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The Chinese Medical Journal, a general periodi-cal published in English, is one of the leading jour-nals of its kind in the developing countries.The journal is originated from the China Medi-cal Missionary Journal, the first issue of which cameoff the press in March 1887. In 1908, its title was ch-anged to the China Medical Journal which amalga-mated in January 1932 with the English section ofthe National Medical Journal of China to form theChinese Medical Journal. The year of 1994 marksthe 107th anniversary of the journal. Through the vi-cissitudes of over a century, it has grown up from aquarterly missionary medical periodical to a regularmonthly, introducing advances in China's medicalscience and technology. The journal is intended toserve senior clinicians and medical scientists with em-  相似文献   

IncommemorationoftheonehundredandtenthanniversaryoftheChineseMedicalJournalTenyearshaveelapsedsinceourcelebrationofthecentena...  相似文献   

TheChineseMedicalJournal (CMJ)ispublishedmonthlyinEnglishbytheChinsesMedicalJournalAssociation ,andisapeer reviewedgeneralmedicaljournal,editedforalldoctors,researchers,andhealthworkersregardlessofmedicalspecialtyortypeofemployment Establishedin 1887,itisthe…  相似文献   

Journal of Nanjing Medical University, a citation source of China Science and Technology papers, sponsored by Nanjing Medical University, was established in 1987. It is a bimonthly comprehensive medical English journal, published in China and abroad. And it has been embodied by many famous international  相似文献   

Heaven-human-earth Pattern (HHE) regarded as a crucial conception of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been applied extensively in TCM diagnostics, etiology, acupuncture therapeutics, materia medica and herbal formula, etc. It associates closely with Chinese classic cosmology. Since ancient time of China, many cosmic phenomena have been introduced to prove or illustrate TCM theories. Moreover, the five-element theory has been proven to be in keeping with some modern approaches of life provenance and life evolution. As a result, Chinese materia medica develops in a way of a pure natural medicine. It is of great significance that by realizing the natural features, the public nowadays can understand TCM better in its scientific connotations.  相似文献   

Serving health of the human is the only purpose of any school of medical science. Traditional medical science is a summary of ancient medical science and modern medical science is an achievement of latter-day medical science, and both of them need developing, but it is impossible to run parallel with each other, so merging them should be done. Medical science is the natural science, which would be affected by region, nationality and culture that affected social science more greatly. Natural science has differences but not repels each other and not set contradictorily against. What is science? Science is an inherent rule of development of nature; understanding to it has been always limited unavoidably. Regard the animal, plant and micro organism on the earth as a biosphere, struggle each other, will inevitably find the smell is the tie of binding three circles of living beings in interdependence, because the smell is the three circle only biological language that can all be understood of living beings, every living beings release smell as tool of information interchange, it's a pity that the view of "any life entity have sense of smell" is unknown to the public.  相似文献   

As we, the members of the present editorial board and all the editors of Chinese Medical Journal (CMJ),celebrate the 120th anniversary of the joumal, the first and the most important thing that we should do is to pay our tribute to the founders of the journal and many others who worked for the journal as editors and members of the past editorial boards, the authors and readers of the journal and all the individuals and organizations that supported the journal for its existence and development during the past 120 years.  相似文献   

NationalappraisalofscientificjournalsinBeijing:ChineseMedicalJournalmadeahitagainWangDe王德TheSecondNationalAppraisaloftheScien...  相似文献   

This paper strongly rejects the notion that the use of biomedical terms to represent traditional Chinese medical concepts is helpful to the internationalization of Chinese medicine. It further argues that this practice destroys the integrity and independence of Chinese medical concepts. Taking the term风火眼feng huo yan as an example, it shows that the biomedical term "acute conjunctivitis" often suggested as the translation for this term is unsatisfactory, because (1) the clinical reference is not identical, (2) it introduces the concepts of "conjunctiva" and "inflammation", which are not Chinese medical concepts, and (3) destroys the Chinese medical concepts "wind" and "fire" expressed in the Chinese, which reflect the way the disease is traditionally diagnosed and treated. While for English readers not familiar with Chinese medicine, "acute conjunctivitis" may be immediately intelligible, for those seeking a deep understanding of the subject, the literal translation (loan translation) "wind-fire eye" is much more helpful. This paper supports these arguments with numerous other examples.  相似文献   

JAMA是享誉世界的综合性医学周刊 (www.ama.org/ public/ journals/ jama) ,月发行量十几万份 .其网络版做得朴实无华 ,与新英格兰医学杂志之华丽无法比较 .主页为排列式文字链接 .其网络版突出之处设有最近新闻一栏 .美国医学会下辖十几个医学专业期刊 ,该栏将 JAMA和其他各期刊上最重要文章的摘要收入其中 ,基本可反映美国医学界的主要学术动态 . JAMA在线期刊不仅提供本周出版的 JAMA目录和文摘 ,还提供下周即将出版期的目录和文摘 .该刊还设有医学继续教育栏 ,对年轻医师的成长是一种非常有益的辅导和帮助 .该刊还设有适于学生阅…  相似文献   

Quality of Life (QOL) is a multiphase conception, including physical, mental and social factors, and can overall reflect health status of the human. At present, QOL has become a relevant measure of efficacy of treatment in clinical trials. Its use is spreading, and its importance is growing as a valid indicator of whether or not a medical treatment is  相似文献   

ForewordforthePublicationoftheEnglishEditionoftheChineseJournalofIntegratedTraditionalandWesternMedicineIthasbeenfifteenyears...  相似文献   

[UseTermsfromtheMedicalSubjectHeadings(MeSH)]absorbeddose99Tcm-labeledhumanimmunoglobulinGinhumanbody:biodistribution,pharmacokineticsandabsorbeddosecalculationZhangYuminetal(4):342actionpotentialVariabilityofconductionvelocityinunmyelinatednervefibersafterexcitationChiSuminetal(2):119acupunctureTheinfluenceofacupunctureonTXB2,6-Keto-PGF1αinrabbitswithacuteischemiccerebralapoplexy(Cerebralinfarction)LiFengetal(3):228adenosineProtectivemechanismofischemicpreconditioningagainstmyocardi…  相似文献   

<正>The year 2023 marks the 35th anniversary of the establishment of Biomedical and Environmental Sciences(BES) by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC).This milestone provides an opportunity to review past achievements and envisage future advancements.Thirty-Five-Year Progress and Achievements In 1988,Professor Chunming Chen,the founding Director General of the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine (CAPM,renamed the China CDC in 2002),established the...  相似文献   

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