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Research that identifies the determinants of low mammography use among disabled people is scant. This study examines the determining factors related to the low usage of mammography among women with disabilities. To identify the barriers that prevent women with disabilities from participating in mammography screening can help authorities conceive feasibly useful strategies for avoiding worse suffering. With women aged between 50 and 69 as subjects, this study was conducted using the database of Ministry of the Interior, Taiwan, in 2008, coupled with information gathered between 2006 and 2008 on preventive health care and medical claim data from the Bureau of Health Promotion and the National Health Research Institutes, respectively. This study examined the factors determining the use of mammography with logistic regression analysis. Only 8.49% of the disabled women used mammographies. When women with disabilities were in higher income level, they were more likely to use mammography for breast cancer screening. Similar findings were found for education levels. Moreover, subjects with a more severe form of disability were less likely to use mammography with ORs of 0.84, 0.63, and 0.52. Disabled women with major organ malfunction, chronic mental illness, or mental retardation had a higher likelihood to use mammography services, whereas women with multiple disabilities had the lowest likelihood of usage. Those with experience using other preventive services showed 1.9 times to 7.54 times (95% CI: 1.82-1.98, 7.15-7.95, respectively) increased likelihood of mammography usage. In summary, mammography usage is relatively different for disabled and nondisabled populations. To mitigate the disparities, we can use community healthcare institutions or public health nurses and social workers to provide related preventive health services through community events to implement integrated cancer screening services.  相似文献   

Women with intellectual disabilities (ID) have cognitive impairment and communication difficulties; for both caregivers and clinical personnel, discovering the early symptoms of breast cancer among women with ID is challenging. The mammography utilization rate of women with ID was significantly lower than that of women in the general population. This study employed a 2008 database of people with disabilities in Taiwan as a research target and analyzed the mammography utilization rate of women with ID aged 50–69 years. In addition, relevant factors influencing mammography utilization among women with ID were also investigated. A total of 4370 participants were recruited and the majority were illiterate or had elementary-level educations (82.27%). The majority of the participants had ID that was more severe than mild (83.80%). The mammography utilization rate of women with ID was 4.32%, which was significantly lower than that of women in the general population (12%). The mammography utilization rate among women with ID who were married, had higher education levels, and had been diagnosed with cancer, diabetes, or mild ID was significantly higher. However, the mammography utilization rate among women with ID, who had elementary-level educations or were illiterate, was only 4.03%. The utilization rate among women with profound ID was only 2.65%. Women with ID who had undergone pap smears or had utilized adult preventive health services demonstrated a significantly higher mammography utilization rate. This study identified that education level, a diagnosis of diabetes, and the application of pap smears or adult preventive health services were primary factors that influenced the mammography utilization rate among women with ID. This study also observed that in Taiwan, the mammography utilization rate of women with ID was lower than that of pap smears and adult preventive health services, and was only half of that of people with disabilities. An unequal situation existed in regard to the acceptance of breast cancer screening among women with ID, and a different form of strategic planning must be adopted in public health policy. Because ID differs from other disabilities and most women with ID are illiterate, tailored courses are required to train primary caregivers and clinical personnel in providing knowledge and services. The objectives are to diagnose breast cancer at an early stage to decrease the risk of mortality and ensure their rights to health.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the utilization and utilization determinants of outpatient physical therapy (PT) among children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities (ID) in Taiwan. A cross-sectional study was conducted to analyze 2007 national health insurance (NHI) claim data from 35,802 eighteen-year-old and younger persons with intellectual disabilities. A total of 3944 (11.02%) claimants received outpatient physical therapy. Variables that affected PT utilization included age, residence urbanization level, ID level, copayment status and major co-morbidity. The average annual PT visit frequency was 25.4 ± 33.0; pre-school children, claimants suffering from catastrophic disease and ID co-occurring with cerebral palsy had a higher mean cost per visit. Age, ID level, copayment status and co-morbidity were factors that influenced expenditure. Pre-school children, males, individuals who resided in the lowest urbanization areas and individuals with a catastrophic disease tended to use hospital services. The point prevalence of epilepsy and cerebral palsy were 12.10% and 19.80%, respectively. Despite the NHI program and government regulations to provide special services, the use of physical therapy for children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities was low, and the utilization decreased as the subjects aged.  相似文献   

Cervical cancer is a prevalent cancer among Taiwanese women, and can be effectively cured if diagnosed early. Therefore, cervical cancer is worthy of preventive health screening. Due to physical and psychological barriers, patients with disability may be unable to express their physical complaints accurately, thus reducing their access to health care; some may not even receive proper preventive health care or medical treatment. This study investigates the utilization of Pap smear among women with disability in Taiwan and its influencing factors. With women aged 30 and over as the study subjects, this retrospective cohort study is conducted based on the database of the Ministry of the Interior, Taiwan, 2008, combined with information gathered between 2006 and 2008 regarding preventive health care and health insurance medical claims data from the Bureau f Health Promotion and the National Health Research Institutes, respectively. The frequency of Pap smears and the percentage differences of each variable are examined using the 2× tests to check for statistical significance. Finally, logistic regression analysis is used to examine the factors influencing the use of Pap smears. The results revealed that among disabled women aged 30 and over, the use of Pap smears was 7.71% in 2008. Disabled women with the following characteristics had lower use levels regarding Pap smears: greater age, residing in areas of higher urbanization, lower income, lower education levels, unmarried, not diagnosed with cancer, diagnosed with diabetes, and with severe disability levels. Disabled women with hearing impairments or mental retardation were possessed of the highest and lowest probabilities of using Pap smear, respectively. The recommendations of this study include: (1) provide physicians with a varying pricing scheme and incentives for Pap smear based on the type or severity of disability; (2) proactively encourage gynecologist and obstetricians to conduct regular and convenient Pap smear on disabled women; and (3) target disabled women in low usage groups, and improve their knowledge of Pap smear.  相似文献   

AIMS: The purpose of this study was to identify health characteristics of people with intellectual disabilities (ID) and to assess the use of emergency care facilities by these people and factors affecting this utilization. METHOD: A cross-sectional study was employed. Subjects were recruited from the Taiwan National Disability Registration System. A total of 1071 people registered with ID in Taiwan were recruited for this study in 2001. Data were collected via a structured mail-out questionnaire that was completed by the main carers of people with ID. RESULTS: Most of the carers subjectively characterized the overall health status of people with ID as good-excellent. However, people with ID carry a burden of diseases greater than that of the general population. Nearly half (47.7%) of the subjects reported having an illness in the past 7 months. Most of the morbidity was associated with neurological, psychiatric, digestive, dermatological and cardiovascular diseases or disorders. One-third of subjects took medication regularly and 15% were 'Major Illness' card beneficiaries of the Taiwan National Health Insurance scheme. About two-thirds of individuals with ID were classified as having multiple disabilities and 24.5% needed to be provided with frequent rehabilitative therapies to maintain their normal daily functions. Respondents indicated that 18.4% of the subjects had used emergency care in the past 7 months. A stepwise logistic regression model highlighted that the following need factors were significantly related to the utilization of emergency care: having an illness (OR=2.1, 95% CI=1.2-3.6), taking medicine regularly (OR=1.8, 95% CI=1.1-2.9) and self-reported health status (poor health: OR=9.9, 95% CI=2.1-45.7; bad health: OR=8.2, 95% CI=1.3-49.8). CONCLUSIONS: To ensure that people with ID minimize their utilization of emergency care, it is necessary to establish in appropriate community systems to monitor individuals with ID with poor health status, diseases and who take medicine regularly.  相似文献   

Children with disabilities face more barriers accessing preventive health services. Prior research has documented disparities in the receipt of these services. However, most are limited to specific types of disability or care. This study investigates disparities in the use of preventive health care among children with disabilities in Taiwan. Three nationwide databases from the Ministry of the Interior, Bureau of Health Promotion, and National Health Research Institutes were linked to gather related information between 2006 and 2008. A total of 8572 children with disabilities aged 1-7 years were included in this study. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was conducted to adjust for covariates. Nationally, only 37.58% of children with disabilities received preventive health care in 2008. Children with severe and very severe disabilities were less likely to use preventive care than those with mild severity. Children with disabilities from the lowest income family were less likely to have preventive care than other income groups. Urbanization was strongly associated with the receipt of preventive health care. However, surprisingly, urban children with disabilities were less likely to receive preventive care than all others. Under universal health insurance coverage, the overall usage of preventive health care is still low among children with disabilities. The study also identified several disparities in their usage. Potential factors affecting the lack of use deserve additional research. Policymakers should target low socioeconomic brackets and foster education about the importance of preventive care. Mobile health services should be continually provided in those areas in need. Capitation reimbursement and other incentives should be considered in improving the utilization among children with disabilities.  相似文献   

This study examines differences in outpatient-visit frequency and medical expenditures between (1) children and adolescents in Taiwan with intellectual disabilities and (2) children and adolescents in Taiwan's general population. A cross-sectional study was conducted to analyze data from 2007 provided by Taiwan's National Health Insurance program. A total of 236,045 beneficiaries younger than 19 years made use of outpatient services; among them, 35,802 had a principal diagnosis of mental retardation (intellectual disability). The average number of ambulatory visits was 14.9 ± 12.4, which is much higher than in the United States and other developed countries. The mean number of annual visits of the individuals with intellectual disabilities was significantly higher than that of the general population in Taiwan (20.1 ± 20.0 vs. 14.0 ± 12.2); age, gender, urbanization level of residential area, and copayment status affected outpatient visit frequency. The mean annual outpatient costs were NTD6371.3 ± NTD11989.1 for the general population and NTD19724.9 ± NTD40469.9 for those with intellectual disabilities (US $1 equals approximately NTD30). Age, gender, urbanization level of residential area, and copayment status were the determinants that accounted for this difference in cost. Children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities had higher use rates of rehabilitative and psychiatric services than the general population. We conclude that individuals with intellectual disabilities had higher demands than the general population for healthcare services, especially for rehabilitative and psychiatric services.  相似文献   

Background In Taiwan, current understanding is limited concerning the manner in which health services are utilized by persons with intellectual disabilities (ID). The objective of this study is to describe the patterns of inpatient care sought by persons with ID, and factors affecting inpatient care utilization. Method The primary method used in this study was a cross‐sectional survey of 1390 persons with ID in day care centres. Data were obtained from responses to a questionnaire, copies of which were mailed to 30 day care centres catering for persons with ID. The questionnaire assessed demographic and health characteristics, disability status, and inpatient care utilization for the 12 months leading up to the survey. Multivariate logistic regression analysis identified factors independently associated with inpatient care. Results Findings indicated that the average age of the people with ID in the centres was 13.7 years. Fifty per cent of people were afflicted with multiple handicaps, with an average of 26 outpatient visits made per person during the 12 months, and 16% of persons having been hospitalized within the previous year. The average hospital stay was 6 days. Inpatient care was more likely to be used by those individuals with an ID who were younger, had multiple handicaps, required rehabilitation, and had other disabilities and existing illnesses. Conclusions The study concluded that the parameters describing age of persons with ID, as having an existing illness, and requiring rehabilitative care were statistically significant in the logistic regression model of the inpatient care.  相似文献   

We collected self reported rate of cervical smear testing and to examine the affecting factors in women with physical disabilities in the study, to define the reproductive health care for this group of people. The study population recruited 521women with physical disabilities aged more than 15 years who were officially registered as having physical disabilities in Taipei County, Taiwan. Those people with physical disabilities include following: upper and low limb, spinal cord injury and other nervous system impairments. Results found that there were 71.5% participants had ever used the Pap smear tests in their life time and mean age of the first screening was 39.21 ± 10.16 years (range = 20-85 years). Nearly 41% of participants expressed that they had accepted the screening within 1 year and 28.1% reported they used the Pap smear screening regularly. Our study also found women with physical disabilities have higher use of Pap smear tests than does the general population in Taiwan (74% vs. 64% in aged ≥30 years). Logistic regression model for the use of Pap smear test indicated that those married women (OR = 12.06, 95% CI = 6.85-21.22), with mild level of disability (OR = 2.10, 95% CI = 1.05-4.21) and high cognitive level toward Pap smear information were factors to affect the use of Pap smear in the study participants. We suggest the further study should conduct to examine the quality perception and follow-up service of Pap smear test for women with physical disabilities, to ensure the health care right for this group of women.  相似文献   

Direct family caregivers of population-based adolescents with intellectual disabilities in Taiwan were surveyed regarding their perceptions of the use of prescribed medication and its relationship with health-related behaviors, medical care and preventive health utilization of people with intellectual disabilities. Cross-sectional data on 1419 adolescents 12–17 years of age was collected from the 2007 National Survey on Healthy Behaviors and Preventive Health Utilizations of People with Intellectual Disabilities in Taiwan. Multiple logistic regression models were used to examine risk profiles in relation to the use of prescribed medication and other relevant variables: participant characteristics, health-related behaviors, medical care and preventive health utilization. The results indicate that 47.1% of subjects were accompanied by other impairments, the morbidity prevalence was 16.5% and 23.8% of subjects were reported to have used prescribed medication regularly in the past 6 months. The main reasons for medication use were epilepsy (36.9%), psychiatric problems (24.2%) and gastrointestinal problems (6.3%). A large majority of caregivers reported that the subject's health status was excellent (15.4%), good (38%) or fair (38%), and only 6.5% were reported to be in bad health. Finally, data were analyzed using a logistic regression model to identify possible reasons for drug use. The following factors correlate with the regular use of prescribed medication by adolescents with intellectual disabilities: Down syndrome, possession of a Major Illness Card, a history of smoking, an additional impairment, reported health status, outpatient care and acceptance of other specific medical examinations. Our principal conclusion was that these data indicate a need for more education on a variety of issues, including predisposition, healthy behavior, medical care and preventive health utilization issues as they relate to prescribed medication use, and assessment of the long-term effects of drug use on people with intellectual disabilities.  相似文献   

Background Five factors are proposed as important in influencing the provision of psychological therapy to people with intellectual disabilities (IDs): the perceived effectiveness of psychological therapy, individual clinician competence, service resources (number of trained clinicians), the level of the client’s disability and the diagnostic overshadowing bias. Method A prospective questionnaire design was used. A survey style questionnaire was sent out to clinical psychologists (n = 412) and psychiatrists (n = 274) working in ID services in the UK. Responses were received from 133 psychologists and 90 psychiatrists. Results Perceived competence, the level of the client’s disability and the diagnostic overshadowing bias all appeared to be important factors. The perceived effectiveness of psychological therapy with this client group and service resources appeared less important than hypothesized. Conclusion Whereas the debates in research publications tend to focus on broad issues of effectiveness, clinicians themselves appear more concerned with their personal skill levels. The issue of the appropriateness of psychological therapies for people with more severe levels of disability remains largely unresearched.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate suicide risk during hospitalization and in the year following discharge for patients with mental disorders.All suicide cases in Sweden 18 years and older, between 1991 and 2003 (N = 20,675; 70% male), were individually matched to 10 controls from the general Swedish population. Discharge diagnoses in the year before suicide of any mental disorder, mood disorder, schizophrenia spectrum disorder, and alcohol use disorder were identified from the Swedish Patient Register.Highest suicide risk during hospitalization and in the year following discharge was found for mood disorder [odds ratio (OR) 55 (95% CI, 47-65) for men and 86 (95% CI, 70-107) for women], with the risk peaking in the first week following discharge [OR 177 (95% CI, 78-401) for men and OR 268 (95% CI, 85-846) for women]. Compared to that for mood disorder, the suicide risk for schizophrenia spectrum disorder and alcohol use disorder was about half and more constant over time. The majority of suicide victims with a psychiatric diagnosis had been discharged from psychiatric treatment more than a month before the suicide. Over time, a constant proportion of 25% of the suicide victims had been hospitalized with a mental disorder in the year before suicide (23% of males and 31% of females), despite a significant decrease in psychiatric hospitalizations in the population.In conclusion, suicide risk was found to vary by type of mental disorder, time since discharge, and sex. This should be taken into account when planning suicide preventive efforts.  相似文献   

Creatine transporter deficiency (CTD) is an example of X-linked intellectual disability syndromes, caused by mutations in SLC6A8 on Xq28. Although this is the second most frequent genetic cause of intellectual disabilities in Europe or America after Fragile X syndrome, information on the morbidity of this disease is limited in Japan. Using the HPLC screening method we have established recently, we examined samples of urine of 105 patients (73 males and 32 females) with developmental disabilities at our medical center. And we have found a family with three ID boys with a novel missense mutation in SLC6A8. This is the second report of a Japanese family case of CTD. A systematic diagnostic system of this syndrome should be established in Japan to enable us to estimate its frequency and treatment.  相似文献   

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