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中美大学生羞耻体验的异同   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:检验东西方两种文化下羞耻感的异同之处,与理论相结合探索未来对羞耻感的跨文化研究方向.方法:以方便取样,选取在北京大学的美国访问学生进行半结构化访谈,到第8名后不再有新的类别,随后配对选取8名北京大学学生进行相同访谈.将所得内容就羞耻体验中的认知、情感和行为后果进行分类编码和统计.结果:在羞耻感的引发因素上,中美大学生均报告了在学业成就、人际交往、群体、身体和重要他人5种羞耻情境中强度相似的羞耻感;自我、同辈、父母、老师或领导对大学生的期望都会引发羞耻感,群体的期望只引发中国大学生的羞耻感,而美国大学生未提及.羞耻体验过程中,中国大学生比美国大学生报告了更多身体反应(中国被试3类身体反应,21人次,而美国被试仅1类,5人次),并倾向于对羞耻体验做更多的认知加工(人次33:19).在羞耻感的影响力上,两国大学生均报告羞耻感在导致回避行为等负性结果的同时,其最重要的影响在于具有行为促进和约束的正性作用.结论:本研究结果加深了对羞耻感跨文化异同现象的理解,支持自我意识情绪产生模型和自我建构模型.  相似文献   

目的:采用横向和纵向数据,探索羞耻对女性强戒人员复吸倾向的影响机制。方法:随机选取北京市某强制隔离戒毒所女性戒毒人员195名完成羞耻、自我效能、心理弹性与复吸倾向量表;采用羞耻感量表筛选高分组女性强戒人员干预组31名,对照组30名,使用整合团体干预以羞耻感为靶点对干预组进行为期14次的团体干预。结果:女性强戒人员的羞耻正向预测复吸倾向,自我效能感和心理弹性在羞耻到复吸倾向间的链式中介效应显著;经过团体干预,女性强戒人员羞耻、复吸倾向降低,自我效能感提升,而心理弹性的提升未发现有统计学意义。结论:在问卷调查中,女性强戒人员的羞耻可能通过自我效能感和心理弹性影响复吸倾向;在团体干预中,羞耻干预团体降低女性强戒人员的羞耻感与复吸倾向,可能是通过提升自我效能感而起作用。  相似文献   

大学生羞耻感、人格与心理健康的结构模型初步研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
目的:探讨大学生羞耻感与人格,心理健康的关系。建立大学生羞耻感,人格与心理健康的结构模型。方法:178名大学生参加了本研究,其中男生86人,女生92人,平均年龄21岁。所有被试填写了羞耻量表,艾森克人格问卷简式量表和症状自评量表,运用结构方程模型对数据进行拟合,结果:初步建立了人格,羞耻感与心理健康的理论关系模型。同时通过模型比较确定了羞耻感在人格和心理健康关系模型中的部分中介地位。  相似文献   

大学生羞耻感对社交焦虑影响的纵向研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:在大学生中尝试验证羞耻感对社交焦虑的影响作用。方法:对213名大学生进行了问隔六周的前后测.用结构方程模型的纵向研究方法,检验羞耻感对社交焦虑的影响是否存在及影响的程度。结果:所建构的自回归模型拟合指标理想.作为自变量的羞耻感和因变量社交焦虑呈正相关的关系.羞耻感的降低有利于减轻个体的社交焦虑水平。个性羞耻维度对社交焦虑水平的影响较其他羞耻感因素更加显著。此外,在行为羞耻和人际敏感因素间有一定程度的直接相关。结论:验证了羞耻感对社交焦虑的重要影响作用.为进一步探索羞耻感和社交焦虑问的因果关系提供了支持证据。对探索羞耻感和社交焦虑的关系提供了更有效的研究方法。  相似文献   

大学生社交焦虑易感性的回归分析   总被引:24,自引:6,他引:24  
目的:探讨大学生社交焦虑易感性与各种可能因素之间的关系。方法:对200名大学本科生施测了社交焦虑量表、羞耻量表、艾森克人格问卷简式量表、应付方式问卷、贝克抑郁量表、特质焦虑问卷。结果:大学生的社交焦虑易感性主要与羞耻感、人格中的精神质、内外向等因素相关;社交焦虑易感性高的个体更易对自己的行为感到羞耻,且缺乏消极的应对方式;而易感性低的个体在人格的精神质、外向方面表现更明显、突出。结论:羞耻感和人格因素中的精神质、内外向是对大学生个体的社交焦虑易感性产生影响的主要因素,对自己行为的羞耻,且不善于使用消极的应对方式,加剧了个体的焦虑体验;个性中的精神质、外倾的特征可以降低大学生的社交焦虑易感性。  相似文献   

目的:考察自我指向和他人指向的自我负性认知评估类型对个体选择特定羞耻情绪认知调节策略的影响。方法:采用情境故事法操纵两种能激发羞耻的负性自我认知评估以诱发个体羞耻情绪,比较两种条件下个体在认知情绪调节策略选择上的差异。结果:①自我指向的自我负性认知评估仅和能维持/扩大羞耻严重程度的消极认知策略有关,而他人指向的自我负性认知评估既和上述消极认知策略有关,又和防御型及修复型策略的选用有关。②自我指向的负性认知评估是羞耻体验中的主要负性认知评估类型,而他人指向的自我负性认知评估常伴随前者出现,并可加剧其强度。结论:自我负性认知评估类型对个体认知调节策略的选择有一定影响,但这一影响的表现是复杂的。  相似文献   

大学生羞耻感和心理健康以及自我效能,自尊的相关研究   总被引:40,自引:6,他引:34  
目的: 了解大学生羞耻感与心理健康的关系, 以及它们和自我效能、自尊之间的关系。方法: 191 名北京大学本科生参加了本研究, 其中男生111人, 女生80 人, 平均年龄为20.4岁。所有的被试填写了羞耻量表、症状自评量表 (SCL- 90)、自我判断调查表(SEI) (测查自我效能感) 和自尊量表(SES)。结果: 羞耻和SCL-90 各因子得分均呈显著的正相关(p 均小于0.01);自我效能、自尊与羞耻得分之间有显著的负相关(p 均小于0.01)。考察SCL-90 各因子和自我效能、自尊的相关情况发现, SCL-90各因子和自我效能、自尊得分之间呈显著的负相关 (p 均小于0.01)。表明羞耻体验可引起自我效能、自尊水平的下降, 同时自我效能和自尊水平的降低可能反过来加强了羞耻的体验, 并最终影响到心理健康。  相似文献   

羞耻和一般负性情绪的认知调节策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究个体对羞耻与一般负性情绪的认知情绪调节的差异,以及高低特质羞耻者对羞耻与一般负性情绪的认知调节特点.方法:采用方便取样,500名大学生填写羞耻体验量表(Experience of Shame Scale,ESS)和认知情绪调节问卷(Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire,CERQ).结果:个体在羞耻情绪和一般负性情绪时使用的认知调节策略有显著差异;高羞耻和低羞耻者倾向于使用不同的认知调节策略,而且这种差异大体一致地存在于调节羞耻情绪和一般负性情绪时.结论:个体对羞耻情绪的认知调节不同于对一般负性情绪的认知调节,特质羞耻者有其独特的认知情绪调节方式.  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同羞耻倾向个体对不同情绪自传体记忆的定向遗忘特点。方法:以高、低羞耻倾向大学生各30名为被试,使用正性、负性和中性线索词诱发被试的自传体记忆,采用项目法定向遗忘范式,从自传体记忆的具体性这一角度探讨高低羞耻倾向个体自传体记忆定向遗忘特点。结果:1高、低羞耻倾向个体在遗忘条件下对概括和具体的自传体记忆的回忆率都显著低于记住条件下;2高、低羞耻倾向个体对负性词诱发的自传体记忆的回忆率要显著低于中性和正性词;3高羞耻倾向个体对负性词引发的具体的自传体记忆的回忆率低于低羞耻倾向个体,而高、低羞耻倾向个体对概括的自传体记忆的回忆率差异不显著。结论:高、低羞耻倾向个体不论在具体和概括的自传体记忆上都表现出了定向遗忘,个体的羞耻倾向和自传体记忆的情绪性会影响具体的自传体记忆的定向遗忘。  相似文献   

身体锻炼与中学生羞耻感的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
已有研究发现,羞耻感与心理健康有很大关系,易耻者相对心理健康水平较低[1],并且在遇到消极事件时倾向于作自我否定的归因,更容易采用否认和回避的应对方式[2]。本研究探索身体锻炼和中学生羞耻易感性之间的关系,为心理治疗提供新的思路。对象与方法1.1对象对上海市闵行区41所初级中学以学校类别分层,分为公办学校、民办学校和转制(由公办转为民办)学校3个层次,从每个层次中用完全随机化方法抽取各类学校各1所,3所学校共有18个初中二年级班,766名量表(N总=2体15)个性羞耻24.0±5.2行为羞耻19.6±3.9身体羞耻7.4±2.4家庭羞耻6.9±2.4羞耻体…  相似文献   

There has been little research into the association of shame and other self‐conscious emotions in bipolar disorder, although there is evidence linking shame to various psychopathologies. Objectives: This research investigates the levels of shame in individuals with bipolar disorder. Design and Methods: A cross‐sectional design was used to compare 24 individuals with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder to a clinical control group of 18 individuals with unipolar depression, and 23 age‐matched non‐psychiatric controls on measures of mood (Beck Depression Inventory [BDI] and Self Report Manic Inventory [SRMI]) and of self‐conscious emotions (Internalized Shame Scale and Test of Self‐Conscious Affect). Results: Higher levels of trait shame and lower guilt‐proneness were found in the bipolar group. Higher levels of shame‐proneness were found in the unipolar group in comparison to the bipolar and control groups. BDI scores positively correlated with trait shame and shame‐proneness, and accounted for a large proportion of the variance in these scores. SRMI scores positively correlated with trait (internalized) shame and negatively correlated with guilt‐proneness. Conclusions: There was evidence for the presence of shame within bipolar disorder, but this differed to the evidence for shame in individuals with unipolar depression. Clinical implications are discussed. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Key Practitioner Message: ? Evidence suggests that cognitive–behavioural therapy is not effective in individuals with bipolar disorder with more than 12 illness episodes. ? Shame has been elucidated as a factor is some chronic mental health problems, including depression. ? Compassionate mind training has recently been developed to address experience of shame and is designed as an adjunct to cognitive–behavioural approaches. ? This paper finds evidence for the presence of shame within bipolar disorder, but with a different manifestation than that found in individuals with depression. ? This suggests that clinicians should consider shame as a factor for exploration within therapy, possibly using compassionate mind therapy, and its inclusion may improve on therapeutic outcome.  相似文献   

Shame and guilt in women with eating-disorder symptomatology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relationship of shame and guilt to eating-disorder symptomatology was investigated in a sample of 97 Australian women. In terms of the objective of predicting the severity of eating disturbance, the study explored the predictive utility of proneness to shame and guilt in a global sense, shame and guilt associated specifically with eating contexts, and shame associated with the body. The study also sought to determine if shame is a more prominent emotion than guilt among women who have eating difficulties. Shame associated with eating behavior was the strongest predictor of the severity of eating-disorder symptomatology. Other effective predictors were guilt associated with eating behavior and body shame. Eating disturbance was unrelated to proneness to shame and guilt in a global sense. Discussion of these findings focuses on the issue of determining whether self-conscious affects are best regarded as causes or as consequences of eating disturbance.  相似文献   

Objectives While attributions have been found to play an important role in the experience of shame, little is currently known about attributions that occur as part of shame reparation. This exploratory study investigated the attributions associated with recovery from shame, based on the perspectives of participants. Design Grounded theory was used in data collection and analysis. This approach has been used extensively for developing understandings of how people construct meaning, interpret events, and act on the basis of their beliefs and interpretations. Methods The participants were nine women and four men between the ages of 24 and 70. Data came from interviews in which the participants recalled a distressing shame experience and described how they recovered. Emphasis was on the participants' subjective perspectives, meanings, and interpretations. Results Shame involved global and stable dispositional attributions where the entire self was regarded as flawed and unattractive, and participants perceived themselves as powerless to change an unwanted identity. Internal causal attributions and self‐blame were present in most but not all shame experiences. Recovery involved a movement towards specific and unstable attributions that enhanced self‐concept and maximized a sense of power and control over the future. Shared and external factors that contributed to the event were also identified. Conclusions When applied to psychotherapy for shame‐related distress, these findings point to the importance of exploring clients' attributions related to specific shame events and using interventions that promote attributional change. Directions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper shame is viewed from several different perspectives: culturally, socially and developmentally. As an emotion shame is shaped by culture and serves as a boundary for the protection of privacy; developmentally shame engenders the awareness of the self and its vulnerabilities. Recognition of shame proneness and defences against it can enhance the therapist's sensitivity and warn against the insensitivity and omnipotence that can often develop unwittingly.  相似文献   

目的:考察中学生羞耻应对在羞耻与抑郁间的中介作用。方法:方便选取北京某高中高一、高二年级学生,于2009年12月和2010年6月两个时间点分别填写儿童抑郁问卷(CDI)、中学生羞耻体验量表(MSSS)、羞耻应对方式量表(CSS),时间点1回收有效问卷224份,时间点2回收与时间点1信息匹配的问卷166份。结果:使用纵向数据进行中介作用检验,结果显示,羞耻应对中的攻击自我、攻击他人两个维度对羞耻和抑郁起到中介作用,其中以时间点1的羞耻为自变量,攻击自我为中介变量的模型共可以解释时间点2抑郁方差的19%;而攻击他人作为中介变量的模型共可解释时间点2抑郁方差的13%。结论:羞耻可能通过羞耻应对而影响抑郁水平。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between empathic responsiveness and the proneness to 'zaiakukan' (guilt) and 'shuchishin' (shame and embarrassment). Two hundred and thirty five Japanese undergraduates completed a questionnaire of Situational Guilt Inventory (Arimitsu, 2002), Situational Shyness Questionnaire (Narita, Terasaki, & Niihama, 1990), and Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davis, 1983). As predicted, other-oriented empathic responsiveness, which measured perspective taking and empathetic concern, had a positive correlation with zaiakukan proneness, with shame and embarrassment controlled. On the other hand, self-oriented personal distress had a positive correlation with proneness to 'kihazukashisa', a component of shame and embarrassment, with guilt controlled. Inspection of correlations suggested that zaiakukan emerged from other-oriented empathy, and shuchishin in men from personal distress, because women's experience of shuchishin was less negative than men. Results on private shame were different from those in the previous studies (Leith & Baumeister, 1998; Tangney, 1991), and were discussed in terms of cultural differences.  相似文献   

Objective: The close relationship between social anxiety and eating disorders has attracted considerable scholarly attention in recent years. Shame has been identified as the key emotional symptom in the link between social anxiety and social phobia. While shame is commonly recognized as a meaningful construct for understanding eating disorders, empirical research into this issue has been lacking. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the strength of influence shame and social anxiety have in the psychopathology of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa compared with other clinical groups. Furthermore, the issue of whether shame can account for clinical group differences in the experienced levels of social anxiety was examined. Method: The sample consisted of 120 female inpatients, divided into four groups of 30 according to individual diagnoses: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, anxiety disorders and depression. The Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS), the Social Phobia Scale (SPS) and the Internalized Shame Scale (ISS) were used to measure the target constructs for this investigation. Results: Patients with anorexia and bulimia nervosa have higher scores in internalized global shame than patients with anxiety disorders and depressions. In contrast to anorectic patients, however, patients with bulimia also have higher scores than the other two groups in the area of social performance anxiety; they also differ significantly from the anxiety disorders in terms of interaction anxiety. Once shame was partialled out, group differences of social anxiety were shown to disappear. Discussion: Both shame and social anxiety have to be regarded as important influencing factors in anorexia and bulimia nervosa, with shame making a significant contribution to the explanation of social anxieties. The interaction between shame and social anxiety as well as its relevance for eating disorders are discussed. With regards to the therapeutic implications, it would seem reasonable not only to focus on treating shame affect but also to specifically adopt a therapeutic strategy targeting social anxiety fears. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Background: This study explores the premise that shame episodes can have the properties of traumatic memories, involving intrusions, flashbacks, strong emotional avoidance, hyper arousal, fragmented states of mind and dissociation. Method: A battery of self‐report questionnaires was used to assess shame, shame traumatic memory and depression in 811 participants from general population (481 undergraduate students and 330 subjects from normal population). Results: Results show that early shame experiences do indeed reveal traumatic memory characteristics. Moreover, these experiences are associated with current feelings of internal and external shame in adulthood. We also found that current shame and depression are significantly related. Key to our findings is that those individuals whose shame memories display more traumatic characteristics show more depressive symptoms. A moderator analysis suggested an effect of shame traumatic memory on the relationship between shame and depression. Limitations: The transversal nature of our study design, the use of self‐reports questionnaires, the possibility of selective memories in participants' retrospective reports and the use of a general community sample, are some methodological limitations that should be considered in our investigation. Conclusion: Our study presents novel perspectives on the nature of shame and its relation to psychopathology, empirically supporting the proposal that shame memories have traumatic memory characteristics, that not only affect shame in adulthood but also seem to moderate the impact of shame on depression. Therefore, these considerations emphasize the importance of assessing and intervening on shame memories in a therapeutic context. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Key Practitioner Message:
  • Early shame experiences reveal traumatic memory characteristics and are related to current shame and to psychopathology.
  • Individuals whose shame memories have more traumatic characteristics are those who show more depressive symptoms.
  • Shame traumatic memories moderate the relationship between shame and depression, hence to the same shame, individuals who experienced shame as more traumatic are the ones who show more depressive symptoms.
  • Therapy for shame‐based problems needs to incorporate strategies to assess and address individuals shame traumatic memories.

This longitudinal cohort study explored the relationship of guilt‐ and shame‐proneness to grief in women (N= 86) and men (N = 72) 1 month (‘early’) and 13 months (‘late’) after a stillbirth or neonatal death. Hierarchical regression showed that shame‐proneness explained a small but statistically significant proportion of the variance in early grief in women (9%) and men (19%), whereas guilt‐proneness did not contribute further to the variance in early grief. Conversely, shame‐proneness explained a statistically significant and substantial proportion of the variance in late grief in women (27%) and men (56%), and guilt‐proneness made a significant further contribution to the variance in women (21%) and men (11%). Overall, shame‐ and guilt‐proneness explained 45% of the variance in late grief in women and 63% of the variance in men. Moreover, early shame‐proneness predicted late grief in men. Personality guilt‐ and shame‐proneness showed important relationships with late grief in both women and men, but there were notable sex differences.  相似文献   

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