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胸外科术后乳糜胸诊治分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘克定 《临床肺科杂志》2008,13(11):1447-1448
目的总结胸外科术后乳糜胸的诊治经验。方法分析我院31例胸外科术后发生乳糜胸的临床资料。结果出现乳糜胸的时间大多数为术后2~10d,26例经保守治疗治愈,5例再次开胸,其中4例治愈,1例术后仍再发,继续保守治疗治愈。结论胸外科术后乳糜胸大多数可经保守治疗治愈,再次开胸作为补救,若高度怀疑损伤胸导管及其主要分支应预防性束状盲扎胸导管。  相似文献   

病史摘要患者 .男性 ,5 1岁。咳嗽伴胸痛一周 ,无咯血 ,无明显气急 ,无畏寒发热。透示右下肺炎。于 1999年 10月 2 6日入院。既往无慢支史 ,否认高血压、冠心病、糖尿病及结核病史。饮黄酒 10余年 ,每日 2 5 0 ml,吸烟 80 0年支。查体 :T 37.5℃ ,P 90次 / min,R 18次 / min ,BP 135 / 75mm Hg,一般可 ,左锁骨上有一枚 1× 1.5 cm大淋巴结 ,活动度稍差 ,质地中等 ,表面尚光整 ,有轻压痛。颈静脉无怒张 ,气管居中 ,甲状腺未肿大。胸廓形态正常 ,右背下叩浊 ,呼吸音减弱 ,左背下可闻及少量湿罗音。心界正常范围 ,心率 90次 / min,律齐 ,未…  相似文献   

26例非创伤性乳糜胸临床分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
非创伤性乳糜胸发病率低,病死率高。我们收集了中山医院1957年4月~1998年10月间,共26例非创伤性乳糜胸病例,并随访2~15年或至死亡,作回顾性分析。对象与方法 26例患者中男17例,女9例。年龄17~72岁,平均年龄39岁。胸闷24例,咳嗽9例,胸痛5例。胸液:右侧6例,左侧7例,双侧13例。病因:大量骨溶解症、肝硬化失代偿各3例,肺结核、丝虫病各2例,纵隔肿瘤、胃癌、肺癌、肺炎、先天性淋巴管发育不良、硬皮病多发性肌炎重叠综合征各1例,原因不明10例。胸液乳白色11例,黄混色8例,粉红…  相似文献   

自发性乳糜胸6例临床分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乳糜胸是临床较为少见的疾病 ,约占胸腔积液的 2 % ,病死率高。本文收集自 1994年至 2 0 0 0年我院收治的 6例自发性乳糜胸进行分析。并结合文献进行讨论。1 临床资料6例患者中男性 3例 ,女性 3例 ,年龄 46~ 73岁 ,平均 6 7.8岁。胸闷 6例 ,咳嗽 3例 ,胸痛 1例 ,乏力 1例 ,体重减轻 1例。胸腔积液 :右侧 3例 ,左侧 1例 ,双侧 2例。病因 :肺癌、淋巴瘤、肝硬化失代偿各 1例 ,原因不明 3例。胸液乳白色 3例 ,混浊黄色 2例 ,粉红色 1例 ,离心后均未见清亮。乳糜定性阳性。蛋白定量 14.8g/ L~ 49.0 g/ L,平均 42 .1g/ L。其中 3例测定胸水…  相似文献   

胸部手术后乳糜胸是一种严重并发症,食管癌切除术是乳糜胸的常见原因之一.其发生率约为0.6%~2.5%,若采取非手术治疗,其死亡率约为50%[1].我院1987年7月~1998年12月共治疗9例老年性乳糜胸患者,现报告如下.  相似文献   

30例乳糜胸及乳糜腹临床分析   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  

胸导管的解剖与乳糜胸的防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胸膜腔内蓄积有乳糜液称为乳糜胸。大多数乳糜胸因胸导管创伤,肿瘤压迫或侵蚀胸导管所致,部分病例因胸导管畸形、扩张或囊肿样变易受损破裂而引起,丝虫病所引起者已很少见。近几十年来由于胸心血管外科手术的广泛开展,手术引起胸导管创伤的原因有所增加。食管癌术后乳糜胸的发生率为0.6%~2.5%,其他胸心外科手术后并发乳糜胸的比例尚未见报道。清楚了解胸导管的解剖并防治乳糜胸是一个不可忽视的重要课题。  相似文献   

乳糜胸是成人心脏手术后少见的并发症,多由于胸导管或其分支受到阻塞、损伤,乳糜溢出至胸膜腔所形成,可使患者出现蛋白质、能量缺乏,电解质紊乱,增加凝血障碍或感染的风险。如果不及时进行治疗,死亡率较高,保守治疗是成人心脏术后乳糜胸的首选治疗方法。现通过汇总分析近十年成人心脏术后发生乳糜胸的病例报道,对其发病机制和治疗策略进行综述。  相似文献   

段立  潘铁成  魏翔  胡敏  刘立刚 《山东医药》2009,49(26):71-72
目的探讨食管癌切除术后乳糜胸的防治方法。方法对1478例食管癌切除术患者的临床资料作回顾性分析。术中行预防性胸导管结扎者267例,发生乳糜胸4例(1.50%);未行预防性胸导管结扎者1211例,发生乳糜胸30例(2.48%)。结果34例乳糜胸中,22例经保守治疗治愈,12例经再次手术治愈。结论食管癌切除术中预防性胸导管结扎可降低乳糜胸的发生率。食管癌切除术后乳糜胸首选保守治疗,经保守治疗5—7d,胸腔引流量〉1000ml/d者应再次手术治疗。  相似文献   

胸导管损伤诊断与治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胸导管损伤主要并发于食管癌切除术 ,文献报道发生率为 0 9%~ 2 0 %。各种胸部手术都有因损伤胸导管而并发乳糜胸的可能。 1983年 8月至 1998年 10月我院共行食管癌手术 875例 ,术中发现胸导管损伤 12例 ,术后发生乳糜胸 6例 ,外伤胸导管损伤致乳糜胸 8例。现报告如下。资料与方法 本组 2 6例 ,男 17例 ,女 9例。年龄 5~ 6 8岁。 18例食管癌行食管切除术 ,中段 11例 ,上段 5例 ,下段 2例 ,均左侧开胸。癌肿长 3~ 8cm ,平均 5 5cm。术中均见明显肿瘤外侵 ,癌肿与周围组织粘连紧密 ,分离困难。 8例为闭合性胸外伤 ,其中 4例合并有…  相似文献   

No conservative treatments for chylothorax have yet been established, and surgical ligation of the thoracic duct is required in many cases. In the present study, we investigated the management of body fluid in a canine chylothorax model. Twelve beagle dogs were divided evenly into three groups: A, B, and C. Under general anesthesia, the thoracic duct was cut and opened, and the amount of lymph fluid leakage was measured. Intravenous extracellular fluid infusion was started at 5 mL/kg/h for the first 2 h, and then between 2 and 4 h, the infusion rate was increased to 10 mL/kg/h in group A and to 20 mL/kg/h in group B. During the first 2 h after cutting the thoracic duct, the mean lymph fluid leakage rates in groups A, B, and C were 0.466, 0.635, and 0.575 mL/kg/h, respectively. The rates of leakage did not differ significantly among the groups. Between 2 and 4 h, the mean rates of leakage were 0.750, 1.43, and 0.544 mL/kg/h, respectively, being significantly higher in groups A and B than in group C. The amount of lymph fluid ascending the thoracic duct correlates with the amount of intravenous fluid infusion. For the management of chylothorax, it is important to avoid fluid overload.  相似文献   

Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a rare progressive disease caused by infiltration of smooth muscle-like cells in lymph vessels as well as the lung. We report a case of pulmonary LAM in a 22-year-old female with shortness of breath, recurrent pneumothorax and chylous pleural effusions. Multiple ligation of thoracic in lower part of thoracic duct was performed and biopsy of thoracic duct confirmed the diagnosis of LAM. The operation was successful and the patient was discharged. Although the thoracic duct involvement is extensive, multiple ligation in lower part of thoracic duct may be a good choice.  相似文献   

目的 综合评价肺癌根治术后乳糜胸的诊治及疗效.方法 回顾性分析肺癌根治患者1473例的临床资料,并发乳糜胸者36例,分析乳糜胸发生的相关临床因素及临床特征.结果 肺癌根治术后乳糜胸发生率为2.4%;乳糜胸组的男性(83.3%)、吸烟史(75.0%)、肺部疾病史(41.7%)、糖尿病史(44.4%)、鳞癌(55.6%)、...  相似文献   

Postoperative chylothorax after injury of the thoracic duct during esophagectomy is a rare but severe complication which may lead to serious problems such as loss of fat and proteins, and immunodeficiency. Without treatment mortality can rise to over 50%. From 1988 to 2005, we treated 10 patients with postoperative chylothorax after 409 resections of the esophagus (2.4%). Of these 10 patients nine underwent transthoracic esophagectomy with gastric pull-up to enable an intrathoracic (n = 7) or cervical (n = 2) anastomosis and one patient received a transhiatal esophagectomy with gastric pull-up and cervical anastomosis. The average amount of postoperative chylus was 2205 mL (200-4500 mL) per day. After a median postoperative interval of 10 days, relaparotomy and transhiatal double ligation of the thoracic duct was performed in nine out of 10 patients. One patient could be managed conservatively. The average amount of chylus was reduced to 151 mL per day (90.5%). Seven patients had no complications, and three suffered from postoperative pneumonia. Two of the patients with pneumonia recovered, and one died. Discharge from hospital, after ligation of the thoracic duct, was possible after a median time of 18 days (11-52). Ligation of the thoracic duct via relaparotomy appeared to be a simple and safe method to treat postoperative chylothorax.  相似文献   

The transient occlusion of the terminal thoracic duct is a rare disease responsible for renitent supraclavicular cysts. The aim of this study was to describe the clinical characteristics, evolution, and treatment.A retrospective multicenter study and literature review was carried out. The literature search (PubMed) was conducted including data up to 31 December 2020 and PRISMA guidelines were respected.This study identified 6 observational cases between September 2010 and December 2020. The search results indicated a total of 24 articles of which 19 were excluded due to the lack of recurrent swelling or the unavailability of full texts (n = 5). Fourteen patients (8 from literature) mostly reported a noninflammatory, painless renitent mass in the supraclavicular fossa which appeared rapidly over a few hours and disappeared spontaneously over an average of 8 days (range: from about 2 hours to 10 days). Anamnesis indicated a high-fat intake during the preceding days in all cases and 7 from literature found in the Medline databases. Recurrences were noted in 10 patients. Thoracic duct imaging was performed in all cases to detect abnormalities or extrinsic compression as well as to eliminate differential diagnoses.A painless, fluctuating, noninflammatory, and recurrent swelling of the left supraclavicular fossa in patients evoking an intermittent obstruction of the terminal portion of the thoracic duct was identified. A low-fat diet was found as safe and effective treatment.  相似文献   

目的分析胰岛素瘤的临床表现特点,为诊断和治疗提供帮助。方法回顾性分析2000年10月至2006年4月北京大学第一医院住院手术且术后病理诊断的胰岛素瘤10例临床资料。结果(1)10例患者均表现有晨起或饥饿时发作性出冷汗、心慌等交感神经兴奋及头晕、乏力症状,其中9例进食或喝糖水后可缓解。9例有晕厥、昏迷等意识障碍,6例有惊厥、抽搐或癫发作,5例进食多且体重增加超过10kg。(2)8例血糖<2.8mmol/L,7例胰岛素血糖比值>0.4,9例胰岛素修正释放指数>100。(3)B超、CT和术中探查阳性率分别为30%、60%和100%。结论典型低血糖症状、Whipple三联症和胰岛素血糖比值、胰岛素修正释放指数是胰岛素瘤定性诊断主要依据,术中B超结合术中探查和脾门静脉分段取血是最有效的肿瘤定位手段。临床表现典型而影像学检查阴性病例应考虑剖腹探查术。  相似文献   

本文回顾了1例88岁男性原发胆汁淤积性肝硬变合并乳糜胸患者的诊治。患者以发热、咳嗽、咯痰伴喘憋为首发症状,入院后发现胸水并确诊为真性乳糜胸。排除了肿瘤、结核等乳糜胸的常见病因后,结合腹部CT及抗线粒体抗体M2亚型阳性,考虑为原发胆汁淤积性肝硬变导致乳糜胸形成。在内科保守治疗效果不佳的情况下,积极采取手术治疗,术后患者恢复好,多次复查胸片未见胸水生长。希望通过本病例,提高临床医师对老年乳糜胸的认识,做到早期诊断、综合治疗,以延长患者生存时间。  相似文献   

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