-year period in Aragón, Spain, and compare rates with other published European estimates. Hospital records from the Servet Hospital, the only specialized SCI unit in the region, of a retrospective cohort with traumatic SCI between January 1972 and December 2008 were reviewed. Specification of SCI patient demographics, injury causes, and related factors was achieved by utilizing medical records available for inpatients, hospital archives, and central databases. A total of 540 cases were reported over the 36-year study period (79% were male). The age- and sex-adjusted incidence rate was 15.5 per million population (18.8 for males and 4.9 for females). Two incidence peaks were suggested, in the 20- to 29-year and 60- to 69-year age groups. Traffic accidents and falls were the main causes of injury. The highest peak occurs in young adults, mainly caused by traffic accidents. The majority of the lesions were at cervical or thoracic level, and ASIA grade A was most frequently observed. The proportion of SCI cases in persons older than 60 years, mostly due to falls, is increasing. The age-adjusted incidence rates found for the region of Aragón in Spain fall within the range of other published European estimates. Comparative epidemiological features for 2001-2008 suggest that there is room for prevention.  相似文献   

本文系Rudd教授在第1届中国移植免疫学学术会议上所作CTLA-4-chemokine cooperation in'reverse-stop signal model'for T-cell motilityand anergy报告的文字提要。  相似文献   

Background contextThe thoracic spine exhibits a unique response to trauma as the result of recognized anatomical and biomechanical differences. Despite this response, clinical studies often group thoracic fractures (T1–T10) with more caudal thoracolumbar injuries. Subsequently, there is a paucity of literature on the functional outcomes of this distinct group of injuries.PurposeTo describe and identify predictors of health-related quality-of-life outcomes and re-employment status in patients with thoracic fractures who present to a spine injury tertiary referral center.Study designAn ambispective cohort study with cross-sectional outcome assessment.Patient sampleA prospectively collected fully relational spine database was searched to identify all adult (>16 years) patients treated with traumatic thoracic (T1–T10) fractures with and without neurologic deficits, treated between 1995 and 2008.Outcome measuresThe Short-Form-36, Oswestry Disability Index, and Prolo Economic Scale outcome instruments were completed at a minimum follow-up of 12 months. Preoperative and minimum 1-year postinjury X-rays were evaluated.MethodUnivariate and multivariate regression analysis was used to identify predictors of outcomes from a range of demographic, injury, treatment, and radiographic variables.ResultsOne hundred twenty-six patients, age 36±15 years (mean±SD), with 135 fractures were assessed at a mean follow-up of 6 years (range 1–15.5 years). Traffic accidents (45%) and translational injuries (54%) were the most common mechanism and dominant fracture pattern, respectively. Neurologic deficits were frequent—53% had complete (American Spinal Injury Association impairment scale [AIS] A) spinal cord deficits on admission. Operative management was performed in 78%. Patients who sustain thoracic fractures, but escaped significant neurologic injury (AIS D or E on admission) had SF-36 scores that did not differ significantly from population norms at a mean follow-up of 6 years. Eighty-eight percent of this cohort was re-employed. Interestingly, Oswestry Disability Index scores remained inferior to healthy subjects. In contrast, SF-36 scores in those with more profound neurologic deficits at presentation (AIS A, B, or C) remained inferior to normative data. Fifty-seven percent were re-employed, 25% in their previous job type. Using multiple regression analysis, we found that comorbidity status (measured by the Charlson Comorbidity index) was the only independent predictor of SF-36 scores. Neurologic impairment (AIS) and adverse events were independent predictors of the SF-36 physical functioning subscale. Sagittal alignment and number of fused levels were not independent predictors.ConclusionsAt a mean follow-up of 6 years, patients who presented with thoracic fractures and AIS D or E neurologic status recovered a general health status not significantly inferior to population norms. Compared with other neurologic intact spinal injuries, patients with thoracic injuries have a favorable generic health-related quality-of-life prognosis. Inferior outcomes and re-employment prospects were noted in those with more significant neurologic deficits.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The creation of the first chair of Urology in Spain and, consequently, the official recognition of the specialty in the urinary tract as a subject in the university curriculum was not an easy task for the urologists early in the last century. The curriculum of 1886 and 1902 included some medical specialties in the licentiate (ORL, Ophthalmology, Dermatology and Venereal Disease, and Neuropathy) as complementary and subsequently compulsory subjects, but not Urology. Perhaps this was due to the lack of representative or influential urologists that could exert pressure on the ministers of Public Education at that time. Although the Spanish Society of Urology was founded in 1911 and some urologists like Rafael Mollá and Rodrigo and Leonardo de la Pe?a Díaz, professors of the Central University, exerted pressure on the university faculty, Royal Academy of Medicine and the Ministry of Public Education, Urology was not included in the curriculum until 1920, although, in my view, its category was again devaluated since it was only an optional subject in the licentiate or doctorate. Apart from the procedures and processes, convoking the chair required political and administrative maneuvers that are shown in a broad review of newspaper articles and documents of that period. The controversial result of the competition based on merits that some considered should have been competition for a position according to the convocation, is no discredit to Leonardo de la Pe?a Díaz (1875-1957), the first professor of Urology in the history of Spanish Medicine. An unbiased historical and discerning evaluation clearly shows that his merits, accomplishments, tenacity and competence in teaching made him the most appropriate for the position. His merits were finally recognized not only by the board but also by his opponents.  相似文献   

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