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OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effects of cyclic loading on nanoleakage as a function of time at resin-dentin interfaces with and without removal of collagen. METHODS: Bovine flat mid-coronal dentin received one of the following surface treatments: (1) acid-etch or (2) acid etched+5% NaOCl for 2m. The teeth were then bonded with Single Bond (3M ESPE), Scotchbond Multi-Purpose (3M ESPE), One-Step Plus (Bisco) or All-Bond 2 (Bisco) adhesive systems and restored with Z250 composite. Half of the bonded teeth were randomly assigned to receive 200,000 cycles of loading at 50 N. Teeth were sectioned into 1 mm x 1 mm thick slices and stored in distilled water for 24h and 6 months. After water storage, beams were prepared for nanoleakage evaluation and observed under the SEM. Data were statistically analyzed using three-way ANOVA and Fisher's PLSD test (p<0.05). RESULTS: Use of NaOCl did not affect nanoleakage at the interface of all adhesive systems (p>0.05) when compared to their respective controls. After 6 months of immersion in water, except for One Step Plus, collagen-depleted groups and control groups presented similar leakage values. After cyclic loading, the deproteinized group revealed a higher degree of silver nitrate deposits when compared to the control group (p<0.05). All four adhesive systems presented a high degree of silver nitrate deposits after 6 months of water storage. SIGNIFICANCE: The hybrid layer is important as a stress-absorbing layer and it may not represent the weak link for initiation of the nanoleakage phenomenon.  相似文献   

According to the "elastic bonding" concept, a thick intermediate layer of flexible resin has been suggested to absorb part of the polymerization shrinkage stress and to absorb shocks during function. In this study, the effect of an additional intermediate layer of a low-viscosity resin on the microrotary fatigue resistance (microRFR) of a hybrid composite bonded to dentin was evaluated. The hypotheses tested were that an intermediate layer of a low-viscosity resin (i) increases the microRFR to dentin, but (ii) has no effect on the static bond strength. Microtensile bond strength (microTBS) samples were loaded until failure or inserted in a microrotary fatigue testing device. Specimens were tested at 4 Hz until failure or until 10(5) cycles were reached. An additional intermediate elastic layer had no effect on the static microTBS, but significantly lowered the median microRFR from 28.4 MPa to 21.6 MPa. However, the application of an intermediate flexible layer had, no effect on the static microTBS. In conclusion, an additional elastic intermediate layer did decrease significantly the microRFR (rejection of hypothesis i), but did not alter the microTBS (acceptance of hypothesis ii). The decrease in microRFR most likely may be explained by the lower mechanical properties of the intermediary layer.  相似文献   

冷热循环对牙本质黏结界面纳米渗漏的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
目的:探讨冷热循环对牙本质黏结界面纳米渗漏的影响。方法:用透射电镜观察3种黏结系统(Adper Prompt,U-Bond,Opti Bond)有无冷热循环作用下,牙本质黏结界面银沉积情况,并用NIH图像分析软件量化处理,以银沉积面积占混合层面积的百分比来评价纳米渗漏程度。结果:各实验组和对照组银沉积面积百分比分别为AP(9.27%,8.96%)、UB(9.62%,8.75%)、OB(8.18%,9.20%)。结论:研究中所用黏结系统都不能避免纳米渗漏产生;短期冷热循环对自酸蚀黏结系统黏结界面纳米渗漏有增加的趋势。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The reliability and validity of the adhesive bond toughness of dentin/composite resin interfaces were studied from the standpoint of fracture mechanics. METHODS: The fracture toughness (KIC) and fracture energy (JIC) values of two different composite resins (Brilliant Dentin and P50) were determined by using single edge notch (SEN) specimens loaded in three point bending and the results were analyzed by the t-test method (p < 0.1). The fracture loads of dentin/composite resin interface with different initial crack lengths were obtained experimentally. The adhesive fracture energy (J(adh)), residual fracture energy (J(res)) and effective (total) fracture energy (J(eff)) for the symmetrical bimaterial (SBM) joint specimen for dentin/composite resin interfaces were calculated and the applied fracture energy (J(appl)) values under the mastication force were obtained for the axisymmetric tooth models. All numerical calculations were carried out by the finite element method and software programs were prepared according to fortran 77. RESULTS: The fracture toughness and energy values obtained experimentally for Brilliant Dentin were found to be higher than those for P50. It was seen that, calculated J values (J(adh) and J(res)++) changed with the crack length; but the effective fracture energy (J(eff)++) was independent of the crack length, as expected. The applied fracture energy (J(appl)) and effective fracture energy (J(eff)) are considerably smaller than the experimentally determined JIC values of composite resins. SIGNIFICANCE: The bonded interface tends to produce microscopic flaws which could act as critical stress risers promoting interfacial failures. The initiation and propagation of such flaws under the mastication forces can be followed by fracture toughness (KIC) or fracture energy (JIC) in linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the longevity of sound (SD) and caries-affected dentin (CAD) bonds made with etch-and-rinse and self-etching adhesives after a 6-month water-storage period, using bond strength and morphological evaluations. METHODS: Extracted human molars with coronal carious lesions were selected. Flat surfaces of CAD surrounded by SD were bonded with etch-and-rinse (Adper Scotchbond 1) or with self-etching (Clearfil Protect Bond and AdheSE) adhesives. Trimmed resin-dentin bonded interfaces (1mm2) were stored in distilled water for 24h or 6 months and subjected to microtensile bond strength (microTBS) evaluation. The quality of the dentin beneath fractured specimens was measured by Knoop microhardness (KHN). ANOVA and multiple comparisons tests were used (P<0.05). Fractographic analysis and interfacial nanoleakage evaluation were performed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Resin-dentin bonded sections (10microm thick) were stained with Masson's trichrome and examined using light microscopy. Collagen exposure and adhesive penetration were examined qualitatively. RESULTS: microTBS to SD was significantly higher than that to CAD for all bonding agents. Bonds made with AdheSE were weaker than the other adhesives after 6-months storage regardless of the dentin substrate. CAD bonded specimens presented a significant muTBS decrease over time. Lower KHN was recorded in CAD compared to SD. An increase in the exposed collagen zone and a decrease in the quality of the adhesive infiltration were observed in CAD interfaces. SIGNIFICANCE: CAD bonded interfaces are more prone to hydrolytic degradation than SD bonds. Additionally, as compared to SD, there were remarkable differences in depth of demineralization, adhesive infiltration and interfacial bond strength with CAD.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To analyze the effects of different surface moisture on bond strength (BS) durability of an ethanol/water based, Single Bond (SB); an acetone-based, One-Step (OS); and a water-based, Syntac Single Component (SC) adhesive system to dentin. METHODS: Forty-five human third molars had their superficial dentin surface exposed flat by abrasion. The adhesives were applied to a delimited area of 52 mm(2) on either air-dried (30 s) or rewetted surfaces (2.5 or 4.0 microl) followed by resin composite build-ups. After storage in water at 37 degrees C (24 h), the teeth were sectioned to obtain bonded sticks with a cross-sectional area of 0.8 mm(2). The sticks, from each tooth, were divided, stored in water at 37 degrees C and tested either immediately or after 6 months (6 M) at 0.5 mm/min. BS was expressed as an index that considers cohesive failures and estimated values of premature debonded specimens. RESULTS: Three-way ANOVA showed statistically significant effects for moisture degree, storage time and double interactions (p < 0.05). While SB and SC achieved higher BS at 0 and 2.5 microl of water, for OS the BS was higher at 4.0 microl of water. Regardless of the moisture degrees, reductions in BS were observed after 6 M storage for SB and OS (p < 0.05), but not for SC (p > 0.05). No difference in BS between the 24 h and 6 M storage was found when the moisture was set at the extreme conditions. Significant reduction in BS was observed when the moisture was set at 2.5 microl. SIGNIFICANCE: The bond strength of different solvent-based adhesive systems gradually decreases over time, regardless of the variable moisture pattern used for the bonding procedure.  相似文献   

Composite resin post and cores have gained widespread acceptance as an alternative for cast-gold post and core systems. A prefabricated metal post is generally used. Substantial microleakage at the interface between the composite resin core and the dentin substrate may occur. A tight and impervious bond between the dentin and the restorative material is critical for the longevity of core restorations. This study compared the microleakage of composite resin cores treated with various dentin bonding agents, including the recently developed Gluma, Tenure, and Scotchbond 2. The results indicated that Tenure and Scotchbond 2 bonding agents were most effective in reducing microleakage, followed by Gluma and conventional Scotchbond (Dual Cure) bonding agents. Although all proprietary dentin bonding systems used in this study significantly reduced microleakage, no system was capable of preventing microleakage completely.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of thickness and adhesion of three resin cements on the fracture resistance of indirect resin composite bonded to dentin. METHODS: A disk of resin composite used for indirect restorations was bonded to a disk of bovine dentin using three kinds of resin cements with various bonding procedures. The bonding procedures were planned into five groups according to the materials and methods, and subsequently subdivided into three groups according to the cement thickness (50, 150 and 500 microm) in each bonding procedure. The thickness of the resin cement and that of the resin composite disk was changed simultaneously while maintaining a total specimen thickness of 2 mm. The prepared specimens were then stored in water at 37 degrees C for 24h at which time they were trimmed to a size of 2 x 2 x 8 mm. The trimmed specimens were subjected to a three point bending test and the fracture load determined. The tensile bond strength of each bonding procedure was measured and the correlation to the fracture load evaluated. RESULTS: The fracture load was affected by the dentin bond strength. The effect of cement film thickness on the fracture load was negligible. SIGNIFICANCE: When an indirect restoration is adhered to the tooth substrate, the adhesion of the luting cement to the tooth substrate is very important for the fracture resistance of indirect resin composite.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We investigated the influence of dentin tubule direction and identifiable zone of carious dentin on the microstructure and the thickness of the hybrid-like layer (HL) formed by self-etch and etch-rinse adhesive systems. METHODS: An etch-rinse and a self-etching adhesive were bonded to dentin carious zones divided into groups with parallel or perpendicular orientation relative to the dentin tubules at the resin-carious dentin interface (N=5/variable). Bonds were prepared to each of the four zones of carious dentin apparent after staining with Caries Detector: pink, light pink, transparent and apparently normal; six non-carious third molars were controls. The microstructure and thickness of the HL were determined by SEM and compared using three-way ANOVA and Tukey's multiple comparisons (p<0.05). RESULTS: Etch-rinse controls gave thicker HLs than self-etching systems; orientation did not affect thickness for the self-etch system. Perpendicular orientations gave thicker HLs than parallel for the pink zone bonded with the etch-rinse system. For both adhesives, HL thickness in the pink zone was significantly greater than in light pink for the perpendicular group, but no significant differences were found among other variables. HL microstructure was more granular and rougher for the etch-rinse than for the self-etching system. Pores and cracks were obvious in the more demineralized zones. Resin tags were shorter and irregular in the transparent zone and often were completely absent in the outer demineralized zones (pink, light pink). SIGNIFICANCE: Microstructure of bonded interfaces varies markedly depending on adhesive system, tubule orientation and carious zone.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate acid etchant penetration on dentin bonding agents and its effect on the composite resin bond strength. Forty primary molars were mounted, then the buccal and lingual surfaces were prepared into dentin. The teeth were divided into four groups of 10, and four dentin bonding agents were placed on the buccal and lingual surfaces of exposed dentin, as recommended by the manufacturers. One surface of each tooth was etched randomly for 60 sec with 35% phosphoric acid. A standardized tube of composite resin was placed on each dentin surface and polymerized for 60 sec. The tubes were sheared off with an Instron Testing Machine. The specimens then were sectioned to be examined by a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Results demonstrated shear strengths (kg/cm2) of etched (e) and unetched (u) bonding agents to be: Scotchbond (3M Dental Products, St. Paul, MN) (e) 116.7 +/- 37.7, (u) 116.7 +/- 63.0; Scotchbond 2 (3M Dental Products, St. Paul, MN) (e) 112.0 +/- 40.6, (u) 127.0 +/- 38.7; Gluma (Bayer Dental, Leverkusen, Federal Republic of Germany) (e) 80.1 +/- 21.7, (u) 107.0 +/- 16.6; Bondlite (Kerr Manufacturing Co., Romulus, MI) (e) 53.4 +/- 34.7, (u) 79.1 +/- 26.3. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) demonstrated a statistical significance in variance at the P less than 0.001 level. Scheffe's Test indicated no statistically significant differences between the bond strengths of etched vs. nonetched dentin bonding agents and composite resin. SEM evaluation indicated that the acid etchant penetrated none of the dentin bonding agents.  相似文献   

The study was to evaluate the marginal leakage of wet or dry dentin condition after restoration on short-term. In the study we used Photobond adhesive system and Single Bond adhesive system. The specimens were prepared from premolars. A class V cavity was prepared at the CEJ with a high-speed hand piece and #010 round diamond point. The cavity's walls and floors were etched with phosphoric acids of the test materials by wet and dry bonding techniques. The specimens were cross-sectioned longitudinally through the center of the cavities with a low speed diamond micro-cutter and polished with carbide paper (#600-1200) after storage in distilled water for 1 day, and silver nitrate staining. Specimens were viewed with EPMA for elemental distribution of calcium, nitrogen and silver on the resin-dentin interface. The uptake of silver particles was less in samples treated with the wet-bonding technique when compared with dry-bonding technique. This in vitro study showed that bonding technique is important in establishing a seal along the restoration margins to control marginal leakage.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate pulpal response and bacterial invasion associated with five dentin bonding systems placed in cavities without an enamel margin. Two hundred and twenty-four dentin margin cavities were created by removing the surrounding marginal enamel of class V cavities in monkey teeth. These cavities were restored with a resin composite using various current dentin bonding systems. All of the dentin bonding systems showed odontoblastic layer changes to varying degrees, and slight to moderate inflammation at the initial stage. With the lapse of time, the degree of inflammation tended to decrease markedly, except for those cases in which bacteria were present. The result of SA/Photo Bond corresponded to that of the glass ionomer cement (negative control). Accordingly, this study suggests that a good bond and adaptation between resin and dentin should be obtained for eliminating pulpal irritation, even in the dentin cavity.  相似文献   

Metameric effect between resin composite and dentin.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to determine the metameric color differences between resin composites and dentin. METHODS: Spectral reflectance and color of five shades of one brand of resin composite were measured according to the CIELAB color scale relative to the standard illuminant D65, A and F2. Average values of human dentin were used as the optical properties of dentin. Color differences (deltaE(ab)*) between resin composite and dentin relative to three illuminants were calculated, and ratio of deltaE(ab)* values by the illuminant (A/D65 and F2/D65) was calculated. Ratios of changes in hue angle of resin composites by illuminant over those of dentin were compared. RESULTS: In curves of spectral reflectance, three of five shades made more than three crossing points with dentin indicating a metameric effect. Color differences between resin composite and dentin was changed when illuminant were changed from daylight (D65) to incandescent light (A) or fluorescent light (F2). Ratios of deltaE(ab)* value between resin composite and dentin by the illuminant were 0.74-0.98. Color difference relative to D65 was larger than those for illuminants A and F2. Differences in hue angle (value relative to illuminant A-that to D65) of resin composites were in the range from -10.1 to -7.2 (-13.8 to -14.0 in dentin), and those between F and D65 were 2.6-5.2 (-3.9 to -2.8 in dentin). SIGNIFICANCE: Changes in optical properties of resin composites relative to the different illuminants were different from those of dentin; therefore this inconsistency should be considered in shade matching of resin composites.  相似文献   

One hundred maxillary premolar teeth were randomly allocated to ten groups. Each group was restored with one of ten different restorative techniques. The teeth were stored in deionized water for 7d prior to longitudinal sectioning in a mesio-distal plane. Following sectioning, ten specimens from each group were chosen at random from the 20 available sections. The sectioned surfaces were polished using 600-grit SiC abrasive paper and etched for 10 s with 50% phosphoric acid to remove the smear layer produced by sectioning. Five tooth sections from the dentin bonding resin groups were allowed to dry at 20 degrees C for 24h. The glass ionomer-based groups were reimmersed in deionized water during this period. The remaining five sections from each group were replicated using an addition-cure vinyl polysiloxane impression material and an epoxy resin. A comparison was made of the sections and the replicas. All tooth specimens were sputter-coated with gold for 4 min and examined using a scanning electron microscope. Replicas were gold-coated for 3 min. Different tooth/restoration interfaces, associated with different materials, were observed. A marked difference between the replicas and tooth sections was observed for glass ionomer-based restorations but not for resin-based bonding systems. Representative samples of replicas and specimens are shown, and the significance of the observed differences is discussed.  相似文献   

The function of the interfacial transition zone (absorption layer) in resin-modified glass-ionomer cements bonded to deep dentin remains obscure. This study tested the hypotheses that the absorption layer is formed only in the presence of water derived from hydrated dentin and allows for better bonding of resin-modified glass-ionomer cements to dentin. Ten percent polyacrylic acid-conditioned, hydrated, and dehydrated deep dentin specimens were bonded with 2 resin-modified glass-ionomer cements and sealed with resins to prevent environmental water gain or loss. A non-particulate absorption layer was identified over hydrated dentin only, and was clearly discernible from the hybrid layer when bonded interfaces were examined with transmission electron microscopy. This layer was relatively more resistant to dehydration stresses, and remained intact over the dentin surface after tensile testing. The absorption layer mediates better bonding of resin-modified glass-ionomer cements to deep dentin, and functions as a stress-relieving layer to reduce stresses induced by desiccation and shrinkage.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study was conducted to determine the influence of storage solution on the bond durability of three resin cements to bovine dentin over the period of 1 year. METHODS: Ten bovine dentin specimens were tested for shear bond strength with each material (Panavia 21, Kuraray Co.; BISTITE, Tokuyama Co; MASA Bond, Sun Medical Co.) and storage mode, listed below. Four storage environments were studied as follows: water changed every day for 1 year; water unchanged for 1 year; Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) changed every week over 1 year; PBS unchanged for 1 year. Ten teeth were also tested for each material at 1 day as a control. The mode of failure was classified after fracture of the bonds by SEM observation. The means of the bond strengths were compared statistically by two-way ANOVA and Fisher's PLSD test (p < 0.05). Results for the mode of fracture were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U test. RESULTS: Although there was no statistical difference in the mean bond strengths between the water and PBS storage solutions (p > 0.05) in all cements, the results for the shear bond strengths in the changed storage solution groups were significantly lower than those where the storage solution remained unchanged (p < 0.05). There were statistical differences between the 1 day results and the changed water groups among all cements (p < 0.05). SIGNIFICANCE: The storage condition influenced the long-term durability of dentin bonding with resin cements.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of dentin surface characteristics on bond strengths between resin and dentin. The shear bond strengths mediated by two dentin adhesive systems (Clearfil SE Bond and OptiBond Solo Plus) were evaluated. For each material, flat dentin surfaces prepared from human upper premolars were allocated to eight groups according to three characterizations; dentin location (occlusal or cervical), dentin depth (superficial or deep) and dentinal tubule orientation (perpendicular or parallel). A 0.75-mm diameter area of dentin was bonded according to each manufacturer's instructions before placing 0.5-mm high resin composite. The bonds were stressed in shear at a crosshead speed of 1 mm/minute. The mean bond strengths were compared using ANOVA and independent t-test. No statistically significant differences were found in shear bond strengths based on dentin location. Clearfil SE Bond presented higher bond strengths to deep dentin specimens bonded perpendicular to the tubules compared to those that were bonded parallel to the tubules. Whereas, the opposite results were found for deep dentin specimens bonded with OptiBond Solo Plus. In the case of superficial dentin, there were no differences between the two materials when bond strengths were compared among the different orientations of tubule. The results indicated that shear bond strengths may be affected by dentin depth, orientation of the tubule and the bonding material used, but not by location of the dentin.  相似文献   

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