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目的研究内容记忆和来源记忆的脑区激活情况,验证单加工和双加工模型的可靠性。方法16位正常成人。实验材料为504个高频的汉字双字词。任务分四种(学习、对照、内容记忆和来源记忆任务),采用学习-任务-学习-任务设计。利用GE1.5T Signa Horizon LX成像系统采集脑部f MRI数据,通过SPM99软件对f MRI数据进行分析。结果内容记忆和来源记忆均引起双前额中回(BA6)激活。相对于来源记忆,内容记忆较多引起右前额中回(BA46)和右侧海马激活;相对于内容记忆,来源记忆较多引起左前额额中回(BA10)和左侧海马激活。另在来源记忆中,前扣带回(BA32/24),双前额叶下部(BA44/45)和小脑激活较内容记忆明显。结论内容记忆和来源记忆均引起双前额中回激活,但前者较多引起右前额中回激活,而后者较多引起左前额中回激活。内容记忆引起右侧海马激活,而来源记忆引起左侧海马激活。  相似文献   

Rao H  Han S  Jiang Y  Xue Y  Gu H  Cui Y  Gao D 《NeuroImage》2004,23(1):98-103
Behavioral studies have identified a robust phenomenon that an observer's memory of the final position of a moving target is shifted a little further in its motion direction, which is usually called representational momentum (RM). However, the neural substrates underlying RM are poorly understood. The current study measured hemodynamic responses in association with RM using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Two experiments using block and event-related designs, respectively, were conducted in which subjects compared the orientation of a probe rectangle with the remembered orientation of the final inducing figures in a set of rotating rectangles. Both experiments showed that, relative to the control task in which behavioral data did not show RM effects, RM task induced stronger activation in the prefrontal cortex. However, no activation was found in MT/MST complex in association with RM. The fMRI results suggest that RM may not simply reflect implicit motion perception and high level cognitive mechanisms underpinned by the prefrontal cortex may be involved in the RM effect.  相似文献   

The present study used fMRI to investigate the relationship between stimulus presentation mode and attentional instruction in a free-report dichotic listening (DL) task with consonant-vowel (CV) syllables. Binaural and dichotic CV syllables were randomly presented to the subjects during four different instructional conditions: a passive listening instruction and three active instructions where subjects listened to both ears, right ear and left ear, respectively. The results showed that dichotic presentations activated areas in the superior temporal gyrus, middle and inferior frontal gyrus and the cingulate cortex to a larger extent than binaural presentations. Moreover, the results showed that increase of activation in these areas was differentially dependent on presentation mode and attentional instruction. Thus, it seems that speech perception, as studied with the DL procedure, involves a cortical network extending beyond primary speech perception areas in the brain, also including prefrontal cortex.  相似文献   

Ten young adults (aged 20 to 25 years) participated in a functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) study to investigate neural substrates of cross-modal olfactory recognition memory. Before entering the scanner, participants were presented with 16 familiar odors selected from the COLT (Murphy, C., Nordin, S., Acosta, L., 1997. Odor learning, recall, and recognition memory in young and elderly adults. Neuropsychology 11, 126-137) and were then scanned for 3 runs according to a paradigm derived from Stark and Squire (Stark, C.E., Squire, L.R., 2000. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activity in the hippocampal region during recognition memory. J. Neurosci. 20, 7776-7781). During each run, participants were shown names of odors presented (targets) or not presented (foils) at encoding. Participants distinguished targets from foils via button press. Each run alternated 4 'ON' periods containing 7 targets and 2 foils (36 s) and 4 'OFF' periods with 7 foils and 2 targets (36 s). Data were processed with AFNI (Cox, R.W., 1996. AFNI: software for analysis and visualization of functional magnetic resonance neuroimages. Comput. Biomed. Res. 29, 162-173) and compared ON and OFF periods, extracting activation in regions that responded during the cross-modal olfactory recognition memory task. Group analysis showed that regions activated during the first run included right hippocampus, piriform/amygdalar area, superior temporal gyrus, anterior cingulate gyrus, inferior frontal/orbitofrontal gyrus, superior/medial frontal gyrus, and bilateral parahippocampal gyrus, inferior parietal lobule, supramarginal gyrus, cerebellum, lingual/fusiform area and middle/posterior cingulate gyrus. Region of interest analysis showed that degree of activation significantly decreased from run 1 to run 3 in the right hippocampus, fusiform gyrus, lingual gyrus, parahippocampal gyrus and middle frontal gyrus but not in other regions, suggesting that these regions sustain a specific function in olfactory recognition memory that attenuates as foils become more familiar with repeated presentation.  相似文献   

Lotze M  Veit R  Anders S  Birbaumer N 《NeuroImage》2007,34(1):470-478
Interactive paradigms inducing reactive aggression are absent in the brain mapping literature. We used a competitive reaction time task to investigate brain regions involved in social interaction and reactive aggression in sixteen healthy male subjects with fMRI. Subjects were provoked by increasingly aversive stimuli and were given the opportunity to respond aggressively against their opponent by administering a stimulus as retaliation. fMRI revealed an increase of medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) activity during retaliation. The dorsal mPFC was active when subjects had to select the intensity of the retaliation stimulus, and its activity correlated with the selected stimulus strength. In contrast, ventral mPFC was active during observing the opponent suffering but also during retaliation independent of the stimulus strength. Ventral mPFC activation, stronger in low callous subjects, correlated positively with skin conductance response during observation of the suffering opponent. In conclusion, dorsal mPFC activation seems to represent cognitive operations related to more intense social interaction processes whereas the ventral mPFC might be involved in affective processes associated with compassion to the suffering opponent.  相似文献   

The anterior frontomedian cortex and evaluative judgment: an fMRI study   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This study investigated the neuronal basis of evaluative judgment. Judgments can be defined as the assessment of an external or internal stimulus on an internal scale and they are fundamental for decision-making and other cognitive processes. Evaluative judgments (I like George W. Bush: yes/no) are a special type of judgment, in which the internal scale is related to the person's value system (preferences, norms, aesthetic values, etc.). We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to examine brain activation during the performance of evaluative judgments as opposed to episodic and semantic memory retrieval. Evaluative judgment produced significant activation in the anterior frontomedian cortex (BA 10/9), the inferior precuneus (BA 23/31), and the left inferior prefrontal cortex (BA 45/47). The results show a functional dissociation between the activations in the anterior frontomedian cortex and in the inferior precuneus. The latter was mainly activated by episodic retrieval processes, supporting its function as a multimodal association area that integrates the different aspects of retrieved and newly presented information. In contrast, the anterior frontomedian cortex was mainly involved in evaluative judgments, supporting its role in self-referential processes and in the self-initiation of cognitive processes.  相似文献   

Functional MRI was used to determine how the constituents of the cortical network subserving dynamic spatial working memory respond to two types of increases in task complexity. Participants mentally maintained the most recent location of either one or three objects as the three objects moved discretely in either a two- or three-dimensional array. Cortical activation in the dorsolateral prefrontal (DLPFC) and the parietal cortex increased as a function of the number of object locations to be maintained and the dimensionality of the display. An analysis of the response characteristics of the individual voxels showed that a large proportion were activated only when both the variables imposed the higher level of demand. A smaller proportion were activated specifically in response to increases in task demand associated with each of the independent variables. A second experiment revealed the same effect of dimensionality in the parietal cortex when the movement of objects was signaled auditorily rather than visually, indicating that the additional representational demands induced by 3-D space are independent of input modality. The comodulation of activation in the prefrontal and parietal areas by the amount of computational demand suggests that the collaboration between areas is a basic feature underlying much of the functionality of spatial working memory.  相似文献   

Feeling-of-knowing in episodic memory: an event-related fMRI study   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An individual may fail to recall an item from memory but still feel that it would be recognized on a later test, a retrieval state termed the "feeling-of-knowing" (FOK). In this study we used event-related fMRI and the FOK to examine both encoding- and retrieval-related factors that are associated with different levels of recall performance: successful retrieval of a previously studied item, retrieval failure accompanied by the FOK, and retrieval failure without any FOK. The results revealed one predominant pattern of retrieval-related activation: an intermediate level of activation for FOK-less than that associated with successful recall and greater than that associated with unsuccessful recall (frontal and left parietal cortices). Two further patterns were also observed: greater activation for both successful recall and FOK than for unsuccessful recall (left midlateral prefrontal cortex) and greater activation for successful recall than for both FOK and unsuccessful recall (left MTL). Analysis of encoding trials conditional upon subsequent retrieval success revealed a pattern of activation that appeared to predict subsequent recall, but which further analysis indicated to be a better predictor of subsequent recognition. These results provide evidence that the phenomenology of graded recall is represented neurally in frontal and parietal cortices, but that activation at encoding may not precipitate the different levels of recall experience.  相似文献   

Amplitopicity of the human auditory cortex: an fMRI study   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Whereas specialized frequency-encoding patterns in the human auditory cortex are generally accepted, termed tonotopicity, a similar principle of intensity encoding--amplitopicity--is debated controversially. This functional magnetic resonance imaging study describes the relationship of the activation volume and the spatial distribution of activated clusters under different sound pressure levels (SPL) across the temporal plane including the transverse temporal gyrus (TTG). Nine healthy subjects with no hearing deficiencies were investigated using an echo-planar imaging technique at 1.5 T. A boxcar stimulation paradigm was applied with a 5-Hz pulsed sine tone of 1000 Hz frequency at three SPLs of 70, 82, and 90 dB. Linear cross-correlation analysis (correlation coefficient > 0.3 corresponding to P < 0.08) of the functional data set revealed bilateral BOLD response within the auditory cortex of the nine subjects with moderate increase of activation volume for higher sound pressure levels. With increasing sound pressure a two-dimensional drift of cortical activation was observed (a) from the ventral to the dorsal edge and (b) from lateral to medial parts of TTG. This latero-medial drift therefore mimics the well-accepted principle of tonotopy for frequency-encoding neurons. This study demonstrates the existence of an amplitopic pattern of intensity-encoding neuronal clusters that in part resembles the tonotopic distribution of frequency-encoding neurons. This finding has to be integrated into the understanding of the auditory organization for the interpretation of higher auditory functions such as sound perception or speech.  相似文献   

Guerin SA  Miller MB 《NeuroImage》2009,44(1):232-242
Although the parietal cortex is not conventionally thought of as a major component of the neural systems that mediate declarative memory, many fMRI studies of recognition memory have found that correctly identified old items produce greater activation than correctly rejected new items throughout parietal cortex. This effect is usually heavily lateralized to the left. However, the vast majority of previous studies have used verbal materials. Does the left-lateralization of this effect result from the left hemisphere's role in language or does it suggest the possibility of a specialized role for the left hemisphere in recognition memory that applies across stimulus domains? To address this question, we directly compared recognition memory for words and faces in two event-related fMRI experiments with a total of 38 subjects. In the second experiment, we included a manipulation of recognition difficulty. Despite extensive material-specific lateralization in terms of the brain's overall response to stimuli revealed by a direct comparison of words and faces, the parietal old/new effect did not exhibit material-specific lateralization. Rather, the lateralization of the effect depended on the region of parietal cortex in question. In lateral parietal cortex, the effect was left-lateralized. In medial parietal cortex, the effect was bilateral. These findings indicate that the left-lateralization of the parietal old/new effect is unrelated to the left hemisphere's role in language and raises the possibility of a specialized role for the left hemisphere in recognition memory.  相似文献   

Dolcos F  LaBar KS  Cabeza R 《NeuroImage》2004,23(1):64-74
Prefrontal cortex (PFC) activity associated with emotional evaluation and subsequent memory was investigated with event-related functional MRI (fMRI). Participants were scanned while rating the pleasantness of emotionally positive, negative, and neutral pictures, and memory for the pictures was tested after scanning. Emotional evaluation was measured by comparing activity during the picture rating task relative to baseline, and successful encoding was measured by comparing activity for subsequently remembered versus forgotten pictures (Dm effect). The effect of arousal on these measures was indicated by greater activity for both positive and negative pictures than for neutral ones, and the effect of valence was indicated by differences in activity between positive and negative pictures. The study yielded three main results. First, consistent with the valence hypothesis, specific regions in left dorsolateral PFC were more activated for positive than for negative picture evaluation, whereas regions in right ventrolateral PFC showed the converse pattern. Second, dorsomedial PFC activity was sensitive to emotional arousal, whereas ventromedial PFC activity was sensitive to positive valence, consistent with evidence linking these regions, respectively, to emotional processing and self-awareness or appetitive behavior. Finally, successful encoding (Dm) activity in left ventrolateral and dorsolateral PFC was greater for arousing than for neutral pictures. This finding suggests that the enhancing effect of emotion on memory formation is partly due to an augmentation of PFC-mediated strategic, semantic, and working memory operations. These results underscore the critical role of PFC in emotional evaluation and memory, and disentangle the effects of arousal and valence across PFC regions associated with different cognitive functions.  相似文献   

Song JH  Jiang Y 《NeuroImage》2006,30(3):963-972
Visual working memory (VWM) allows us to hold visual information briefly in our minds after its disappearance. It is important for bridging the present to the immediate past. Previous neuroscience studies on VWM have shown that several parietal, frontal, and occipitotemporal brain regions subserve this function. Those studies, however, have often focused on VWM for a single property, such as color. Yet, in behavior, the capacity of VWM is sensitive to the complexity of to-be-remembered visual features. How do different brain areas represent VWM for visual features of different complexity and for combination of features? To address this question, we used functional MRI to study the response profile of several brain regions in three VWM tasks. In all tasks, subjects saw 1 to 7 colored polygons and had to remember their color (a simple feature), shape (a complex feature), or both color and shape. Behavioral performance showed that VWM reached capacity limit at about 3 colors, 2 shapes, and 2 compound objects. In the fMRI data, we found different functional profiles for frontal, parietal, and occipitotemporal regions. Specifically, the posterior parietal cortex was sensitive to both featural and VWM load manipulations. The prefrontal regions were sensitive to VWM load manipulation but relatively insensitive to featural differences. The occipitotemporal regions were sensitive to featural differences, but not to VWM load manipulation. We propose that the response properties of these regions can jointly account for several findings in human VWM behavior.  相似文献   

Achim AM  Lepage M 《NeuroImage》2005,24(4):1726-1121
Post-retrieval monitoring is a process that contributes to episodic memory retrieval by allowing people to evaluate the relevance of retrieved information in relation to the task requirements. Previous studies have suggested that post-retrieval monitoring is supported by the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). In this study, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to evaluate involvement of the DLPFC in post-retrieval monitoring in two different recognition tests (item recognition and associative recognition). The item recognition memory test required subjects to make old/new judgments and the associative recognition memory test required them to make intact/rearranged judgments. Because the post-retrieval monitoring demand increases during old (hits) relative to new (correct rejections) item recognition trials, and also during rearranged (correct rejections) relative to intact (hits) associative recognition trials, we evaluated the brain activation associated with the interaction of Memory test (item versus associative) by Recognition trial (hit versus correct rejection). As expected, the DLPFC was activated in this interaction as well as for both old relative to new item recognition trials and rearranged relative to intact associative recognition trials. This study provides strong evidence that DLPFC activation supports post-retrieval monitoring across different types of recognition tasks.  相似文献   

Sentence comprehension declines with age, but the neural basis for this change is unclear. We monitored regional brain activity in 13 younger subjects and 11 healthy seniors matched for sentence comprehension accuracy while they answered a simple probe about written sentences. The sentences varied in their grammatical features (subject-relative vs object-relative subordinate clause) and their verbal working memory (WM) demands (short vs long antecedent noun-gap linkage). We found that young and senior subjects both recruit a core written sentence processing network, including left posterolateral temporal and bilateral occipital cortex for all sentences, and ventral portions of left inferior frontal cortex for object-relative sentences with a long noun-gap linkage. Differences in activation patterns for seniors compared to younger subjects were due largely to changes in brain regions associated with a verbal WM network. While seniors had less left parietal recruitment than younger subjects, left premotor cortex, and dorsal portions of left inferior frontal cortex showed greater activation in seniors compared to younger subjects. Younger subjects recruited right posterolateral temporal cortex for sentences with a long noun-gap linkage. Seniors additionally recruited right parietal cortex for this sentence-specific form of WM. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the neural basis for sentence comprehension includes dissociable but interactive large-scale neural networks supporting core written sentence processes and related cognitive resources involved in WM. Seniors with good comprehension appear to up-regulate portions of the neural substrate for WM during sentence processing to achieve comprehension accuracy that equals young subjects.  相似文献   

The posterior medial parietal cortex and left prefrontal cortex (PFC) have both been implicated in the recollection of past episodes. In a previous study, we found the posterior precuneus and left lateral inferior frontal cortex to be activated during episodic source memory retrieval. This study further examines the role of posterior precuneal and left prefrontal activation during episodic source memory retrieval using a similar source memory paradigm but with longer latency between encoding and retrieval. Our results suggest that both the precuneus and the left inferior PFC are important for regeneration of rich episodic contextual associations and that the precuneus activates in tandem with the left inferior PFC during correct source retrieval. Further, results suggest that the left ventro-lateral frontal region/frontal operculum is involved in searching for task-relevant information (BA 47) and subsequent monitoring or scrutiny (BA 44/45) while regions in the dorsal inferior frontal cortex are important for information selection (BA 45/46).  相似文献   

Grady CL  McIntosh AR  Beig S  Craik FI 《NeuroImage》2001,14(3):556-571
Right anterior prefrontal cortex and other brain areas are active during memory retrieval but the role of prefrontal cortex and how it interacts with these other regions to mediate memory function remain unclear. To explore these issues we used positron emission tomography to examine the effects of stimulus material and encoding task on brain activity during visual recognition, assessing both task-related changes and functional connectivity. Words and pictures of objects were encoded using perceptual and semantic strategies, resulting in better memory for semantically encoded items. There was no significant effect of prior encoding strategy on brain activity during recognition. Right anterior prefrontal cortex was equally active during recognition of both types of stimuli irrespective of initial encoding strategy. Regions whose activity was positively correlated with activity in right anterior prefrontal cortex included widespread areas of prefrontal and inferior temporal cortices bilaterally. Activity in this entire network of regions was negatively correlated with recognition accuracy of semantically encoded items. These results suggest that initial encoding task has little impact on the set of brain regions that is active during subsequent recognition. Right anterior prefrontal cortex appears to be involved in retrieval mode, reflected in its equivalent activity across conditions differing in both stimulus type and encoding task, and also in retrieval effort, shown by the negative correlation between its functional connectivity and individual differences in recognition accuracy.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to compare thec ries of the functional organization of spatial working memory within the human prefrontal cortex. In Experiment I, memory set size for locations was parametrically varied, allowing for the assessment of BOLD signal across maintenance requirements. In the sec ond experiment, manipulation of spatial information held in working memory was contrasted with simple maintenance of that information. Both experiment evoked significant activity in a distributed spatia working memory network. Although dorsolateral prefrontal activation increased monotonically with memory set size, this region was differentially engaged in task conditions involving explicit manipulation of in ternal representations. Activation in the superior frontal sulcal region was associated with maintenance of spatial information, increasing with memory se size. In contrast, ventrolateral prefrontal activation was present only at the highest memory set size, possibly due to the differential use of organizational strategies with more complex stimuli. These results sup port claims that the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is involved in the manipulation of internal representa tions and that the superior frontal sulcal region is involved in the maintenance of spatial information but they suggest a complex role for the ventrolatera prefrontal region.  相似文献   

Allan K  Dolan RJ  Fletcher PC  Rugg MD 《NeuroImage》2000,11(3):217-227
Regional brain activity was measured with H(2) (15)O PET while participants attempted to complete word-stem and word-fragment retrieval cues with previously studied words. The retrieval cue manipulation was employed to gain control over the monitoring operations associated with evaluating the episodic status of alternative cue completions. These operations were more constrained for fragments, which had fewer possible completions than each corresponding stem. In one condition (zero target), during the scanning interval none of the cues could be completed with studied items, whereas in another condition (high target), 80% of cues belonged to studied items. Relative to baseline tasks, right anterior prefrontal activity was greater for stems than for fragments in the zero target condition. The target density manipulation did not modulate right anterior prefrontal activity, but was associated with increased activity in right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. These findings are consistent with the proposal that the right anterior prefrontal cortex supports monitoring operations during episodic retrieval tasks. In addition, the findings add to evidence suggesting that the dorsolateral and anterior right prefrontal cortex make functionally distinct contributions to episodic retrieval.  相似文献   

One of the important roles of the prefrontal cortex is inhibition of movement. We applied an event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technique to observe changes in fMRI signals of the entire brain during a GO/NO-GO task to identify the functional fields activated in relation to the NO-GO decision. Eleven normal subjects participated in the study, which consisted of a random series of 30 GO and 30 NO-GO trials. The subjects were instructed to press a mouse button immediately after the GO signal was presented. However, they were instructed not to move when the NO-GO signal was presented. We detected significant changes in MR signals in relation to the preparation phases, GO responses, and NO-GO responses. The activation fields related to the NO-GO responses were located in the bilateral middle frontal cortices, left dorsal premotor area, left posterior intraparietal cortices, and right occipitotemporal area. The fields of activation in relation to the GO responses were found in the left primary sensorimotor, right cerebellar anterior lobule, bilateral thalamus, and the area from the anterior cingulate to the supplementary motor area (SMA). Brain activations related to the preparation phases were identified in the left dorsal premotor, left lateral occipital, right ventral premotor, right fusiform, and the area from the anterior cingulate to the SMA. The results indicate that brain networks consisting of the bilateral prefrontal, intraparietal, and occipitotemporal cortices may play an important role in executing a NO-GO response.  相似文献   

Using fMRI, neural substrates of verbal working memory were investigated with respect to differences in working memory capacity. Listening-span test (LST), Listen, and Remember conditions were performed. Two subjects groups were selected: those who had large working memory capacities, labeled high-span subjects (HSS) according to the working memory span test, and those who had small working memory capacities, labeled low-span subjects (LSS). Significant activation was found mainly in three regions in comparison with resting control: left prefrontal cortex (PFC), anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and temporal language area. For both groups, fMRI signal intensity increased in PFC during the LST condition compared to the Listen condition. A group difference was found in the ACC region; specifically, a significant increase in signal intensity was observed in ACC only for the HSS group and not for the LSS group. Behavioral data also showed that the performance was better in HSS than in LSS. These results indicate that the attention controlling system, supported by ACC, is more effective in HSS compared to that of LSS.  相似文献   

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