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The intent to conduct death-related research in a school system may often be thwarted by a lack of support and/or opposition from school personnel, parents, or students. This paper presents a number of strategies which have been found to be effective in eliciting the acceptance and support of these persons. A study of adolescent bereavement, which was conducted in high schools in Peel County, Ontario, serves as a basis for this discussion.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of a course on death and dying on specific attitudes toward death in college students enrolled in the course. A control group comprised students who had expressed interest in such a course but who had not yet enrolled in it. It was hypothesized that, on six variables that constituted specific course objectives, there would be changes in students' attitudes. Results showed changes on four of the six variables. The influence of demographic factors and teaching methods is discussed.  相似文献   

The College Date Rape Attitudes Survey and the Attitudes Toward Women Scale were used in a cross-sectional study to assess rape-accepting attitudes of a convenience sample of 1602 university undergraduate students using a survey distributed online. The findings evidenced that males and individuals with more traditional gender role beliefs had attitudes more accepting of rape than the females and individuals who had more egalitarian gender role beliefs. Respondents who personally knew a rape survivor had attitudes less accepting of rape than those respondents who did not know a survivor. These findings support a continuing need to address rape myths in sexual violence prevention programming. The sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE-A) has an important role in prevention services to educate and build awareness of rape myths both on campus and through community-based efforts to reach this high risk population. Further, the SANE can build important linkages between the college campus and the healthcare setting to support the provision of effective intervention services and improved outcomes in victims of sexual violence.  相似文献   

[目的]了解生死教育课程对高年级医学生死亡焦虑的即时影响.[方法]采用修订后的死亡焦虑量表(DAS)对120名选修<人的优逝>课程的大学三年级和大学四年级的医学生在开课前和课程最后1 d进行测量.[结果]学习前后DAS总分、害怕死亡因子分比较差异有统计学意义.[结论]生死教育在短期内有助于缓解高年级医学生的死亡焦虑.  相似文献   

柴凯 《护理研究》2009,23(24):2251-2253
党的十七大报告中提出:"要全面贯彻党的教育方针,坚持育人为本、德育为先,实施素质教育,提高教育现代化水平,培养德、智、体、美全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人,办好人民满意的教育".  相似文献   

焦杰  任小红  黄伶智  陈丽 《护理研究》2012,26(28):2621-2623
[目的]比较医学专业与非医学专业大学生对待死亡的态度.[方法]选用死亡态度描绘量表(修订版)(DAP-R)对523名大学生的死亡态度进行调查,比较医学生与非医学大学生一般资料中影响死亡态度的因素.[结果]医学生与非医学生在死亡恐惧和趋近接受两个维度得分差异无统计学意义(P>0.05) ;而死亡逃避、自然接受及逃离接受3个维度得分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).[结论]医学知识的获取可以帮助医学生正确看待死亡这一独特的社会现象,避免对死亡的逃避和逃离,对死亡更易持自然接受态度.  相似文献   

Efforts to improve interprofessional education (IPE) are informed by attitudes of health professional students, yet there are limited US data on student characteristics and experiences associated with positive attitudes towards IPE. A cohort of US medical, nursing, and physician associate students was surveyed in their first and third years, using the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale and Interdisciplinary Education Perception Scale. Information was also collected on demographics and experiences during training. Health professional students differed in their attitudes towards IPE; characteristics associated with having more positive attitudes at both time points included being a nursing student, female, older, and having more previous healthcare experience. Students who participated in interprofessional extracurricular activities (particularly patient-based activities) during training reported more positive attitudes in the third year than those who did not participate in such activities. Based on these findings, schools may consider how student characteristics and participation in interprofessional extracurricular activities can affect attitudes regarding IPE. Building on the positive elements of this interprofessional extracurricular experience, schools may also want to consider service-learning models of IPE where students work together on shared goals.  相似文献   

The strength of health science students’ identification with their chosen profession is associated with their attitudes towards interprofessional education (IPE). However, little is known about the factors that might mediate this relationship. In this article, we examine the relationships between professional identification, communication and teamwork skills, perceived relevance of IPE, and positive and negative attitudes towards IPE. A sample of 444 first-year university students from 25 health science professions enrolled in a first-year interprofessional program participated in this research by completing a questionnaire. Data were analysed using path analysis. Positive IPE attitudes were more strongly endorsed than negative IPE attitudes. Perceived relevance of IPE to future careers was the strongest predictor of both positive and negative attitudes to IPE, and fully mediated the effect of professional identity. Self-reported communication and teamwork skills were a significant negative predictor of negative attitudes to IPE only, and the effect was not mediated by perceived relevance. These findings indicate that IPE may be particularly challenging for students who do not have confidence in their abilities to communicate and work effectively in teams. Building these skills through alternative communication technologies may decrease negative attitudes. In order to maintain or increase positive attitudes towards IPE in introductory programs that span professions, the curriculum needs to be designed to demonstrate relevance to the future careers of participating students.  相似文献   

医学专业与非医学专业大学生死亡态度的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]比较医学专业与非医学专业大学生对待死亡的态度。[方法]选用死亡态度描绘量表(修订版)(DAP—R)对523名大学生的死亡态度进行调查,比较医学生与非医学大学生一般资料中影响死亡态度的因素。[结果]医学生与非医学生在死亡恐惧和趋近接受两个维度得分差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);而死亡逃避、自然接受及逃离接受3个维度得分差异有统计学意义(P〈O.05)。[结论]医学知识的获取可以帮助医学生正确看待死亡这一独特的社会现象,避免对死亡的逃避和逃离,对死亡更易持自然接受态度。  相似文献   

大学生心理特点与体育教学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:大学生的心理处于一个相对稳定的阶段,但仍具有较强的可塑性,是继续教育的最佳时期。分析大学生心理特点,从而进行科学的体育教学,促进和提高体育教学质量。资料来源:手工检索2000-01/2004-12发表的与运动心理学相关的著作和中文期刊,检索词“大学生、体育教学、心理学”文章语言种类为中文。资料选择:纳入标准为与大学生心理特点及体育教学心理学相关的理论及研究成果。排除标准:重复研究。资料提炼:共选择相关专著8部纳入其中20个章节;相关文献19篇,纳入7篇,3篇为对大学生心理特点的论著,4篇为运动对大学生心理健康的影响及体育运动的选择。对大学生自我意识的发展特点、思维发展特点、情感发展特点进行整理,结合教学经验提出与学生心理特点相适应的教学方案,排除12篇为重复研究。资料综合:大学生时期的个体,身心发展趋于成熟,身体发展基本接近于成人水平。这一时期大学生自我意识的发展表现为了解和关心自己的成长、自我评价日趋成熟、尊严感及自尊心强烈、人生观逐渐形成.思维发展表现为具有更高的抽象概括和理论性、具有更大的组织性及深刻性、思维具有独立性和批判性。情绪的发展体现为,情绪体验强烈两极性突出、情绪的时间延续性更长、情感具有文饰性、闭锁性和曲折性、情绪和情感内容更加丰富。结论:大学生时期是一个人独立走向社会的准备时期,也是一个人开始认真考虑自己未来生活道路的时期。应根据大学生的心理特点,因材施教运动心理学积累实践资料。因此,体育教学的任务尤为重要,树立大学生的自信心与自尊心为  相似文献   

目的:大学生的心理处于一个相对稳定的阶段,但仍具有较强的可塑性,是继续教育的最佳时期。分析大学生心理特点,从而进行科学的体育教学,促进和提高体育教学质量。资料来源:手工检索2000-01/2004-12发表的与运动心理学相关的著作和中文期刊,检索词″大学生、体育教学、心理学″文章语言种类为中文。资料选择:纳入标准为与大学生心理特点及体育教学心理学相关的理论及研究成果。排除标准:重复研究。资料提炼:共选择相关专著8部纳入其中20个章节;相关文献19篇,纳入7篇,3篇为对大学生心理特点的论著,4篇为运动对大学生心理健康的影响及体育运动的选择。对大学生自我意识的发展特点、思维发展特点、情感发展特点进行整理,结合教学经验提出与学生心理特点相适应的教学方案,排除12篇为重复研究。资料综合:大学生时期的个体,身心发展趋于成熟,身体发展基本接近于成人水平。这一时期大学生自我意识的发展表现为了解和关心自己的成长、自我评价日趋成熟、尊严感及自尊心强烈、人生观逐渐形成,思维发展表现为具有更高的抽象概括和理论性、具有更大的组织性及深刻性、思维具有独立性和批判性。情绪的发展体现为,情绪体验强烈两极性突出、情绪的时间延续性更长、情感具有文饰性、闭锁性和曲折性、情绪和情感内容更加丰富。结论:大学生时期是一个人独立走向社会的准备时期,也是一个人开始认真考虑自己未来生活道路的时期。因此,体育教学的任务尤为重要,应根据大学生的心理特点,因材施教,树立大学生的自信心与自尊心为运动心理学积累实践资料。  相似文献   

目的探讨医学和护理专业本科生生命教育的实践效果。方法以开设选修课的形式,选取某医学院校临床医学和护理专业本科生60名作为研究对象,实施为期8周的医学生生命教育。在课程开始和结束后,均采用生命意义量表和一般自我效能感量表进行调查。结果课程结束后,学生生命意义感和自我效能感较课程开始时均有所提高,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论对医学本科生的生命教育实践,能有效提高学生的生命意义感和自我效能感。  相似文献   

[目的]调查大学生的性观念及性态度,为性健康教育提供参考。[方法]采用自行设计的性知识调查表,对2010年选修性健康教育课的480名大学生进行性生理心理知识、性观念、性道德、性取向等进行调查,并对调查结果进行分析。[结果]大学生获取性知识的主要来源:网络40.62%,报刊、杂志37.50%,其他21.88%;对婚前性行为赞同为37.92%,对婚前性行为反对为27.50%,对婚前性行为无所谓为34.58%;约有50.42%的大学生有恋爱史;有同居史大学生约有38.75%;55.00%的大学生愿意自然随意参与讨论、谈论性话题。[结论]大学生缺乏正规渠道的性教育,对性知识有不同程度的了解,适时、适度、适量对大学生进行性教育可以及时解除其性困惑,培养其开明、负责的性态度。  相似文献   

范舒云  张彩峰 《全科护理》2011,9(23):2133-2134
[目的]调查大学生的性观念及性态度,为性健康教育提供参考.[方法] 采用自行设计的性知识调查表,对2010年选修性健康教育课的480名大学生进行性生理心理知识、性观念、性道德、性取向等进行调查,并对调查结果进行分析.[结果]大学生获取性知识的主要来源:网络40.62%,报刊、杂志37.50%,其他21.88%;对婚前性行为赞同为37.92%,对婚前性行为反对为27.50%,对婚前性行为无所谓为34.58%;约有50.42%的大学生有恋爱史;有同居史大学生约有38.75%;55.00%的大学生愿意自然随意参与讨论、谈论性话题.[结论]大学生缺乏正规渠道的性教育,对性知识有不同程度的了解,适时、适度、适量对大学生进行性教育可以及时解除其性困惑,培养其开明、负责的性态度.  相似文献   

An exploratory study was conducted to ascertain perceptions of parents toward the role of early childhood educators in teaching young children about aspects of death education. A secondary objective was to contrast perceptions of parents with those of teachers toward death education for young children utilizing data from a previous study. Although parents of young children generally agreed with statements depicting the need for early childhood educators' self-development, communication with children, interaction with children's parents, and curriculum planning, they expressed significantly less support than teachers for death education as a part of early childhood education. Moreover, although parents acknowledged the importance of children acquiring an ecumenical understanding of and respect for others' beliefs about death, they did not wish teachers to share their personal philosophical or religious beliefs about death with young children. Parents also exhibited a more protective attitude than teachers relative to children's questions and expressed concerns about death.  相似文献   

【目的】了解三级医院临床护士死亡态度现状并分析其影响因素,探讨改善临床护士死亡心态的有效措施。【方法】采用方便抽样法,于2019年3-5月选择江苏省无锡市人民医院的803名护士作为研究对象,采用一般资料调查问卷和死亡态度描绘量表进行调查。【结果】 803名临床护士死亡态度各个维度的得分均接近中等水平,其中“逃离接受”维度得分最低(3.00±0.81),“中性接受”维度得分最高(3.92±0.52);多元线性回归分析显示,婚姻状况、关于死亡的过往教育情况、工作科室是护士“死亡恐惧”的影响因素,宗教信仰、工作科室是“趋近接受”的影响因素,婚姻状况是“死亡逃避”的影响因素、工作年限是“逃离接受”的影响因素。【结论】三级医院临床护士死亡态度现状不容乐观,合理的教育内容和手段(如灵性教育)将有望促进临床护士死亡态度的正向发展。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of smoking and to describe the habits, attitudes, and practices related to smoking among students of Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST), Irbid, Jordan.

Students (n=650) were recruited in randomly selected, cluster samples drawn from the medical and engineering colleges of JUST. They were made familiar with a modified Arabic version of the World Health Organisation Smoking Questionnaire and the Attitudes towards Smoking Questionnaire to study their habits, attitudes, and beliefs in relation to smoking.

The study revealed that the prevalence of smoking was 28.6% (50.2% among males and 6.5% among females). Friends, not family, were the main source of the first smoking, and this most often occurred after 15 years of age (82.3%). Males preferred smoking in the cafeteria, females in the bathroom. The main advantage of smoking for males was calming down, while for females it was independence. Non-smokers chose not to smoke because of health and hatred of the habit. The non-smokers had more positive attitudes against smoking and were more aware of the adverse effects of smoking. The reasons smokers gave for starting smoking were pleasure, followed by stress and curiosity. Two-thirds of smokers intended to quit smoking in the future. Some smokers disagreed with some criticisms against smoking, and reasons why they did not want to quit included social attitudes, addiction, and not knowing how to quit.

Results of this study may provide baseline data to develop an anti-smoking program in the university and encourage policy makers to limit smoking in the university by strengthening the policies against smoking.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe relevance of medical cannabis (MC) increases; and, educating those who are at the forefront of patient care is imperative. Yet, research on medical students’ expertise and opinions is still scarce.ObjectiveThis study set out to evaluate Austrian medical students’ knowledge about and attitudes towards MC and compare them with other academic disciplines. Additionally, gender was controlled for.MethodsAn online survey was conducted with N = 404 students enrolled in (1) medical studies, (2) studies with a medical background and (3) studies without a medical background.ResultsIn contrast to non-medical students, 64 % of medical students said they learnt about MC at the university. Although students were confident about their knowledge, they struggled to differentiate between CBD and THC. Chronic pain, oncological diseases and palliative care were the most frequently cited indications, psychiatric indications, however, were mentioned less often. Medical students were more reserved in their attitudes towards increasing medical usage and legalizing cannabis than the two other groups. Also, they were more skeptical about whether physicians should be allowed to prescribe MC and whether they should be obliged to offer it. Males showed more confidence regarding cannabis knowledge and were more favorable of legalizing and prescribing cannabis; females perceived cannabis as more physically addictive and as a gate-way drug.ConclusionsConsidering that beliefs and attitudes shape behavior, it is expected that future health care professionals will struggle with recommending cannabis for medical treatment. A coordinated approach for medical training is needed to ensure high standard medical care.  相似文献   

This study aims to determine the sociodemographic factors and healthy life behaviors affecting suicide and suicide probability of university students. The research was designed as a complementary study and conducted with 334 students from several faculties and colleges at Ege University, Turkey. The study findings indicated that suicide probability could be affected by the students' age, their problems at school, their troubled relations with friends, and a psychiatric disorder history within the last year. Moreover, it was concluded that the students with healthy life behaviors had significantly lower scores on the Suicide Probability Scale and its subscales.  相似文献   

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