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肖军  罗晓明  何坤 《人民军医》2012,(7):632-632
近年来,野战医疗所建设在军队应急机动医院全面建设中取得了长足进步,但与未来逐行多样化军事任务卫勤保障的要求尚有一定差距。现将应急机动医院野战医疗所建设中存在的问题及对策报告如下。  相似文献   

高新云  张二明  何坤 《人民军医》2007,50(2):114-115
近年来,虽然各医院预编的野战医疗所建设得到普遍加强,但与未来高技术局部战争对卫勤保障的要求相比,还有较大差距,存在一些亟待解决的问题。我们就此提出一些对策建议,供广大同仁和有关部门参考。1问题1.1战伤救治能力不强平时,军队医院的医疗救治是一种“完整”的救治,一名伤  相似文献   

野战医疗所是军队机动卫勤分队的重要组成部分,是军队医院战时执行早期治疗和部分专科治疗的重要力量[1]。在建设过程中,我院结合驻地实际和未来可能承担任务,进行了有益的探索,在总部考核中取得974分达标,并经受住了反恐维稳、抢险救灾、处置公共卫生突发事件等卫勤保障考验。  相似文献   

军医是野战医疗所最宝贵、最具活力的人力资源,是实施战时卫勤保障的主体,其综合素质的高低直接影响着卫勤保障效能的发挥。为不断提高军医的综合素质,建立一支高效的卫勤保障队伍。本文以量化管理为指导,建立了军医素质评价指标体系,为野战医疗所人力资源建设提供理论上的指导。  相似文献   

野战医疗所(队)自主训练是其平时训练的主要方式,也是提升卫勤保障能力的重要途径。该文基于跨区基地化轮训和多次院内脱产集训的实践,归纳了野战医疗所(队)自主训练的意义,剖析了存在的部分"轻重失衡"问题,明确野战医疗所(队)自主训练应着重提升卫勤指挥能力、战场适应能力和专业救治能力;梳理了训前组织、训中实施和训后总结3个阶段的相关内容,提出强化野战医疗所(队)自主训练应着力解决好构建能力素质体系、完善军事训练计划、打造训练保障条件、延长综合演练时间等关键问题。  相似文献   

某部野战医疗所2012年急进高原执行综合实验演练任务,2016年执行高原演习任务,2017年执行高驻高训任务,任务地域海拔高(>4000 m),任务时间长(>3个月),在执行卫勤保障工作中,药品保障遇到了不少困难和问题,经积极应对均妥善处置,现将经验分析总结如下.  相似文献   

现代战争和突发事件对卫勤保障提出了更高要求.近3年来,我们狠抓了医院野战医疗所护理技术模块的组织指挥、人才培养、专业理论和战救技能训练,护士的战时救治水平有了较大提高,圆满地完成了多次重大军事行动和突发事件的卫勤保障任务,尤其是在"5·12"特大地震发生后,野战医疗所的护士发挥了很大作用,检验了平战结合护理训练模拟成效,也提出了许多值得思考的问题.  相似文献   

2006年4—12月,我们在利比里亚执行二级医院维和医疗任务。联合国维和二级医院规模与野战医疗所相似,其内科工作中的一些经验可为我军野战医疗所内科建设所借鉴。现分析报告如下。  相似文献   

野战医疗所计算机管理系统开发应用体会   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
王景明  苏小刚 《人民军医》1999,42(12):737-738
野战医疗所人员抽组、物资管理的现行方式费时费力,效率低下,直接影响战备任务的完成。我院从1997年起自行开发了野战医疗所计算机管理系统,使人员、物资管理达到程序化、规范化,增强了查询、统计功能,明显提高了管理水平。此软件在几家军队医院推广应用,受到一致好评。现将我们开发应用此软件的体会报道如下。1 野战医疗所管理现状野战医疗所人员、物资、药品配备都是按相关文件要求进行落实的。医院人员流动性很大,如干部的进修学习、轮转、调动、转业、病假、外出执行任务和战士退伍等,只有及时更换、调整,才能保证野战医疗所成员满编在…  相似文献   

我院护理管理中的创新思路   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
创新发展、开拓进取是各级护理管理人员在执行管理职能过程中共同努力的目标和方向,是否能进一步解放思想、更新观念是护理管理创新发展的关键,是能否高效率完成部队医院多样化任务的保障。结合部队医院承担综合性任务的特点,作为部队医院的护理管理人员,如何创新发展是一项重要课题。  相似文献   

The initial experience gained from setting up a cervical pathology clinic is described. The demand for and cost effectiveness of the clinic are examined. Proposals are made for the future development of a colposcopy service for the Army at home and abroad.  相似文献   

Adverse reactions to anthrax immunisation in a military field hospital   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: To determine the outcome of anthrax immunisation. METHODS: Adverse reactions (occurrence, nature, severity and incapacity) and immune responses to a voluntary programme of anthrax immunisation at 0, 3, 6, and 24 weeks were monitored by questionnaire and voluntary blood sampling in 129 members, including 24 immunised 7 years previously (immunes), of a military field hospital alerted for possible deployment. RESULTS: Follow-up was complete in 85%. Ninety-eight (76%) received the first anthrax immunisation. Uptake was greater (p = 0.015) in immunes. Initial prevalence of adverse reaction was 63%. Subsequent uptake and adverse reaction dwindled significantly (p < 0.001). Only 28 (22%) were immunised at 24 weeks. Proportions reporting adverse reactions following the initial immunisation were greater in immunes (p = 0.046) and officers (p = 0.02). There was no significant (p = 0.36) correlation between uptake of immunisation and prevalence of adverse reaction. Antecedent adverse reaction did not reduce the proportion of participants accepting immunisation subsequently. The nature of adverse reactions (47% local, 24% systemic and 27% both) and severity were the same throughout. Forty-five percent of adverse reactions caused incapacity. Seventy-four percent of these had pain in the injected arm (+/- systemic symptoms) which prevented lifting or driving for 48 hours in 63%. Immune responses were greater in immunes. CONCLUSIONS: It was concluded that anthrax immunisation results in a higher than expected prevalence of adverse reaction with initial incapacity of military significance affecting 18%. Greater immune responses may increase adverse reaction but this does not affect acceptance of anthrax immunisation. Poor completion rates necessitate development of a new anthrax immunisation strategy.  相似文献   

针对精简整编后军队医院护理队伍结构呈现的多元化状况,探讨如何带好、管好、用好这支队伍的做法:(1)以多元化管理规范护理队伍。(2)以能本管理激发护理人员。(3)以能力管理促进护理人员。(4)以潜能管理开发护理人员。 (5)以核心能力提高综合素质。实践证明:运用护理人力资源管理理念为指导推动了护理队伍建设,提高了护理质量。  相似文献   

As military treatment facility leaders become more knowledgeable regarding apportionment of resources, decision making involving primary family member support services must be clear and concise. Continuing in its effort to meet the maternal and child health care expectations of its patients, a large military treatment facility command instituted several changes to consolidate its maternal and newborn services. This article presents findings and outcomes of actions taken in support of quality improvement and efficient use of budgetary resources to maximize patient satisfaction and bring about cost savings.  相似文献   

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