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目的:测试石杉碱甲对自然衰老及东莨菪碱导致的空间记忆缺损的作用。方法:采用大鼠的水迷宫操作,检测石杉碱甲对获得及记忆的作用。结果:连续7天获得试验期间,皮下注射石杉碱甲0.1-0.2mg/kg能明显缩短老年大鼠找到平台的潜伏期。在第8天撤去平台的记忆测试,石杉碱甲0.1,0.2与0.4 mg/kg明显延长老年大鼠在该平台区的游泳时间。单次腹腔注射东莨菪碱0.1mg/kg明显损害已训练达标老年大鼠的空间记忆。皮下注射石杉碱甲0.4 mg/kg明显翻转东莨菪碱产生的记忆损害作用。结论:石杉碱甲能改善老年大鼠自然衰老或东莨菪碱产生的记忆障碍。  相似文献   

Bisphenol A (BPA), an environmental estrogen, is a component of many food and beverage containers and can leach into the container contents over time. Due to its estrogenic properties, exposure to BPA during development could alter the appropriate maturation of pathways essential for normal cognitive function at later ages. To investigate this, the effects of repeated postnatal exposure of male and female rats to BPA on spatial learning and memory were investigated using a Morris water maze. Breeders and offspring were maintained on a standard phytoestrogen-free diet. Oral administration of 72 microg/kg 17 beta-estradiol (E(2)), 100 microg/kg BPA (low BPA), 250 microg/kg BPA (high BPA), or the safflower oil vehicle was performed daily from postnatal d 1 (PND1) through PND14. There were no treatment-related effects on swimming ability or motivation (PND33) or on acquisition of maze solution (PND34-37). However, acquisition of maze performance was significantly better in control males than in control females. Treatment with E(2) and low BPA disrupted this normal gender-dependent pattern of acquisition, while treatment with high BPA did not. In a probe trial (PND40), females treated with high BPA spent significantly less time in the escape quadrant. These data indicate that E(2) and low dosages of BPA can alter the normal gender-dependent pattern of acquisition, while higher dosages of BPA alter the retention of spatial information without significantly affecting acquisition.  相似文献   

In the present studies we investigated the actions of ondansetron, a prototypic 5-hydroxytryptamine3 (5-HT3) receptor antagonist, on performance in a complex spatial navigation/memory task in rats. Specifically, we compared the activity of ondansetron to that of the cholinesterase inhibitor physostigmine in attenuating two distinct cognitive deficits in the Morris water maze. In the first model, rats treated with the muscarinic receptor antagonist atropine (30 mg/kg) had significantly longer latencies to find the submerged platform across two days of testing. Physostigmine (0.03, 0.1 and 0.3 mg/kg) and ondansetron (0.03–1 mg/kg) significantly reduced the latencies to find the submerged platform in atropine-treated animals, suggesting an increase in cognitive performance. There was little evidence of a dose-response relationship for either compound, and a loss of efficacy for ondansetron was seen at 3 mg/kg. In the second model, pre-screened, aged (23 months), cognition-impaired and nonimpaired rats were tested. Ondansetron (0.1 mg/kg), but not physostigmine (0.1 mg/kg), decreased the latencies to find the submerged platform in the aged-impaired rats, while neither compound improved performance of aged-nonimpaired rats. These data suggest that ondansetron may have cognition enhancing properties in animal models of aging and cholinergic hypofunction.  相似文献   

Statins play a crucial role in reducing the risk of death from cardiovascular disease in millions of people worldwide. Recently, pharmacovigilance data has suggested that statin drugs may have rare but significant adverse psychiatric effects, such as amnesia, anxiety and even aggression. In order to investigate the effects of statins on cognitive function in an animal model, we studied the effect of 6 weeks of daily administration of oral simvastatin (1 mg/kg) or atorvastatin (0.5mg/kg) in guinea pig on performance in the Morris water maze (MWM). Animals were also re-tested in the MWM, 2 weeks after drug cessation, to test for any changes in performance as a result of drug de-challenge. Guinea pigs treated with either statin showed a significant (P<0.001) decrease in total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C), which remained partially reduced after the 2 week drug washout period. Guinea pigs receiving either statin did not show any difference in latency to reach the platform, nor any difference in total distance travelled during testing. Also, analysis of probe trials revealed no significant differences between drug and vehicle groups. However, both groups spent a significantly (P<0.01) greater proportion of time in the outer zone of the maze (indication of increased anxiety) and showed an increase in swimming speed (P<0.05) compared with the vehicle group. Differences between groups for swimming speed, and time spent in the outer zone, were not retained in the drug de-challenge phase. Our results show that low dose treatment with statins can induce mild but significant anxiety in guinea pigs.  相似文献   

Nefiracetam, a pyrrolidone derivative, is a nootropic agent that has facilitated cognitive function in a wide variety of animal models of cognitive dysfunction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of the chronic postinjury administration of nefiracetam (DM-9384) in improving cognitive performance following central fluid percussion brain injury in rats. Twenty-four hours following surgical preparation, a sham injury or a moderate fluid percussive injury (2.1 atm) was delivered. Nefiracetam was administered chronically (0 or 9 mg/kg, po, for sham animals and 0, 3, or 9 mg/kg for injured animals) on postinjury days 1-15. Cognitive performance was assessed using the Morris water maze (MWM) on postinjury days 11-15. Chronic administration of 3 and 9 mg/kg nefiracetam attenuated MWM deficits produced by central fluid percussive brain injury. Importantly, the MWM performance of the injured animals treated with 9 mg/kg did not significantly differ from uninjured, sham animals. The 9-mg/kg dose of nefiracetam did not have a positive or negative effect on MWM performance of uninjured animals. The results of the present experiment suggest that a nootropic such as nefiracetam may be an appropriate treatment for trauma-induced cognitive dysfunction.  相似文献   

The effects of the peripherally administered neuropeptide substance P (SP) on spatial learning capacities were investigated in 27-month-old rats using a water-maze task. Old rats were injected intraperitoneally once daily for 6 days with 50 or 250 µg/kg SP or vehicle 30 min prior to acquisition trials. Improvement in maze performance was observed following injections of 250 µg/kg SP only. Furthermore, vehicle-treated old rats showed significantly poorer acquisition rates than vehicle-treated 12-week-old rats. Thus, the improvement in performance after the 250 µg/kg dose of SP can be interpreted in terms of a compensation of performance deficit in the old rats.  相似文献   

目的通过研究脑室注射β-淀粉样蛋白(Aβ)单体后的老年大鼠异氟醚(I)、七氟醚(S)或异丙酚(P)麻醉对Morris水迷宫训练成绩的影响。方法100只20个月龄的雄性老年大鼠分为对照组、Aβ1组、Aβ2组、Aβ3组、I+生理盐水(NS)组、I+Aβ1组、S+NS组、S+Aβ1组、P+NS组、P+Aβ1组。麻醉后2周进行Mor-ris水迷宫训练。结果Aβ2组、Aβ3组、I+NS组和S+NS组老年大鼠记忆质量下降(P<0.05),I+Aβ1组和S+Aβ1组老年大鼠空间记忆能力进一步下降(P<0.05);P+NS组与P+Aβ1组老年大鼠均表现出学习速度下降(P<0.05)。结论吸入麻醉药和脑室内Aβ1-40单体共同作用下进一步影响老年大鼠学习记忆功能,异丙酚却无此方面作用。  相似文献   

目的:研究吗啡及胆碱能系统的药物对大鼠空间学习能力的影响 方法:应用Morris水迷宫学习程序研究吗啡处理大鼠的空间学习能力及其在东莨菪碱和毒扁豆碱作用下的变化.结果:高剂量吗啡(10mg/kg)和低剂量吗啡(3mg/kg)对大鼠学习能力的影响差异有显著性;东莨菪碱(3mg/kg)和吗啡(10mg/kg)联合给药,可以使吗啡时学习能力的损害进一步加重;毒扁豆碱(0.1mg/kg)可以改善吗啡所致的学习能力损害,但不能完全逆转.结论:吗啡损害大鼠空间学习能力,已存在量-效关系;胆碱能系统与吗啡处理大鼠空间学习能力关系密切,有可能影响成瘾的发生及治疗.  相似文献   

目的 探讨银杏叶提取物对东莨菪碱所致大鼠空间工作记忆障碍的影响.方法 大鼠随机分成3组:正常组、东莨菪碱组和银杏叶治疗组.水迷宫试验,东莨菪碱组按0.4mg/kg腹腔注射,以后每天注射等体积生理盐水,连用6d.正常对照组每天注射与东莨菪碱等体积的生理盐水连用6d;银杏叶治疗组按10mg/kg腹腔注射,1次/d,连用6d.1周后进行Morris水迷宫试验,观察3组大鼠平台逃避潜伏期,并与实验后第1天比较.结果 两次逃避潜伏期在正常组呈非常显著性差异(46.4±17.7,13.4±8.2,P<0.01)东莨菪碱组无统计学差异(23.6±14.3,18.1±9.8,P>0.05),银杏叶组呈显著性差异(27.9±14.3,9.0±3.8,P<0.05).结论 M-型胆碱能受体阻滞剂东莨菪碱能损害大鼠空间工作记忆,银杏叶提取物能改善这种损害,说明银杏叶提取物是通过影响胆碱能系统来发挥其促智作用的.  相似文献   

目的探讨银杏叶提取物对东莨菪碱所致大鼠空间工作记忆障碍的影响。方法大鼠随机分成3组:正常组、东莨菪碱组和银杏叶治疗组。水迷宫试验,东莨菪碱组按0.4mg/kg腹腔注射,以后每天注射等体积生理盐水,连用6d。正常对照组每天注射与东莨菪碱等体积的生理盐水连用6d;银杏叶治疗组按10mg/kg腹腔注射,1次/d,连用6d。1周后进行Morris水迷宫试验,观察3组大鼠平台逃避潜伏期,并与实验后第1天比较。结果两次逃避潜伏期在正常组呈非常显著性差异(46.4±17.7,13.4±8.2,P<0.01)东莨菪碱组无统计学差异(23.6±14.3,18.1±9.8,P>0.05),银杏叶组呈显著性差异(27.9±14.3,9.0±3.8,P<0.05)。结论M-型胆碱能受体阻滞剂东莨菪碱能损害大鼠空间工作记忆,银杏叶提取物能改善这种损害,说明银杏叶提取物是通过影响胆碱能系统来发挥其促智作用的。  相似文献   

Type 2 diabetes(T2D)and Alzheimer’s disease(AD)share several common pathophysiological features.Huperzine A(Hup A),a Lycopodium alkaloid extracted from the Chinese herb moss Huperzia serrata,is a specific and reversible inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase,which is clinically used for the treatment of AD.In this study,we investigated whether Hup A improved the metabolic and cognitive functions in the high fat-induced(HFD)obese mice and genetic ob/ob mice.HFD and ob/ob mice were treated with Hup A(0.1,0.3 mg·kg^?1·d^?1,ig)for 3 months.Body weight was monitored and glucose tolerance tests were performed.Novel object recognition test and Morris water maze assay were conducted to evaluate the cognitive functions.We found that the Hup A treatment had no significant effect on peripheral metabolism of obese mice,whereas Hup A(0.1,mg·kg^?1·d^?1)improved both the abilities of object recognition and spatial memory in HFD-fed mice,but not in ob/ob mice.Furthermore,Hup A treatment significantly upregulated the insulin and phosphorylated Akt levels in the cortex of HFD-fed mice,but not ob/ob mice.In addition,Hup A(0.3,mg·kg^?1·d^?1)significantly decreased corticalβ-secretase(BACE1)expression.In conclusion,these results demonstrate that treatment with Hup A(0.1,mg·kg^?1·d^?1)can effectively improve the cognitive functions,at least in diet-induced obese mice.  相似文献   

Although the mechanism of action of acetaminophen (AAP) is not fully understood, some studies suggest that AAP and phenacetin (PHE) are selective cyclooxygenase (COX)-3 inhibitors. To examine the participation of COX-3 in memory formation, water maze performance was studied in mice treated with AAP, PHE or other COX inhibitors. Mice received intraperitoneal injections of drugs immediately after each training session. Administration of high-dose AAP [302.3 mg/kg (IC50 for COX-2)] or PHE [179.2 mg/kg (IC50 for COX-2)] and of non-specific (indomethacin: 20 mg/kg) or specific COX-2 (NS-398: 10 mg/kg) inhibitor impaired the performance in hidden platform (HP) not visible platform (VP) tasks, whereas low-dose (15.1 mg/kg) AAP facilitated performance in HP and VP tasks. The facilitation of performance by low-dose AAP was reversed by co-administration with a 5-HT(1/2) receptor antagonist (methysergide: 0.47 mg/kg). The middle-dose [69.5 mg/kg (IC50 for COX-3)] of AAP, the PHE [17.9 mg/kg (IC50 for COX-3)] and a specific COX-1 inhibitor (piroxicam: 10-20 mg/kg) did not influence performance in either task. These results suggest that the memory impairment by high-dose AAP and PHE and facilitation of performance by low-dose AAP could involve endogenous COX-2 and serotonergic neuronal activity, but not COX-3, respectively.  相似文献   

Intermittent swim stress (ISS) exposes a rat to cold water and the effects of the procedure produce detrimental results on activity measures 24 h later. The ISS model can be used with the Morris water maze (MWM) to investigate the impact of stress on a spatial learning and memory task, known to involve the hippocampus. We investigated if the ISS model produced performance deficits in the MWM (experiments 1 and 2). We also investigated the role of norepinephrine by using an alpha-2 adrenergic agonist (i.e., clonidine) to exacerbate ISS-induced deficits (experiment 3), and using antidepressants (i.e., desipramine and reboxetine) that enhance the synaptic availability of norepinephrine to reduce ISS-induced deficits (experiments 4 and 5). Results indicated a main effect for stress in all experiments, with the exception of experiment 2, as ISS did induce performance deficits in the MWM. Clonidine enhanced ISS-induced deficits only in the learning trials, while desipramine and reboxetine reduced ISS-induced deficits in the learning trials. Additionally, only reboxetine reduced memory deficits in the MWM. These findings provide evidence that norepinephrine may act as a partial mediator of ISS-induced deficits in MWM performance.  相似文献   

The effects of morphine and morphine withdrawal on memory performance were examined in mice by using Morris water maze task. Morphine-induced memory impairment at the doses of 5 and 10 mg/kg recovered after repeated administration. Oxotremorine, a muscarinic receptor agonist, at the dose of 0.1 mg/kg ip, and physostigmine, a cholinesterase inhibitor, at the dose of 0.1 mg/kg ip, significantly antagonized morphine (10 mg/kg sc)-induced memory impairment in mice. Furthermore, repeated naloxone (0.5 mg/kg ip) attenuated scopolamine (0.2 mg/kg ip)-induced memory impairment. By using escalating doses of morphine for 13 days, morphine-induced memory impairment was continuously maintained. When withdrawal was precipitated by naloxone (5 mg/kg ip), or administration of oxotremorine (0.1 and 0.2 mg/kg ip) or physostigmine (0.05 and 0.1 mg/kg ip), the impairment was completely reversed. These results suggest that morphine-induced memory impairment could be partially due to the inhibition of the central cholinergic activity.  相似文献   

Dong Z  Bai Y  Wu X  Li H  Gong B  Howland JG  Huang Y  He W  Li T  Wang YT 《Neuropharmacology》2013,64(1):65-73
Synaptic plasticity at hippocampal excitatory synapses has been proposed as the cellular mechanism underlying spatial learning and memory. However, most previous studies have focused on the role of long-term potentiation (LTP) in learning and memory, and much less is known about the role of long-term depression (LTD). Here, we report that hippocampal-dependent spatial learning in the Morris water maze facilitated hippocampal CA1 LTD induction in?vivo. The LTD can be blocked by systemic application of the selective GluN2B antagonist Ro25-6981 (6?mg/kg, i.p.) or a synthetic peptide Tat-GluA2(3Y) (3?μmol/kg, i.p.) that interferes with the endocytosis of AMPA receptors. In addition, systemic or intrahippocampal administration of these two mechanistically and structurally distinct inhibitors impaired spatial reversal learning of a novel target location, when the hidden platform was moved to the quadrant opposite the initial target location. Notably, acute elevated-platform stress, which facilitates hippocampal LTD induction, enhanced both acquisition and retrieval of spatial reversal memory. The present study demonstrates that reversal learning is impaired by blocking hippocampal LTD, and enhanced by facilitating hippocampal LTD, suggesting that hippocampal LTD may be necessary and sufficient to mediate new information processing. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled 'Cognitive Enhancers'.  相似文献   

Functional consequences of hypothyroidism include impaired learning and memory and inability to produce long-term potentiation (LTP) in hippocampus. Olibanum has been used for variety of therapeutic purposes. In traditional medicine, oilbanum is used to enhance learning and memory. In the present study the effect of olibanum on memory deficit in hypothyroid rats was investigated. Male wistar rats were divided into four groups and treated for 180 days. Group 1 received tap drinking water while in group 2, 0.03% methimazol was added to drinking water. Group 3 and 4 were treated with 0.03% methimazole as well as 100 and 500 mg/kg olibanum respectively. The animals were tested in Morris water maze. The swimming speed was significantly lower and the distance and time latency were higher in group 2 compared with group 1. In groups 3 and 4 the swimming speed was significantly higher while, the length of the swim path and time latency were significantly lower in comparison with group 2. It is concluded that methimazole-induced hypothyroidism impairs learning and memory in adult rats which could be prevented by using olibanum.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the efficacy of novel therapeutics for potential treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD) requires an animal model that develops age‐related cognitive deficits reproducibly between independent groups of investigators. Herein we assessed comparative temporal changes in spatial memory function in two commercially available transgenic mouse models of AD using the Morris water maze (MWM), incorporating both visible and hidden platform training. Individual cohorts of cDNA‐based ‘line 85’‐derived double‐transgenic mice coexpressing the ‘Swedish’ mutation of amyloid precursor protein (APPSwe) and the presenillin 1 (PS1) ‘dE9’ mutation were assessed in the MWM at mean ages of 3.6, 9.3 and 14.8 months. We found significant deficits in spatial memory retention in APPSwe/PS1dE9 mice aged 3.6 months and robust deficits in spatial memory acquisition and retention in APPSwe/PS1dE9 mice aged 9.3 months, with a further significant decline by age 14.8 months. β‐Amyloid deposits were present in brain sections by 7.25 months of age. In contrast, MWM studies with individual cohorts (aged 4–21 months) of single‐transgenic genomic‐based APPSwe mice expressing APPSwe on a yeast artificial chromosomal (YAC) construct showed no significant deficits in spatial memory acquisition until 21 months of age. There were no significant deficits in spatial memory retention up to 21 months of age and β‐amyloid deposits were not present in brain sections up to 24 months of age. These data, generated using comprehensive study designs, show that APPSwe/PS1dE9 but not APPSwe YAC mice appear to provide a suitably robust model of AD for efficacy assessment of novel AD treatments in development.  相似文献   

Rationale Neonatal administration of methamphetamine (MA) to rats from postnatal day (P) 11 to 20, but not from P1 to P10, produces lasting deficits in spatial learning and memory. The preweaning period of development in the rat corresponds to human third trimester hippocampal development and because of the increased use of MA in women of childbearing age, there is a greater likelihood that fetuses will be exposed to this drug. Development of the hippocampus is dependent upon many factors, including an optimal level of corticosterone (CORT). We have demonstrated that the CORT response of animals on P11 to MA is protracted relative to administration on P15 or P20. Interestingly, the P11 animals are still in the stress hyporesponsive period. Objectives We postulated that because of the prolonged CORT response on P11, the effects of MA on spatial learning and memory may be confined to a shorter period of exposure. Methods Neonatal rats were administered MA (10 mg/kg) 4 times daily from either P11 to P15 or from P16 to P20, raised to adulthood and tested against animals only administered saline (SAL) from P11 to P20 for anxiety, swimming ability, and spatial learning and memory. Results Animals exposed to MA, regardless of exposure period, tended to be less anxious in the Zero maze relative to SAL animals. No differences were noted for swimming ability. Only animals exposed to MA from P11 to P15 demonstrated deficits in spatial learning and memory during acquisition as well as during a shifted platform phase where learning a new position was required. Conclusions The results demonstrate that spatial learning and memory deficits produced by MA administration are dependent upon when the exposure of the animal occurs and appears to be during the period of development in the rat when the response to threatening environments, stressors, is greatly reduced.  相似文献   

The present investigation assessed the effects of 2-methyl-6-(phenylethynyl)-pyridine (MPEP) on acquisition and reference memory in the Morris water maze in young adult rats aged 3-month and old rats aged 26-month. MPEP reduced the swim speed of the young adult rats during acquisition, shortened the distance they covered and reduced their swim speed in the probe trial. The untreated old rats had impaired acquisition of spatial learning, shortened distance and a lower swim speed in the probe trial in comparison with young rats. MPEP did not influence the activity of the old rats in the water maze. In summary, MPEP did not influence acquisition of spatial learning and reference memory in the young adult and old rats.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of intracerebroventricular administration of a 5-ht6 antisense oligonucleotide (AO) complementary to bases 1-18 of the rat 5-ht6 cDNA initiation sequence (Mol. Pharmacol. 43 (1993) 320) (1.5 microg twice daily for six days) and i.p. injection of a selective 5-ht6 receptor antagonist Ro 04-6790 (10 or 30 mg/kg once daily for three days) on acquisition and retention in the Morris water maze. Neither the 5-ht6 AO (which reduced cortical [3H]-LSD binding sites by 10-16%) nor Ro 04-6790 affected acquisition, but both enhanced retention of the learned platform position such that rats spent significantly longer searching the trained platform position than any other area during the probe tests. Furthermore, neither AO nor Ro 04-6790 had any effect on the time taken to reach a raised visible platform, indicating that visual acuity was unimpaired. In addition, AO reduced both food consumption and body weight and the later effect was also seen following Ro 04-6790, suggesting a role for the 5-ht6 receptor in the regulation of feeding. Hence, while the underlying mechanism remains unclear, enhanced retention of spatial learning following both AO and 5-ht6 antagonist administration strongly indicate a role for this receptor in memory processes.  相似文献   

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