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张小龙  王翔宇  杨树东  尚林 《骨科》2018,9(2):132-135
目的 探讨改良Ludloff截骨联合Reverdin截骨治疗合并第一跖骨远端关节面角(distal metatarsal articular angle, DMAA)增大的中重度足母外翻的疗效分析。方法 回顾性分析自2015年2月至2017年2月我科治疗的DMAA增大的中重度足母外翻病人32例(40足)。其中,男4例(5足),女28例(35足);年龄为29~78岁,平均52.4岁。术前行足部负重位X线检查:足母外翻角(hallux valgus angle, HVA)为30°~55°,平均42.4°±3.30°;第一、二跖骨间夹角(intermetatarsal angle, IMA)为13°~24°,平均17.7°±1.9°;DMAA为17°~39°,平均22.6°±1.1°。行患足美国足踝外科协会(American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society, AOFAS)评分标准评分为41~87分,平均(68.3±2.9)分。均采用改良Ludloff截骨联合Reverdin截骨。对比手术前后HVA、IMA及DMAA,参照AOFAS评分标准进行手术疗效分析。结果 32例病人术后获得6~18个月随访。所有病人无感染、骨折不愈合、跖骨头坏死及畸形复发等并发症的发生,有1足切口延迟愈合。术后6个月行X线检查,HVA为13.2°±3.1°、IMA为8.1°±1.7°、DMAA为7.6°±1.2°,以上指标较术前减小,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。术后6个月AOFAS评分:优29足,良8足,可3足,优良率为92.5%。AOFAS评分为(77.0±3.0)分较术前升高,差异具有统计学意义(t=41.18,P=0.004)。结论 改良Ludloff截骨联合Reverdin截骨治疗合并DMAA增大的中重度足母外翻可以很好的纠正畸形。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨Jacoby截骨术联合Reverdin矫形术治疗第二跖骨头坏死合并(足母)外翻的临床疗效,为临床治疗第2跖骨头坏死合并(足母)外翻提供方法及依据。[方法]对13例第2跖骨头坏死合并(足母)外翻患者行第2跖骨Jacoby截骨术及Reverdin矫形术,术后行第2跖趾关节跖屈、背伸功能训练。[结果]手术时间60~90 min,术中出血量5~10 ml,所有病例术中无重要神经、血管损伤,无切口感染。所有患者均获得12~36个月随访。1例患者术后1年(足母)外翻复发,第2跖趾关节屈曲及背伸活动时疼痛。1例患者因过早下地活动,导致内固定松动,骨折延迟愈合,其余患者均恢复正常行走能力。所有患者根据美国足踝外科协会Maryland跖趾关节百分评分法评分,优8例,良3例,可2例,优良率84.62%。[结论]第2跖骨头坏死常合并严重(足母)外翻,Jacoby截骨术联合Reverdin矫形术治疗第2跖骨头坏死合并(足母)外翻可改善患者疼痛疼症状和跖趾关节功能,提高生活质量,但术后应重视(足母)外翻复发。  相似文献   

第一跖骨近端截骨并软组织手术治疗重度[足母]外翻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨第一跖骨近端楔形截骨结合软组织手术治疗重度[足母]外翻的疗效。方法自2004年至2008年采用第一跖骨近端楔形截骨结合跖趾关节处的远端软组织手术,治疗重度[足母]外翻46例81足。结果参照美国足踝外科学会Maryland评分系统,本组患者随访1~4年,优61足,良16足,可4足,优良率95.10o,平均HVA矫正28°,平均IMA矫正11°。结论第一跖骨近端楔形截骨结合软组织手术治疗重度脾外[足母]畸形,可得到极好矫正,不易复发,手术效果确实可靠,并发症少。  相似文献   

Reverdin戴骨术治疗Mu外翻疗效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

目的回顾分析单纯第一跖骨及联合第二和(或)第三跖骨基底截骨治疗!外翻的疗效。方法1994年1月至2003年12月,采用单纯第一跖骨及联合第二和(或)第三跖骨基底截骨治疗!外翻,其中35例56足资料完整并获得随访。行第一跖骨基底截骨术26例43足,行第一跖骨及联合第二和(或)第三跖骨基底截骨术9例13足,患者第二和(或)第三跖骨头下存在疼痛性胼胝体。患足均于手术前、后摄负重正侧位X线片。结果行第一跖骨基底截骨术患者术前!外翻角为30.1°±4.9°,第一跖楔关节角为12.2°±5.0°;术后!外翻角为14.7°±2.7°,第一跖楔关节角为6.9°±1.5°。术前AOFAS评分为(47.6±5.8)分,术后为(84.3±5.7)分。行第一跖骨联合第二和(或)第三跖骨基底截骨术患者术前!外翻角为35.0°±5.8°,第一跖楔关节角为16.7°±1.8°;术后!外翻角为16.7°±2.4°,第一跖楔关节角为7.8°±1.4°。术前AOFAS评分为(44.7±5.7)分,术后为(85.7±4.5)分。在手术前、后X线片上测量相关解剖角度,并进行比较。!外翻角、第一跖楔关节角、第一、二跖骨间角、第一、五跖骨间角、近端关节固定角术后与术前相比,差异有统计学意义,远端关节固定角手术前、后未见明显变化。AOFAS评分手术前、后比较,差异有统计学意义。结论对于第一跖楔关节角增大的!外翻患者,应用第一跖骨基底截骨术矫正第一跖骨内收畸形可以获得优良的术后效果;而对于伴有前足疼痛性跖侧胼胝体者,建议联合行第二和(或)第三跖骨基底截骨术,以恢复正常的跖骨头平面足横弓。  相似文献   

目的 回顾分析第一跖骨基底部截骨治疗足拇外翻的疗效.方法 采用第一跖骨基底部截骨钢板内固定、拇囊肿切除、拇内收肌切断、第一跖骨头骨赘切除治疗足拇外翻28例32足.结果 术后足拇外翻角、第一、二跖骨夹角、第一、五跖骨夹角均较术前有明显改善(P<0.05).术前AOFAS评分为(49.2±4.1)分,术后为(85.6±5.2)分;手术前后比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 对于无第一跖趾关节骨关节炎的足拇外翻患者,应用上述方法治疗可以获得良好的效果.  相似文献   

第一跖骨截骨术治疗Mu外翻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈公林  陈一鸣等 《中国骨伤》2002,15(10):631-631

Scarf截骨治疗中、重度(足母)外翻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨Scarf截骨治疗拇外翻的手术适应证、手术方法及近期疗效。方法2001年1月至2005年12月,手术治疗拇外翻患者25例40足,其中23例36足获得随访,男2例2足,女21例34足;年龄28~70岁,平均56岁。手术均采用Scarf截骨,术中2枚螺钉固定。比较手术前、后及末次随访时与拇外翻相关的各角度的X线测量值,并结合AOFAS和VAS评分观察疗效。术前、术后的各组数据采用SPSS 11.5统计软件进行统计学分析。结果拇外翻角和第一、二跖骨间角从术前的38.0°±22.0°和16.0°±4.6°改善到术后的14.0°±6.1°和7.8°±2.9°,第一跖骨远端关节面角从23.0°±15.0°矫正为7.7°±5.1°。末次随访时拇外翻角为15.0°±5.7°,第一、二跖骨间角为8.8°±4.1°,第一跖骨远端关节面角为5.9°±3.8°。患者随访10-57个月,平均32个月。AOFAS评分从术前(46±17)分改善为(85±11)分,VAS评分从(7.4±2.3)分改善为(3.3±1.9)分。术后拇僵硬2例,最内侧皮神经损伤1例,转移性跖骨痛1例。结论Scarf截骨具有较好的自身稳定性,并发症少,手术效果好,可作为中、重度拇外翻矫形手术的首选方法。  相似文献   

第一跖骨基底外侧楔形截骨治疗Mu外翻   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文介绍一种重度Mu外翻矫形的手术术式。这一术式是根据Mu外翻严重程度与第一跖骨内收畸形相对称的原理,在第一跖骨旁做一纵形切口,沿其基底部平行关节处外侧做一楔形截骨,内侧骨皮质予以保留,不做完全截断,以此为轴,纠正第一跖骨内收,从而Mu外翻自动矫形,于跖Mu关节侧关节内侧弧形切口内,将跖骨头内侧赘生骨切除,紧缩跖Mu关节内侧关节囊,以纠正因长期Mu外翻所致跖Mu外侧关节囊挛缩的残留外翻畸形。通过K  相似文献   

为寻求矫正外翻畸形的理想手术方法,自1990年以来作者采用Chevron手术治疗12例18足。经1~7年随访,结果:优15足(83%),良2足(11%),差1足(6%),优良率94%。畸形矫正:趾外翻角术前35°~40°,术后5°~9°;第一跖骨间角术前15°~20°,术后5°~10°;跖骨远侧关节角术前均>15°,术后均<15°;前足宽度术前60~70mm,术后55~65mm。无跖骨头无菌性坏死和骨不连等并发症。表明该手术有手术简单,截骨端嵌插稳定,畸形矫正满意,并发症少和行走时间早,恢复快等优点  相似文献   

目的:观察第一跖骨颈移位截骨术纠正第一序列畸形的远期疗效。方法:采用第一跖骨颈内侧骨突切除和第一跖骨颈外移截骨术,矫治严重(足母)外翻畸形,使第一序列成一直线排列。结果:平均随访5年以上,从畸形纠正、疼痛、负重功能、X线片和复发情况综合评价疗效。90%病人无痛、负重功能好、足形美观、畸形无复发。结论:研究(足母)外翻畸形时,必须重视足第一序列解剖异常,以正确选择术式。第一跖骨颈移位截骨纠正严重(足母)外翻畸形远期疗效满意,值得推广。  相似文献   

《Acta orthopaedica》2013,84(6):1013-1018
In order to obtain an optimal correction of hallux valgus and to prevent its recurrence, the authors have applied a surgical technique which combines a proximal valgus osteotomy of the first metatarsal bone with an excision of the pseudoexostosis and a distal soft tissue plasty at the first metatarsophalangeal joint. The procedure is based on an etiological theory regarding metatarsus primus varus as the primary cause of the deformity, which is in accordance with the opinion of many other authors. The osteotomy corrects the malposition of the first metatarsal bone thereby reducing the deformity and preventing its recurrence. The soft tissue plasty alleviates secondary contractures that prevent a full correction of the big toe. A series of 43 consecutive patients (46 feet) with a follow-up period of 5–44 months and extracted from a total number of 99 operated cases is presented. The result was excellent in 78 per cent, good in 11 per cent and poor in 11 per cent. The reason for a less than excellent result was almost always inadequate correction of the deformity, at the level of the first metatarsal bone, or the big toe, or both.  相似文献   

BackgroundProblems associated with hallux valgus deformity correction using Kirschner-wire (K-wire) fixation include pin pullout and loss of stability. These complications are pronounced in the osteopenic bone, and few reports have focused on pin versus screw fixation. We examined the use of additional screw fixation to avoid these problems. The aim of this study was to compare outcomes of K-wire fixation (KW) and a combined K-wire and screw fixation (KWS).MethodsTwo groups with hallux valgus deformity, who were treated with a proximal chevron metatarsal osteotomy (PCMO), were compared based on the fixation method used. The KW group included 117 feet of 98 patients, and the KWS group included 56 feet of 40 patients. Clinically, the preoperative and final follow-up visual analog scale (VAS) pain score, American Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS) hallux score, and patient satisfaction score were evaluated. Radiographically, hallux valgus angle (HVA) and intermetatarsal angle (IMA) were measured.ResultsThe mean VAS score decreased from 6.3 preoperatively to 1.6 postoperatively in the KW group and from 5.7 preoperatively to 0.5 postoperatively in the KWS group (p < 0.001). The mean AOFAS scores of the KW and KWS groups improved from 59.4 and 58.2, respectively, to 88.9 and 95.3, respectively (p < 0.001). Eighty-five percent in the KW group and 93% in the KWS group were satisfied with surgery. Clinical differences were not significant. The mean HVAs decreased from 34.7° to 9.1° in the KW group and from 38.5° to 9.2° in the KWS group (p < 0.001). The mean IMA decreased from 14.5° (range, 11.8°–17.2°) to 6.4° (range, 2.7°–10.1°) in the KW group and from 18.0° (range, 14.8°–21.2°) to 5.3° (range, 2.5°–8.1°) in the KWS group (p < 0.001). When IMA values at the 3-month postoperative and the final follow-up were compared, the IMA was significantly increased only in the KW group (p < 0.001) and no difference was found in the KWS group (p = 0.280).ConclusionsWe found a statistically significant difference in the decrease in IMA between the 2 groups. We recommend the combined pin and screw fixation in PCMO to enhance fixation stability and prevent potential hallux valgus correction loss.  相似文献   

本院从1957年~1991年共收治333例593足外翻畸形患者,其中247例447足行keller术,占75.38%,自1979~1991年行Mitchell术51例91足,占15.35%,其它手术占8%。本文重点讨论了外翻的病因,介绍Mitchell手术方法、手术适应症、手术中注意事项。随诊4个月至6年,结果优良率达84%,(其中10足未随诊),本文将此术式介绍给年龄较轻,跖趾关节骨性关节炎不明显,畸形不严重,但疼痛的患者。此外讨论了外翻角度与跖间角之间的关系。  相似文献   

BackgroundRadiological correction of hallux valgus deformity is the objective of operation and related to successful outcomes. Nonetheless, footwear problems related to foot width can also affect the clinical outcome. Few studies have analyzed changes in foot width, and data on clinical outcomes after correction of hallux valgus deformity are scarce.MethodsThe study included 159 cases with symptomatic hallux valgus deformity who underwent proximal or distal chevron metatarsal osteotomy and were followed up for a mean of 32.8 months. Radiologically, the hallux valgus angle, intermetatarsal angle, first metatarsal head width, bony foot width, and soft-tissue foot width were analyzed. Clinically, the visual analog scale for pain and American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) hallux metatarsophalangeal-interphalangeal score were evaluated.ResultsThe preoperative hallux valgus was corrected radiologically at the last follow-up. The bony foot width was reduced by 9.4%, and the soft-tissue foot width was reduced by 7.1% (p < 0.001 for all). The mean AOFAS score improved from 51.2 preoperatively to 89.4 at the final follow-up (p < 0.001). In multiple regression, the perioperative changes of bony foot width were associated with final AOFAS score (p = 0.029).ConclusionsChevron osteotomy performed for hallux valgus deformity resulted in satisfactory radiological and clinical outcomes. Perioperative changes in bony foot width showed a significant correlation with AOFAS score. Therefore, to correct hallux valgus deformity, it is necessary to correct known radiological indicators sufficiently and make efforts simultaneously to reduce the foot width optimally.  相似文献   

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