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正阳明司天,燥气下临,肝气上从,苍起木用而立,土乃眚,凄沧数至,木伐草萎,胁痛目赤,掉振鼓傈,筋痿不能久立。暴热至,土乃暑,阳气都发,小便变,寒热如疟,甚则心痛,火行于槁,流水不冰,蛰虫乃见。太阳司天,寒气下临,心气上从,而火且明,丹起金乃眚,寒清时举,胜则水冰,火气高明,心热烦,嗌干善渴,鼽嚏,喜悲数欠,热气妄行,寒乃复,霜不时降,善忘,甚则心痛。土乃润,水丰衍,寒客至,沉阴化,湿气变物,水饮内  相似文献   

<正>早起床,勿过急,到户外,炼身体睡觉前,把脚洗,心宁静,睡安逸。三日餐,要注意,宜清淡,少油腻。细咀嚼,勿咽急,八分饱,身得益。做事情,要量力,累则止,防劳疾。白天热,多休息,午小睡,蓄精力。种花草,看文艺,读诗书,找乐趣。身心好,康而乐,要争取,活百岁。坐勿歪,站勿斜,卧勿语,走勿跳,气勿生,脾勿暴,怒勿发,性勿燥。人勿懒,劳勿累,神勿疲,逸勿少,  相似文献   

鲜生姜,是妙药,散风寒,驱感冒。止咳嗽,润肺燥,暖胃寒,利胆道。说玉米,营养高,卵磷脂,利大脑。化胆醇,防衰老,糖尿病,常吃好。大蜜桃,全身宝,消黄疸,清肠燥。通栓塞,止咳好。去炎肿,且利尿。血压高,吃香蕉,通大便,润肠燥。能补钾,降发烧,利咽炎,肿毒消。芝麻粒,是个宝,润黑发,补大脑。促循环,防衰老,  相似文献   

济阳人民医院始建于1949年10月,现已发展成为学科齐全,技术精湛,设备先进,服务优良,环境幽雅,集医疗,预防,保健,康复,科研,教学,急救为一体的综合性二级医院,是全县的医疗,急救,保健中心.医院现有在职职工490人,其中高级职称58人;中级职称168人,编制床位280张,设内,外,妇,儿,中医,五官等科室32个.  相似文献   

周盛泰 《工企医刊》2003,16(4):58-58
1 病历摘要患者,男,26岁。因周身无力、心悸2天,加重4小时,入院。2天前,患者晨起醒来时,自觉四肢无力,呈对称性,以近端为重,同时伴有心悸,未经治疗,逐渐加重,入院前4小时四肢软瘫,不能活动,心悸加重。查体:P36次/min,BP12/8kPa,神清语明,双侧瞳孔等大同圆,对光反射灵敏,颈软,气管居中,甲状腺无肿大,双肺呼吸音清,心音低钝,节律不齐,  相似文献   

从前,有一位善良的姑娘叫贞子,她嫁给了一个忠厚老实的农夫,夫妻和睦相处,非常恩爱。那时,战乱频繁,刀兵四起,有一天,贞子的丈夫被抓了壮丁,临别时夫妻俩抱头痛哭,洒泪分别,从此,贞子一人独守空房,深感凄凉。光阴荏苒,岁月如流,转眼三年过去了,贞子丈夫一去不回,杳无音讯,可怜的贞子日思夜盼,望穿秋水。一天,同村有个当兵的捎信回来,说贞子的丈夫在战斗中身亡,贞子闻讯,当即昏死过去,待她醒来后一连几天滴水不进,只是哭,从此一病不起,邻居王大姐见状,深感同情,时常  相似文献   

"日月如梭,光阴似箭",转眼间,夏天走了,秋天来了.走近秋天,她是金黄金黄的,她是饱满成熟的…… 夏天走了,秋天来了 ——秋天是金黄金黄的.稻穗成熟了,金灿灿的,秋风拂过,那荡漾的金色浪花,此起彼伏,无边无际,仿佛是一片金色的海洋,波涛汹涌.每一颗稻粒,饱满滚圆,显的格外金贵.玉米妈妈,抱着她可爱的娃娃,站在那里,也跳着欢快的舞蹈,玉米娃娃,露出了金黄的笑脸,正在幸福的微笑……村边的银杏树,也换掉了绿色的外衣,换上了金色的戎装,金黄金黄的,煞是好看,每片叶子,像金色的小扇子,从空中飘然而下,跳起欢快的飞天舞,给秋妈妈送来丝丝凉爽,白杨,枫树,法桐,也不甘落后,把金色奉献给了秋妈妈,秋天的里里外外,上上下下,到处金黄金黄的,令人赞叹……  相似文献   

百年盛事,浩气贯云天。扬子歌,长城舞,珠峰醉,洞庭欢。遥望香江岸,青马桥,弥敦道,油麻港,大雾山,竞开颜。一国两制,幸哲人浇灌,广种福田。更喜京九路,南北一线牵。举家欣聚,庆团圆。 忆创业日,运莞木,履沙嘴,踏浪湾。志士血,英雄泪,渔家苦,商贾寒。恨烟枪铁弹,月残蚀,域难全。世风转,参斗移,沧  相似文献   

1 病历摘要例1,男,35岁,因转移性右下腹疼痛伴恶心、呕吐12小时入院,以往体健。查体:T37.5℃,P75次/分,R20次/分,BP18/10.7kPa,神志清,痛苦貌,被动体位,查体合作,皮肤巩膜无黄染,心肺未见异常,腹中胀,可见肠型,无蠕动波,右下腹肌紧,压痛、反跳痛,肝脾未及,未扪及包块,移动性浊音(—),肠鸣音稍亢,结肠充气试验(+),余未见异常,化验:WBC13.5×10~9/L,N82,L18。初诊为急性阑尾炎,行阑尾切除术,术中见腹膜腔不存在,壁腹膜与肠管广泛均匀粘连,进腹困难,肠管外包绕疏松样纤维膜,无层次,均匀分布,未发  相似文献   

微量元素与健康   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人体是元素构成的,根据元素在人体内含量多少,分为宏量元素和微量元素,宏量元素占人体总重量的99.95%,包括碳,氢,氧,氮,钙,硫,磷,镁,钠,钾,氯等。每种元素均占人体总重量的0.01%以上,微量元素仅占人体总重量的05%,如铁,锌,铜,硒,碘,钒,钴,锰,铬,镍,硅,锡,钼等。每种元素均占人体总量的0.01%以下,微量元素虽占人体总量的极小部分,但对人体健康有极重要关系,过多或过少都将严重影响健康。  相似文献   

The principles of the science of general practice are those of all good science-open-minded enquiry, the critical evaluation of data derived from experiment or observation, problem solving and the publication of results. The use of combined qualitative and quantitative methods of scientific investigation enables us to get closer to the realities of clinical practice. A number of exemplary individual general practitioners have made exceptional contributions to clinical practice and our discipline-in particular, Edgar Hope Simpson and Lawrence Craven, whose work has not been widely recognized. Scientific research in general practice needs to be both credible and robust, aligned with our values and be relevant to our clinical practice.  相似文献   

国内外全科医学教育的发展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
现代健康观念己经从单纯生物学角度扩展到人的生理、心理、社会和生态环境等综合层面,全科医疗服务模式使世界的社区医疗和基层卫生保健发生很大的改观。本文概述了全科医学的概念,国内外全科医学教育模式以及我国全科医学存在的问题,并提出了加快我国全科医学发展的相应对策。  相似文献   

Person‐centred practice indubitably seems to be the antithesis of technology. The ostensible polarity of technology and person‐centred practice is an easy road to travel down and in their various forms has been probably travelled for decades if not centuries. By forging ahead or enduring these dualisms, we continue to approach and recede, but never encounter the elusive and the liminal space between technology and person‐centred practice. Inspired by Haraway's work, we argue that healthcare practitioners who critically consider their cyborg ontology may begin the process to initiate and complicate the liminal and sought after space between technology and person‐centred practice. In this paper, we draw upon Haraway's idea that we are all materially and ontologically cyborgs. Cyborgs, the hybridity of machine and human, are part of our social reality and embedded in our everyday existence. By considering our cyborg ontology, we suggest that person‐centred practice can be actualized in the contextualized, embodied and relational spaces of technology. It is not a question of espousing technology or person‐centred practice. Such dualisms have been historically produced and reproduced over many decades and prevented us from recognizing our own cyborg ontology. Rather, it is salient that we take notice of our own cyborg ontology and how technological, habitual ways of being may prevent (and facilitate) us to recognize the embodied and contextualized experiences of patients. A disruption and engagement with the habitual can ensure we are not governed by technology in our logics and practices of care and can move us to a conscious and critical integration of person‐centred practice in the technologized care environments. By acknowledging ourselves as cyborgs, we can recapture and preserve our humanness as caregivers, as well as thrive as we proceed in our technological way of being.  相似文献   

Today, it is expected that doctors and office managers take a greater role in the management of the business aspect of the practice. Medical practices are no different than any small business; however, our products or our services may be far different than any other business or professional practice. We need to be cognizant of our expenses and the payment for our services. Evaluating the explanation of benefits (EOB) is part of that responsibility for any medical practice. In this article, we will describe the importance of the EOB and how to monitor EOBs on a regular basis.  相似文献   

对抽组卫勤分队赴美参加两军人道主义救援联合实兵演练进行总结,这是我国陆军首次成建制参加在美国本土举行的军事演练,也是建院64年来首次走出国门参与外军联演,使命光荣,责任重大。通过这次演练,深切感受到,随着我国大国地位的不断提升,为联合应对地震、海啸、台风等非传统安全领域自然灾害的威胁,我军与环太平洋国家举行跨国联演、联合救援等演训活动将成为新常态,需要认真思考和研究总结。  相似文献   

All of the criteria selected to measure the performance of our profession are positive and collectively proclaim our profession to be very viable. Phenomenal successes have occurred during its less than a century emergence. It is especially important that the next decades of practice continue this acceleration and not level off into complacency, a period of expanded practice but, essentially, in applying the same already-established methods of practice. Such stagnation could seriously hinder our effectiveness, our technical growth in the application of our special knowledge and skills, and our outreach to newer technologies and their milieu. Should this happen, newer sciences and professionals will emerge to fill the void instead of our profession solving attendant problems. As discussed under the section on definition, our practice is extending beyond plant boundaries. Programs such as identifying asbestos and other hazardous construction material with their removal and decontamination, radon identification and control in homes, and indoor contamination problems are areas where industrial hygiene techniques and procedures are directly involved. Industrial hygienists are obviously participating in these programs, and without fanfare. Should newer areas be more formally recognized and incorporated into the definition of industrial hygiene practice, it is appropriate to ask if the term industrial hygiene is sufficiently and firmly established to identify such to public, legislative, and other bodies, or could another more suitable term be used? We should keep in mind that protecting worker health is the mainstay of our profession. Our science and supporting bodies which have brought us to our present recognition and state of excellence should remain intact both in fact and in principle.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Dear Colleagues: As a seasoned case manager, I have had the opportunity to serve our specialty practice in the development of the definition of case management, the creation of our standards of practice, the evolution of our professional code of conduct, and, of course, the process of certification. Yet it is the stories of our shared time with our clients that truly define what we do and who we are and clarify our contribution to health care. It is by the telling of the story that we understand our roles, our behavior, and the value of our activities.  相似文献   

Public health asks of systems science, as it did of sociology 40 years ago, that it help us unravel the complexity of causal forces in our varied populations and the ecologically layered community and societal circumstances of public health practice. We seek a more evidence-based public health practice, but too much of our evidence comes from artificially controlled research that does not fit the realities of practice. What can we learn from our experience with sociology in the past that might guide us in drawing effectively on systems science?  相似文献   

I lead a small practice in rural western North Carolina. We have embraced the patient-centered medical home model and other practice-improvement initiatives, and I have seen our practice transformed in many positive ways. But in the past year alone, my staff and I have spent hundreds of hours studying for and taking exams, certifying for numerous programs, and updating our electronic health records system (EHR) to meet new national requirements and then relearning our EHR. Seeing patients used to be the hardest part of my job. It is now the easiest by far. I am considering walking away from the time-intensive PCMH certification even though it would cause financial hardship. We have more important business at hand—taking excellent care of patients, improving our practice, and meaningfully engaging with our patients.  相似文献   

临床新技术具有相对先进性、技术创新性、临床实用性、应用可及性和伦理可行性5大特征。结合管理实践,建立了临床新技术评价体系并进行了实证研究,提出临床新技术评价应当把握导向性、激励性、实用性和综合性4项原则。  相似文献   

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