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Predictions of skin cancer incidence in the Netherlands up to 2015   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BACKGROUND: Skin cancer is an important, growing public health problem among white caucasians, causing a heavy burden on dermatologists and general practitioners. OBJECTIVES: To predict the future incidence of skin cancer in the Netherlands up to 2015. METHODS: Expected numbers of skin cancer cases in the Netherlands up to 2015 were calculated by trend modelling of observed rates for melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) between 1989 and 2000 obtained from the Netherlands Cancer Registry and for basal cell carcinoma (BCC) obtained from the Eindhoven Cancer Registry; these rates were then multiplied by the predicted age distributions. Incidence rates were fitted to four different models, and predictions were based on the best fitting model. RESULTS: An increase of 80% in the total number of skin cancer patients is expected in the Netherlands: from 20 654 in 2000 to 37 342 in 2015. The total number of melanoma cases is expected to increase by 99%, with the largest increase for males (males aged 35-64, 111%; males aged > or = 65, 139%). Numbers of patients with SCC will increase overall by 80%, mainly among older males and females (increase of 79%) and females aged 35-64 (increase of 93%). The number of cases of BCC will increase by 78%, with the largest increase for the combined groups, those aged 15-64 (males, 66% increase; females, 94% increase), especially for sites other than the head and neck. The contribution of demographic changes (ageing effect) was largest for males with BCC and SCC (35-44%). CONCLUSIONS: If incidence rates for skin cancers in the Netherlands continue to increase and population growth and ageing remain unabated, a rise in annual demand for care of more than 5% could occur, putting a heavy burden on general practitioners and dermatologists. In the absence of marked changes in current ultraviolet radiation exposure, these increases will probably continue after 2015.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Population-based figures on skin cancer are essential for a realistic assessment of the personal disease burden, prevention modes and the need for caring. The Robert Koch Institute in Germany estimates the incidence of melanoma skin cancer as seven cases in 100 000 persons (age-standardized by the European standard rate). Population-based studies presumably show higher incidence rates of 10-16 cases in 100 000 persons. Few data exist for non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) as this is not systematically registered in Germany. OBJECTIVES: To present the first population-based results from the Schleswig-Holstein (Germany) Cancer Registry on incidence, stage distribution, clinical types and localization of skin cancer and to compare the results with other studies. METHODS: The Cancer Registry of the Bundesland Schleswig-Holstein with 3500 registering institutions, 100 of which are dermatological institutions, investigates all notifiable incident cancer cases according to international standards. From the recorded data all melanoma and NMSC cases were identified and evaluated. RESULTS: Between 1998 and 2001, 1784 malignant melanoma (MM) and 12 956 NMSC cases underwent diagnostic and analytical evaluation. For MM, age-standardized incidence rates were 12.3 and 14.8 in 100 000 men and women, respectively, and the mean age of men was greater than that of women (56.6 vs. 54.9 years, P < 0.05). Superficial spreading melanoma was the most frequent clinical type (39.1%). The tumours were predominantly located on the trunk in men (46.8%) in contrast to leg and hip in women (39.5%). For NMSC, the age-standardized incidence rates were 100.2 and 72.6 in 100 000 men and women, respectively. More than 80% of all tumours were basal cell carcinoma. CONCLUSIONS: The first population-based data from Schleswig-Holstein on the characteristics (age, sex, histological subtypes, localization and stage) of skin tumours agree well with the existing literature and may thus be regarded as representative. However, markedly higher incidences for MM and NMSC in the north of Germany compared with other parts of the country were observed. As the incidence rates from the north of Germany fit well into the European geographical pattern, we assume no regional increase. Therefore, the official German estimates on cutaneous tumours may largely depend on regional factors and may not be regarded as representative for all regions in Germany.  相似文献   

Non‐melanoma skin cancer (NMSC), including basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), is the most common cancer occurring in people with fair skin. Australia has been reported to have the highest incidence of NMSC in the world. Using a systematic search of the literature in EMBASE and Medline, we identified 21 studies that investigated the incidence or prevalence of NMSC in Australia. Studies published between 1948 and 2011 were identified and included in the analysis. There were six studies that were conducted on national level, two at state level and 13 at the regional level. Overall, the incidence of NMSC had steadily increased over calendar‐years in Australia. The incidence of NMSC per 100 000 person‐years was estimated to be 555 in 1985; 977 in 1990; 1109 in 1995; 1170 in 2002 and 2448 in 2011. The incidence was higher for men than women and higher for BCC than SCC. Incidence varied across the states of Australia, with the highest in Queensland. The prevalence of NMSC was estimated to be 2% in Australia in 2002. The incidence and prevalence of NMSC still need to be accurately established at both national and state levels to determine the costs and burden of the disease on the public health system in Australia.  相似文献   

Nicotinamide (vitamin B3) has a range of photoprotective effects in vitro and in vivo; it enhances DNA repair, reduces UV radiation‐induced suppression of skin immune responses, modulates inflammatory cytokine production and skin barrier function and restores cellular energy levels after UV exposure. Pharmacological doses of nicotinamide have been shown to reduce actinic keratoses and nonmelanoma skin cancer incidence in high‐risk individuals, making this a nontoxic and accessible option for skin cancer chemoprevention in this population.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The incidence of skin cancer, both melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC), is rising throughout the world. The evaluation of trends in skin cancer will allow better planning of the future development of skin cancer services. OBJECTIVES: Using data collected from the Northern Ireland Cancer Registry (NICR), the incidence of the three major cutaneous cancers, basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and malignant melanoma (MM), was determined and the workload associated with their management assessed. METHODS: The records of patients with a first diagnosis of BCC, SCC or MM occurring between 1993 and 2002 were retrieved from the NICR database. The annual age- and sex-adjusted incidence rates of all three skin cancers were computed per 100 000 person-years by direct standardization according to the European Standard Population. Trends in incidence were estimated by calculating the estimated annual percentage change using Microsoft Excel. For patients registered with the NICR as having BCC, SCC or MM, the number of pathological reports where malignant samples had been examined was counted and then summed to provide the number of specimens examined each year between 1993 and 2004. RESULTS: For all three cancers the age-specific rates for both males and females increased with age, except for MM in men aged 75 years and over, where the rates were seen to decrease. Over the 12-year period there was a 62% increase in the overall number of skin cancer samples processed by local pathology laboratories and a 20% increase in the number of patients. These data highlight the fact that many patients will have more than one skin cancer, which reinforces the benefit in collecting data for both patient and sample numbers in order to obtain a true reflection of the workload. The data have also shown that more affluent men and women have higher rates of BCC and MM than their less affluent counterparts. CONCLUSIONS: In view of the data presented it is clear that management of NMSC and MM will impose significant demands on services in the years ahead. This will impact on the entire multidisciplinary team. Future planning, in terms of manpower and resources, will prove essential if we are to remain in a position to manage our patients with these malignant tumours appropriately.  相似文献   

Non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSC) are the commonest cancers in Australia. Their incidence rate is more than three times the rate of all other cancers combined. The incidence rate continues to rise to a stage where they now affect at least 1% of the population annually, necessitating treatment of more than 150,000 people per year. Exposure to sunlight in susceptible people appears to be the major environmental carcinogen in causation of these tumours. The exact nature of sunlight exposure necessary to induce them is still not entirely clear. Childhood exposure to sunlight stands out as being the major contributor to the development of all the common skin cancers. Solar keratoses are risk factors for NMSC and are precursors of squamous cell carcinoma. They appear to be more sensitive measures of carcinogenic sunlight exposure than frank invasive tumours. They are labile, and fluctuate in appearance clinically over time. Regular use of sunscreen can prevent new solar keratoses and increase clinical remission in existing ones. This is early evidence of the value of regular and adequate photoprotection in the long-term reduction of NMSC in Australia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In 1988 our department carried out a population-based epidemiological study of non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) incidence, over a 6-month period, in West Glamorgan, South Wales. Objectives To reassess the incidence of NMSC in this defined population over a similar 6-month period 10 years after the initial study. METHODS: All cases of basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma diagnosed in West Glamorgan are recorded by the local skin cancer registry. All cases for the relevant 6-month period were analysed. RESULTS: Using these figures, we have identified a significant rise in the crude incidence of NMSC from 173.5 10 years ago to 265.4 per 100,000 population per annum. We also applied the world standard population for age to our crude figures, demonstrating a combined male and female world population-corrected rate of 129.9 per 100,000 population. CONCLUSIONS: In our population the crude incidence of NMSC has risen significantly over 10 years. Additionally, the combined male and female world population-corrected rate appears to be the highest published standardized incidence of NMSC to date from any European country.  相似文献   

Regression in epithelial skin tumours is a common phenomenon, and this may be partial or complete. In keratoacanthoma and familial self-healing epithelioma, nearly all the tumours regress completely. The incidence of total regression in melanoma and basal cell carcinoma is unknown, but in 25% of melanomas and 50% of basal cell carcinomas there is evidence of partial regression on histological examination. Previous studies carried out in our laboratories have indicated that regression of skin tumours is likely to be mediated by activated CD4+ T lymphocytes, possibly via cytokine secretion.  相似文献   

Curettage, electrosurgery and skin cancer   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The scientific literature is replete with reports extolling the virtues of curettage and electrosurgery in the treatment of skin disease. Published cure rates for selected skin cancers consistently equal those for other treatment modalities, including scalpel excision. Despite this, curettage is often overlooked as a first line treatment for skin cancer. We review the evidence-based literature for patient selection criteria and curettage and electrosurgery techniques.  相似文献   

Background: In Germany little data on the epidemiology and histology of lip cancers are available, as lip cancers are commonly pooled together with head and neck tumors. Patients and methods: Retrospective analysis of 181 patients with malignant tumors of the lips with respect to gender, location, histology, risk factors and comorbidity. Results: There were 90 women and 91 men with a mean age of 71 years. 98 had a tumor on the upper lip and 83 patients on the lower lip. Tumors of the upper lip showed a slight female preference (61%). In contrast lower lip cancer was more common (64%) in men. Histological analysis revealed that in both regions nodular basal cell carcinomas as well as squamous cell carcinomas (NOS) are the most common subtypes. Vertical tumor thickness of squamous cell carcinomas was in most cases smaller than 6 mm (n = 71) and only in 4 cases was a tumor thickness of > 6 mm detected. Altogether, 57% of the patients reported a high to very high sun exposure. Conclusions: In comparison to previous studies we found a weaker preference for women for tumors of the upper lip and also a weaker preference for men for tumors of the lower lip. The causes remain unclear, but could be causally related to an increased life expectancy and/or changed risk profile.  相似文献   

Summary Nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC) is the most common malignancy occurring in white populations. It is currently becoming an important challenge in terms of public health management as the increasing incidence rates will probably have a tremendous impact on healthcare costs. Possible factors driving this rise in NMSC numbers are increases in both acute and prolonged UV exposure together with increasing numbers of older people in the population. A better understanding of NMSC epidemiology in Europe is essential if an evidence-based European-wide public health policy is to be developed. It is obvious this can only be achieved by recording and analysing comparative epidemiological data. Finally, by improving the skin examination training for physicians, developing guidelines and exchanging best practices, a high level of healthcare could be provided for NMSC.  相似文献   

The global incidence of non-melanoma skin cancer continues to increase as the global population ages with the highest incidence in the world occurring in Australian and New Zealand patients. There are numerous treatment options available for non-melanoma skin cancer patients of which radiotherapy is an efficacious and versatile tissue preserving non-surgical (or medical) option. In patients where excision may not be an option (medically/technically inoperable) or considered less ideal (e.g. cosmetic outcome), radiotherapy offers an excellent option. Following surgery, adjuvant radiotherapy in patients with unfavourable pathology can decrease the risk of recurrence and associated morbidity. Elderly and co-morbid patients with poor performance status can benefit from short-course hypofractionated radiotherapy in the setting where surgery is not an option. As with any modality, radiotherapy has advantages and disadvantages and it is therefore important for clinicians to appreciate these. We aim to present an update for clinicians that manage patients with non-melanoma skin cancer on the role of radiotherapy.  相似文献   

By 1927 for basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and by 1955 for melanoma, the broad grounds for relating sun exposure to skin cancer had been established: that these are more frequent in residents of areas of high ambient solar irradiance, are more frequent in sun-sensitive people, occur mainly on sun-exposed body sites, are more frequent in people with high sun exposure, and are more frequent in people with benign sun-related skin conditions. The past 40 years have added both quantity and quality to the epidemiological evidence and, most recently, provided direct evidence that sun exposure is the cause of mutations in critical tumour suppressor genes in BCC, SCC and melanoma. Complete or more convincing answers are still needed to many questions of detail. They include whether the pattern of sun exposure is really important in, and acts independently of amount of sun exposure in, affecting the risk of melanoma and BCC; what the shape of the relationship between the amount of sun exposure and risk of BCC and melanoma is when the pattern of exposure is held constant; whether there really is a plateau in risk of BCC and melanoma beyond some level of the amount of exposure; whether this exposure-response relationship depends on cutaneous sensitivity to the sun and in what way; whether sunburn makes a specific contribution to the risk of skin cancer independent of the amount of sun exposure; whether sun exposure close to the time of diagnosis of skin cancer contributes anything to the development of the cancer; what the solar radiation action spectrum is for each kind of skin cancer; and whether sunscreens are effective in protecting against skin cancer.  相似文献   

There has been a rising incidence of skin cancers among Asians in recent years. We present a retrospective analysis of 106 skin cancers and analysed the demography, clinical subtypes of skin cancers and surgical techniques used for skin cancer treatment. In our population, skin cancers were most frequently basal cell carcinomas and diagnosed among ethnic Chinese patients.  相似文献   

A significant relationship between arsenic exposure and non‐melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) is well known. The toxicity of arsenics which develop NMSC is dependent on their species. Accordingly, total arsenic levels are unreliable for risk assessment of NMSC. However, there are few studies on quantitative exposure assessment of arsenic species in NMSC patients. To validate the contribution of each arsenic species to NMSC, we compared the creatinine‐adjusted urinary concentration of arsenic species in NMSC patients and community controls. A total of 124 biopsy‐proven NMSC cases and 125 age‐ and sex‐matched community controls, drinking tap water with low‐level arsenic concentration (<5 μg/L), were included in the study. High‐performance liquid chromatography and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry were used for the measurement. The NMSC group was found to have significantly higher levels of total inorganic arsenic, trivalent and pentavalent arsenic and monomethylarsonic acid than the control group. Total arsenic, organic arsenic and dimethylarsonic acid levels were lower in the NMSC group. We suggest that inorganic arsenic species, trivalent arsenic and pentavalent arsenic may influence the prevalence of NMSC, in spite of these levels being lower than the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry‐recommended standard or the levels reported by other highly contaminated areas and neighboring countries in East Asia. Furthermore, it also suggests that total arsenic level cannot represent the risk of NMSC.  相似文献   

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