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U M Chikte  A A Brand  A J Louw  I Sarvan 《SADJ》2000,55(1):23-28
The purpose of this report is to investigate the influence of education, income and occupation on public perceptions of water fluoridation (WF). A questionnaire on current knowledge, sources of information, the purpose of WF and its desirability was administered to a representative sample of 2,220 individuals over the age of 18 years. Knowledge of WF increased with educational level (range from 13.5% in the grade 0-5 group to 59% in the grade 12 plus group). Lack of knowledge decreased from 76% to 37% in these groups respectively. Knowledge levels varied from 19% to 68% across the occupational spectrum and from 13% to 88% across the income spectrum. In educational levels up to grade 12, electronic media were most frequently cited as dominant sources of information among 40-50% of respondents, whereas in the grade 12 plus group print media (37%) dominated. Sources of knowledge on fluoridation were largely obtained from print and electronic media for both categories. Only 28% in the educational level up to grade 5 thought the purpose of WF was to protect teeth against decay. This gradually increased to 55% in the grade 12 plus category. More than a quarter of the population in both the occupational and income categories indicated that the purpose of WF was to purify water and protect teeth from decay. The number of respondents who thought that water should be fluoridated increased with level of education from 58% to 70%, while those who disagreed decreased as qualifications increased. The lower- and middle-income groups were more supportive of WF than the very-high-income groups. Persons in high administrative professional and executive positions were more opposed (27%) to WF than semi-skilled and unskilled workers (5%).  相似文献   

U Chikte  A A Brand 《SADJ》1999,54(11):537-543
The successful implementation of water fluoridation (WF) depends upon support from the public. A survey was conducted in 1998 by the Human Sciences Research Council to assess attitudes of the South African population towards WF. A representative sample of 2,220 persons over the age of 18 years was interviewed. Questions relating to current knowledge, sources of information, the purpose of water fluoridation and its desirability as a public health measure were put to respondents. Only 25% of the population had heard or read of WF. The major sources of information were the electronic and printed media (40% and 27% respectively), while 2.5% heard about it from dentists. Just over a third of the sample (35.5%) identified the purpose of WF as protecting teeth from decay; 28% said it was to purify water and 28.5% were uncertain of, or did not know its purpose. Nearly two-thirds (61.9%) indicated that fluoride should be added to drinking water if it can reduce tooth decay, while 9% were not in favour and 29% were uncertain. The results suggest that most people do not know what WF is or does, though most were in agreement that it should be implemented to reduce tooth decay.  相似文献   

Lowry RJ  Adams G 《British dental journal》2004,196(7):423-4; discussion 411
OBJECTIVE: To find out the knowledge of, and attitudes towards, water fluoridation of a sample of general dental practitioners working in the North East of England. DESIGN: Anonymous, self-completed postal questionnaire. SETTING: North East of England, both a fluoridated and non-fluoridated area. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Following a small pilot survey, questionnaire to 79 general dental practitioners (44 in a non-fluoridated area, 35 in an area supplied with fluoridated water at one part per million) contracted to provide National Health Service (NHS) treatment in the North East of England. RESULTS: Fifty-five general dental practitioners returned questionnaires (a 70% response rate). Most respondents supported the principle of water fluoridation. Over half of the respondents indicated that they would benefit from more information and training on the issue of water fluoridation. There were marked differences in knowledge and attitudes to fluoridation between dental principals and associates. The sample was evenly split about what to do with a parent who was unsure about (whether to support) fluoridation even after the dentist had discussed the issue and answered questions. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of general dental practitioners support water fluoridation although some lack knowledge and expertise which might inhibit advocacy of it.  相似文献   

The issue of water fluoridation has a long history in the City of Calgary (population 820,000). There were five plebiscites before 1998, with only the 1989 plebiscite receiving a majority vote in favour of fluoridation. Calgary introduced water fluoridation in 1991. In the fall of 1997, the City sponsored a review of water fluoridation as a public policy based on information provided by a group of concerned citizens. An expert panel was formed to look at the new scientific information on the subject; four of the five members agreed that there was not sufficient evidence upon which to make substantial changes to the water fluoridation policy. Nevertheless, the City's Standing Policy Committee on Operations and Environment recommended that a plebiscite on water fluoridation be held in conjunction with the 1998 municipal election. This decision was ultimately supported by City Council. Under the direction of the Calgary Regional Health Authority, the Fluoride Education Steering Committee undertook three strategies for the campaign: building partnerships, educating health professionals and educating the public. In spite of the anti-fluoridation activities, Calgarians voted 55 per cent in favour of continuing fluoridation of the municipal water supply.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to quantify the economic costs and benefits of water fluoridation in the city of Townsville, Australia. The study has been undertaken in such a way as to overcome the problems associated with hypothetical cohort analysis in the economic analysis of health projects. The method utilised involves analysing the economic effects on the total population subject to water fluoridation, through the systematic disaggregation and valuation of demographic, dental and economic data. The study indicates that significant economic benefits will accrue to the Townsville community through water fluoridation, under a wide range of conditions and assumptions.  相似文献   

The evidence is very strong that fluoridation of water, and fluorides in other forms, are the prime reasons for the enormous reduction in decay that has occurred over the past 25-30 years. These advantages must be retained. This can be done most effectively and most economically through a continuation of water fluoridation and the use of fluoride toothpaste. In nonfluoridated areas, professionally applied topical fluorides will continue to be needed, particularly within the School Dental Service, and in those adolescent and adults where the history and clinical picture suggest the individual is at risk. Without fluoride acting to enhance the resistance of the mouth, decay would certainly rise. Although advocacy for a sound diet and the use of fissure sealants is encouraged as part of caries preventive programmes, these alone will not provide adequate protection across the whole community. Fluoridation of public water supplies continues to be endorsed.  相似文献   

Since 1972, community water fluoridation programs have not been practiced in Japan. Risk perception among the population plays an important role in the implementation of water fluoridation programs. The oral health behavior of Japanese children has changed, especially due to recent increases among children in the use of fluoridated products and fluoride applications by dentists. The purpose of this study was to examine the associations between oral health behavior, risk perception, and the desire to implement water fluoridation among Japanese residents. We distributed a questionnaire survey (response rate: 92.8%) to mothers with children aged two or three years (n = 573). There was a correlation between anxiety and level of motivation to implement water fluoridation (Spearman coefficient: 0.355, P < 0.001). Exposure to various fluoride experiences was higher in the "not anxious" group. The motivation level was significantly higher in subjects who had a better understanding of the effectiveness of fluoride, those who used fluoride tooth paste, and those whose children received fluoride applications from dentists. We conclude that increased knowledge of and experience with fluoride might help decrease the perception of risk and increase motivation for implementing water fluoridation among the general public.  相似文献   

目的 对怀柔区实施调节水氟浓度预防龋齿项目进行成本效益分析。方法计算实施调节水氟浓度所需的设备、运作与维护成本。随机抽取在怀柔区医疗机构就诊人群214人进行直接费用和间接费用的调查。在三个预测框架下预测所产生的效益。结果在怀柔区实施调节水氟浓度预防龋齿所需设备及运作、维护人均成本为4.72元(NaF)和4.30元(HFSA)。产生效益每减少1个龋齿人均节省治疗费用约72.4元。结论在怀柔自来水覆盖区实施调节水氟浓度具有较佳的成本效益比,并且在公平性、可得到性方面具有突出的优点。  相似文献   

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