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OBJECTIVES: 6-Pyruvoyl-tetrahydropterin synthase (PTPS) deficiency is the most important type of BH4 deficiency related to hyperphenylalaninemia. PTPS deficiency may not only cause a typical phenylketonuric phenotype, but is also accompanied by various neurological signs and symptoms due to impaired synthesis of catecholamines and serotonin. Reports of the long-term outcomes of these patients, especially after delayed onset of therapy, are few. STUDY DESIGN: We reviewed the characteristics of 10 PTPS-deficient patients whose treatment onset with tetrahydrobiopterin, L-DOPA, and hydroxytryptophan had been delayed. The relationships among clinical manifestations, biochemical findings, genotypes, and long-term outcomes were analyzed. RESULTS: We classified eight patients as having severe forms, and two as having moderate forms of PTPS deficiency. Improvements in neurological status and intelligence/developmental quotient (IQ/DQ) were observed in all patients, up to approximately 15 years of follow-up. One patient began walking and talking after 4 years of treatment. In patients with severe disease, the mean initial IQ/DQ was 45.40 +/- 13.94, and the final full-scale intelligence quotient (FIQ) score was 62.8 +/- 13.06 (p = 0.042), with a mean increment of 17.4 +/- 5.27 over 15.86 +/- 4.85 years of follow-up. Two patients with moderately severe disease had FIQ increases from 75 to 77 and from 76 to 80 points, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The administration of neurotransmitters based on clinical response and adverse effects was beneficial in patients whose treatment of PTPS deficiency was delayed. Sustained clinical improvements were observed up to 15 years of follow-up.  相似文献   

The glycogen storage diseases comprise several inherited diseases caused by abnormalities of enzymes that regulate the synthesis or degradation of glycogen. In contrast to the classic hepatic glycogen storage diseases that are characterized by fasting hypoglycemia and hepatomegaly, the liver is not enlarged in GSD0. Patients with GSD0 typically have fasting ketotic hypoglycemia without prominent muscle symptoms. Most children are cognitively and developmentally normal. Short stature and osteopenia are common features, but other long-term complications, common in other types of GSD, have not been reported in GSD0. Until recently, the definitive diagnosis of GSD0 depended on the demonstration of decreased hepatic glycogen on a liver biopsy. The need for an invasive procedure may be one reason that this condition has been infrequently diagnosed. Mutation analysis of the GYS2 gene (12p12.2) is a non-invasive method for making this diagnosis in patients suspected to have this disorder. This mini-review discusses the pathophysiology of this disorder, use of mutation analysis to diagnose GSD0, and the clinical characteristics of all reported cases of GSD0.  相似文献   

Molybdenum cofactor deficiency is a rare inborn error of metabolism with generally severe symptoms, most often including neonatal seizures and severe developmental delay. We describe a patient with an unusually mild form of the disease. Two mutations in MOCS2A (molybdenum cofactor synthesis enzyme 2A) were identified: a single base change, 16C > T, that predicts a Q6X substitution on one allele and a 19G > T transversion that predicts a valine to phenylalanine substitution, V7F, on the second. It is postulated that the milder clinical symptoms result from a low level of residual molybdopterin synthase activity derived from the 19G > T allele. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary It is thought that exercise training in both man and the rat results in a protective effect against the depletion of carbohydrate stores during exercise (glycogen-sparing). However there has been no comprehensive study of the effects of training on glycogen anabolic and catabolic enzymes with liver or muscle. The aim of this study was to examine whether changes in these enzymes occur and whether these changes may provide an explanation for the glycogen-sparing which results from exercise training.Male rats were trained by a treadmill running program at three different workloads. In addition, there were three control groups: free eating (SF), food restricted (SR), and one SF with a single bout of exercise prior to sacrifice.Exercise training was associated with a 60–150% increase in glycogen synthase and phosphorylase and a 50–70% increase in glycogen content in soleus, an intermediate muscle, but not in extensor digitorum longus (EDL), a white muscle nor in liver. The increase in glycogen synthase and phosphorylase in intermediate muscle was proportional to the degree of training and there was a significant correlation between glycogen content, glycogen synthase, and phosphorylase activity in intermediate muscle. Cytochrome c oxidase activity, an indicator of respiratory capacity, increased 50% in gastrocnemius of trained rats and was significantly correlated with glycogen synthase and phosphorylase in soleus.These results indicate a significant effect of exercise training on glycogen anabolic and catabolic enzymes in intermediate muscle, with no significant effects in white muscle or liver. The changes do not provide an explanation for glycogen-sparing, but are consistent with improved capacity of intermediate muscle for rapid glycogen mobilisation and repletion.  相似文献   

Cirrhotic patients often demonstrate glucose intolerance, one of the possible causes being a decreased glycogen-synthesizing capacity of the liver. At the same time, information about the rates of glycogen synthesis in the cirrhotic liver is scanty and contradictory. We studied the dynamics of glycogen accumulation and the activity of glycogen synthase (GS) and glycogen phosphorylase (GP) in the course of 120 min after per os administration of glucose or fructose to fasted rats with CCl4-cirrhosis or fasted normal rats. Blood serum and liver pieces were sampled for examinations. In the normal rat liver administration of glucose/fructose initiated a fast accumulation of glycogen, while in the cirrhotic liver glycogen was accumulated with a 20 min delay and at a lower rate. In the normal liver GS activity rose sharply and GPa activity dropped in the beginning of glycogen synthesis, but 60 min later a high synthesis rate was sustained at the background of a high GS and GPa activity. Contrariwise, in the cirrhotic liver glycogen was accumulated at the background of a decreased GS activity and a low GPa activity. Refeeding with fructose resulted in a faster increase in the GS activity in both the normal and the cirrhotic liver than refeeding with glucose. To conclude, the rate of glycogen synthesis in the cirrhotic liver is lower than in the normal one, the difference being probably associated with a low GS activity.  相似文献   

Molybdenum cofactor deficiency is a rare inborn error of metabolism with generally severe symptoms, most often including neonatal seizures and severe developmental delay. We describe a patient with an unusually mild form of the disease. Two mutations in MOCS2A (molybdenum cofactor synthesis enzyme 2A) were identified: a single base change, 16C > T, that predicts a Q6X substitution on one allele and a 19G > T transversion that predicts a valine to phenylalanine substitution, V7F, on the second. It is postulated that the milder clinical symptoms result from a low level of residual molybdopterin synthase activity derived from the 19G > T allele.  相似文献   

Six exopeptidases present in human diploid fibroblasts were identified by separation on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and their activity profiles against 17 dipeptides, two tripeptides and L-leucine-p-nitroanilide determined. No differences in relative activity or in the electrophoretic patterns of any of the six exopeptidases were detected with ageing. Aminoacylarylamidase activity assayed spectrophotometrically showed significantly increased activity in the middle age-group cells as opposed to the enzyme isolated from young and old cells. Heat-inactivation studies using the same substrate suggested the possibility of an increased proportion of heat-labile enzyme in the old cells but interpretation of the data was difficult because of the complex nature of the inactivation curves obtained. Overall, the results tended to refute the hypothesis that age-related changes in the free amino acid pool of human diploid fibroblasts were associated with significant alterations in the activities of cellular exopeptidases.  相似文献   

A 20-year health follow-up study of 159 initially healthy blood donors with a severe deficiency of serum IgA (<0.05×10–3 g/L) and of 45 donors with decreased serum IgA (0.05×10–3–0.8 g/L) was carried out. The findings indicate that persons with a severe deficiency of and decreased serum IgA who are healthy as young adults have an increased susceptibility to pneumonia and recurrent episodes of other respiratory infections and a higher risk of developing autoimmune diseases in middle age. Vitiligo, autoimmune hypothyreosis, milk intolerance, and possible rheumatoid arthritis were associated with severe IgA deficiency, but otherwise different degrees of IgA deficiency seem to be similar with respect to the appearance of diseases. Regardless of the fact that a total of 163 (80%) of the 204 IgA-deficient subjects had episodes of infections, drug allergy, or autoimmune or atopic disease, the finding of primary, selective IgA deficiency in a healthy adult per se does not seem to predict severe life-threatening illnesses at least during 20 years of life.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to test the hypothesis that a higher hepatic glycogen level is associated with higher glucagon-induced hepatic glycogen depletion. Four groups of anesthetized rats received three injections (at times 0, 30, and 60 min) of glucagon (intravenously, 20 [microg/kg). Among these groups, hepatic glycogen levels had previously been manipulated either by an overloading diet (Fast-refed), a reduction in food intake (1/2-fast), or exercise (75 min of running, 26 m/ min, 0% grade). A fourth group had normal hepatic glycogen levels. A fifth group of rats was injected only with saline (0.9% NaCl). Liver glycogen concentrations were measured every 30 min during the course of the 90-min experiment, using liver samples obtained from the open liver biopsy technique. Plasma glucagon concentrations were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the glucagon-injected groups than in the saline-injected group. As expected, liver glycogen levels were significantly higher (P < 0.01; 1.6-fold) in the Fast-refed group than in all other groups. Glucagon-induced decreases in liver glycogen concentrations were similar in Fast-refed than in normally fed and exercised rats when the overall 90-min period was considered. However, during the course of the last 30-min period, liver glycogen was significantly (P < 0.01) decreased only in the Fast-refed group. The Fast-refed, normally fed, and exercised groups had a similar glucagon-induced hyperglycemia that was significantly more elevated (P < 0.01) than glucose levels measured in the saline-injected group. Glucagon-induced reactive hyperinsulinemia was observed only in the Fast-refed and normally fed rats, and not in the exercised and 1/2-fast rats. It is concluded that supranormal levels of liver glycogen may be associated with a larger hyperglucagonemia-induced liver glycogen breakdown.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to test the hypothesis that a higher hepatic glycogen level is associated with higher glucagon-induced hepatic glycogen depletion. Four groups of anesthetized rats received three injections (at times 0, 30, and 60 min) of glucagon (intravenously, 20?μg/kg). Among these groups, hepatic glycogen levels had previously been manipulated either by an overloading diet (Fast-refed), a reduction in food intake (1/2-fast), or exercise (75?min of running, 26?m/min, 0% grade). A fourth group had normal hepatic glycogen levels. A fifth group of rats was injected only with saline (0.9% NaCl). Liver glycogen concentrations were measured every 30?min during the course of the 90-min experiment, using liver samples obtained from the open liver biopsy technique. Plasma glucagon concentrations were significantly higher (P?<?0.05) in the glucagon-injected groups than in the saline-injected group. As expected, liver glycogen levels were significantly higher (P?<?0.01; 1.6-fold) in the Fast-refed group than in all other groups. Glucagon-induced decreases in liver glycogen concentrations were similar in Fast-refed than in normally fed and exercised rats when the overall 90-min period was considered. However, during the course of the last 30-min period, liver glycogen was significantly (P?<?0.01) decreased only in the Fast-refed group. The Fast-refed, normally fed, and exercised groups had a similar glucagon-induced hyperglycemia that was significantly more elevated (P?<?0.01) than glucose levels measured in the saline-injected group. Glucagon-induced reactive hyperinsulinemia was observed only in the Fast-refed and normally fed rats, and not in the exercised and 1/2-fast rats. It is concluded that supranormal levels of liver glycogen may be associated with a larger hyperglucagonemia-induced liver glycogen breakdown.  相似文献   

患者女,23岁.因全身肌肉消瘦、无力、气短且进行性加重10余年,咳嗽、咳痰17 d入院.患者10余年前开始出现全身肌肉消瘦,肌力不如正常同龄人,且上述症状逐渐加重.近5年来胸、背及四肢肌肉明显消瘦,上楼困难,偶感活动后气短.  相似文献   

The effects of alpha-D-glucose pentaacetate (1.7 mM) upon glycogen synthase a activity and lactate output were examined in rat hepatocytes incubated at increasing concentrations of D-glucose. The ester enhanced the activity of glycogen synthase a at all concentrations (2.8, 4.0 and 8.0 mM) of D-glucose, which itself provoked a concentration-related increase in enzymatic activity. Likewise, the output of lactate augmented at increasing concentrations of D-glucose. However, alpha-D-glucose pentaacetate failed to cause a further increase in lactate output, the trend being even towards a lower production of lactate in the presence than absence of the ester. These findings suggest that the activation of glycogen synthase a by alpha-D-glucose pentaacetate and the subsequent increase in glycogen synthesis are sufficiently pronounced to prevent the increase in glycolysis otherwise expected from the generation of unesterified D-glucose from the same ester. Such a situation, which differs from that previously documented in pancreatic islet cells, could be favourable in the perspective of using alpha-D-glucose pentaacetate as a novel insulinotropic, and hence hypoglycaemic, tool in the treatment of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

Glycogen storage disease type VI (GSD6) defines a group of disorders that cause hepatomegaly and hypoglycemia with reduced liver phosphorylase activity. The course of these disorders is generally mild, but definitive diagnosis requires invasive procedures. We analyzed a Mennonite kindred with an autosomal recessive form of GSD6 to determine the molecular defect and develop a non-invasive diagnostic test. Linkage analysis was performed using genetic markers flanking the liver glycogen phosphorylase gene ( PYGL ), which was suspected to be the cause of the disorder on biochemical grounds. Mennonite GSD6 was linked to the PYGL locus with a multipoint LOD score of 4.7. The PYGL gene was analyzed for mutations by sequencing genomic DNA. Sequencing of genomic DNA revealed a splice site abnormality of the intron 13 splice donor. Confirmation of the genomic mutation was performed by sequencing RT-PCR products, which showed heterogeneous PYGL mRNA lacking all or part of exon 13 in affected persons. This study is the first to demonstrate that a mutation in the PYGL gene can cause GSD6. This mutation is estimated to be present on 3% of Mennonite chromosomes and the disease affects 0.1% of that population. Determination of this mutation provides a basis for the development of a simple and non- invasive diagnostic test for the disease and the carrier state in this population and confirms biochemical data showing the importance of this gene in glucose homeostasis.   相似文献   

Mitochondrial HMG-CoA synthase deficiency is a rare inherited metabolic disorder that affects ketone-body synthesis. Acute episodes include vomiting, lethargy, hepatomegaly, hypoglycaemia, dicarboxylic aciduria, and in severe cases, coma. This deficiency may have been under-diagnosed owing to the absence of specific clinical and biochemical markers, limitations in liver biopsy and the lack of an effective method of expression and enzyme assay for verifying the mutations found. To date, eight patients have been reported with nine allelic variants of the HMGCS2 gene. We present a new method of enzyme expression and a modification of the activity assay that allows, for first time, the functional study of missense mutations found in patients with this deficiency. Four of the missense mutations (p.V54M, p.R188H, p.G212R and p.G388R) did not produce proteins that could have been detected in soluble form by western blot; three produced a total loss of activity (p.Y167C, p.M307T and p.R500H) and one, variant p.F174L, gave an enzyme with a catalytic efficiency of 11.5%. This indicates that the deficiency may occur with partial loss of activity of enzyme. In addition, we describe a new patient with this deficiency, in which we detected the missense allelic variant, c.1162G>A (p.G388R) and the nonsense variant c.1270C>T (p.R424X).  相似文献   

Hepatic glycogen synthase activity was localized in normal and adrenalectomized (ADX) rats after fasting overnight and in fasted ADX rats after injection of dexamethasone (DEX) 2–8 h prior to sacrifice to stimulate glycogen synthesis. Cryostat sections were incubated in medium containing substrate to demonstrate glycogen synthase activity as indicated by glycogen synthesized during incubation. Sections from fasted normal rats showed limited dispersed glycogen synthase activity in both periportal and centrilobular regions. In contrast, activity for glycogen synthase in hepatocytes from fasted ADX rats appeared as large aggregates in random hepatocytes throughtout the lobule. Two hours after injection of DEX the reaction product appeared as aggregates in some hepatocytes, but other cells revealed dispersed enzyme activity. Glycogen synthase activity was evident in more hepatocytes after 4 h treatment with DEX and after 8 h virtually all hepatocytes contained abundant reaction product. The results suggest that synthase activity becomes concentrated in limited regions of selected hepatocytes in fasted ADX rats. DEX stimulation of glycogen synthesis for 4–8 h results in increased enzyme activity. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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