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大鼠视神经压榨伤模型的建立   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
江冰  蒋幼芹 《眼科学报》2001,17(2):99-102,121
目的建立大鼠标定性视神经损伤模型.方法健康SD大鼠28只,7只为正常对照组,只进行双上丘注射3%快蓝逆行标记视网膜神经节细胞(retinal ganglion cells,RGCs),另21只为标定性视神经损伤组,依损伤后存活时间的不同再分为A组(4d组)、B组(14d组)及C组(21d组),每组7只.21只大鼠以夹持力为40 g的特制视神经夹,在大鼠眼球后2 mm处夹持视神经4s,制成大鼠标定性视神经压榨伤模型,于处死前3d采用双上丘直接注射3%快蓝(fast blue)法标记双眼RGCs,将全视网膜铺片置于荧光显微镜下,在距视乳头1 mm处的颞上、颞下、鼻下、鼻上4处作荧光摄影(400 ×),并输入计算机经图像分析仪计数RGCs,按RGCs标识率进行统计学比较.RGCs标识率=损伤眼(右眼)RGCs数/未损伤眼(左眼)RGCs数×100%.结果正常大鼠的RGCs标识率右眼RGCs数/左眼RGCs数为99.79%±13.05%,左眼RGCs数/右眼RGCs数为101.86%±13.91%,无论是用左眼的RGCs数比右眼的RGCs数,或用右眼的RGCs数比左眼的RGCs数,其结果无显著性差异(P>0.5).视神经损伤组的RGCs标识率A组(4d组)RGCs标识率为77.79%±7.11%;B组(14d组)RGCs标识率为63.76%±3.79%;C组(21d组)RGCs标识率为54.66%±4.75%.以上显示,损伤各组的RGCs标识率明显低于正常对照组(P<0.05),且随着时间的推移,损伤A、B、C组的RGCs标识率渐进性降低.结论用特制的夹持力为40 g的视神经夹,夹持正常大鼠视神经4s,可造成部分性RGCs丧失,随大鼠存活时间的推移,RGCs呈渐进性丧失.眼科学报2001;1799~102.  相似文献   

Purpose: To investigate whether the induction of heat shock protein (HSP)72 by heat stress (HS) or zinc (Zn2 ) administration can increase survival of retinal ganglion cells (RGC)in rat model of acute experimental glaucoma. Methods: Acute glaucoma model was made by intracameral irrigation with BSS at 102 mmHg for two hours in right eyes of male Wistar rats. Glaucoma model rats were treated with HS once a week (six rats) or intraperitoneal injection of zinc sulfate (24.6 mg/kg) every two weeks (six rats), and were referred to as HS group and zinc group, respectively. Untreated model rats served as damage group (six rats). In control groups, querc-etin (400 mg/kg) was intraperitoneally injected to inhibit the induction of heat shock proteins 6 hours before HS or zinc administration, and were referred to as HS que group (six rats) and zinc que group (six rats), respectively. Subsequent to 16 days of IOP elevation, the rats were sacrificed. Eyes were quickly enucleated, and the retinas were dissected. RGC were labeled with Nissl staining and counted under microscope. Results: The average RGC density in normal Wistar rats was (2504±181) cells/mm2. In damage group, it decreased to (2015±111) cells/mm2. The RGC densities at 1,2, and 3 mm from the center of the optic nerve head were (2716±215), (2496±168), and (2317±171) cells/mm2, respectively, for normal rats and (2211±133), (1969±154), and (1872±68) cells/mm2, respectively, for damage group. The latter was significantly lower at all locations compared with the former (P=0.027 for each, Mann-Whitney test). The average RGC densities were (2207±200) cells/mm2 for HS group, (2272±155) cells/mm2 for zinc group, (1964±188) cells/mm2 for HS que group, (2051 ±214) cells/mm2 for zinc que group and (2015±111) cells/mm2for damage group. There were significant differences in density of labeled RGCs among the five groups (P=0.040, Kruskal-Wallis test). Both HS and zinc group had higher RGC densities than damage group (P =0.036 between HS and damage group,P=0.019 between zinc and damage group,Mann-Whitney test). There was no significant difference in RGC densitiy between control groups and damage group (P=0.260 between HS que and damage group,P=0.748 between zinc que and damage group, Mann-Whitney test). Conclusions: The results demonstrated that the induction of HSP72 in RGCs by HS or zinc administration plays an important role in the survival of RGCs in rat model of acute glaucoma. A novel therapeutic approach to glaucoma through an enhanced induction of endogenous HSP72 could be possible. Eye Science 2005;21:163-168.  相似文献   

Eighteen eyes of 12 persons with chronically elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) were studied histologically to determine the number and diameter of optic nerve fibers. In some eyes, automated perimetry had been performed. Optic nerve fibers larger than the mean diameter were killed more rapidly than smaller fibers, although no fiber size was completely spared at any stage of atrophy. The number of optic nerve fibers varies considerably among normal eyes. The authors confirmed that the death of a substantial proportion of optic nerve fibers precedes detectable visual field loss.  相似文献   

IntroductionProgressivelossofganglioncellsandtheiraxonsisafeatureofoculardiseasessuchasopticnervedamage,glaucoma,ischemia,andinfla鄄mmation.Thelossofganglioncellsaffectsbothopticnervefibersandtheirsheaths.Thisresultsinalossofneuralnutritionandalossofbloodandoxygensupplythatcanleadtotheaccum鄄ulationofextracellularglutamateresultinginexcitoxitywhichinfluencestheconductionofvisualelectricsignals.Thesetwofactorsresultinapoptosisofretinalganglioncells[1].Furthermore,degenerationcontinuestoprogres…  相似文献   

Traumaticopticneuropathyisanuncommonbutoftendevastatingcauseofpermanentvisuallossafterbluntorpenetratinginjury.Opticnerveiscomposedoftheaxonsofretinalganglioncells(RGC).Opticnerveaxotomycausedrapiddegenerationoftheaxonsandmorethan90%oftheRGCdiedbyapoptosiswithin2weeks[1].AttemptsweremadetopreservetheinjuriedRGCbychangingtheenvironmentorbyupregulatingintrinsicgrowthfactorssurroundingtheRGC[2].Apoptosisisaregulatedprocessunderthecontrolofproteins.TheBcl鄄2genefamilyisoneofthemostimportanta…  相似文献   

PurposeTo evaluate the integrative potential of neural stem cells (NSCs) with the visual system and characterize effects on the survival and axonal regeneration of axotomized retinal ganglion cells (RGCs).MethodsFor in vitro studies, primary, postnatal rat RGCs were directly cocultured with human NSCs or cultured in NSC-conditioned media before their survival and neurite outgrowth were assessed. For in vivo studies, human NSCs were transplanted into the transected rat optic nerve, and immunohistology of the retina and optic nerve was performed to evaluate RGC survival, RGC axon regeneration, and NSC integration with the injured visual system.ResultsIncreased neurite outgrowth was observed in RGCs directly cocultured with NSCs. NSC-conditioned media demonstrated a dose-dependent effect on RGC survival and neurite outgrowth in culture. NSCs grafted into the lesioned optic nerve modestly improved RGC survival following an optic nerve transection (593 ± 164 RGCs/mm2 vs. 199 ± 58 RGCs/mm2; P < 0.01). Additionally, RGC axonal regeneration following an optic nerve transection was modestly enhanced by NSCs transplanted at the lesion site (61.6 ± 8.5 axons vs. 40.3 ± 9.1 axons, P < 0.05). Transplanted NSCs also differentiated into neurons, received synaptic inputs from regenerating RGC axons, and extended axons along the transected optic nerve to incorporate with the visual system.ConclusionsHuman NSCs promote the modest survival and axonal regeneration of axotomized RGCs that is partially mediated by diffusible NSC-derived factors. Additionally, NSCs integrate with the injured optic nerve and have the potential to form neuronal relays to restore retinofugal connections.  相似文献   

目的:通过观察视网膜神经节细胞(RGCs)计数和视网膜、视神经超微结构及形态学变化,研究疏肝通窍法保护高眼压损害的视神经的作用机制,为开发保护青光眼视神经的有效中药方剂提供参考。方法:实验研究。以SD大鼠为实验动物,右眼前房注射复方卡波姆溶液建立慢性高眼压模型(90只)。将不同时间窗(1周、2周、3周)的慢性高眼压大鼠模型分别分为模型组(5只)、阴性对照组(5只)、阳性对照组(5只)、低剂量通窍明目4号治疗组(低剂量治疗组) (10 gkg-1d-1,5只)、中剂量治疗组(20 gkg-1d-1,5 只)和高剂量治疗组(40 gkg-1d-1,5 只),以具有疏肝通窍作用的通窍明目4 号灌胃为干预手段,运用CMIAS系列数码医学图像分析系统观察RGCs计数,电镜观察视网膜、视神经超微结构,采用one-way ANOVA法和LSD法进行数据分析。结果:①RGCs计数:随着高眼压持续的时间延长,RGCs计数逐渐减少(F=87.67、29.69、33.38、38.03、33.67、23.36,P<0.001),经药物治疗后,高眼压持续1周、2周和3周各组的高中剂量治疗组RGCs的存活量明显增加,与阴性对照组和阳性对照组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001)。②模型组和阴性对照组视网膜结构排列紊乱,厚度变薄,空泡变性,细胞萎缩坏死,各治疗组视网膜的结构紊乱减轻,各层厚度略增加,空泡变性减少,细胞萎缩程度减轻。③模型组和阴性对照组视神经轴突排列紊乱,密度降低,微丝溶解,空泡样变,细胞器肿胀破坏,髓鞘变性,各治疗组视神经髓鞘的水肿程度减轻,髓索的变性有所修复,线粒体的水肿程度也减轻。结论:通窍明目4 号可以改善高眼压大鼠模型RGCs生存的微环境,保护未受损的细胞,修复轻度受损的RGCs,延缓或阻止部分受损细胞的下行性改变,减少高眼压大鼠模型RGCs的凋亡。疏肝通窍法对青光眼视神经损害具有保护作用。  相似文献   

The authors describe the first paediatric patient with an aggressive optic nerve tumour of uncertain histology causing a central retinal vein occlusion, retinochoroidal collaterals, arteriovenous anastomoses, and peripheral retinal non-perfusion. He first presented with pale optic nerve head, followed by development of optic disc oedema a year later. Certain optic nerve tumours can present with central retinal vein occlusion in the paediatric age group.  相似文献   

目的:研究小鼠视神经损伤后不同时间点视神经小胶质细胞的数目与形态变化。方法:实验研究。选取32只成年雄性健康CX3CR1—/GFP转基因杂交小鼠,按照随机数字表法将小鼠随机分为正常对照组、视神经损伤1、7、14 d组,每组8只。视神经损伤组均在左眼建立视神经夹伤模型,右眼不处理,正常对照组不做任何处理。分别于上述时间点制备小鼠视神经冰冻切片,每根视神经取3张切片(30 μm),采用共聚焦显微镜在距离眼球端500 μm处拍摄图像,比较小胶质细胞的数量和形态变化。4组小胶质细胞数目比较采用单因素方差分析。结果:正常对照组、视神经损伤1、7和14 d组的视神经小胶质细胞数目分别为(438±16)个/mm2、(323±15)个/mm2、(1 252±107)个/mm2、(1 474±113)个/mm2。视神经损伤7、14 d组小胶质细胞数量明显多于正常对照组和视神经损伤1 d组,差异均有统计学意义(均 P<0.001)。正常对照组的视神经小胶质细胞均匀分布,细胞核较小,分枝细长并向四周伸展。视神经损伤1 d组,小胶质细胞分枝数量减少,细胞核形态变化不明显。损伤7 d组的视神经小胶质细胞大量激活,排列较紊乱,存在少量细胞聚集现象,分枝短而粗,且越靠近细胞核分枝越粗,细胞核体积明显增大。视神经损伤14 d组,视神经小胶质细胞形态与损伤7 d组类似。结论:小鼠视神经夹持损伤后,视神经小胶质细胞初期数目减少,随着损伤时间延长,小胶质细胞数目大量增加,且形 态由分枝状变为阿米巴样。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate the variation in retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL), optic nerve head (ONH) and macular measurements in healthy Turkish subjects using Stratus optical coherence tomography (OCT). The design is a cross-sectional study of 398 eyes in 199 normal subjects aged between 5 and 70 years. The participants underwent a detailed ophthalmologic examination including imaging with Stratus OCT. RNFL, optic disc and macula fast scan methods were used to obtain the peripapillary RNFL thickness, ONH and macular parameters. The effects on the findings of age, gender and laterality of the eye tested were assessed. The average RNFL thickness and the thickness measured in the superior and temporal quadrants were statistically significantly negatively correlated with age. Similar results were found for mean macular thickness, macular RNFL thickness and for total macular volume. There was no effect of age on ONH measurements. The RNFL thickness in the temporal quadrant was significantly greater in females than in males (p<0.05). The mean macular thickness in 1–3?mm was greater in males than in females (p<0.05). The nasal RNFL thickness was significantly thicker in the right eyes than in the left eyes (p<0.05). We conclude that, in healthy subjects, as age increases there is a significant reduction in peripapillary and macular RNFL thickness and in macular thickness and volume. The hypothesis that RNFL and macular measurements are not symmetrical between the two eyes merits further study.  相似文献   

Purpose: To study the densities and distribution of retinal ganglion cells (RGC) in adultrat retinae with flurogold(FG) labeling retogradely.Methods: FG was injected to the superior colliculi(SC) and dorsal lateral geniculatenuclei (dLGN) in adult rats and the retinae were examined by fluorescence microscopyat various periods of time.Results: FG-labelled RGC were observed in the retina as early as 3 days after applicationof FG. The labelled cells gradually increased in density, reached 95% of the maximalnumber on days 7 and the maximal number on days 30. The density of labelled cellswas higher in the posterior pole than in the peripheral area. The fluorescence intensity inlabelled cells maintained up to 60 days.Conclusion: The FG retrograde labeling method is reliable and effective for quantity ofRGC. Eye Science 2000; 16: 29 - 33.  相似文献   

Purpose:To set up the Sharma‘s chronic intraocular hypertension model and investigate the intraocular pressure (IOP) as well as the optic nerve damage of this model in rat.Methods :The operations of the chronic intraocular hypertension model were performed as described by Sharma in 60 male Lewis albino rats. IOP was measured using the TonoPen XL immediately after surgery and then at 5 day, 2 week or 4 week intervals. Cresyl violet staining of whole-mounted retinas was used to label retinal ganglion cells (RGCs),then RGCs were counted. Paraphenylenediamine (PPD) staining was performed in the semi-thin cross sections of optic nerve of rat, in order to know whether the axons of optic nerve were degenerated or not.Results:There were 47 rats with higher IOP after the episcleral veins cauterized in 60 rats. The ratio of elevated IOP was 78.3%. The IOPs were stable in 4 weeks. After cresyl violet staining, the RGCs loss was 11.0% and 11.3% was found in the central and peripheral retina respectively after 2 weeks of increased IOP. After 4 weeks of increased IOP, the loss of RGCs was 17% for the central retina and 24.6% for the peripheral retina. In the retinas without higher IOP, there was no loss of RGCs. PPD staining showed that optic nerve of rat with about 5.3% damage of axons located at the superior temporal region. Region of affected optic nerve 1 mm posterior to the globe by light microscope showed evidence of damaged axons with axonal swelling and myelin debris.Conclusion:Sharma‘s chronic intraocular hypertension model is a reproducible and effective glaucoma model, which mimics human glaucoma with chronically elevation IOP and induced RGCs loss and damage of optic nerve.  相似文献   

Purpose: To demonstrate the effects of optic nerve ischemia on retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) and the associated visual dysfunction.Methods: 23 patients (25 eyes) with anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (AION) underwent fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA), and then red-free light pictures were taken via SE-40 exceiter filter. All pictures were printed for RNFL analysis. Humphrey central field analysis was conducted. All data obtained from FFA and visual field defects were analysed statistically.Results: The RNFL defects and the corresponding visual field defects were presented in 23 of 25 eyes (92%). The optic disc filling defects, RNFL defects and visual field defects were found to be highly correspondent to each other. The RNFL defects were mainly the local losses of RNFL which were correspondent to the ischemic regions.Conclusion: The poor optic disc filling or ischemia can result in the RNFL defects which cause the associated visual dysfunction. Because RNFL defects are irrever-siable changes, th  相似文献   

Background Optic tract syndrome (OTS) is characterized by incongruous homonymous hemianopia and a perpendicular pattern of bilateral optic atrophy due to the optic tract lesion. However, loss of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (RNFLT) associated with OTS has not been quantitatively assessed.Case A 20-year-old woman with blunt head trauma showed normal visual acuity, color vision, ocular motility, and intraocular pressure. Because of a relative afferent pupillary defect in her left eye and left-sided homonymous hemianopia, we suspected right-sided optic tract damage, although magnetic resonance imaging detected no intracranial lesion.Observations Using optical coherence tomography (OCT), the RNFLT of this case was measured at 31 months after the trauma and compared with age-matched normal controls (n = 41). Nasal, temporal, superior, and inferior quadrant RNFLT was reduced by 22%, 21%, 5%, and 46% in the right eye and 76%, 64%, 25%, and 27% in the left eye, respectively. The reduction was > 3 × the standard deviation of the normal mean values in the nasal and temporal quadrants of the left eye and in the inferior quadrant of the right eye.Conclusions OCT can determine the RNFLT reduction corresponding to the characteristic patterns of optic atrophy of OTS. Jpn J Ophthalmol 2005;49:294–296 © Japanese Ophthalmological Society 2005  相似文献   



To determine whether α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propioate (AMPA) receptor (AMPAR) subunit proteins are expressed in cultured retinal ganglion cells (RGCs).


RGCs were purified from dissociated rat retinal cells (postnatal days 6–8), using a modified two-step panning method and cultured in serum-free medium containing neurotrophic factors and forskolin. Immunohistochemistry was performed on cultured RGCs on days 1, 3, and 7 in vitro (1 DIV, 3 DIV, and 7 DIV) using specific antibodies against AMPAR subunits GluR1 to 4 and microtubule-associated protein (MAP) 2, which is a neuronal marker. Glutamate-induced Ca2+ influx was measured with fura-2 acetoxymethyl ester fluorescence.


GluR1 to 4 proteins were expressed in the cell body of RGCs on 1 DIV. RGCs showed strong GluR1 to 4 immunoreactivity in both cell bodies and processes on 3 DIV and 7 DIV, with the gradual spreading of expression and the growth of processes. At all time points examined, GluR2 immunoreactivity was equal to that of the other subunits. Accumulation of intracellular Ca2+ levels in RGCs induced by glutamate occurred equally on both 3 DIV and 7 DIV.


All AMPAR subunits are almost equally expressed in cultured RGCs.?Jpn J Ophthalmol 2006;50:217–223 © Japanese Ophthalmological Society 2006  相似文献   

PurposeAxon transport of organelles and neurotrophic factors is necessary for maintaining cellular function and survival of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). However, it is not clear how trafficking of mitochondria, essential for RGC growth and maturation, changes during RGC development. The purpose of this study was to understand the dynamics and regulation of mitochondrial transport during RGC maturation using acutely purified RGCs as a model system.MethodsPrimary RGCs were immunopanned from rats of either sex during three stages of development. MitoTracker dye and live-cell imaging were used to quantify mitochondrial motility. Analysis of single-cell RNA sequencing was used to identify Kinesin family member 5A (Kif5a) as a relevant motor candidate for mitochondrial transport. Kif5a expression was manipulated with either short hairpin RNA (shRNA) or exogenous expression adeno-associated virus viral vectors.ResultsAnterograde and retrograde mitochondrial trafficking and motility decreased through RGC development. Similarly, the expression of Kif5a, a motor protein that transports mitochondria, also decreased during development. Kif5a knockdown decreased anterograde mitochondrial transport, while Kif5a expression increased general mitochondrial motility and anterograde mitochondrial transport.ConclusionsOur results suggested that Kif5a directly regulates mitochondrial axonal transport in developing RGCs. Future work exploring the role of Kif5a in vivo in RGCs is indicated.  相似文献   

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