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Traumatic rupture of the oesophagus and stomach   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
D. R. Craddock  A. Logan    M. Mayell 《Thorax》1968,23(6):657-662
Thirty-nine cases of traumatic perforation of the oesophagus or stomach have been studied. Thirty-two of the perforations followed oesphagoscopy, five were `spontaneous,' and two were due to damage by a foreign body. Eight of the perforations occurred in the cervical oesophagus, 22 in the thoracic portion, and nine were in either the abdominal oesophagus or the stomach. Treatment was of two types—either operative closure of the perforation or a conservative routine of intravenous fluids, parenteral antibiotics, and cessation of oral feeding. In some patients treated conservatively, drainage procedures were also carried out. Five patients with terminal carcinoma, in whom oesophageal intubation after prolonged dysphagia caused perforation, had no treatment apart from analgesics and sedatives. Several of the patients treated by surgical closure had a concurrent definitive operation (resection of carcinoma in four cases and myotomy for achalasia in two cases). Fourteen of the 21 patients treated by repair or resection of the perforation survived. Ten of the 13 treated conservatively also survived. The good results of conservative treatment for cervical perforations appear to make it the treatment of choice. Only an occasional case of thoracic perforation is suitable for conservative treatment, and as a general rule perforations in this area and in the peritoneal cavity should be treated surgically.  相似文献   

Perforation of the newborn child's esophagus or pharynx can mimic esophageal atresia clinically. Fourteen cases of newborn hypopharyngeal or esophageal perforation are presented. In nine cases, esophageal atresia was the initial diagnosis entertained; seven of these on the first day of life. In four others, the diagnosis of a perforated pharynx or esophagus was evident on plain x-ray. Six patients had esophagograms. Two newborns underwent thoracotomies for repair of their initially diagnosed esophageal atresia. Subsequently, esophageal perforation was diagnosed intraoperatively on each and suture repair was undertaken. The 12 remaining neonates were treated nonoperatively. There were four deaths, all in the nonoperative group and three weighing less than 1,000 g. None of the deaths were directly attributable to the perforations. In retrospect, each child presented with one or more early clues to the diagnosis of pharyngoesophageal perforation, which included a history of difficult tracheal or nasogastric intubation, blood in the nasogastric tube, length and course of nasogastric tube inserted, and subtle chest x-ray changes. In these cases, nonoperative treatment is usually successful.  相似文献   

Endoscopic management of inveterate esophageal perforations and leaks   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The endoscopic management of four selected patients with inveterate esophageal perforations or leaks is presented. One patient had a perforation of the cervical esophagus following endoscopic removal of a foreign body already treated with surgical drainage; two patients had a leak following diverticulectomy and esophagogastrostomy, respectively, persistent after multiple surgical repairs; the last patient had a spontaneous perforation of the thoracic esophagus persistent after two transthoracic repairs. The mean time elapsed between the diagnosis of perforation and the endoscopic treatment was 19 days. In one patient, transesophageal drainage of a mediastinal abscess was performed. In the other three patients, a stent was placed to seal the leak in combination with gastric and esophageal aspiration. Two of these patients underwent endoscopy in critical condition and could have not been candidates for major surgical procedures. All patients received enteral nutrition. No morbidity or mortality related to the endoscopic procedure was recorded; the treatment was effective in all patients who recovered and resumed oral feeding within 3 weeks. We conclude that endoscopic transesophageal drainage and stenting are effective procedures in the management of patients with inveterate esophageal perforations or leaks.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To raise awareness of this complication of tracheal intubation, to emphasize the gravity due to delayed diagnosis, and to advocate a surgical treatment. METHODS: Between April 1980 and January 2000, 97 patients were treated for esophageal perforation in our department. We reviewed the cases of perforation occurring after attempted tracheal intubation. Each case is presented. Discussion is focused on diagnosis and treatment. RESULTS: Esophageal perforation occurred after attempted endotracheal intubation in five cases among 58 iatrogenic perforations. There were four women and one man (mean age 72 years). In all cases, it was for a planned operation. Intubation was performed by a single lumen tube in three cases and a double lumen tube in two cases. Presenting symptoms were acute in one case and insidious in four cases. Free interval before diagnosis and treatment was long in all but one case, with an average of 179 h (range 5--432). Two patients suffered from septic shock when they were transferred. All patients were operated on. Two patients died. CONCLUSION: Post intubation esophageal perforation is one of the most life threatening esophageal perforation. Delayed diagnosis is the first cause of gravity. Prevention of this complication begins with recognition of a potentially difficult intubation. Good outcome follows from rapid diagnosis and early surgical treatment.  相似文献   

目的探讨胃底贲门癌急性穿孔的诊断和治疗方法。方法对本院1998年1月~2005年1月收治的15例胃底贲门癌急性穿孔病人的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果行急诊剖腹探查的10例,术后出现肠梗阻1例、切口感染1例,死亡2例。行急诊腹腔镜探查的5例,术后发生切口感染者1例,死亡1例。结论腹腔镜技术在胃底贲门癌急性穿孔的诊治中具有很高的应用价值。选择合理的诊治手段可以延长病人生命、提高病人生存质量。  相似文献   

Carcinoma of the colon seen in an 11-year-old boy is reported herein. The patient had advanced carcinoma of the ascending colon and died 8 months after an ileo-transversostomy had been performed as a palliative procedure. Histologically, the tumor was found to be signetring cell carcinoma. 29 cases of colon carcinoma reported in Japanese children under 15 years of age are also reviewed. In 19 of these patients, surgery was done as an elective procedure after the diagnosis of colon cancer had been established, but emergency surgery was performed on 10 patients for perforation or obstruction of the bowel. Curative resection was possible in 14 patients, but of these, only 3 patients survived for more than 10 years.  相似文献   

为探讨以急腹症为首发症状的结肠癌的诊治特点,回顾分析2002年1月至2008年12月以急腹症(急性肠梗阻33例、急性阑尾炎15例、肠穿孔7例、腹腔内出血2例,原因不明探查1例)为首发症状的58例结肠癌患者的资料。结果显示,58例患者术前拟诊结肠癌27例;58例患者均行手术治疗,其中行Ⅰ期吻合42例,分期手术8例,探查活检或捷径手术8例。术后并发症:切口裂开2例,切口感染8例,肺部感染12例,心力衰竭4例,肠瘘1例。术后72h内死亡3例,均为老年患者,其中1例死于肠穿孔合并休克,2例死于多器官功能衰竭。结果表明,结肠癌并发急腹症发生率较高,根据临床特点提高术前诊断水平,通过术前准备和病情评估,采用适合手术方式,加强术后支持治疗、改善预后至关重要。  相似文献   

Diagnosis and recommended management of esophageal perforation and rupture   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Over the past 47 years (1937 to 1984), a total of 127 patients with esophageal perforation or rupture were evaluated at Duke Medical Center or the Durham Veterans Administration Medical Center. In 13 patients, the diagnosis was established at the time of autopsy and in the remaining 114, the diagnosis was established clinically. The etiology, radiological findings, underlying esophageal disease, time interval between onset of symptoms and therapy, and eventual outcome were evaluated. Patients with anastomotic leaks and those in whom carcinoma resulted in perforation or fistula were excluded. Iatrogenic causes were responsible for 55% of perforations, followed by spontaneous rupture in 15%, foreign body perforation in 14%, and traumatic perforation in 10%. Of the 127 patients, 114 underwent treatment involving primary closure (43%), drainage alone (28%), resection (9%), or nonoperative therapy (20%). The overall mortality among these 114 patients was 21%. Fourteen patients sustained a major complication requiring additional operative intervention. The overall mortality among patients requiring reoperation was 57%. Survival was significantly influenced by a delay in treatment of greater than 24 hours. With the exception of nonoperative therapy, survival was improved for all forms of treatment instituted within 24 hours. Primary closure within 24 hours resulted in the most favorable outcome (92% survival). In addition to early treatment, other factors associated with a favorable outcome included traumatic perforation (100% survival), foreign-body perforations (94% survival), and iatrogenic causes (80% survival). Spontaneous rupture resulted in the lowest survival (37%). The incidence of esophageal perforation has increased dramatically since 1967.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Background  Oesophageal perforation related to anterior cervical surgery is an uncommon but well recognised and potentially life-threatening complication with an incidence of 0–3.4%. Our experience with this complication and a review of the literature are presented. Method  We retrospectively reviewed our clinical experience over 10 years and found four patients in whom an oesophageal perforation was recognised after anterior surgery for cervical spine trauma. In three patients the perforation was noticed in the early post-operative period and the other had a delayed presentation. In all patients, the hardware was removed, long-term intravenous antibiotics were administered and parenteral nutrition was instituted. In two patients a primary suture of the perforation was performed and in one of these an additional sternocleidomastoid myoplasty was carried out as well. One patient had conservative treatment and one died before closure of the perforation could be performed. Findings  The two patients, in whom surgical repair of the perforation was performed, recovered well with residual neurological deficits as expected due to the cervical trauma. In the patient in whom conservative treatment was instituted, healing of the perforation occurred. One patient died due to systemic complications, indirectly related to the perforation. Conclusions  Although not very frequent and sometimes difficult to diagnose, oesophageal perforations after anterior cervical surgery constitute a potentially life-threatening complication. Diagnosis is made by imaging or endoscopic studies, but clinical suspicion is most important. Basic treatment consists of surgery with removal of hardware, drainage of abscesses, primary closure of the perforation if possible, parenteral nutrition and antibiotic therapy. Residual instability should be recognised in time and may be anticipated in patients in whom there has been little time for solid bony fusion. Successful management depends on early diagnosis and immediate institution of treatment.  相似文献   

Carcinoma of the colon seen in an 11-year-old boy is reported herein. The patient had advanced carcinoma of the ascending colon and died 8 months after an ileo-transversostomy had been performed as a palliative procedure. Histologically, the tumor was found to be signet-ring cell carcinoma. 29 cases of colon carcinoma reported in Japanese children under 15 years of age are also reviewed. In 19 of these patients, surgery was done as an elective procedure after the diagnosis of colon cancer had been established, but emergency surgery was performed on 10 patients for perforation or obstruction of the bowel. Curative resection was possible in 14 patients, but of these, only 3 patients survived for more than 10 years.  相似文献   

乙状结肠自发穿孔(附11例报告)   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的 探讨乙状结肠自发性穿孔的病因、诊断及治疗。方法 回顾性分析1984年1月-2000年9月收治的11例乙状结肠自发性穿孔病人的临床资料。结果 11例均经手术探查证实乙状结肠穿孔。既往有慢性便秘史4例,合并轻度直肠脱垂1例,余6例无特殊记载。9例术前误诊为急性阑尾炎穿孔、上消化道穿孔、结肠癌穿孔、炎性穿孔或粪块性穿孔。2例行单纯修补术后,9列行结肠造口及相关手术,其中7例术后2-3个月行二期闭瘘,术后恢复,2例术后死亡。结论 乙状结肠自发性穿孔与病人本身乙状结肠所处的形态和位置有很大关系,其腹内压和肠管内压增高是该病的诱因;该病缺乏特异的临床表现及体征,提高术前确诊率的关键在于对本病有充分的认识;治疗以手术米,术式根据病人年龄、全身情况、腹腔污染程度、发病时间来定,以修补关闭穿孔或肠管切除吻合加乙状结肠造口术为最佳术式。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The incidence of cancers after renal transplantation is significantly higher than in population that have not undergone transplantation. It is increased by a long-term survival of functional graft requiring long-term immunosuppressive therapy. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Since 1972, 620 renal transplantations have been performed for different causes of end stage renal disease. The authors report a group of 18 renal transplant patients (2.9%) who had cancer. Patients with malignancies are reviewed according to their age, sex, type of immunosuppression, interval between transplantation and the diagnosis of cancer, method of treatment and survival. RESULTS: All patients received cadaver kidneys, and secondary transplantation was performed in two patients. Five patients received conventional immunosuppression--azathioprine with prednisone, another 13 patients received cyclosporine with prednisone and/or azathioprine. In 13 males and 5 females (mean age 46.1 years) the malignant disease developed about 62.4 months after renal transplantation. Six patients had epithelial skin cancers (four of them had squamous cell carcinomas and two basal cell carcinomas). Two patients had breast cancer, colorectal carcinoma, renal cell carcinoma and bladder cancer, respectively, one patient had gastric cancer, thyroid carcinoma, carcinoma of tonsilla, and monocytic leukaemia with blastic transformation, respectively. The average survival of patients with malignancies was 20.3 months. Of 17 patients with cancer, 13 underwent surgical treatment, four patients with advanced disease received radiotherapy, hormonal treatment or only symptomatic therapy. In one patient the malignant disease was only discovered at autopsy. Five patients died of progressive malignant disease, four of intercurrent disease. Nine (50%) patients are alive, with no evidence of disease (NED), 31.9 months in average following the diagnosis of malignancy. Three patients returned to dialysis treatment, other 6 patients live with well functioning graft. CONCLUSIONS: In patients surviving long time after kidney transplantation the possibility of development of malignant disease should be considered. Preventive evaluation should guarantee early detection of cancer. Appropriate treatment, without cessation of immunosuppressive therapy, is indicated with the intention to prolong the patients' life with a functional graft and without dialysis treatment.  相似文献   

Definitive repair of esophageal perforation is considered the preferred treatment for patients presenting early (<24 hours). However, the optimal management of delayed presentation (>24 hours) has not been well defined. This study examined the management of esophageal perforation and compared the outcomes of early versus delayed presentation. Records of patients admitted with the diagnosis of esophageal perforation were reviewed. Contrast studies were used to confirm the diagnosis in all cases. Patient demographics and outcome were analyzed to determine differences between early and delayed presentation. A total of 22 cases of esophageal perforation were identified (eight early vs 14 delayed presentations). Operative interventions included primary repair (four), reinforced repair (14) either with intercostal muscle or pleural flap, and a complete esophageal resection (one). Debridement and drainage without repair were done in two patients and a proximal intramural tear was treated with antibiotics and observation. Two patients died during hospitalization. All surviving patients had near-normal restoration of esophageal function. Follow-up at 3 years has shown minimal gastrointestinal problems. One patient required repeat esophageal dilatations and two patients underwent antireflux therapy. Esophageal repair should be considered in all cases of nonmalignant esophageal perforation and should not be influenced by the time of presentation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the long-term efficacy of intrarenal bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) therapy for the treatment of cytologically diagnosed upper tract carcinoma in situ (CIS) and report the time course in cases of failure. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Fourteen renal units in 11 patients cytologically diagnosed as having upper urinary tract (UUT) CIS were treated with intrarenal BCG instillation. The BCG solution was administered by retrograde ureteric catheterization weekly for 6 weeks. RESULTS: Seven units were radiologically and cytologically free of disease at a median follow-up of 60 months. Two units which showed an initial response had recurrence with ipsilateral UUT CIS. The remaining five units did not respond to BCG. Of seven units with an initial negative response or recurrent UUT CIS, nephroureterectomy was undertaken in one because of coincidental renal cell carcinoma. In four of the remaining six units, invasive pelvic tumour developed at a mean follow-up of 20.5 months after the final instillation. Computed tomography showed wall thickening of the renal pelvis in two and mass-forming tumour in the renal parenchyma mimicking renal cell carcinoma in two. In three of these four cases, retrograde pyelography did not show typical findings of renal pelvic tumour, e.g. filling defect, infundibular obstruction or stenosis. CONCLUSIONS: Intrarenal BCG is effective in the treatment of UUT CIS in a long-term follow-up. In cases with a poor response or ipsilateral recurrence of CIS, there is a high risk of developing invasive tumour. Close follow-up using computed tomography is recommended because of the atypical radiographic findings of such tumours.  相似文献   

H V Villar  R Wong  B Paz  D Bull  L Neumayer  T Grogan  C Spier 《American journal of surgery》1991,161(1):171-5; discussion 175-6
Primary gastric lymphoma is a rare tumor in which surgical resection plays a major role in improving the response rate and reducing the incidence of bleeding and perforation after chemotherapy. In 17 consecutive patients, the diagnosis of gastric lymphoma was made by immunophenotyping snap-frozen endoscopic biopsy specimens. All neoplasms were B-cell lymphomas. Pan B surface marker antigens were present in all patients. Levels of Ki-67, a nuclear marker of tumor proliferation, were greater than 45% in two of the four patients who died after progression of their lymphoma. All patients alive had Ki-67 levels of less than 30%. A lower proliferation index, as measured by Ki-67, appears to be associated with better prognosis. Ten of 11 patients treated by resection prior to chemotherapy had no complications. Immunophenotyping is the key in the differential diagnosis when considering malignant lymphoma with gastric carcinoma and benign conditions such as pseudolymphoma.  相似文献   

Ruptured amebic liver abscess   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fifteen cases of extrahepatic rupture of amebic liver abscess have been reviewed. Five patients had thoracic rupture and ten had intra-abdominal rupture. Celiotomies were performed in five patients, with a preoperative diagnosis of acute appendicitis with perforation in four patients and generalized peritonitis of unknown origin in one patient. All 15 patients were treated with amebicides, including three patients with documented free intraperitoneal perforation who were not treated surgically. Twelve patients recovered uneventfully. Two patients with thoracic rupture developed secondary bacterial complications and in one case of free intraperitoneal rupture, a mistaken diagnosis of ruptured pyogenic abscess was made. Amebicidal therapy was delayed for four days. The patient died of multisystem organ failure. Amebicidal therapy is effective in the treatment of both unruptured and extrahepatic rupture of amebic liver abscess. Surgery should be required only for secondary bacterial complications.  相似文献   

Background The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of the fibrin tissue patch and to analyze its use in patients with esophageal perforation. Methods We studied 28 patients who were diagnosed with esophageal perforation between January 1990 and January 2006 at Akdeniz University Hospital. Sixteen (57.14%) were male. The average age was 59 ± 9 years. We performed surgery and primary repair reinforcement even if the diagnosis of esophageal perforation was late. Results Twenty-three (82.14%) perforations were the result of endoscopic instruments; spontaneous perforations occurred in three (10.71%) patients. Postoperative complication (Heller myotomy) caused perforation in one patient (3.57%) and blunt trauma in one patient (3.57%). Three (10.71%) patients had cervical perforation, and 25 (89.29%) patients had thoracic esophageal perforation. Twelve (42.86%) patients underwent emergency surgery (within the first 24 h). Ten (35.71%) patients underwent surgery within 48 h, and the remaining 6 (21.43%) underwent surgery after 48 h. Nine (32.14%) patients had primary repair, 7 (25%) had reinforcement of the primary repair with fibrin tissue patch, 7 (25%) had esophagectomy and gastric pull-up, and 2 (7.14%) had drainage and placement of metallic stents. In four patients of the nine who had primary repair, fistula complication was detected, whereas in only one of the seven who had reinforcement of the primary repair with fibrin tissue patch was a fistula detected. Three patients (10.71%), two of whom had Boerhaave’s syndrome, died. Conclusions Surgical primary repair with fibrin tissue patch is the most successful treatment option in the management of esophageal perforation.  相似文献   

A variety of complications are associated with fiberoptic colonoscopy. Life-threatening complications such as perforation and hemorrhage may require surgical intervention. The records of all patients who underwent fiberoptic colonoscopy, with or without biopsy, polypectomy, electrocoagulation, or laser therapy at St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center were reviewed. Thirteen of 21 perforations occurred during polypectomy, laser therapy, or difficult diagnostic colonoscopy. Eight patients developed a perforation after an uneventful diagnostic colonoscopy. Three patients required operative control of hemorrhage following polypectomy and one after multipolar electrocoagulation (BICAP) therapy for a cecal arteriovenous malformation. Two patients had benign pneumoperitoneum and one a retained polyp snare. Of the 28 patients in this entire series, 26 underwent operative resection or repair. Seventeen (65%) of the latter group underwent primary resection or closure of perforation without protective fecal diversion. Only one (5.9%) septic complication occurred in this group. Twelve patients in the perforation group (57%) underwent primary resection with anastomosis or closure of perforation without fecal diversion. One (8.3%) developed a septic complication. In this entire series, four deaths (14.3%) occurred, all of which were in the perforation group. Delay in diagnosis of perforation was the main factor contributing to death. No patient died of hemorrhage, benign pneumoperitoneum, or retained polyp snare. The key to successful outcome in perforation is early diagnosis and prompt operative intervention.  相似文献   

We review 6 cases of diaphragmatic perforation, with and without herniation, treated in our institution. All patients with diaphragmatic perforation underwent radiofrequency ablation(RFA) treatments for hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) performed at Kurume University Hospital and Tobata Kyoritsu Hospital. We investigated the clinical profiles of the 6 patients between January 2003 and December 2013. We further describe the clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of diaphragmatic perforation. The change in the volume of liver and the change in the Child-Pugh score from just after the RFA to the onset of perforation was evaluated using a paired t-test. At the time of perforation, 4 patients had herniation of the viscera, while the other 2 patients had no herniation. The majority of ablated tumors were located adjacent to the diaphragm, in segments 4, 6, and 8. The average interval from RFA to the onset of perforation was 12.8 mo(range, 6-21 mo). The median Child-Pugh score at the onset of perforation(8.2) was significantly higher compared to the median Child-Pugh score just after RFA(6.5)(P = 0.031). All patients underwent laparotomy and direct suture of the diaphragm defect, with uneventful post-surgical recovery. Diaphragmatic perforation after RFA is not a matter that can be ignored. Clinicians should carefully address this complication by performing RFA for HCC adjacent to diaphragm.  相似文献   

目的 总结肾移植术后并发肠穿孔的诊断和治疗体会.方法 回顾性分析8例肾移植术后并发生肠穿孔患者的资料.8例均为首次肾移植,术后采用环孢素A(或他克莫司)、霉酚酸酯及甲泼尼龙预防排斥反应.8例患者中,1例肾移植术前有胃大部切除手术史,其余7例术前无胃肠道病变.1例于肾移植术中切除了双侧多囊肾.1例在发生肠穿孔前因急性排斥反应而接受甲泼尼龙冲击治疗.8例患者均接受了剖腹探查术,同时减少免疫抑制剂的用量.结果 肠穿孔发生于肾移植术后3~18 d.5例患者表现为突发性腹部绞痛,不同程度的急性腹膜炎体征;3例急性腹膜炎体征不明显.患者体温为36.5~38.4℃.腹部X线检查显示,5例右侧或双侧膈下出现游离气体,3例出现肠管扩张及肠梗阻征象.诊断肠穿孔后3~96 h患者接受了剖腹探查.术中证实,7例为同肠穿孔,1例为降结肠穿孔.剖腹探查的同时,3例接受了小肠穿孔修补术,4例接受了部分小肠切除吻合术,1例接受了部分结肠切除吻合术.经手术治疗,5例患者痊愈出院.随访0.5~3.5年,肾功能良好,未再发生肠穿孔;3例患者分别于肾移植术后30~108 d因肠穿孔并发症死亡.结论 肠穿孔是肾移植术后少见而严重的并发症,其临床症状不典型,腹部X线检查结果对早期诊断具有较大意义,早期诊断和手术治疗是改善患者预后的关键.  相似文献   

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