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T cell memory to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) antigens and anti-HIV-1 cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity were assessed after administration of live canarypox virus (ALVAC) expressing HIV-1 env, gag, and protease (vCP205) vaccine given alone, vCP205 given with SF-2 recombinant gp120 (rgp120) vaccine, and placebos at 0, 1, 3, and 6 months. Healthy, HIV-1-uninfected subjects reporting high-risk and low-risk behavior for HIV-1 were enrolled. Anti-HIV-1 Env CD8(+) CTLs (HIV-1(MN) and/or HIV-1 subtype B and C primary isolate sequences) were detected in 12 (60%) and anti-HIV-1 Gag CD8(+) CTLs in 7 (35%) of the 20 vCP205 vaccine recipients tested by CTL assay 3.5 months after the final immunization. Fourteen days after the fourth immunization, lymphocyte proliferation in response to HIV-1 Gag antigen was detected in 14 (48%) of 29 vCP205 vaccine recipients, but secreted cytokine levels to HIV-1 Gag antigen were not above unstimulated levels. Coadministration of SF-2 rgp120 vaccine with vCP205 vaccine enhanced lymphocyte proliferation in response to HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein and broadened the envelope-stimulated cytokine secretion pattern, so that it consisted of both Th1 and Th2 cytokines compared with only interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) after vCP205 vaccine given alone. There was a possible association between HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein-stimulated interleukin 2 secretion and CD8(+) CTLs against HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein, and an inverse relation between lymphocyte proliferation and CTLs against HIV-1 Gag antigens. Thus, a durable anti-HIV-1 CD8(+) CTL response was detected after immunization with the live canarypox virus vaccine and preexisting helper T cell memory responses did not necessarily predict later CD8(+) CTL activity.  相似文献   

This study used a well characterized cohort of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-infected hemophiliacs to define the relationship between the SDF1-3'A allele, the plasma HIV-1 coreceptor tropism, and the natural history of HIV-1 disease. Subjects heterozygous or homozygous for the SDF1-3'A allele experienced higher rates of decline in CD4+ T cell counts over time than did those without the allele (P=.009). Moreover, they had an increased risk of progression to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and death, a relationship that persisted even when baseline plasma HIV-1 RNA levels and CD4+ T cell counts or CCR5 Delta 32 and CCR2-64I genotype were controlled for. This relationship was even stronger in a subgroup of subjects for whom tropism data were available. Subjects with the SDF1-3'A allele were also more likely to have detectable X4-tropic viruses (P=.012), and, when tropism was included in the survival analyses, the effect of the SDF1-3'A allele on disease progression was no longer significant. Therefore, the increased frequency of X4-tropic viruses in subjects carrying the SDF1-3'A allele may explain the observed adverse effect that this allele has on the natural history of HIV-1 disease.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that regulatory T cells (Tregs) could play a beneficial role during HIV infection by controlling HIV replication in conventional T cells (Tcons). Purified Tregs and Tcons from healthy donors were activated separately. Tcons were infected with the X4 or R5 HIV strains and cultured with or without autologous Tregs. Coculture of Tcons and Tregs resulted in a dose-dependent inhibition of Tcon infection, which was significant when a 1:1 Treg:Tcon ratio was used. Treg suppression of HIV infection was largely mediated by contact-dependent mechanisms. Blockage of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen-4 did not significantly reduce Treg function. In contrast, Tregs acted through cAMP-dependent mechanisms, because the decrease of cAMP levels in Tregs, the blockade of gap junction formation between Tregs and Tcons, the blockage of CD39 activity, and the blockage of protein kinase A in Tcons all abolished Treg-mediated suppression of HIV replication. Our data suggest a complex role for Tregs during HIV infection. Although Tregs inhibit specific immune responses, their inhibition of HIV replication in Tcons may play a beneficial role, particularly during early HIV infection, when the effector immune cells are not yet activated. Such a protective role of Tregs could have a profound impact on infection outcome.  相似文献   

HIV-1-specific cytotoxic T cell (CTL) activity has been suggested to correlate with protection from progression to AIDS. We have examined the relationship between HIV-specific CTL activity and maintenance of peripheral blood CD4+ T lymphocyte counts and control of viral load in 17 long-term survivors (LTSs) of HIV-1 infection. Longitudinal analysis indicated that the LTS cohort demonstrated a decreased rate of CD4+ T cell loss (18 cells/mm3/year) compared with typical normal progressors (approximately 60 cells/mm3/year). The majority of the LTSs had detectable, variable, and in some individuals, quite high (>10(4) RNA copies/ml) plasma viral load during the study period. In a cross-sectional analysis, HIV-specific CTL activity to HIV Gag, Pol, and Env proteins was detectable in all 17 LTSs. Simultaneous analysis of HIV-1 Gag-Pol, and Env-specific CTLs and virus load in protease inhibitor-naive individuals showed a significant inverse correlation between Pol-specific CTL activity and plasma HIV-1 RNA levels (p = 0.001). Furthermore, using a mixed linear effects model the combined effects of HIV-1 Pol- and Env-specific CTL activity on the viral load were significantly stronger than the effects of HIV-1 Pol-specific CTL activity alone on predicted virus load. These data suggest that the presence of HIV-1-specific CTL activity in HIV-1-infected long-term survivors is an important component in the effective control of HIV-1 replication.  相似文献   

We show here that HIV type 1 (HIV-1) Tat protein, in combination with anti-CD3/CD28 mAbs, promotes IL-2 production and proliferation of primary CD4(+) T lymphocytes, obtained from HIV-1-seronegative donors. This effect was observed when Tat was immobilized on a solid support, but it was not observed with soluble Tat. Such hyperactivation was accomplished by recruiting the rolipram-sensitive cyclic nucleoside phosphodiesterase 4 and resulted in increased susceptibility to HIV-1 infection. Accordingly, rolipram potently inhibited HIV-1 replication in cultures stimulated by anti-CD3/CD28 +/- Tat. These results add to the concept that decreasing Tat activity is an important addition to anti-HIV-1 therapy, and they suggest a target for anti-HIV-1 chemotherapy, phosphodiesterase 4.  相似文献   

HIV-1 viral encephalitis produced by antiretroviral-resistant strains in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), despite suppression of plasma HIV-1 RNA, has been rarely described. We report two cases of symptomatic viral encephalitis demonstrated by clinical, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and an inflammatory CSF profile. Viral load in CSF was 24,000 and 6850 copies/ml, whereas plasma HIV RNA level was undetectable since the beginning of therapy. A resistance test in CSF showed genotypic mutations confering resistance to the drugs the patients received for more than 2 years. In the two cases, a high baseline HIV RNA level, a low nadir CD4(+) count, and suboptimal CSF levels of atazanavir were considered as the risk factors for developing encephalitis. The two cases did not resolve with a change to antiretroviral drugs with better CNS penetration, but they had complete clinical and MRI recovery after changing to therapy considering both CNS viral resistance and penetration.  相似文献   

We examined HIV-1 specific memory helper T immune responses in chronically HIV-infected subjects who received an immune-based therapy (HIV-1 immunogen, Remune). Subjects in this study exhibited significant increases (p < 0.05) in the frequency of helper T memory cells expressing interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) in response to HIV-1 antigens in vitro. The frequencies of HIV-specific memory T cells increased after successive immunizations and exhibited a correlation with the standard tritiated thymidine incorporation lymphocyte proliferation assay (r = 0.72, p < 0.0008). These results support the notion that HIV-specific memory immune responses can be stimulated in subjects with chronic HIV infection. Further investigations are warranted to determine whether the induction of such responses is associated with virologic control.  相似文献   

HIV-1 cardiomyopathy has become a major cause of death in AIDS patients, but its pathogenesis is unclear. We used an antigen retrieval technique and immunostaining to investigate the hearts of 15 AIDS patients, of whom 3 had dilated cardiomyopathy. Immunocytochemistry shows infiltration of the left ventricular myocardium with mononuclear cells, ranging from minimal to diagnostic of myocarditis. The infiltrates include macrophages and CD3(+) and CD8(+) T cells. The tight junction protein ZO-1 is disrupted at the site of monocyte-macrophage vascular penetration and the coronary vessels show fibrinogen leakage in the hearts of AIDS patients, but not in the normal heart. A subset of infiltrating macrophages is doubly positive for cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) and inducible nitric oxide synthase. HIV-1 peptides gp120 and Nef are expressed in macrophages and T cells, but not in cardiomyocytes. COX-2 is expressed by both gp120-positive and gp120-negative macrophages. The hearts of AIDS patients separate into those showing minimal infiltrates with low COX-2 expression and those with dense infiltrates and high COX-2; all failing hearts are in the latter group. These data suggest that COX-2-activated and HIV-1-infected monocyte-macrophages and T cells play a crucial role in the progression of HIV-1 myocarditis to HIV-1 cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   

To investigate mechanisms of natural resistance to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), we obtained blood samples from eight women who remained HIV-1 negative after > 3 years of high-risk sex work in Chiang Rai, Thailand. CD4+ T lymphocytes from these highly exposed, persistently seronegative (HEPS) women were readily infectable in vitro with HIV-1 subtypes B and E. Autologous CD8+ cell suppression of both HIV-1 subtypes was evident in HEPS infection cultures, but to an extent also observed in cultures from non-HIV-exposed individuals. Furthermore, production of beta-chemokines was not enhanced in HEPS cultures. However, HEPS cultures displayed significantly enhanced production of a soluble activity that suppressed postintegrated HIV-1 replication. This activity was the unique product of CD4+ T cell and monocyte cocultures. Therefore, although HEPS individuals are apparently susceptible to infection, the production of a postintegrated HIV-1 suppressive activity during monocyte-T cell interactions might protect against the establishment of infection by limiting viral dissemination.  相似文献   

To determine the ability of antiretroviral treatment (ART) to deter viral replication in the long term, we tested autologous neutralization of HIV-1 primary isolates in sera from six chronically HIV-1-infected patients before and during such treatment. For comparison, heterologous neutralization was tested in the same samples by using a panel of eight primary HIV-1 isolates. Preceding ART, none of the patients' samples contained neutralizing antibodies against autologous HIV-1 isolates. Subsequently, despite successful ART treatment during a 12- to 19-month period and a rise in CD4 T cell counts, the patients' viral neutralizing capacity did not increase significantly. Furthermore, the partial heterologous neutralizing response was not improved in these patients. This outcome signifies the failure of an HIV-1-specific humoral immune response to improve, despite successful ART. Therefore, our results emphasize the need for immunologic intervention before cessation of ART in chronically HIV-1-infected patients to achieve sustainable control of viral replication.  相似文献   

Seminal HIV-1-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) could provide an important immune defense against local HIV-1 infection, and be important in impeding the spread of HIV-1 infection. In this study, we demonstrate that autologous blood-derived dendritic cells (DCs) loaded in vitro with synthetic HIV-1 peptides representing known CTL epitopes activated HLA class I restricted, anti-HIV-1 CTLs and interferon gamma responses in seminal CD8+ T cells from subjects with chronic HIV-1 infection on antiretroviral therapy. CTLs specific for the same HLA-restricted epitopes were detected in semen and blood of the same individuals by stimulation with peptide-loaded DCs. Anti-HIV-1 CTL responses from semen were enhanced by stimulation with DCs loaded with HIV-1 peptides and interleukin 12. Our results suggest that blood-derived DCs have HIV-1 antigen-presenting capacity for seminal CTL in HIV-1-infected subjects. The DC-T cell system can serve as a model for immunotherapy of HIV-1 infection in the local genital tract as well as systemic blood circulation.  相似文献   

Stromal cell-derived factor 1 (SDF-1) is a unique chemokine involved in multiple organogenesis as well as in the regulation of HIV infection. Here we determined the plasma SDF-1 concentrations of 193 HIV-1-infected individuals and 154 normal Japanese volunteers by developing a highly sensitive measurement system based on time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay (SDF-1 TR-FIA). This system is also valid for the mouse model to quantitate circulating SDF-1 concentration in vivo and thereby its correlation with CXCR4 expression level on CD4(+) T cells. Interestingly, plasma SDF-1 concentrations in HIV-1-infected individuals were three times higher than those in a normal control group and plasma SDF-1 protein levels showed an inverse correlation with CD4(+) T cell count and a positive correlation with plasma HIV-1 RNA load. Notably, individuals with later stage HIV-1 infection, who maintained fewer than 200 CD4(+) T cells per cubic milliliter and more than 10,000 copies of HIV-1 RNA per milliliter, showed the highest plasma SDF-1 level among individuals at any stage of HIV-1 infection. These results suggest that endogenous SDF-1 is upregulated by HIV-1 infection, particularly in late-stage HIV-1 infection/AIDS.  相似文献   

HIV-E, emerging from persistently infected HeLa-T4 cells, replicates better in fibroblasts and epithelial cells with respect to the parental, T cell-derived HIV-T. The two viruses share the same env V3 loop, but differ in cellular molecules incorporated on the envelope. Even when similar amounts of virus attachment occurred, HIV-E replicated better than HIV-T in cells from solid tissues, and the response to exogenous Tat was more efficient. This might be related to the long terminal repeat (LTR), because HIV-E has a TAR duplication, and a mutation in the Sp1-II binding site. Epithelial cells deserve further study, because they may be important in vivo for variant selection and latency.  相似文献   

Regressive morphological lesions, found in peripheral lymphocytes from HIV(+) patients, clearly conflict with normal cycle progression and with the execution of basic housekeeping and immune functions. With these lesions, circulating lymphocytes are destined to spontaneous and energy-independent cell lysis. By means of confocal microscopy and morphometry, we have quantified the rate of circulating T cells that are probably destined to emocatheresis in vivo. This rate includes lymphocytes in which nucleolin fragments have been scattered out of the nuclear region as a result of prelethal alterations in the nuclear membrane permeability. In terms of bioenergetics, these cells show evident anomalies in the energy production machinery that make them unable to carry out ATP-requiring functions. The extent of damaged cell fraction in peripheral blood reflects the frequency with which T lymphocytes leave lymphoid tissue to be cleared in hemocatheretic processes.  相似文献   

The mechanism for the lower rate of disease progression in HIV-2 infection remains undefined. We evaluated T cell activation in a cohort of HIV-infected commercial sex workers in Dakar, Senegal. CD8+ T cell activation was significantly lower in HIV-2- compared to HIV-1-infected volunteers and both groups displayed higher activation levels compared to seronegative individuals. In contrast, CD4+ T cell activation was similar between the HIV-1 and HIV-2 groups and significantly higher compared to the seronegative group. Interestingly, HIV-2-positive volunteers with evidence of Gag-specific CD8+ T cell responses displayed lower CD4+ T cell activation. Our data suggest that the distinct T cell activation profile in HIV-2-positive individuals may reflect on the presence of effective host immune responses in HIV-2 infection.  相似文献   

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