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BACKGROUND: Children raised on farms are exposed to many hazardous types of machinery. The objective of this study was to describe the magnitude of non-fatal and fatal farm machinery injuries in Alberta children and adolescents (0-17 years) for the years 1990-1997. To date, there have been no published studies of pediatric farm injuries in Western Canada. METHODS: Data were collected through the Canadian Agricultural Injury Surveillance Program (CAISP). Death certificates and hospital charts were audited to provide enhanced information about the circumstances of injuries related to farm machinery for farm persons aged 17 years and younger. RESULTS: A total of 302 farm machinery injuries were recorded for the years 1990-1997. Of these, 14 resulted in death. All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) were the most common cause of injury (n = 76), followed by tractors (n = 72), and power take-offs (n = 15). The predominant injury mechanism was entanglement (n = 69), followed by falls from machines (n = 57), and being pinned/struck by a machine (n = 49). The median length of hospital stay for injuries was 2.0 days. Males (median = 2.0 days) had significantly longer hospital stays than females (median = 1.0 days). There were significantly more injuries reported during the summer and autumn than during the winter and spring. Those injured in the autumn were significantly older (median = 13.0 years) than children injured in the spring (median = 9.0 years). Injury rates dropped significantly during the study period from 119.9/100,000 per year in 1990 to 50.7/100,000 in 1997. CONCLUSIONS: While injury rates have dropped, the number of injuries occurring to children on Alberta farms is of concern. The large number of ATV related injuries suggests that preventative strategies need to be focused in this area. Am. J. Ind. Med. 45:177-185, 2004.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although there are many studies on working adolescents, information on youth who simultaneously hold jobs on both a farm and in other sectors of the economy is lacking. METHODS: Six high schools in rural Minnesota were evaluated for adolescent work practices and injury incidence. A 20-page self-administered survey was administered to students. RESULTS: A total of 2,250 students completed the survey, representing 92% of the student body. Students that simultaneously hold both farm and non-farm jobs have a significantly higher proportion of injuries. However, annual injury rates are highest for those working in non-farm only (26.7/100 full-time equivalents, FTEs) or farm only (25.9/100 FTEs) employment when compared with those working simultaneously in farm and non-farm jobs (21.9/100 FTEs). CONCLUSIONS: Many rural students employed simultaneously on farm and non-farm jobs work long hours and are at significant risk of work-related injury. The annual injury rates we estimated are higher than those reported in previous studies.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Data from the telephone interview portion of the New York State Farm Family Health and Hazard Surveillance were used to study the incidence and predictors of severe farm injury. METHODS: One thousand seven hundred and six participants completed two telephone interviews in which they reported all injuries over a 12-month period. RESULTS: Nine percent of participants reported at least one severe farm injury. Using logistic regression the significant risk factors for sustaining at least one severe farm injury are younger age, the presence of hearing loss or joint trouble, working more hours per day, being the owner/operator of the farm, and being from a farm with higher gross sales. CONCLUSIONS: There needs to be continuing education of all farmers as to the risks of injury. However, when resources are limited, we recommend that injury education and interventions in this farming population should target younger farmers, those who work longer hours, owner/operators, farmers from higher grossing farms, with special attention to farmers who have physical impairments.  相似文献   

目的 采用Meta分析的方法综合评价我国儿童青少年2002-2012年交通伤害发生率的情况,为预防儿童青少年交通伤害提供依据。方法 系统检索中国知网、万方数据库、中国生物医学文献数据库、维普信息资源系统及PubMed数据库,收集2002-2012年收录的有关我国儿童青少年交通伤害发生率的文献,采用Meta分析合并估计交通伤害发生率,按照性别、城/乡、研究地区和伤害标准进行亚组分析,并对结果进行敏感性分析和发表偏倚的评价。结果 严格按照纳入、排除标准,共筛选出39篇,总样本量为637 330人,合并交通伤害发生率:1.38%(95%CI:0.90%~2.12%),亚组分析显示:交通伤害发生率男、女童分别为1.97%、1.66%,城市、农村分别为1.26%、1.32%,1996、2004版伤害标准分别为1.43%、0.64%,东部、中部、西部地区分别为0.94%、2.30%、2.38%,各组之间差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 我国儿童青少年交通伤害发生率在性别、城/乡、研究地区和伤害判定标准之间存在差异,应将男童、农村地区以及经济不发达的西部作为交通伤害的重点预防对象,同时有必要进一步统一儿童青少年意外伤害判定标准。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Few data are available addressing occupational and other injury risks among children of migrant Hispanic farm workers. METHODS: We conducted the U.C. Davis Farm Worker Injury Study (UCD-FWIS), a longitudinal follow-up study of injury among migrant Hispanic farm worker families living in six Northern California Migrant Housing Centers (MHCs). Nine hundred forty-one children (age < 18 years) were interviewed through parental proxy. RESULTS: Fifty-one injuries resulting in medical care or at least one-half day of lost or restricted work or school time occurred among 49 children (3.8 injuries/100 person-years). Open wounds (31.4%) and fractures (29.4%) were most common. Falls comprised over one-third of the cases, followed by being struck and bicycle injuries. Over three-quarters of subjects never use a helmet when riding a bicycle. Seventy-eight (8.3%) children reported employment in the preceding year, typically involving manual agricultural tasks. Two injury cases were occupational and involved agricultural work. CONCLUSIONS: Occupational injury was uncommon in this group of children in migrant Hispanic farm worker families. Injury prevention in this population should include a focus on the home and surrounding environment as well as the work place.  相似文献   

A population-based study of the occurrence of agricultural injuries during the previous year was conducted in a simple random sample of 1,000 farm operators in Alabama in 1991. The participation rate was 86.2%. The cumulative 1-year incidence was 9.9% (95% CI = 7.7–12.1), based on the number of injuries, and 7.8% (95% CI = 5.8–9.8), based on the number of farmers injured. Limbs were the body parts most frequently injured: fingers (10.7%), hands or wrists (10.7%), and legs (8.9%). The leading external causes were machinery (28.6%), falls (23.2%), and animals (12.5%). There was a higher injury frequency at the end of the week, with a Saturday peak. Seasonal pattern of injury displayed a bimodal curve, one peak in spring, and a higher peak in early fall in September. The most risky farm types were forestry and dairy. The factors predictive of increased injury risk in multiple logistic regression included younger age, farm ownership, greater percent of working time spent on farming, more alcohol consumed, and prior residual injury. The results provide some indications for formulating agricultural injury control programs and for future research. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Agriculture is among the most hazardous industries in the United States. METHODS: A longitudinal study of injury among migrant Hispanic farm workers residing in six Northern California Migrant Family Housing Centers (MHCs) during the 1997 harvest season was conducted. Participants completed an initial interviewer-administered work-and-health questionnaire at the beginning of the harvest season addressing the preceding year; there were three periodic follow-up surveys. RESULTS: There were 1,201 adult farm workers (participation 85.2%) who completed the initial questionnaire. Of these, 837 (69.7%) completed the final follow-up survey. There were 86 agricultural injuries (incidence 9.3/100 full-time equivalent employees (FTEs), 95% CI 7.5-11.5/100 FTE). Increased risk for agricultural injury occurred among women paid piece-rate (RR 4.9, 95% CI 1.8-12.8). Sprains and strains were most common (31%), followed by lacerations (12%). CONCLUSIONS: Agricultural injury experience in this cohort is comparable to that of agricultural workers in other U.S. settings. Increased risk among women paid piece-rate suggests further study and potential policy changes regarding payment regimens. Heterogeneity of injury in this population presents a major prevention challenge. In view of high frequency of strain and sprain injuries, ergonomic interventions deserve further study.  相似文献   

孙政  侯书莹  刘洋 《中国校医》2022,36(10):747-749
目的 掌握2015—2020年徐州市铜山区5~18岁儿童青少年伤害死亡流行特征,为政府部门出台相关政策提供科学依据。方法 搜集徐州市铜山区2015—2020年儿童青少年伤害死亡资料进行描述性统计分析,计算伤害的死亡率和构成比,比较采用χ2检验。结果 伤害是铜山区儿童青少年的首位死亡原因,死亡率为8.01/10万,占儿童青少年总死亡的54.05%。随着年龄增加,主要伤害的死亡率从5~9岁年龄组的5.30/10万增加到15~18岁年龄组的12.47/10万(χ2趋势=14.383,P<0.001)。道路交通事故、溺水、意外跌落和自杀的死亡率分别为3.01/10万、2.81/10万、0.67/10万、0.33/10万,居铜山区儿童青少年伤害死亡的前4位。结论 道路交通事故、溺水、意外跌落、自杀是铜山区儿童青少年伤害死亡的主要原因,应采取针对性措施,预防控制儿童青少年伤害的发生。  相似文献   

目的 分析我国近10年城市学龄儿童青少年伤害发生的现状及特征, 为有效预防提供依据。方法 采用Meta分析方法, 根据文献检索策略及纳入、排除标准, 检索中国相关生物医学数据库, 并结合文献追溯, 收集2002年1月-2012年12月过去10年间公开发表有关我国城市学龄儿童青少年伤害现状的研究文献。应用Stata 11.0软件进行系统分析。结果 最终符合纳入标准的文献有33篇, 涉及总样本量146 757人, 男女比例为1.02∶1。Meta分析显示, 我国城市学龄儿童青少年伤害人数发生率为29%(95%CI:24.5%~34.3%), 人次发生率为53.2%(95%CI:41.7%~67.9%)。跌落伤为首位原因, 而交通伤害则倾向于在同一个体身上重复发生。男生伤害人数发生率(35.1%)高于女生(27.6%), 中学生伤害人数发生率(31.2%)略高于小学生(30.1%)(P>0.05)。结论 我国城市学龄儿童青少年伤害现状严峻, 建议完善符合我国国情的伤害预防监测和干预机制。  相似文献   


Background: The study aimed to report on the prevalence and socio-psychological correlates of non-fatal injury among school-going adolescents in Mozambique.

Methods: Cross-sectional data from the 2015 ‘Global School-based Health Survey (GSHS)’ included 1918 students (median age 15 years, interquartile range = 3 years) that were representative of all students in secondary school in Mozambique.

Results: The proportion of participants with one or multiple injuries in the past 12 months was 55.7%, 30.0% once and 25.7% multiple times. The most frequent cause of the reported injury was ‘traffic injury’ (7.6%), followed by ‘fall’ (7.0%), 'poisoning' (5.0%), ‘struck or hit by person’ (3.6%) and ‘struck or hit by object’ (2.6%). The most common injury type was ‘fracture or dislocation’ (9.8%), followed by ‘cut or stab wound’ (7.5%), burns (2.7%) and ‘gunshot wound’ (2.6%). In adjusted logistic regression analysis, current tobacco use, attending physical education classes three or more days a week and psychological distress were associated with annual injury.

Conclusion: A high prevalence of annual injury was found and several variables were identified that could be targeted in injury prevention programmes in this school population.  相似文献   

目的了解常州市青少年伤害的发生原因和分布特征,探讨学生伤害的有效干预措施及预防模式。方法采用《中国青少年健康危险行为调查问卷》,多阶段分层整群抽取常州市大、中学校学生3 645名,进行问卷调查分析。结果常州市青少年伤害发生率为9.16%,男性为11.7%,女性为6.7%,男女比1.69∶1,差异有统计学意义(χ2=26.80,P0.01)。性别、学习阶段、家庭类型、学习成绩、家庭经济状况、运动、运动场地安全措施、自身不安全行为、心理因素都是学生伤害发生的影响因素。结论青少年伤害的预防需要政府和卫生部门以及社会的协同,提高青少年及其家长、教师乃至全体公众的自我保护意识和自我保护能力是关键。  相似文献   

This case report describes five independent cases of children and adolescents assessed for eating disorders who disclosed using the Heimlich maneuver as a purging technique. The maneuver is meant to be used only in life or death situations, likely once or less in any person's lifetime. A child or adolescent with an eating disorder may be using it to self‐induce vomiting on a daily basis, increasing the risk of complications, including potential damage to major organs of the body. Asking patients who purge to elaborate on the methods with which they purge can provide clinicians with fuller information, improving their ability to select appropriate medical tests and interventions. Thorough investigations of physical complaints during the patient assessment may be warranted, including examining patients for possible rib fractures, hemorrhages, perforations of the hollow viscous, and other forms of blunt abdominal traumas. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. (Int J Eat Disord 2015; 48:795–797)  相似文献   

目的探讨土家族、苗族儿童青少年1985-2010年生长长期变化特点、规律和趋势, 为改善和提高连片特困地区少数民族儿童青少年的生长发育水平提供依据。方法选取中国学生体质与健康调研中的土家族、苗族7~18岁中、小学生, 分析其身高、体重、体质指数(BMI)、身高最大增长年龄(MIA-H)、体重最大增长年龄(MIA-W)的增幅和不同阶段增速, 并以18岁年龄组为个案计算成年身高的持续增长和性别差异。结果1985-2010年, 7~18岁土家族男、女身高平均增幅分别为3.38、3.22 cm, 苗族男、女分别为3.88、3.60 cm;土家族男、女体重平均增幅分别为4.12、2.52 kg, 苗族男、女分别为3.17、2.62 kg;土家族男、女BMI平均增幅分别为1.22、0.55 kg/m2, 苗族男、女分别为0.71、0.61kg/m2;生长速度土家族呈现“前慢后快”特点, 体格向“粗壮型”发展, 苗族呈现“前快后慢”特点, 体格向“细长型”发展, 10~13岁儿童是超重、肥胖重点监测对象;MIA-H、MIA-W除苗男外提前0.40~3.98岁;18岁成年身高出现增长, 但幅度大多数不大, “性差”不足13 cm。结论土家族、苗族儿童青少年生长长期趋势潜力比较大, 土家族已步入快速阶段, 呈加速趋势, 苗族处于初期阶段, 增长趋势有所减缓, 生长长期趋势存在民族、性别差异。  相似文献   

目的 分析不同建成环境特征对江苏省南京地区儿童青少年体力活动水平的影响,为提高儿童青少年体力活动水平提供科学依据.方法 于2018年5-6月采用现况研究设计,使用多阶段整群随机抽样方法,选择南京市12个行政区4~12年级学生(9~17岁儿童青少年)共4 401人进行问卷调查,采用国际上通用体力活动居住环境量表(PANE...  相似文献   

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