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By phage display, llama-derived heavy chain antibody fragments were selected from non-immune and immune libraries and tested for their affinity and specificity for beta amyloid by phage-ELISA, immunohistochemistry and surface plasmon resonance.We identified eight distinct heavy chain antibody fragments specific for beta amyloid. While three of them recognized vascular and parenchymal beta amyloid deposits, the remaining five heavy chain antibody fragments recognized vascular beta amyloid specifically, failing to bind to parenchymal beta amyloid.These heavy chain antibody fragments, selected from different libraries, demonstrated differential affinity for different epitopes when used for immunohistochemistry. These observations indicate that the llama heavy chain antibody fragments are the first immunologic probes with the ability to differentiate between parenchymal and vascular beta amyloid aggregates. This indicates that vascular and parenchymal beta amyloid deposits are heterogeneous in epitope presence/availability. The properties of these heavy chain antibody fragments make them potential candidates for use in in vivo differential diagnosis of Alzheimer disease and cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Continued use and characterization of these reagents will be necessary to fully understand the performance of these immunoreagents.  相似文献   

Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is an important, though still relatively neglected, aspect of the pathology of Alzheimer's disease (AD), and both the source of amyloid beta protein (Abeta) in CAA, and its relationship to senile plaque (SP) Abeta, remain unclear. We have investigated the relationship between Abeta deposition in SP and CAA in four regions of brain from 69 patients with AD in order to gain insight into the pathogenetic mechanism(s) underlying these pathologies. CAA was present to some degree in all 69 patients, with the occipital cortex being affected more often and more severely than frontal, temporal and parietal cortices. By definition, SPs were present in all brain areas in all 69 patients, with greater uniformity of distribution than CAA, though the occipital cortex was less severely affected than the other brain regions. There was no significant (positive) correlation between CAA rating and that of SP for any one cortical region, but on combining data from all four regions there was a significant inverse correlation (P=0.037) between CAA and SP ratings. Such data suggest that the cellular sources and mechanisms leading to Abeta deposition as SP or CAA are likely to differ and may proceed independently of each other.  相似文献   

Vaccination with Abeta(1-42) and treatment with NCX-2216, a novel nitric oxide releasing flurbiprofen derivative, have each been shown separately to reduce amyloid deposition in transgenic mice and have been suggested as potential therapies for Alzheimer's disease. In the current study we treated doubly transgenic amyloid precursor protein and presenilin-1 (APP+PS1) mice with Abeta(1-42) vaccination, NCX-2216 or both drugs simultaneously for 9 months. We found that all treatments reduced amyloid deposition, both compact and diffuse, to the same extent while only vaccinated animals, with or without nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) treatment, showed increased microglial activation associated with the remaining amyloid deposits. We also found that active Abeta vaccination resulted in significantly increased cerebral amyloid angiopathy and associated microhemorrhages, while NCX-2216 did not, in spite of similar reductions in parenchymal amyloid. Co-administration of NCX-2216 did not attenuate this effect of the vaccine. This is the first report showing that active immunization can result in increased vascular amyloid and microhemorrhage, as has been observed with passive immunization. Co-administration of an NSAID agent with Abeta vaccination does not substantially modify the effects of Abeta immunotherapy. The difference between these treatments with respect to vascular amyloid development may reflect the clearance-promoting actions of the vaccine as opposed to the production-modifying effects proposed for flurbiprofen.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Anti-Abeta immunotherapy in transgenic mice reduces both diffuse and compact amyloid deposits, improves memory function and clears early-stage phospho-tau aggregates. As most Alzheimer disease cases occur well past midlife, the current study examined adoptive transfer of anti-Abeta antibodies to 19- and 23-month old APP-transgenic mice. METHODS: We investigated the effects of weekly anti-Abeta antibody treatment on radial-arm water-maze performance, parenchymal and vascular amyloid loads, and the presence of microhemorrhage in the brain. 19-month-old mice were treated for 1, 2 or 3 months while 23-month-old mice were treated for 5 months. Only the 23-month-old mice were subject to radial-arm water-maze testing. RESULTS: After 3 months of weekly injections, this passive immunization protocol completely reversed learning and memory deficits in these mice, a benefit that was undiminished after 5 months of treatment. Dramatic reductions of diffuse Abeta immunostaining and parenchymal Congophilic amyloid deposits were observed after five months, indicating that even well-established amyloid deposits are susceptible to immunotherapy. However, cerebral amyloid angiopathy increased substantially with immunotherapy, and some deposits were associated with microhemorrhage. Reanalysis of results collected from an earlier time-course study demonstrated that these increases in vascular deposits were dependent on the duration of immunotherapy. CONCLUSIONS: The cognitive benefits of passive immunotherapy persist in spite of the presence of vascular amyloid and small hemorrhages. These data suggest that clinical trials evaluating such treatments will require precautions to minimize potential adverse events associated with microhemorrhage.  相似文献   



Anti-Aβ immunotherapy in transgenic mice reduces both diffuse and compact amyloid deposits, improves memory function and clears early-stage phospho-tau aggregates. As most Alzheimer disease cases occur well past midlife, the current study examined adoptive transfer of anti-Aβ antibodies to 19- and 23-month old APP-transgenic mice.  相似文献   

Sixty-one autopsy cases of splenic amyloidosis were reviewed to assess the relationship between the morphological patterns and chemical types of amyloid protein. On the basis of immunohistochemical reactions of amyloid protein, the cases were classified into 34 cases of AA and 27 of AL amyloidosis. Amyloid deposition in the spleen was divided into three major sites: the red pulp, the white pulp, and blood vessels. Red pulp involvement by amyloid was noted in 52% of the AL cases but in none of the AA cases. White pulp amyloid deposition was found in 70% of the AL and 35% of the AA cases. This difference was statistically significant (P less than 0.001). On the other hand, vascular deposition of amyloid was invariably noted in all cases with AA or AL amyloidosis, affecting the AA cases rather severely. These results strongly suggest that the widely held concept of deposition of amyloid as predominantly vascular in AL amyloidosis and parenchymal in AA amyloidosis requires revision. Our findings indicate that parenchymal, especially the red pulp, involvement is a consistent feature of AL amyloidosis, whereas vascular involvement is a finding common to both types of systemic amyloidosis.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein AI-derived pulmonary vascular amyloid in aged dogs.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Our studies confirm the common occurrence of a unique form of apolipoprotein AI (apoAI)-derived vascular amyloidosis in dogs that appears to be unrelated to other disease conditions, but is associated with aging. Vascular amyloid deposits were most frequently located within the intima and media of medium-sized pulmonary arteries, and were not confirmed in any other tissues. Pulmonary vascular amyloid immunoreactive with antiserum to purified N-terminal (1-71) canine apoAI amyloid protein was demonstrated retrospectively in 12.8% of necropsied dogs (N = 243) 10 years of age or older. In a subsequent expanded 1-year prospective study of necropsied dogs (N = 231) of all ages, apoAI-derived pulmonary vascular amyloid deposits were demonstrated in 0.7% of dogs < 10 years of age and in 22% of dogs 10 years of age or older. The incidence of this form of amyloid in dogs 10 years of age or older was significantly associated with advancing age (P < 0.00001). However, significant differences regarding gender, breed, or the frequency of selected common disease conditions were not observed when the dogs with apoAI-derived amyloid were compared with control dogs. The possibility that this new form of senile apoAI-derived amyloidosis is a manifestation of an age-associated aberration in apoAI metabolism or is related to a mutant form of apoAI is the subject of ongoing investigations.  相似文献   

Epileptogenic human hippocampus generates spontaneous energy fluctuations with a wide range of amplitude and temporal variation, which are often assumed to be entirely random. However, the temporal dynamics of these fluctuations are poorly understood, and the question of whether they exhibit persistent long-range temporal correlations (LRTC) remains unanswered. In this paper we use detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) to show that the energy fluctuations in human hippocampus show LRTC with power-law scaling, and that these correlations differ between epileptogenic and non-epileptogenic hippocampus. The analysis shows that the energy fluctuations exhibit slower decay of the correlations in the epileptogenic hippocampus compared with the non-epileptogenic hippocampus. The DFA-derived scaling exponents demonstrate that there are LRTC of energy fluctuations in human hippocampus, and that the temporal persistence of energy fluctuations is characterized by a bias for large (small) energy fluctuations to be followed by large (small) energy fluctuations. Furthermore, we find that in the period of time leading up to seizures there is no change in the scaling exponents that characterize the LRTC of energy fluctuations. The fact that the LRTC of energy fluctuations do not change as seizures approach provides evidence that the local neuronal network dynamics do not change in the period before seizures, and that seizures in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy may be triggered by an influence that is external to the hippocampus. The presence of LRTC with power-law scaling does not imply a specific mechanism, but the finding that temporal correlations decay more slowly in epileptogenic hippocampus provides electrophysiologic evidence that the underlying neuronal dynamics are different within the epileptogenic hippocampus compared with contralateral hippocampus. We briefly discuss possible neurobiological mechanisms for LRTC of the energy fluctuations in hippocampus.  相似文献   

Heavily radiolabeled plasma proteins were injected intravenously into mice with experimentally induced amyloid lesions, and the distribution of the labeled protein with respect to vascular spaces and the amyloid lesions determined by autoradiography. Radiolabeled albumin and IgG entered early amyloid lesions so quickly and in such high concentration as to indicate that much of the volume of these early lesions must be occupied by circulating plasma. Entry of these same proteins into advanced lesions was definitely reduced. High-molecular-weight proteins remained largely in vascular spaces. In situ saline perfusion resulted in considerable removal of protein from early lesions but very little alteration in their greenish-yellow birefringence when stained with Congo red. An initial alteration in vascular permeability with circulation of plasma proteins in tissue spaces quickly followed by a progressively increasing deposition of fibrous proteins on an underlying cellular framework may be the sequence of events in amyloid formation.  相似文献   

Familial Danish dementia (FDD) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease clinically characterized by the presence of cataracts, hearing impairment, cerebellar ataxia and dementia. Neuropathologically, FDD is characterized by the presence of widespread cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA), parenchymal amyloid deposition and neurofibrillary tangles. FDD is caused by a 10-nucleotide duplication-insertion in the BRI2 gene that generates a larger-than-normal precursor protein, of which the Danish amyloid subunit (ADan) comprises the last 34 amino acids. Here, we describe a transgenic mouse model for FDD (Tg-FDD) in which the mouse Prnp (prion protein) promoter drives the expression of the Danish mutant form of human BRI2 . The main neuropathological findings in Tg-FDD mice are the presence of widespread CAA and parenchymal deposition of ADan. In addition, we observe the presence of amyloid-associated gliosis, an inflammatory response and deposition of oligomeric ADan. As the animals aged, they showed abnormal grooming behavior, an arched back, and walked with a wide-based gait and shorter steps. This mouse model may give insights on the pathogenesis of FDD and will prove useful for the development of therapeutics. Moreover, the study of Tg-FDD mice may offer new insights into the role of amyloid in neurodegeneration in other disorders, including Alzheimer disease.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein E4 (ApoE4) is associated with Alzheimer's disease by unknown mechanisms. We generated six transgenic mice strains expressing human ApoE4 in combination with mutant amyloid precursor protein (APP) and mutant presenilin-1 (PS1) in single-, double-, or triple-transgenic combinations. Diffuse, but not dense, amyloid plaque-load in subiculum and cortex was increased by neuronal but not glial ApoE4 in old (15 months) double-transgenic mice, whereas both diffuse and dense plaques formed in thalamus in both genotypes. Neuronal and glial ApoE4 promoted cerebral amyloid angiopathy as extensively as mutant PS1 but with pronounced regional differences: cortical angiopathy was induced by neuronal ApoE4 while thalamic angiopathy was again independent of ApoE4 source. Angiopathy correlated more strongly with soluble Abeta40 and Abeta42 levels in cortex than in thalamus throughout the six genotypes. Neither neuronal nor glial ApoE4 affected APP proteolytic processing, as opposed to mutant PS1. Neuronal ApoE4 increased soluble amyloid levels more than glial ApoE4, but the Abeta42/40 ratios were similar, although significantly higher than in single APP transgenic mice. We conclude that although the cellular origin of ApoE4 differentially affects regional amyloid pathology, ApoE4 acts on the disposition of amyloid peptides downstream from their excision from APP but without induction of tauopathy.  相似文献   

The causality of vascular and parenchymal damage to the central nervous system (CNS) was examined In rats with thiamine deficiency. Male Sprague Dawley rats were divided Into two groups; one was given a thiamlne-deficient diet ODD) and Injected Intraperitoneally with 10μg/100g bodyweight pyrithlamine (PT) In order to analyze morpho-metrically the topographical and sequential relationship between vascular and parenchymal changes and vase dilatation, and the other was given a TDD and 50 μg/100 g bodyweight PT in order to determine hemorrhagic sites using serial dons. Histological examination showed that sponglotic change occurred selectively in the Interior colllculus (100%) from day 19, and thereafter In the thalamus (95%), mammlllary body (50%) and nuclei olivaris and vestlbularls of the pons (25%), with or without hemorrhage. Simultaneously, glycogen accumulation was also observed In these regions at a frequency similar to that of hemorrhage. Ultrastructurally, however, hydroplc swelling of astrocytic and neuronal processes without glycogen accumulation was observed as early as day 9 In the inferior cofliculus, at which time an Increase of glial fibrillary acldic protein-positive processes was also recognized. The Superior colllculus was completely spared. From day 22 vasodilatation of the Inferior colliculus occurred, concomltantly with bodyweight loss and neurological symptoms. Twenty-two examined hemorrhages, which occurred in the thalamus and Inferior colliculus, were distributed along the arterioles or capillarles on the arterial side. In conclusion, the morphological CNS changes caused by thiamine deficiency with administration of low-dose PT in rats begin as hydropic swelling of neuronal and astrocytic processes, followed by hemorrhage and, thereafter, by vasodllatatlon. The predilectlon for hemorrhage on the arterial side without parenchymal changes suggests that petechial hemorrhage Is not simply secondary to parenchymal changes, but Is due to hemadynamlc change resulting from thlamfne deficiency-Induced vascular dysfunction.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus is associated with an increased incidence of cardiovascular events and microvascular complications. Serum amyloid A (SAA), a HDL apolipoprotein is a risk marker for cardiovascular disease. A permanent increase in SAA plasma levels is observed in diabetics. Because SAA acts on leukocytes, we evaluated whether the synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines and migration of neutrophils and monocytes induced by SAA is affected in diabetics. Cells, isolated from human blood, were cultured in the presence of SAA. TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, IL-8 and IL-1ra levels were measured by ELISA in the culture supernatants and in serum of subjects. Neutrophils and monocytes migration were followed in a chemotaxis chamber. We make the novel observation that neutrophils and monocytes of diabetics are more responsive to SAA for the induction of the proinflammatory cytokine IL-1beta and the proangiogenic and chemotactic protein IL-8. Incremental TNF-alpha production was also found to occur when monocytes were stimulated with SAA. Cell migration was also increased. The increased production of cytokines and increased migration of leukocytes from diabetics in response to SAA may contribute to a sustained accumulation and activation of inflammatory cells in the disease. Accordingly, the hyper-responsiveness of leukocytes to SAA may be relevant to the proinflammatory conditions associated to vascular complications in diabetic patients.  相似文献   

Vascular amyloidosis in the brain is a pathological feature of ovine scrapie. Its occurrence varies between sheep, but whether this variation reflects differences in the host or the infecting scrapie strain (or both) is not clear. To investigate whether amyloidosis, like vacuolation and PrPsc distribution, is associated with genotype, the brains from 131 sheep representing a range of genotypes commonly associated with scrapie were examined histologically and immunohistochemically. Vascular amyloidosis was absent in 66 sheep, 59 of which were of the ARQ/ARQ genotype and seven the ARQ/AHQ genotype. In contrast, it was found in four of 39 ARQ/VRQ sheep (10.2%) and in 10 of 26 VRQ/VRQ sheep (38.4%). The distribution of amyloid was highly variable, but the most severely affected areas were the lateral geniculate nuclei (five cases) and the ventral thalamic nuclei (four cases). No amyloidosis was found in the medulla or in the basal nuclei. From this preliminary study it was concluded that amyloidosis is relatively rare in sheep with scrapie. Moreover, its occurrence appeared to depend on the presence of at least one valine at codon 136.  相似文献   

目的:探讨淀粉样蛋白脑室注射对大鼠皮层与海马神经元驱动蛋白超家族(KIF)基因表达的影响。方法:脑室定向注射淀粉样蛋白复制大鼠阿尔兹海默病动物模型,水迷宫实验验证大鼠记忆损伤程度。RT-PCR方法检测大鼠皮层与海马ChAT、KIF1A、KIF2、KIF3A、KIF4与KIF5A基因的表达。结果:水迷宫实验与ChAT表达检测证实动物模型复制成功。RT-PCR结果表明淀粉样蛋白造成大鼠皮层与海马KIF基因表达的普遍上升。结论:淀粉样蛋白造成的皮层与海马胆碱能神经元损伤很可能是通过其兴奋性毒性作用实现的。  相似文献   

Rabbit antisera to chicken whole brain and brain microsomes, synaptic membranes, and synaptic vesicles were used in cytotoxicity and immunofluorescence assays against chicken bursacytes and thymocytes. Brain organelles, bursacytes and thymocytes have shown to possess common antigenic determinants. The common antigen is present in small amounts on thymocytes and can be demonstrated only by immunofluorescence.  相似文献   

Apolipoproteins have been implicated in the formation of amyloid fibrils. Recent studies have demonstrated that apolipoprotein E (apoE), alone or in combination with apolipoprotein J (apoJ), and other lipoproteins appear to enhance deposition of amyloid fibrils both in systemic and cerebral amyloids, especially Alzheimer's disease (AD). ApoE enhanced the ability of the amyloid beta-protein (1-40) fragment (A beta) to form fibrils in vitro, with apoE4 promoting the greatest fibril formation. ApoE was found associated with both human and mouse amyloid A (AA) deposits. To define the role of apoE in vivo, we utilized mice lacking the apoE gene by gene targeting. We used the AA model in mice to characterize the function of the apoE protein in amyloid fibrillogenesis. ApoE-deficient mice exhibited a decrease in deposition of AA when compared with heterozygous mutant or wild-type animals. In addition, apoE-deficient mice that were injected with an adenovirus that expressed the human apoE3 gene had restored AA deposition and the apoE was associated with the AA fibrils. These results are agreement with the in vitro studies using the beta-peptide and suggest that apoE is not essential for amyloid fibrillogenesis but can promote the development of amyloid deposition.  相似文献   

We have previously reported the specific association of glycosaminoglycans (GAG) and proteoglycans (PG) with amyloid fibrils and characterized the polysaccharides directly extracted from amyloid-laden tissues. In the present study we further elucidate the association between purified amyloid fibrils and GAG/PG with special reference to those GAG/PG associated with amyloid P-component (AP) and the interactive role of Ca2+ ions. Amyloid fibrils were isolated from human hepatic AA amyloid employing water extraction with and without preceding removal of AP, an extrafibrillar protein component of all amyloids, using sodium citrate. GAG/PG co-isolated with the amyloid extracts, with and without AP, were isolated and characterized. Agarose-affinity chromatography of extracts containing AP was performed, and the GAG associated with this extrafibrillary protein were characterized as well. Several different GAG/PG populations were demonstrated in the various extracts. The abolition of calcium-dependent binding markedly influenced the amount of GAG/PG recovered in the fibril extracts, as well as the total amount of amyloid material obtained. Thus, it seems that calcium plays an important role in the association between the fibrils and the sugar moieties, and that a significant fraction of the GAG found in amyloid exhibits a Ca(2+)-dependent fibril-GAG interaction. No significant difference in the proportion between galactosaminoglycans and glucosamines was, however, disclosed when the two extraction protocols were compared, suggesting that no particular GAG species has a higher affinity for the fibrils themselves. Both dermatan/chondroitin sulphate and heparan sulphate identified in the present study exhibited a Ca(2+)-dependent interaction with AP, supporting previous findings. However, the amyloid-associated galactosaminoglycans found, especially the large PG appearing in small amounts, seemed to have a higher affinity for the extrafibrillar AP than the other GAG.  相似文献   

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