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We investigate how different forms of plasticity shape the dynamics and computational properties of simple recurrent spiking neural networks. In particular, we study the effect of combining two forms of neuronal plasticity: spike timing dependent plasticity (STDP), which changes the synaptic strength, and intrinsic plasticity (IP), which changes the excitability of individual neurons to maintain homeostasis of their activity. We find that the interaction of these forms of plasticity gives rise to interesting network dynamics characterized by a comparatively large number of stable limit cycles. We study the response of such networks to external input and find that they exhibit a fading memory of recent inputs. We then demonstrate that the combination of STDP and IP shapes the network structure and dynamics in ways that allow the discovery of patterns in input time series and lead to good performance in time series prediction. Our results underscore the importance of studying the interaction of different forms of plasticity on network behavior.  相似文献   

The previous report on the dynamics of spontaneous and evoked activities of the substructures within the cat inferior colliculus (IC) has been extended in order further to demonstrate the high frequency resonance phenomena in the IC. Steady-state evoked potentials, which were recorded by repetitive acoustical stimulation, proved the fact that high frequency oscillatory components of the evoked potentials (EPs) resulted from a real resonance phenomenon. The changes in the electrical activities following local lesions further helped us to decide that the high frequency oscillatory components of the EPs reflected unique activity of a neural net of spatially confined populations. By quantifying two parameters, namely the primary peak seen in the cross-covariance functions and the degree of synchronization as measured from the cross-power spectra of two simultaneously recorded spontaneous activity from a localized neural net in the IC, it was possible to show some dynamic patterns as associated with the spontaneous activity of the net. The behavior of these measured parameters as a function of external inputs exhibited a hysteresis which is of interest in the theory of short-term memory. Some interpretations of the high frequency resonance activities in terms of neuroanatomic structure of the IC were also made briefly.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that humans are sometimes capable of initiating arm movements towards visual stimuli at extremely short latencies, implying the presence of a short‐latency neural pathway linking visual input to limb motor output. However, little is known about the neural mechanisms that underlie such hastened arm responses. One clue may come from recent demonstrations that the appearance of a visual target can elicit a rapid response in neck muscles that is time‐locked to target appearance and functionally relevant for orienting gaze (head and eye) towards the target. Because oculomotor structures thought to contribute to ‘visual responses’ on neck muscles also target some arm muscles via a tecto‐reticulo‐spinal pathway, we hypothesized that a similar visual response would be present in arm muscles. Our results were consistent with this hypothesis as we observed the presence of rapid arm muscle activity (< 100 ms latency) that was time‐locked to target appearance and not movement onset. We further found that the visual response in arm muscles: (i) was present only when an immediate reach towards the target was required; (ii) had a magnitude that was predictive of reaction time; (iii) was tuned to target location in a manner appropriate for moving the arm towards the target; and (iv) was more prevalent in shoulder muscles than elbow muscles. These results provide evidence for a rapid neural pathway linking visual input to arm motor output and suggest the presence of a common neural mechanism for hastening eye, head and arm movements.  相似文献   

Spatial analysis with preamplifier arrays and computers offers fresh perspectives on brain function. Realization of its potential depends on development of appropriate procedures for data processing and display, experimental paradigms to serve as benchmarks, and theories of brain function to predict what to look for and how to distinguish valid results from artifacts. Measurement of EEGs from arrays of 64 electrodes chronically implanted on the olfactory bulbs of rabbits that are trained to discriminate odorant conditioned stimuli show that the odorants induce spatially distinctive amplitude patterns of neural activity. The odor-specific information density is inferred to be uniform over the whole main bulb. The neural dynamics that produce these activity patterns emerge from the synaptically interactive sheet of excitatory mitral and inhibitory granule cells with distributed input and output tracts and with static non-linearities deriving from the nerve impulse mechanism. Excitatory synapses between mitral cells are subject to modification when odorants are paired with unconditioned stimuli, thus forming nerve cell assemblies. Odorant-specific information established by a stimulus locally in the bulbar unit activity is integrated with past experience by an assembly, disseminated over the entire bulb on the order of 100 mm2 in area in a time period of 2.5 ms, and sustained for a time period on the order of 0.1 s. An arbitrary spatial sample on the order of 20% of bulbar EEG activity captures the entire integrated information albeit at lesser resolution than the whole. This synaptic mechanism of local input and global output may be common to all of the cerebral cortex. The implications are discussed for neocortical sensory systems, motor pattern generators, and goal-directed behavior in the context of self-organizing non-linear dynamic systems.  相似文献   

Stimulus-evoked response in the cortex involves random neural activity besides the deterministic responses reproducible to the stimulus. Recently, we have developed a new bright optical system that enables us to investigate the spatio-temporal patterns of such stochastic activity in the guinea pig auditory cortex without averaging. We show that (1) the stochastic neural activity is evoked by a tone-stimulus in addition to the deterministic response, and spontaneous stochastic activity is also observed in a similar manner; (2) our statistical estimation of optical responses such as variance showed that the evoked stochastic activity was increased by the sound stimulus compared to the spontaneous activity; (3) both types of stochastic activity mainly display oscillatory behavior, in the frequency range of 5-11 Hz; (4) there are no significant differences between the stimulus-induced and spontaneous stochastic neural activity in our statistical analyses using the PSD (power-spectrum density) and the spatial correlation function; (5) the spatial area of the evoked stochastic activity is not strongly correlated with the tonotopical area of the deterministic response that is mainly localized in the caudal area of field A of the guinea pig auditory cortex. Thus, the stochastic neural activity existing in the stimulus response and the spontaneous activity in the auditory cortex are possibly generated by a common neural mechanism. These results were confirmed statistically using 27 animals.  相似文献   

A number of studies have implicated disruptions in prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the startle response in both schizophrenia patients and animal models of this disorder. These disruptions are believed to reflect deficits in sensorimotor gating and are ascribed to aberrant filtering of sensory inputs leading to sensory overload and enhanced “noise” in neural structures. Here we examined auditory evoked potentials in a rodent model of schizophrenia (MAM-GD17) during an auditory PPI paradigm to better understand this phenomenon. MAM rats exhibited reductions in specific components of auditory evoked potentials in the orbitofrontal cortex and an abolition of the graded response to stimuli of differing intensities indicating deficient intensity processing in the orbitofrontal cortex. These data indicate that aberrant sensory information processing, rather than being attributable to enhanced noise in neural structures, may be better attributed to diminished evoked amplitudes resulting in a reduction in the “signal-to-noise” ratio. Therefore, the ability for sensory input to modulate the ongoing background activity may be severely disrupted in schizophrenia yielding an internal state which is insufficiently responsive to external input.  相似文献   

Rats were injected with progressively increasing doses of morphine or meperidine during a period of 3 to 40 days. From this colony of animals individual rats were used at 3- to 4-day intervals for electrophysiologic experiments to analyze the activity of nociceptive neurons in the somesthetic thalamus. After an i.p. injection of chloralose-urethane and the appropriate preparation for a stereotaxic microelectrode penetration of the thalamus, a nociceptive neuron was identified in the nucleus ventralis posterolateralis by its unique spacing of spike potentials emitted in response to pricking the foot with a pin. In addition to the short-latency response that formed a high activity peak on poststimulus time histograms, spikes following the stimulus up to 500 ms also formed activity peaks. Single-pulse stimulation of the sciatic nerve evoked the same response as pinpricks, but innocuous stimuli (pin shielded with a piece of cork) evoked a response without the late activity peaks. Only neurons that exhibited this differential response were regarded as nociceptive. Their response and spontaneous activity were accumulated separately on a digital computer. Following this, naloxone was infused i.v. and the computer accumulations were repeated. It was found that during naloxone-precipitated narcotic withdrawal, innocuous stimuli evoked responses indicative of pain; the nociceptive system was sensitized. Furthermore, a small dose or morphine or meperidine heightened the sensitization. This action of the narcotic agents was reversed by 5-hydroxytryptophan, which assisted the narcotics in suppressing pain in morphine- or meperidine-dependent rats but had no demonstrable effect in control animals. The spontaneous tonic activity of the nociceptive neurons of the somesthetic thalamus was high in rats exhibiting narcotic dependence. Naloxone decreased the count, but not to the value of the control animals. The sensitization of nociception can be explained by a decreased action of a neural pathway that descends from the periaqueductal gray matter via the nucleus raphe magnus to the spinal cord and there blocks the excitation of the spinothalamic tract cells by A-delta and C fibers. The mechanisms that increase the spontaneous activity of the thalamic nociceptive neurons remain unclear.  相似文献   

Although the anatomy of centrifugal input to gustatory neural structures has been described, little is known of the physiological mechanisms that convey this influence or of their functional significance. As a first step in the investigation of these issues, the effect of a reversible lesion in the gustatory neocortex (GN) on the neural code for taste in the parabrachial nucleus of the pons (PbN) was studied in rats. Electrophysiological responses to taste stimuli bathed over the tongue were recorded from single units in the PbN before, after and following recovery from an infusion of procaine-HCl into the GN. Test stimuli consisted of sapid solutions of NaCl (0.1 M), HCl (0.01 M), sucrose (0.5 M), Na-saccharin (0.004 M) and quinine-HCl (0.01 M). Infusions of procaine into the GN were correlated with both specific and nonspecific effects on the responsivity to gustatory stimuli in the PbN. Specific effects included: (1) changes in the magnitude of response to some tastants, but not others, in a given PbN unit, (2) changes in the across unit patterns produced by sweet stimuli and (3) the appearance of OFF responses in a subset of PbN units. Nonspecific effects were evidenced by changes in the spontaneous rates of activity and by enhancement or suppression of responses across all the tastants tested in a subset of PbN units. Comparison of these results with reports on the effects of decerebration suggests that some of these effects may be accounted for by interruption of the descending input from the GN to the PbN. In addition, the stimulus-specific effects that were noted following procaine infusion into the GN provide support for the suggestion that the GN specifically modifies the electrophysiological patterns that are evoked by salient taste stimuli.  相似文献   

We constructed a simulated spiking neural network model to investigate the effects of random background stimulation on the dynamics of network activity patterns and tetanus induced network plasticity. The simulated model was a "leaky integrate-and-fire" (LIF) neural model with spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) and frequency-dependent synaptic depression. Spontaneous and evoked activity patterns were compared with those of living neuronal networks cultured on multi-electrode arrays. To help visualize activity patterns and plasticity in our simulated model, we introduced new population measures called Center of Activity (CA) and Center of Weights (CW) to describe the spatio-temporal dynamics of network-wide firing activity and network-wide synaptic strength, respectively. Without random background stimulation, the network synaptic weights were unstable and often drifted after tetanization. In contrast, with random background stimulation, the network synaptic weights remained close to their values immediately after tetanization. The simulation suggests that the effects of tetanization on network synaptic weights were difficult to control because of ongoing synchronized spontaneous bursts of action potentials, or "barrages." Random background stimulation helped maintain network synaptic stability after tetanization by reducing the number and thus the influence of spontaneous barrages. We used our simulated network to model the interaction between ongoing neural activity, external stimulation and plasticity, and to guide our choice of sensory-motor mappings for adaptive behavior in hybrid neural-robotic systems or "hybrots."  相似文献   

Reading the spike coding of hypothalamic neurones presents a considerable challenge because they exhibit highly irregular firing patterns. Electrophysiologists working in the motor and sensory systems, in which neurones fire more regularly, have devised satisfactory methods to describe the firing of cells, although the statistical assumptions that underlie the methods do not apply to hypothalamic neurones. Measurement of neural activity is nevertheless vital to characterise the activity of neuroendocrine cells. It has thus become necessary to develop methods suitable for the analysis of the highly irregular spike discharge patterns of both spontaneous and stimulus‐evoked firing of hypothalamic neurones. We review techniques used to meet this challenge and demonstrate their considerable capacity to address important physiological questions. We also introduce a novel approach for valid statistical estimation of the information conveyed by the response of a single neurone to a periodic stimulus. The approach demonstrated significant diurnal rhythms of synaptic connectivity between hypothalamic nuclei.  相似文献   

Nita DA  Cissé Y  Timofeev I 《Epilepsia》2008,49(4):705-709
To study the possible mechanism(s) underlying unresponsiveness following neocortical seizures, we recorded excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) of cortical neurons evoked by ipsilateral cortical stimulation before and after spontaneous or elicited seizures. Regular-spiking neurons (n = 32) were intracellularly recorded in association area five of cats under ketamine-xylazine or barbiturate anesthesia. Compared with control responses, cortically evoked EPSPs were characterized by decreased amplitude after electrographic seizures. Synaptic responses and intrinsic properties were measured by applying extracellular electrical stimuli followed by intracellular hyperpolarizing current pulses. The input resistance decreased during seizures but quickly recovered to control level after the paroxysms, whereas the amplitude of evoked EPSPs remained lower following seizures, generally for 2-12 min, suggesting that the decreased EPSPs were not due to an alteration of intrinsic response. Data demonstrate a long-lasting decreased synaptic responsiveness following generalized spike-wave seizures slowly recovering in time.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that the haemodynamic responses to brief (<2 secs) stimuli can be well characterised as a linear convolution of neural activity with a suitable haemodynamic impulse response. In this paper, we show that the linear convolution model cannot predict measurements of blood flow responses to stimuli of longer duration (>2 secs), regardless of the impulse response function chosen. Modifying the linear convolution scheme to a nonlinear convolution scheme was found to provide a good prediction of the observed data. Whereas several studies have found a nonlinear coupling between stimulus input and blood flow responses, the current modelling scheme uses neural activity as an input, and thus implies nonlinearity in the coupling between neural activity and blood flow responses. Neural activity was assessed by current source density analysis of depth-resolved evoked field potentials, while blood flow responses were measured using laser Doppler flowmetry. All measurements were made in rat whisker barrel cortex after electrical stimulation of the whisker pad for 1 to 16 secs at 5 Hz and 1.2 mA (individual pulse width 0.3 ms).  相似文献   

Previous investigation of CA1‐evoked subicular responses has used either single low‐frequency pulses (LF), paired‐pulses (PP), or high‐frequency bursts. Here we test for the first time how subiculum responds to naturalistic stimulation trains (NSTs). We recorded CA1‐evoked field potentials from dorsal rat subiculum in response to LF, PP, and two NST patterns. The latter were derived from CA1 place cell activity; NST1 contained bursts of stimuli presented in two main episodes, while the burst‐patterned stimuli in NST2 were spaced more evenly. NSTs generated significantly greater field responses compared with LF or PP patterns. Response patterns to either NST were significantly correlated across trial repeats in 9 out of 10 rats, supporting a robust postsynaptic encoding of CA1 input by subiculum. Correlations between NST responses were also observed across experiments; however, these were more variable than those within experiments. The relationship between response magnitude and activation history revealed a strong correlation between magnitude and NST instantaneous frequency for NST1 but was weaker for NST2. In addition, the number of stimuli within a prior 500 ms window was a determining factor for response magnitude for both NSTs. Overall, the robust reproducibility in subicular responses within rats suggests that information within NSTs is faithfully transmitted through the CA1‐subiculum axis. However, variation in response sequences across rats suggests that encoding patterns to the same input differ across the subiculum. Changes in the ratio of target bursting and regularly spiking neurons along the subicular proximodistal axis may account for this variation. The activation history of this connection also appears to be a strong determining factor for response magnitude. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The influences of the visual background on the spontaneous and evoked activity of neurons in the striate cortex (V1) of the awake and behaving macaque were investigated using uniform (dark and bright) and textured (dynamic random-dot) large fields (10 degrees) centered on the receptive field of the cell under study. Rhesus monkeys were trained to fixate a small target while visual patterns were presented on monitor displays and the impulse activity of single cortical neurons recorded extracellularly with metal microelectrodes. The discharge rates of the ongoing, spontaneous activity of the vast majority of V1 neurons, as well as their responses to optimally adjusted bar stimuli, were not significantly influenced by the luminance of a uniform background. On the other hand, the activity of more than 50% of V1 neurons was clearly affected by a textured background. Comparison of the effects of a uniformly dark background and a background of dynamic random dots showed that the neuron's spontaneous discharge rate was typically higher in the presence of the textured background, while the evoked response was often reduced in amplitude or even suppressed. The opposite effects were observed in only a few neurons. These findings indicate that neurons in area V1 are highly sensitive to a textured background of dynamic random dots which exert on them an activating effect, chiefly by stimulation of the neuron's receptive field, with consequent increase in the ongoing discharge and a reduction of the dynamic range of impulse activity, leading to a reduction in the amplitude of the response evoked by a contrast stimulus.  相似文献   

The activity of single neurons in the gustatory cortex of alert cynomolgus monkeys was analyzed. Taste-evoked activity in response to the four prototypical taste stimuli was recorded from a cortical gustatory area comprising the frontal operculum and adjoining anterior insula. Spontaneous activity for 364 gustatory neurons was 3.9 +/- 4.9 (mean +/- SD) spikes/s. Mean net (gross minus spontaneous) discharge rates for all gustatory neurons were: 1.0 M glucose = 4.9 +/- 11.6, 0.3 M NaCl = 3.2 +/- 7.1, M quinine HCl = 2.6 +/- 5.8, and 0.01 M HCl = 1.7 +/- 4.6. The results from intensity-response functions imply that the perception of each basic taste quality in the nonhuman primate is based on the activity of the appropriate neural subgroup rather than on the mean activity of all taste cells. Therefore a more meaningful index of the effectiveness of a stimulus may be the discharge rate it evokes from the subset of gustatory neurons for which it is the best stimulus. Glucose was the best stimulus for 142 cells (including ties), from which it elicited a mean net response of 10.3 spikes/s; NaCl was best for 107 neurons which gave a mean 8.7 spikes/s; quinine HCl evoked 6.2 spikes/s from the 74 cells that responded best to it; HCl elicited 5.9 spikes/s from the 49 neurons for which it served as best stimulus. The response characteristics of cortical taste cells indicate heterogeneous features, and significantly different patterns from those reported in other nonchemical sensory systems.  相似文献   

Moderately painful stimuli applied during sleep evoke motor and neural responses indicative of arousal, but seldom cause awakening. Different reactions occur in response to acute pain stimulation across behavioral states; pain reactions are modulated by the activity of serotonergic and non-serotonergic cells in the raphe magnus (RM). Serotonergic RM cells have state-dependent discharge and may inhibit simple motor withdrawal responses during waking. ON and OFF cells are non-serotonergic RM neurons thought to facilitate and inhibit pain, respectively. These cells display reciprocal spontaneous discharge patterns across the sleep-wake cycle, with ON cells most active during waking and OFF cells most active during sleep. We propose that they also play an important role in modulating the alertness evoked by any brief external stimulus, either noxious or innocuous. ON cells may facilitate alertness during waking and OFF cells suppress arousals during sleep. In the presence of chronic pain, both ON and OFF cell discharge appear to increase. The increase in ON cell discharge may contribute to enhancing pain sensitivity and alertness. Future research is needed to understand why sleep is so adversely affected in chronic pain patients, whereas sleep is minimally disrupted, even by acutely painful stimuli, in humans and animals without chronic pain.  相似文献   

Serotonergic (5-HT) neurons of the brainstem dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) have been implicated in a diversity of physiological and behavioral processes in vertebrates. However, despite extensive information about the intrinsic properties and the efferent projections of this neurochemical system, little information is available regarding the afferents that control its activity. This study investigated the neurotransmitters that regulate the activity of DRN-5-HT neurons under physiologically relevant conditions, by utilizing microiontophoresis in combination with single-unit recordings in the awake, head-restrained cat. This made it possible to examine the direct effects of neurotransmitters on DRN-5-HT neuronal activity, and, through the use of specific antagonists, to study the roles of these neurotransmitter inputs during physiological conditions that influence DRN-5-HT neuronal activity. The results indicate that (1) iontophoretic application of the GABA antagonist bicuculline reversed the typical suppression of neuronal activity seen during slow wave sleep, but had no effect on maintained activity during wakefulness. The suppression of neuronal activity during REM sleep was generally unaffected by application of bicuculline. This suggests a role for a GABAergic input to DRN-5-HT neurons in controlling some aspects of their state-dependent activity. (2) Iontophoretic application of the excitatory amino acid (EAA) antagonist kynurenic acid reduced the magnitude of the neuronal response evoked by phasic auditory stimuli, but had no effect on the spontaneous activity of these neurons, suggesting a role for an EAA input to the DRN in mediating the response to phasic sensory stimuli.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Animals typically perceive their olfactory environment as a complex blend of natural odor cues. In insects, the initial processing of odors occurs in the antennal lobe (AL). Afferent peripheral input from olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) is modified via mostly inhibitory local interneurons (LNs) and transferred by projection neurons (PNs) to higher brain centers. Here we performed optophysiological studies in the AL of the moth, Manduca sexta, and recorded odor-evoked calcium changes in response to antennal stimulation with five monomolecular host volatiles and their artificial mixture. In a double staining approach, we simultaneously measured OSN network input in concert with PN output across the glomerular array. By comparing odor-evoked activity patterns and response intensities between the two processing levels, we show that host mixtures could generally be predicted from the linear summation of their components at the input of the AL, but output neurons established a unique, nonlinear spatial pattern separate from individual component identities. We then assessed whether particularly high levels of signal modulation correspond to behavioral relevance. One of our mixture components, phenyl acetaldehyde, evoked significant levels of nonlinear input-output modulation in observed spatiotemporal activation patterns that were unique from the other individual odorants tested. This compound also accelerated behavioral activity in subsequent wind tunnel tests, whereas another compound that did not exhibit high levels of modulation also did not affect behavior. These results suggest that the high degree of input-output modulation exhibited by the AL for specific odors can correlate to behavioral output.  相似文献   

Contemporary brain research seeks to understand how cognition is reducible to neural activity. Crucially, much of this effort is guided by a scientific paradigm that views neural activity as essentially driven by external stimuli. In contrast, recent perspectives argue that this paradigm is by itself inadequate and that understanding patterns of activity intrinsic to the brain is needed to explain cognition. Yet, despite this critique, the stimulus‐driven paradigm still dominates—possibly because a convincing alternative has not been clear. Here, we review a series of findings suggesting such an alternative. These findings indicate that neural activity in the hippocampus occurs in one of three brain states that have radically different anatomical, physiological, representational, and behavioral correlates, together implying different functional roles in cognition. This three‐state framework also indicates that neural representations in the hippocampus follow a surprising pattern of organization at the timescale of ~1 s or longer. Lastly, beyond the hippocampus, recent breakthroughs indicate three parallel states in the cortex, suggesting shared principles and brain‐wide organization of intrinsic neural activity.  相似文献   

Entorhinal cortex neurons make monosynaptic connections onto distal apical dendrites of CA1 and CA2 pyramidal neurons through the perforant path (PP) projection. Previous studies show that differences in dendritic properties and synaptic input density enable the PP inputs to produce a much stronger excitation of CA2 compared with CA1 pyramidal neurons. Here, using mice of both sexes, we report that the difference in PP efficacy varies substantially as a function of presynaptic firing rate. Although a single PP stimulus evokes a 5- to 6-fold greater EPSP in CA2 compared with CA1, a brief high-frequency train of PP stimuli evokes a strongly facilitating postsynaptic response in CA1, with relatively little change in CA2. Furthermore, we demonstrate that blockade of NMDARs significantly reduces strong temporal summation in CA1 but has little impact on that in CA2. As a result of the differences in the frequency- and NMDAR-dependent temporal summation, naturalistic patterns of presynaptic activity evoke CA1 and CA2 responses with distinct dynamics, differentially tuning CA1 and CA2 responses to bursts of presynaptic firing versus single presynaptic spikes, respectively.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Recent studies have demonstrated that abundant entorhinal cortical innervation and efficient dendritic propagation enable hippocampal CA2 pyramidal neurons to produce robust excitation evoked by single cortical stimuli, compared with CA1. Here we uncovered, unexpectedly, that the difference in efficacy of cortical excitation varies substantially as a function of presynaptic firing rate. A burst of stimuli evokes a strongly facilitating response in CA1, but not in CA2. As a result, the postsynaptic response of CA1 and CA2 to presynaptic naturalistic firing displays contrasting temporal dynamics, which depends on the activation of NMDARs. Thus, whereas CA2 responds to single stimuli, CA1 is selectively recruited by bursts of cortical input.  相似文献   

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