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Live attenuated vaccines have been extensively used to control infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT). Most vaccines are registered/recommended for use via eye-drop although vaccination via drinking-water is commonly used in the field. Drinking-water vaccination has been associated with non-uniform protection. Bird-to-bird passage of chick-embryo-origin (CEO) ILT vaccines has been shown to result in reversion to virulence. The purpose of the present study was to examine the replication and transmission of a commercial CEO infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) vaccine strain following drinking-water or eye-drop inoculation. Two groups of 10 specific-pathogen-free chickens were each vaccinated with Serva ILTV vaccine strain either via eye-drop or drinking-water. Groups of four or five unvaccinated birds were placed in contact with vaccinated birds at regular intervals. Tracheal swabs were collected every 4 days from vaccinated and in-contact birds to assess viral replication and transmission using quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Compared with eye-drop-vaccinated birds, drinking-water-vaccinated birds showed delayed viral replication but had detectable viral DNA for a longer period of time. Transmission to chickens exposed by contact on day 0 of the experiments was similar in both groups. Birds exposed to ILTV by contact with eye-drop vaccinated birds on days 4, 8, 12 and 16 of the experiment had detectable ILTV for up to 8 days post exposure. ILTV was not detected in chickens that were exposed by contact with drinking-water vaccinated birds on day 12 of the experiment or later. Results from this study provide valuable practical information for the use of ILT vaccine.  相似文献   

Infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV), an alphaherpesvirus, causes respiratory disease in chickens and is commonly controlled by vaccination with conventionally attenuated virus strains. These vaccines have limitations due to residual pathogenicity and reversion to virulence. To avoid these problems and to better control disease, attention has recently turned towards developing a novel vaccine strain that lacks virulence gene(s). Glycoprotein G (gG) is a virulence factor in ILTV. A gG-deficient strain of ILTV has been shown to be less pathogenic than currently available vaccine strains following intratracheal inoculation of specific pathogen free chickens. Intratracheal inoculation of gG-deficient ILTV has also been shown to induce protection against disease following challenge with virulent virus. Intratracheal inoculation, however, is not suitable for large-scale vaccination of commercial poultry flocks. In this study, inoculation of gG-deficient ILTV via eye-drop, drinking water and aerosol were investigated. Aerosol inoculation resulted in undesirably low levels of safety and protective efficacy. Inoculation via eye-drop and drinking water was safe, and the levels of protective efficacy were comparable with intratracheal inoculation. Thus, gG-deficient ILTV appears to have potential for use in large-scale poultry vaccination programmes when administered via eye-drop or in drinking water.  相似文献   

Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) is an economically important disease of chickens caused by a type I gallid herpesvirus, infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV). The vaccines currently available are modified live viruses, which are effective in preventing disease outbreaks. However, they have often been associated with a variety of adverse effects including spread of vaccine virus to non-vaccinates, inadequate attenuation, production of latently infected carriers, and increased virulence as a result of in vivo passage. In this study, a recombinant fowlpox virus expressing glycoprotein B (gB) of ILTV (rFPV-ILTVgB) was constructed. Protection of specific pathogen free (SPF) and commercial chickens from ILT with the rFPV-ILTVgB and commercial ILTV vaccine (Nobilis ILT) were compared after challenge with a lethal dose of virulent ILTV.Both the rFPV-ILTVgB- and the Nobilis ILT-vaccinated SPF chickens were completely protected from death, while 90% of the unvaccinated chickens died after challenge. The immunized commercial chickens were also 100% protected with rFPV-ILTVgB, compared with 85% protected with Nobilis ILT. The protective efficacy was also measured by the antibody response to ILTV gB, isolation of challenge virus and polymerase chain reaction amplification of the ILTV thymidine kinase gene after challenge. The results showed that rFPV-ILTVgB could be a potential safe vaccine to replace current modified live vaccines for preventing ILT.  相似文献   

Summary Latency and reactivation of a commercial infectious laryngotracheitis virus vaccine were demonstrated in live chickens. Virus was re-isolated at intervals between seven and fourteen weeks post-vaccination and this may be of epizootiological significance.  相似文献   

Chickens infected with infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) responded by producing virus-specific IgG in their sera, which increased steadily in concentration, but with slight fluctuations, until peak titres were reached 40 days post-inoculation (pi), immediately prior to the second challenge. Thereafter, following an initial lag, concentrations continued to increase for 21 days before falling slightly at the end of the experiment. In contrast, peak concentrations of ILTV-specific IgM were reached 6 days pi falling to their lowest levels by day 16, before increasing to a second peak and trough on days 26 and 32, respectively. This cyclical production of ILTV-specific IgM was confirmed in a second experiment. The pattern of production of ILTV-specific IgG, IgM and IgA, detected in tracheal washings, occurred in the same cyclical manner. IgM was produced first, peak concentrations being detected 5 days pi, whereas IgG and IgA did not peak until 10 days pi, with second peaks of each class being detected 25-30 days pi. The possibility that the cyclical antibody class response to ILTV infection is related to the previously reported intermittent pattern of re-excretion of the virus is discussed.  相似文献   

Han MG  Kweon CH  Mo IP  Kim SJ 《Archives of virology》2002,147(5):1017-1031
Summary.  The deletion of the thymidine kinase (TK) gene of herpesviruses causes a reduction in their virulence. However, the effects of the TK gene in infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) have not been clearly elucidated. In the present study, we constructed a TK gene-deleted recombinant ILTV expressing the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene as a marker. The GFP gene was inserted in place of the TK gene in both virulent and low virulence strains of ILTV. The GFP gene in the recombinants was expressed in chicken kidney cells, LMH cells and in the chorioallantoic membrane of embryonated chicken eggs. The recombinants produced cytopathic effects in chicken kidney cells and LMH cells and formed pocks in the chorioallantoic membrane of embryonated chicken eggs. The growth rate of the recombinant in chicken kidney cells was similar to that of wild type viruses. The recombinants showed a reduction of virulence compared to that of parental viruses and induced protection against virulent ILTV in specific pathogen free chickens. The recombinant expressing GFP gene may be a candidate for a genetically engineered vaccine and provide a means to study growth kinetics and mechanism of latent infection and reactivation of ILTV. In this study, we confirmed that the TK gene is directly related to virulence of ILTV. This is the first report to show the evidence that the TK gene is a major gene related to virulence of ILTV. Received May 1, 2001; accepted November 14, 2001  相似文献   

Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) is an acute infectious viral disease that affects chickens, causing respiratory disease, loss of production and mortality in severe cases. Biosecurity measures and administration of attenuated viral vaccine strains are commonly used to prevent ILT. It is notable that most recent ILT outbreaks affecting the intensive poultry industry have been caused by vaccine-related virus strains. The purpose of this study was to characterize and compare viral replication and transmission patterns of two attenuated chicken embryo origin ILT vaccines delivered via the drinking water. Two groups of specific pathogen free chickens were each inoculated with SA-2 ILT or Serva ILT vaccine strains. Unvaccinated birds were then placed in contact with vaccinated birds at regular intervals. Tracheal swabs were collected every 4 days over a period of 60 days and examined for the presence and amount of virus using a quantitative polymerase chain reaction. A rapid increase in viral genome copy numbers was observed shortly after inoculation with SA-2 ILT virus. In contrast, a comparatively delayed virus replication was observed after vaccination with Serva ILT virus. Transmission to in-contact birds occurred soon after exposure to Serva ILT virus but only several days after exposure to SA-2 ILT virus. Results from this study demonstrate in vivo differences between ILT vaccine strains in virus replication and transmission patterns.  相似文献   

Summary. In alphaherpesviruses, glycoprotein I (gI) and glycoprotein E (gE) form a heterodimer that functions in cell-to-cell spread of the virus. Generally, alphaherpesvirus mutants that lack these glycoproteins are replication competent in cell culture but show a reduced capacity for cell-to-cell spread and hence smaller plaque sizes. Infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV), or Gallid herpesvirus 1, is an alphaherpesvirus that causes respiratory disease in chickens. The roles of gI and gE in ILTV have not been investigated previously. In this study, a glycoprotein I and glycoprotein E deletion mutant of ILTV (gI/gE-ve ILTV) was generated by replacing the region of the ILTV genome coding for the adjacent gI and gE genes with the gene for enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP). This gI/E-ve ILTV was readily propagated in cell culture in the presence of wildtype ILTV (wt ILTV). However, in the absence of wt ILTV the propagation of gI/gE-ve ILTV was severely impaired. Infection of permissive cell cultures with gI/gE-ve ILTV failed to produce plaques but single infected cells could be identified by fluorescence microscopy. This suggests that gI/gE has a more significant role in the cell-to-cell spread of ILTV in vitro than in many other alphaherpesviruses.  相似文献   

The attenuation of infectious bronchitis (IB) QX-like virus strain L1148 is described. The virus was passaged multiple times in embryonated specific pathogen free (SPF) chicken eggs, and at different passage levels samples were tested for safety for the respiratory tract and kidneys in 1-day-old SPF chickens. There was a clear decrease in pathogenicity for the respiratory tract and kidneys when the virus had undergone a large number of passages. Passage level 80 was investigated for safety for the reproductive tract in 1-day-old and 7-day-old SPF chickens. In 1-day-old chickens, 12.5% of the vaccinated birds had macroscopic lesions. No lesions were observed if the chickens had been vaccinated at 7 days of age. Passage level 80 was investigated for its ability to spread from vaccinated to non-vaccinated chickens and for dissemination in the body. The virus was able to spread from vaccinated chickens to groups of non-vaccinated chickens, and in the vaccinated birds the virus was found frequently in oro-pharyngeal and cloacal swabs. A fragment of the hypervariable region of the S1 protein of passage level 80 was sequenced and revealed nucleotide changes resulting in two amino acid substitutions. Passage level 80 was given additional passages to levels 82 and 85. Both passage levels were tested for efficacy in SPF chickens and passage level 85 was tested for efficacy in commercial chickens with maternally derived antibodies (MDA) against a challenge with QX-like strain IB D388. In both SPF chickens and chickens with MDA, the vaccines based on strain IB L1148 were efficacious against challenge.  相似文献   

Summary In the plaque assay of the N71851 strain of laryngotracheitis virus (LTV) in chicken kidney (CK) monolayer cultures, the number of plaques which developed depended upon the treatment between adsorption and addition of agar overlay medium. Cultures in which the inoculum was aspirated after the adsorption period had a greater number of plaques than cultures in which the inoculum was aspirated and the cultures were washed. This effect was found to be due to a deficiency of virus to adsorb to cells. Under the conditions of the assay, the efficiency with which virus adsorbed to monolayers was too low to be measured. Therefore, the efficiency of the assay was also low. The initial association between virus and cells was easily disrupted by washing when adsorption was carried out at 5°C to prevent penetration. Treatment of cultures with diethylaminoethyl-dextran for one hour prior to inoculation increased the number of plaques in treated compared with untreated cultures by a factor of five.  相似文献   

The physico-chemical and biological properties of a Belgian strain of infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) virus (U 76/1035) have been investigated. Less than 1% of the virus was viable after 60 min at 56 degrees C. It was little affected by pH4 for 2 hours, but 90% of the virus was inactivated by pH9 treatment for 2 hours. The virus multiplied in eggs when inoculated either into the allantoic sac or onto the chorio-allantoic membrane. It did not grow in chick or duck embryo fibroblasts but replicated well in chick kidney cells. Differences in symptomatology and mortality were observed when chickens were infected by different routes; intratracheal inoculation of the virus caused the highest morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   

Summary.  The nucleotide sequence of 10.6 kilobase pairs (kbp) at the left-terminus of infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) SA-2 vaccine strain was determined. Several features were elucidated, including, 102 base pair (bp) inverted repeats separated by 750 bp of unique sequence which contains an NF-1 binding site indicating that the terminal may be a site for an origin of replication. Other direct repeats were also found in this region. To the right of the inverted repeat region, a 2130 bp region was found to contain small open reading frames (ORFs) of less than 100 aa. Another potential ORF was found to the right of the region containing the small ORFs which consisted of two 184 bp direct repeats inserted into the reading frame, which would truncate the putative product. Only one copy of this repeat was found in the corresponding homologue of the wild type strain SA-0. Six other ORFs were found, which shared little or no identity to homologues of other alphaherpesviruses, suggesting that these putative genes are unique to ILTV. Received December 19, 1996 Accepted April 9, 1997  相似文献   

Here, we present the complete genomic sequence of the Chinese standard challenge strain (CSC) of duck enteritis virus (DEV), which was isolated in China in 1962. The DEV CSC genome is 162,131 bp long and contains 78 predicted open reading frames (ORFs). Comparison of the genomic sequences of DEV CSC and DEV live vaccine strain K at passage 63 (DEV K p63) revealed that the DEV CSC genome is 4,040 bp longer than the DEV K p63 genome, mainly because of 3,513-bp and 528-bp insertions at the 5′ and 3′ ends of the unique long segment, respectively. At the nucleotide level, 63 of the 76 ORFs in the DEV CSC genome were 100 % identical to the ORFs in the DEV K p63 genome. Two ORFs (UL56 and US10) had frameshift mutations in the C-terminal regions, while LORF5 was unique to the DEV K p63 genome. It is difficult to assign attenuated virulence to changes in specific genes. However, the complete DEV CSC genome will further advance our understanding of the genes involved in virulence and evolution. The DEV CSC genome sequence has been deposited in GenBank under accession number JQ673560.  相似文献   

Avian infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) is an alphaherpesvirus of poultry that is spread worldwide. ILTV enters its host via the respiratory tract and the eyes. Although ILTV has been known for a long time, the replication characteristics of the virus in the respiratory and conjunctival mucosa are still poorly studied. To study these characteristics, two in vitro explant models were developed. Light microscopy and fluorescent terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end-labelling staining were used to evaluate the viability of mucosal explants, which were found to be viable up to the end of the experiment at 96 h of cultivation. The tracheal and conjunctival mucosal explants were inoculated with ILTV and collected at 0, 24, 48 and 72 h post inoculation (p.i.). ILTV spread in a plaque-wise manner in both mucosae. A reproducible quantitative analysis of this mucosal spread was evaluated by measuring plaque numbers, plaque latitude and invasion depth underneath the basement membrane. No major differences in plaque numbers were observed over time. Plaque latitude progressively increased to 70.4 ± 12.9 μm in the trachea and 97.8 ± 9.5 μm in the conjunctiva at 72 h p.i. The virus had difficulty crossing the basement membrane and was first observed only at 48 h p.i. The virus was observed at 72 h p.i. in 56% (trachea) and 74% (conjunctiva) of the plaques. Viability analysis of infected explants indicated that ILTV blocks apoptosis in infected cells of both mucosae but activates apoptosis in bystander cells.  相似文献   

Summary Clones representing 90% of the genome of Gallid herpesvirus 1 (infectious laryngotracheitis virus; ILTV) were obtained and used in hybridization experiments to constructEcoRI,KpnI amdSmaI physical maps. The genome was 155 kilobase pairs (kbp) and comprised of a long unique sequence (120 kbp) and a short unique sequence (17 kbp) bounded by repeat sequences each of 9 kbp. An unrelated second pair of repeat sequences was located at 0.67 and 0.88 map untis. A terminal repeat of the unique long region (UL) was also detected, but no isomerization of UL was detected.  相似文献   

Infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) has a high proclivity to replicate in the larynx and trachea of chickens causing severe lesions. There is a lack of knowledge on the ability of ILTV to replicate in other respiratory associated tissues apart from in the trachea. The objective of this study was to investigate how tissues that first encounter the virus dictate further sites of viral replication during the lytic stage of infection. Replication patterns of the pathogenic strain 63140 and the chicken embryo origin (CEO) vaccine in the conjunctiva, the Harderian gland, nasal cavity and trachea were evaluated after ocular, oral, intranasal or intratracheal inoculation of specific pathogen-free chickens. Viral replication was assessed by detection of microscopic cytolytic lesions, detection of viral antigen and viral genome load. The route of viral entry greatly influenced virus replication of both strain 63140 and CEO vaccine in the conjunctiva and trachea, while replication in the nasal cavity was not affected. In the Harderian gland, independently of the route of viral entry, microscopic lesions characteristic of lytic replication were absent, whereas viral antigen and viral genomes for either virus were detected, suggesting that the Harderian gland may be a key site of antigen uptake. Findings from this study suggest that interactions of the virus with the epithelial-lymphoid tissues of the nasal cavity, conjunctiva and the Harderian gland dictate patterns of ILTV lytic replication.  相似文献   

The M RNA species of a candidate vaccine strain of Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV ZH-548M12), derived by consecutive high level mutagenesis using 5-fluorouracil (H. Caplen, C. J. Peters, and D. H. L. Bishop, J. Gen. Virol., 66, 2271-2277, 1985), has been cloned and the cDNA sequenced. The data have been compared to those obtained for the parent virus strain RVFV ZH-548 as well as the previously published data for RVFV ZH-501 (M. S. Collett, A. F. Purchio, K. Keegan, S. Frazier, W. Hays, D. K. Anderson, M. D. Parker, C. Schmaljohn, J. Schmidt, and J. M. Dalrymple, Virology, 144, 228-245, 1985). Some eight nucleotide and three amino acid differences were identified between the M RNAs of ZH-501 and ZH-548. Between the M RNAs of ZH-548 and that of the M12 mutant there were 12 nucleotide and 7 amino acid changes. Unique to the mutant virus is a new AUG codon upstream of that which initiates the open reading frame of the RVFV M gene product (the viral glycoprotein precursor). The significance of this and other differences in the mutant RNA with regard to the derivation and potential attenuation of the candidate vaccine is discussed.  相似文献   

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