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问:安定针剂怎样使用才安全?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

本院 1997年 1月~ 2 0 0 2年 3月住院患儿癫持续状态18例 ,经用安定和苯巴比妥治疗惊厥未缓解者 ,应用氯硝基安定治疗 ,0 .0 2mg/ (kg·次 )鼻饲 ,18例均在 6 0~ 90min内止惊。因此对频繁发作的癫持续状态在其他止痉药治疗效果不佳时 ,应用氯硝基安定安全有效。氯硝基安定治疗癫?持续状态18例$山西省忻州市人民医院儿科!034000@张素芳 $山西省忻州市人民医院儿科!034000@高群英 $山西省忻州市人民医院儿科!034000@侯永芳  相似文献   

中药针剂治疗小儿肺炎的临床评介   总被引:78,自引:0,他引:78  
中药针剂治疗小儿肺炎 ,近年来临床应用日益增多 ,已成为小儿肺炎治疗中的常用方法之一。本文就此作一介绍与评价。1 小儿肺炎的常用中药针剂  a .穿琥宁注射液 :有效成分为脱水穿心莲内酯琥珀酸半酯单钾盐。病毒灭活试验表明 ,穿琥宁对腺病毒 (AdV)、流感病毒、呼吸道合胞病毒 (RSV)有灭活作用。体外抑菌试验显示其对金黄色葡萄球菌、链球菌、大肠杆菌等有抑制作用。该药还有明显的解热、抗炎、促肾上腺皮质功能及镇静作用 ,可增强外周血中性粒细胞、巨噬细胞的吞噬能力 ,提高血清溶菌酶的含量。适用于病毒性肺炎、细菌性肺炎。…  相似文献   

氯硝安定治疗小儿癫痫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1965年Gastaut首先报道氯硝安定治疗癫痫有效,通过以后的临床实践,发现其抗惊厥作用比安定和硝基安定强5倍,且疗效稳定。临床资料病例选择本院于1981年至1983年5月应用氯硝安定治疗小儿癫痫52例,均有临床发作,井经脑电图检查证实,作为第一期疗效观察。1983年6月至1985年5月,上述病例除8例无效和1例失去联系,其余43例继续治疗,作为第二期的疗效观察。性别:男性30冽,女性22例。年龄:最小5个月,最大15岁,平均年龄5岁。病程:最短1月,最长10年,平均病程26.2月。发作频度:每日发作数十次11冽,每日发  相似文献   

静脉注射安定治疗惊厥大发作35例(其中15例呈癫痫或惊厥持续状态)48次,抽搐均止,未见严重副反应。患儿惊厥发作时以安定原液静脉注射,抽搐止即停止注射。所需剂量0.18~0.29mg/(kg·次)共12次,0.3~0.5mg/(kg·次)共22次,0.51~0.83mg/(kg·次)共12次,1.0mg/(kg·次)共2次,抽搐止后不久又复发12次,占25%。  相似文献   

抗惊厥药的毒性可以表现在多方面,几乎对全身各个系统都有影响。作者报告1例使用抗惊厥药而引起第二性征早熟的患儿。一例惊厥伴发育迟缓的11月龄女性患儿,在13月龄时开始服氯硝基安定0.5mg,每日2次,并预防性给予苯巴比妥和丙戊酸钠,但惊厥都没有被控制。患者15月龄时,她的母亲观察到患儿阴道间歇排出分泌  相似文献   

病史摘要患儿男,4岁,住院号4189。因嗜睡、四肢软瘫6小时,于1982年7月5日入院。入院前6小时由幼儿园阿姨发现误服安定片约26片(2.5mg/片),约1小时后患儿精神不振、步态不稳、继之出现嗜睡、言语不清、四肢颤抖、幻视、复视。经当地医院洗胃后转来我院。既往体健。体检:体温37℃,呼吸40次。脉搏136次,血压90/60。嗜睡状,全身皮肤潮红,四肢及颈部呈软瘫状,两手颤抖,有幻视及复  相似文献   

可乐定用于成人及局部麻醉已经有许多报道。由于可乐定在成人麻醉中的成功使用,激励着人们在小儿麻醉中使用这种药物。儿童可乐定口服给药可以产生与咪唑安定相似的或者更好的镇静效应。本研究的目的是观察可乐定术前用药对于行包皮环切术的患儿术后早期镇痛及其他术后参数的影响。  相似文献   

Hyperammonaemia is a potentially extremely important indicator of impairment in intermediate metabolism. However, lack of experience in sample handling and confusion about what level is significant, can lead to its devaluation as a test. The aim of this article is to help the non-metabolic specialist to decide when it is appropriate to investigate for hyperammonaemia, to discuss potential investigatory pitfalls and to help in interpretation of results.  相似文献   

The bronchodilator response after five different modes of salbutamol inhalation by rotahaler was assessed in 15 asthmatic children in a double blind cross over study. Inspiratory flow rates lower than 50 litres/minute were associated with a significant reduction in response compared with flow rates higher than 60 litres/minute, but tilting the head back during inhalation and holding the breath for 10 seconds had no significant effect on bronchodilation. Peak inspiratory flow rates measured in 150 normal children and 13 asthmatic children with acute wheeze showed that many young children and many children with severe bronchoconstriction were unable to generate a sufficiently high inspiratory flow rate to obtain maximum benefit from rotahaler treatment. Children using a rotahaler should be taught to inhale as quickly as possible and not with a quiet deep breath as recommended in the instruction leaflets.  相似文献   

Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is regularly measured in clinical practice. Changes in serum levels are observed in a number of clinical conditions. In neonatology, it has been proposed as a useful marker for both a diagnosis and an indication of the severity of metabolic bone disease (MBD) in infants born preterm. Nutritional practices, aimed at reducing the occurrence or severity of MBD, have led to ALP being proposed as a stand-alone means of monitoring treatment. The current evidence does not support this use: ALP only achieves usefulness in a diagnostic and monitoring capacity when combined with other serum and imaging techniques.  相似文献   

This report compares a traditional full-dose ifosfamide administration modality (24-hr hyperhydration and mesna infusion) with a simplified 9-hr hyperhydration and mesna infusion for use in outpatients. Acute ifosfamide toxicity was the same, suggesting that ifosfamide could be safely administered to outpatients, reducing the currently-recommended prolonged hyperhydration and mesna uroprotection, thus resulting in shorter hospital stays and consequently lower costs.  相似文献   

There is hard data to show that newborn infants are more likely than adults to experience adverse reactions to drugs. Paradoxically, drug-related legislation to ensure safe and effective drug use in humans neglected neonates until 2002, when the Best Pharmaceuticals Act for Children was signed into law in the USA. The situation for neonates should now catch up with that for adults and neonates will be prescribed more licensed drugs in the near future. If we are to be able to analyze the underlying system errors to improve the safe use of drugs in the studied patient population, reporting of adverse drug events and reactions needs to happen in a blame free environment. In addition, computerized physician order entry will certainly further improve the current situation by preventing errors in ordering, transcribing, verifying, and transmitting medication orders.  相似文献   

The use of naloxone in the treatment of diazepam poisoning.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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