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Child-to-parent violence is a form of family violence that is still a well-kept secret. Abused parents can be victims of different types of abuse. Children can use both physical and psychological violence such as financial threats to take control of the home. In this situation, parents often no longer dare to contradict their children by fear of triggering uncontrollable violence. Although the phenomenon recently drew the attention of the media, there is still little knowledge about its prevalence and clinical characteristics. Most families remain isolated for a long time and, even in case of consulting in a mental health setting, disclosure of the nature of the difficulties is often delayed. This article presents the specificities of these children and their clinical characteristics. It also studies the victimized parents, the entire family, and their relation to the external environment. When observing these young offenders oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are frequently found. The diagnosis of “conduct disorder confined to family context” defined in the ICD 10 is the most appropriate to describe them. But it is regrettable that there has currently been no study to validate it and to determine its specificity. Compared with other young children who have “classic” disruptive disorders, children involved in violence against their parents have more difficulties with affect regulation, impulse control, and interpersonal skills. These children also frequently have low self-esteem and difficulties interacting with their peers. They may be isolated and bullied. They feel more sadness than these other young people and use violence as a way to express their emotions. Within the family both girls and boys commit violence against their parents. Girls will mostly use psychological violence but can also be involved in physical aggression. The first victim of child-to-parent violence is the mother. As mothers are often more present at home and seen by their children as weaker than the father, they are seen as an “easy target”. If the “classic” conduct disorder is most frequently encountered in low social status families, intra familial disruptive behavior can be observed in families from all socio economic status. With respect to the parent-child relationship in those families, there are some relevant specificities. First, the quality of communication is bad, parents and children are not intimate and the tension is permanent. Furthermore, children do not respect their parents’ authority. They perceive parenting style as permissive and negligent without enough support and control, and they may want to restore a coherent authority in the family. It is important to mention that potential vulnerability factors such as older age, a history of mental illness and social isolation have been described in parents of these children. Thereby, victimized parents have all the more difficulty to stand up against their children or to cleverly adapt their authority to their behavior. Other types of inappropriate education can be the origin of the child-to-parent violence. There is a direct correlation between the high frequency of punishments and violent attitude of the children towards their parents. So, the family dynamic is characterized by an inversion of the family hierarchy, the parents’ fear of violent behavior from their child, and shame expressed by the parents with regards to the nature of familial relationships. Their fear and their shame will contribute to ensuring that their child's behavior is kept secret. Finally, several factors can therefore be at the source of the development of child-to- parent violence ; this study aims to raise awareness of clinicians of this impairing and frequently hidden condition. Due to the absence of specific studies, management of intra-familial disruptive disorder is likely to be less than optimal and heterogeneous. The development of a group of targeted parental psychoeducation is a promising management technique. We will describe the basic principles of « active parental control», a programme using techniques of « non-violent resistance» to help parents cope with violence and control children's behavior. The results of this programme are still being evaluated, but preliminary results seem promising since the parents included in the pilot group have described a significant improvement in the feeling of parental competence and, notably, self-control.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to study the natural history of dystrophinopathies and the genotype-phenotype correlations made possible by the development of the clinical part of the French DMD database. The collection of 70,000 clinical data for 600 patients with an average longitudinal follow-up of 12 years enabled clarification of the natural history of Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies and clinical presentations in symptomatic females. We were able to specify the phenotypic heterogeneity of motor, orthopedic and respiratory involvements (severe, standard and intermediary form), of the cardiac disorder (severe, standard or absent cardiomyopathy, absence of correlation between motor and cardiac involvements), and of brain function (mental deficiency in the patients with Becker muscular dystrophy, psychopathological disorders in dystrophinopathies). Phenotypic variability did not correlate with a specific mutational spectrum. We propose a model of phenotypic analysis based on the presence or not of muscular and cardiac involvements (described by age at onset and rate of progression) and brain involvement (described by the type and the severity of the cognitive impairment and of the psychological disorders). The methodology developed for the DMD gene can be generalized and used for other databases dedicated to genetic diseases. Application of this model of phenotypic analysis for each patient and further development of the database should contribute substantially to clinical research providing useful tools for future clinical trials.  相似文献   

The war in Ukraine is a major poly-traumatic event, which leads to massive population displacements. The question of the evaluation and psychological care of psychotraumatised people is an urgent matter. As many countries hosting refugees are well endowed with a number of psychologists, some of these interested professionals should mobilise themselves and make themselves known to carry out these clinical acts. Priority should be given to trained and experienced psychologists to support victims. The language barrier will have to be overcome. Initially, it would be desirable to make contact or get closer to local and national refugee centres to facilitate these operations. Face-to-face or remote consultations, as developed during the Covid-19 pandemic, are possible. Reinforcements of available and dedicated psychologists, including remotely, from the countries hosting the most refugees are also desirable. The issue of detection, assessment and care of psychologically traumatised people who remained in the Ukrainian territory is probably even more massive. Whether non-combatants or combatants, part of the international psychological community should mobilise, in addition to local colleagues, to provide them with this psychological help. These humanitarian actions would be feasible depending on the evolution of the conflict. Whether it is psychological support for refugees or people still on the Ukrainian soil, models for organizing and coordinating these actions must be carefully thought out and implemented in an evolving way to optimise their effectiveness.  相似文献   



On July 5, 2011, France introduced a law permitting the involuntary admission of patients considered to be in “imminent danger” into psychiatric care without the consent of the family. This is known as “admission en soins psychiatriques pour péril imminent”(ASPPI). ASPPI authorizes all physicians to hospitalize a patient without his or her consent nor the consent of a third party. This differs from previous measures as only one certificate is needed. The law also requires involuntarily admitted patients to present themselves before a judge specialized in Liberties and Detentions (juge des libertés et des détentions), 12 days following their admission. Although there has been an increase in the number of ASPPI admissions when compared to other types of involuntary admission, patients admitted by ASPPI have been hospitalized for a shorter time than others. Some authors, however, have pointed out that decision criteria are frequently interpreted in a loose manner by physicians. This study was conducted at Sainte Anne hospital in Paris.


This study tried to determine if there were different clinical and non-clinical characteristics associated with the length of hospitalization under ASPPI.


This study analyzed all administrative files for patients admitted under ASPPI from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015. These files contained the medical certificates and the court orders. The sample was split into two groups: patients hospitalized for a shorter stay and who did not present themselves to the judge and patients hospitalized for a longer stay and who did present themselves to the judge. The certificates were analyzed with a criteria grid, which includes clinical and non-clinical items. Clinical items were taken from the French High Authority of Health (Haute Autorité de Santé) 2005 recommendations. These include suicidal risk, risk to others, drug abuse, delusions or hallucinations, mood disorder and lack of selfcare. Non-clinical items include other information found in the certificate and sociodemographic information found in the administrative file.


Among the 250 certificates analyzed, 172 (68.8%) were associated with a long stay and 78 (31.2%) with a short stay. A bivariate analysis found no significant differences between the two groups for non-clinical characteristics and for drug abuse and mood disorder. When no suicidal risk was present, the stay was short in 21% of the certificates and long for 79%. When a suicidal risk was present the stay was short in 43% of the certificates and long for 57% (P = 0.0002). When a risk to others was present the stay was short for 19% of the certificates and long for 81% (P = 0.003). When delusions and hallucinations were present the stay was short in 15% of the certificates and long in 85 % (P = 5 × 10e–14). When a lack of selfcare was present the stay was short in 10% of the certificates and long for 90% (P = 0.01).


This study identified two types of situations linked with the length of hospitalization for patients under ASPPI. In one situation, associated with a longer stay, we found acute psychiatric disorders exhibited by more delusions, hallucinations, drug abuse, and lack of selfcare. In the second situation, associated with a shorter stay, this study found more episodic situations with suicidal risk. This study suggests that some involuntary admissions could be avoided if physicians could monitor episodic situations in appropriate structures. Moreover the criteria grid we used in this study should be validated to further analyze the quality of the certificates in order to lead to more precise recommendations.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of patients’ views about compulsory community treatment has not been undertaken although qualitative analysis identifies some positive and negative themes. This research is designed to identify the factor structure of patients’ subjective experience of community detention in a quantitative fashion. The authors assessed 79 psychiatric patients either currently or previously detained under a compulsory community treatment order for in excess of 6 months. A structured questionnaire was used to assess patients’ views of community detention and exploratory factor analysis was performed. Principal component analysis with oblique rotation identified three factors associated with detention. Although overlapping, these factors represent interpersonal difficulties, intrapsychic threat and a safety factor associated with detention. The safety factor also loaded for unhappiness. These factors accounted for 60% of the variance in the data set. Recognizing these factors may improve the use of community treatment orders and make them more acceptable to patients.  相似文献   

This communication presents a high security facility in the hospital of Cadillac, near Bordeaux (France). This structure provides intensive psychiatric care for patients with mental disorders and often violent or criminal propensities, all of them compulsorily hospitalized, who need particular security measures. The objective of the study was to describe activity data, characteristics of patients, main diagnoses for year 2018. Among 125 patients, about half (48%) came from Nouvelle-Aquitaine, a large administrative area, and the other came from other regions of France. Most patients were addressed by general psychiatric services (73%). Some were declared not guilty for insanity after a crime (18%), or were detainees (9%). Schizophrenia was the most frequent diagnostic (60%), often associated with substance use disorder. We purpose a clinical approach of different profiles of patients, and a review of therapeutics.  相似文献   



Recovery is a process through which people experiencing mental illness learn to live with their disorder and reach social insertion and citizenship. This positive approach focuses on a person's competencies and strengths rather than on the symptoms. Within this philosophy, peer support has been unevenly developing in mental health services worldwide with roots in the South-American social programs for homeless people and in the American recovery circles in the field of addiction. Therapeutic efficiency of peer support has been proven by several studies including a control group, as being at least as good as traditional services and even better in some specific areas such as reduction of need for emergency services and ability to reach “difficult” patients. The integration of former psychiatric services users in mental health services can take several forms, from the participation to scientific research studies to the direct involvement in a professional team at mental health facilities. In this context, our research aims to sum up the situation in France in comparison with other countries.


We conducted a worldwide literature review in English and in French on peer support experiences and policies in mental health services, using medical and psychological databases (PsycInfo, PsycArticles, SantéPsy, Cairn, Medline, Wiley Interscience and PubPsych) on a recent period: 2005–2016. In total, 32 relevant scientific papers have been included in our research. In some cases, we have also used official reports, blogs, Internet sites, and mass media articles when they were relevant.


Our results show that this movement has been long to develop in France, with controversies having been raised since the beginning on the role that peers should play and confusion with existing social integration programs in the associative sector. Drawing inspiration from the Canadian model, a recent “peer mentor” initiative has been analyzed after 2 years of existence: many benefits for services users such as the optional aspect of this care process, a more authentic therapeutic relationship, a less normative frame, an active partnership, and a more optimistic philosophy aiming to make “small steps” towards improvement have been reported. Health professionals and peer mentors themselves have found benefits during the process. However, several limits such as difficulties to find a place with regards to the psychiatric team and difficulties to take advantage of the peer specificity, resulting in a significant attrition of the number of peer mentors, could be observed. A few other important initiatives focused on social insertion and using the help of professional peer support have been developed in recent years, but they seem to have encountered the same issues about positioning themselves both in terms of day-to-day integration in the professional environment and in the job title given by institutions which rarely corresponds to their experience and specificity. In addition, it remains difficult to obtain reliable information, as only a few papers have been published on this matter. Also, while some evaluation studies are currently being carried out, independent quantitative studies of the few running programs seem to lack in this field.


In our presentation, taking into account the difficulties that were raised in French programs and the lessons of practical experiences at work in other countries, we propose recommendations for larger and more effective implementations of peer support programs in France. As this new kind of care is emerging and seems promising in terms of benefits for not only the users but also the peer supporters and the teams of health professionals, we also insist on the need for a systematic scientific and objective evaluation of the programs.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThis study seeks to better understand caregivers’ experience of the support their loved ones, with disorders of consciousness, receive in a dedicated unit.MethodsThe focus here is on the qualitative component of a larger study that also includes a quantitative component. An inductive and iterative approach was prioritized, i.e., one similar to grounded theory; a thematic analysis was used to analyze 20 comprehensive semi-structured interviews.ResultsThree main themes emerged: the discovery of a new world by a patient's loved ones, i.e., the disorders of consciousness; the psychological and somatic impact on loved ones; and the relationships between family caregivers and professionals of the dedicated unit.DiscussionThe new living situation of people with disorders of consciousness requires caregivers to engage in an intense psychological process. First, this process is necessary to their understanding of the situation and its consequences. Second, it allows them to cope with the reorganization of the emotional and relational ties between the patient and the caregiver, and in the entire family dynamic. Lastly, healthcare professionals consider that caregivers are also the witnesses of the patient's earlier life, capable of linking the past and present, and often the interpreters of patients’ emotional reactions according to their former personality.ConclusionCaregivers are affected by the frailty and somatic dependence of their loved ones; and they also bear the history and psychological continuity of patients. Professionals must take this double burden into account, which helps explain families’ psychological exhaustion and their need for help. Understanding these phenomena is crucial for improving patient care in dedicated units.  相似文献   



The search for objective clinical signs is a constant practitioners’ and researchers’ concern in psychiatry. New technologies (embedded sensors, artificial intelligence) give an easier access to untapped information such as passive data (i.e. that do not require patient intervention). The concept of “digital phenotype” is emerging in psychiatry: a psychomotor alteration translated by accelerometer's modifications contrasting with the usual functioning of the subject, or the graphorrhea of patients presenting a manic episode which is replaced by an increase of SMS sent. Our main objective is to highlight the digital phenotype of mood disorders by means of a selective review of the literature.


We conducted a selective review of the literature by querying the PubMed database until February 2017 with the terms [Computer] [Computerized] [Machine] [Automatic] [Automated] [Heart rate variability] [HRV] [actigraphy] [actimetry] [digital] [motion] [temperature] [Mood] [Bipolar] [Depression] [Depressive]. Eight hundred and forty-nine articles were submitted for evaluation, 37 articles were included.


For unipolar disorders, smartphones can diagnose depression with excellent accuracy by combining GPS and call log data. Actigraphic measurements showing daytime alteration in basal function while ECG sensors assessing variation in heart rate variability (HRV) and body temperature appear to be useful tools to diagnose a depressive episode. For bipolar disorders, systems which combine several sensors are described: MONARCA, PRIORI, SIMBA and PSYCHE. All these systems combine passive and active data on smartphones. From a synthesis of these data, a digital phenotype of the disorders is proposed based on the accelerometer and the GPS, the ECG, the body temperature, the use of the smartphone and the voice. This digital phenotype thus brings into question certain clinical paradigms in which psychiatrists evolve.


All these systems can be used to computerize the clinical characteristics of the various mental states studied, sometimes with greater precision than a clinician could do. Most authors recommend the use of passive data rather than active data in the context of bipolar disorders because automatically generated data reduce biases and limit the feeling of intrusion that self-questionnaires may cause. The impact of these technologies questions the psychiatrist's professional culture, defined as a specific language and a set of common values. We address issues related to these changes. Impact on psychiatrists could be important because their unity seems to be questioned due to technologies that profoundly modify the collect and process of clinical data.  相似文献   



Sexual dysfunction is an important public health problem in men and is associated with reduced quality of life. It is more common in patients with schizophrenia. It is well-established that antipsychotic drugs cause sexual dysfunction with consequences on the quality of life of patients, adherence to treatment, and public health costs. Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5 inhibitors) are indicated for the management of erectile dysfunction. However, there is little information on such treatment in schizophrenic patients. This literature review aimed to summarize the current data on the efficacy and tolerability of PDE-5 inhibitors in the erectile dysfunction in schizophrenic patients.

Material and methods

PubMed, PsycInfo and Cochrane databases were searched for studies published until August 2014.


Only 6 studies met the inclusion criteria. Three were randomized, double-blind, cross-over, placebo-controlled trials and three were open studies. Various scales were used to measure erectile and orgasmic function, desire, satisfaction during intercourse, overall satisfaction, quality of life and intensity of schizophrenic symptoms. In the 3 randomized studies (one with sildenafil 25–50 mg, one with lodenafil carbonate 80 mg/j and the last one with tadalafil 10 mg), the rate of participants who completed the trial was high (around 95 %). All three included patients with schizophrenia or schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Patients reported significant improvement on sexual dysfunction. However, no statistical difference was reported between lodenafil and placebo, on different scales, suggesting a very important placebo effect in patients with schizophrenia. All three found a good tolerance of PDE-5 inhibitors. Side effects were rare and were mainly nasal congestion, headaches, nausea and dizziness. There were no major side effects or drug interactions. Considering the 3 open studies, 2 involved sildenafil and one tadalafil. All concluded in improved erectile and orgasmic function, desire, satisfaction during intercourse, overall satisfaction, and even the quality of life when it was studied. However, very few patients were included.


Little data are available on the use of PDE5 inhibitors in schizophrenic patients. The 6 studies included few patients which reduces the power and the scope of their conclusions. There is also an important bias due to the use of self-questionnaires. The methodologies of the studies differ in many aspects which limits the comparability. Inclusion and exclusion criteria, drugs used and scales varied among the studies. However, the management of erectile disorder seems to be a consistent target in an integrative approach for the overall well-being of schizophrenic patients. PDE-5 inhibitors appear to be safe and could improve erectile function in schizophrenic patients.


In total, the current data suggest efficiency and good tolerance of the use of PDE-5 inhibitors in schizophrenic patients with erectile dysfunction. However, further studies focusing on PDE-5 inhibitors are needed to more deeply assess their efficacy and safety in patients with schizophrenia.  相似文献   



Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) and Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs) are frequently prescribed. These antidepressants can potentially induce serious hyponatremia through the SIADH syndrome. That seems to concern all molecules of these classes but the individual risk of each molecule is not well known. The aims of the study were to compare the incidence rate of each molecule in order to identify the existence of molecules more at risk of inducing hyponatremia and to characterize a profile of patients at risk for hyponatremia during a treatment with a SSRI or a SNRI.


The cases of hyponatremia under SSRI/SNRI were extracted from the French pharmacovigilance database (BPNV). The exposition to the different SSRIs/SNRIs in the French population was estimated from the French National Health Insurance database (SNIIRAM) using a sampled database (Echantillon Généralistes des Bénéficiaires). The study ran from 01/01/2011 to 31/12/2013. The primary study endpoint was the incidence rate of notifications of the hyponatremia cases in patients treated by SSRI/SNRI and recorded into the BNPV database, related to the average annual number of corresponding treatments initiated during the same period.


The number of cases of hyponatremia included in the study was 169 for 3 749 800 adult patients initiating treatment. The incidence rate of cases was 1.64 for 100 000 persons per year (PY). The standardized incidence rates between the different molecules showed no difference except for duloxetine (2.79/100 000 PY p >  0.03). Identified risk factors were age, with a large increase of incidence rate from 75 years old (incidence 12.5 higher) and female gender.


Comparison of the incidence rates from spontaneous reports indicates a greater risk of hyponatremia for duloxetine for 2011-2013. This result needs to be confirmed by other studies. The advanced age and female sex are risk factors, irrespective of the molecule.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) is a chronic stressor that may alter the emotional state and quality of life (QOL) of patients suffering from it. In this work, we proposed to estimate the prevalence of depression and anxiety, to assess the QOL in a Tunisian population of apneic patients, and to assess their evolution under continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP).MethodsWe conducted a prospective study, involving 33 apneic patients followed for SAHOS with moderate or severe class disease in the pneumology department at Hedi Chaker university hospital in Sfax, Tunisia. They received CPAP treatment for three months. We used an epidemiological record. Two scales, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and the 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36), were completed before and after treatment to evaluate the effect of three months of treatment with CPAP.ResultsThe prevalence of depression in the study's patients, according to the HADS, was 45.5% and that of anxiety was 21.2%. After 3 months of CPAP, the prevalence of depression and anxiety had become 18.2% and 6.1%, respectively. QOL was impaired in 81.8% of cases before treatment, according to the SF-36. This figure had decreased to 69.7% after 3 months of treatment with CPAP. Apart from the third dimension (physical pain), all other dimensions were significantly improved after 3 months of CPAP treatment. The treatment with CPAP induced a significant improvement in the average scores of depression (P < 0.001), anxiety (P = 0.002) and QOL (P < 0.001).ConclusionsThese results attest to the importance of the frequency of anxio-depressive disorders as well as an altered QOL in patients with OSAHS. CPAP treatment was shown to be effective in improving these parameters, but this efficacy was partial. Specialized care may be needed in cases of residual anxio-depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

People with mental disorders are over-represented in the criminal justice system. Mental Heath Courts are problem-solving oriented courts developed as a means of providing treatment to individuals with mental illness involved in the criminal justice system in order to avoid recidivism and to improve access to community mental health care services. MHCs are an alternative to the incarceration and the innovation behind his model is the collaboration between the judiciary and mental health services. The first MHC was created in 1997 in Florida; there are now more than 300 such courts in the United States. In Lyon, France, thought work with Canadian team at the Montreal Mental Health court, a new program called Contrainte Pénale Justice Thérapeutique was created in 2016. CPJT is also based on the collaboration of legal, social and pre-existing mental health services in order to treat recidivist offenders suffering from psychiatric and/or addictive disorder. The aim of this interview with Constance Baheux and Dr Sabine Mouchet–Mages is to present the results of American mental health court in terms of effectiveness and to introduce the French program Contrainte Pénale Justice Thérapeutique in Lyon according to French law.  相似文献   

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