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Summary Experimental evidence for integration of transformed DNA into the genome of Absidia glauca, a member of the fungal class of zygomycetes is presented. According to the limited knowledge on the molecular biology of these fungi, autonomous replication of transformed plasmids seems to be the preferential mode of DNA propagation. By inserting fragments of highly repetitive DNA elements into an autonomously replicating vector conferring neomycin resistance, we were able to obtain integrative transformation events. With such plasmids we observed stable mitotic propagation of a selective marker gene (NPT II under the control of a homologous actin promoter). Analysis of DNA from transformants in Southern type experiments, as well as restriction analysis of retransformants into Escherichia coli, provide evidence that integration of foreign DNA into the genome of Absidia glauca is possible. These transformation events are often associated with the appearance of mutant phenotypes.  相似文献   

Summary Methods for obtaining the release, regeneration, and fusion of protoplasts from the dioecious zygomycete Absidia glauca are presented. Somatic hybridization was obtained between protoplasts from several amino acid auxotrophic mutants either belonging to the same or complementary mating type. Both kinds of mating type information are expressed within the same organism and give rise to a monoecious phenotype. Without the selective pressure on the auxotrophic markers used for the construction of the fusion strains, the ability to form zygospores is rapidly lost. However, the gene clusters for ribosomal RNA which are distinguishable between mating types are stable and maintained in the fusion strains, independent of growth conditions.  相似文献   

Summary We have cloned fragments from mitochondrial and chromosomal DNA of the zygomycete Absidia glauca in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using the ARS selection vector YIp5. Though it has not been possible to select ARS elements from chromosomal DNA, we succeeded in isolating two clones of mitochondrial origin that support autonomous replication in bakers' yeast. DNA from these plasmids has been shown to hybridize with mitochondrial DNA from both mating types. Generation times of the transformed yeast strain in selective medium are around 20 h. In liquid minimal medium only 6% of the cells contain the plasmid; in complete medium a mitotic stability of 50% has been determined.  相似文献   

Summary Protoplasts of auxotrophic mutants of the heterothallic zygomycete Absidia glauca were efficiently fused by electrofusion. Fusion heterokaryons between the complementary mating types, which grew prototrophically, were selected. Among 72 fusion colonies which were further analysed, 11 did not only grow prototrophically but also combined both mating types as they formed zygotes within the same mycelium. These homothallic hybrids possessed two sets of rDNA repeats originating from the complementary mating types. Those fusion colonies which gave only a (+) type mating reaction, synthesized a 15 kDa (+) type-specific surface protein; fusion colonies which mated as (-) type, did not produce this surface protein. In homothallic fusion products no expression of the (+) type-specific protein could be detected. Single spore derivatives of fusion colonies in general show the phenotype of only one fusion partner, but in some cases prototrophic recombinants were obtained. This system opens up the possibility for genetic analysis of an organism with inefficient meiotic system, lacking a natural parasexual cycle.  相似文献   

Summary Total cell DNA of Absidia glauca has a GC-content of 44.6% ± 0.5% as determined from optical melting profiles which is in good accordance with values from equilibrium centrifugation in bisbenzimide containing CsCl gradients (46.2% = 1.1%), whereas mitochondrial DNA has a GC-content of only 30%. The genome size of Absidia glauca is approximately 36,000 kb, 8.6 times that of Escherichia coli. Three kinetically different fractions could be identified in reassociation experiments: a foldback-DNA fraction, comprising approximately 10% of the total DNA, repetitive DNA (25%) and single copy DNA (65%). This relatively high amount of repetitive DNA could partly be ascribed to ribosomal DNA (13%) and a new interspersed repetitive element (rAg1) which has been cloned in pBR325.  相似文献   

Summary Experimental conditions for the separation of chromosomes from the model zygomycete Absidia glauca by rotating field electrophoresis were established. The sexually compatible strains of the mating type pair A. glauca CBS 100.48 (+) and CBS 101.48 (-) showed considerable differences in their electrophoretic karyotype. By Southern hybridization with homologous probes we have mapped the chromosomal locations for rDNA, the repetitive element rAg1, and the genes for actin and the elongation factor EF1. For the mapping of ubiquitin information we used a heterologous probe from U. maydis. The combination of electrophoretic karyotyping and Southern mapping proved to be a useful tool for characterizing mutant genotypes, which were induced by integrative transformation.  相似文献   

The infection of the model organism Absidia glauca by P. parasitica is accompanied by the fusion of both mycelia. By two lines of evidence we were able to show that this process is associated with the transfer of genes. First, auxotrophically labelled A. glauca mutants are efficiently complemented as a consequence of transfer of the parasite's genetic material. Second, for a plasmidcoded dominant marker (neomycin resistance), which is expressed in either organism, we proved the presence of plasmid DNA in recombinant recipients by molecular analysis at the DNA level. We propose the term para-recombinants for describing recombinant inter-generic chimærae, which are generated as a consequence of mycoparasitism.  相似文献   

Summary The oliC3 gene of Aspergillus niger has been isolated and sequenced. This gene encodes an oligomycinresistant variant of the mitochondrial ATP synthase subunit 9. In transformation experiments the gene can serve as a semi-dominant selectable marker for A. niger. It was possible to recognize transformants in which oliC3 had integrated at the homologous oliC locus, as opposed to elsewhere in the genome, by observation of phenotypes on medium containing oligomycin. DNA sequencing has allowed comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence with subunit 9 proteins from other species and comparison of 5 untranslated sequences with those from other fungi.  相似文献   

Summary Rhizopus niveus has been transformed to blasticidin S resistance by vectors containing the bacterial blasticidin S resistance gene under the control of a Rhizopus promoter. Southern analysis of the total DNA from transformants indicated that the introduced DNA was rearranged, and that one of the transformants harbored extrachromosomal plasmids with rearranged DNA. Using this transformation system, the introduction of pUBSR101, a plasmid carrying the Escherichia coli lacZ gene fused to the promoter and the N-terminal region of the R. niveus aspartic proteinase-II (RNAP-II) gene, resulted in an increase of -galactosidase activity in the cell extract, indicating expression of the lacZ fusion gene in R. niveus. This is the first report of a transformation system for filamentous fungi using the blasticidin S resistance gene as a dominant selectable marker.  相似文献   

Summary Conidia of Neurospora crassa are sensitive to the herbicide bialaphos at concentrations of 160 mg/1 in Westergaard's or Fries' minimal media. Plasmid pJA4 was constructed by inserting a truncated bar gene from Streptomyces hygroscopicus fused to the his-3 promoter from N. crassa into pUC19. The bar gene in plasmid pJA4 confers resistance to bialaphos when transformants are selected on a medium containing bialaphos. The bar gene can be used as an additional dominant selectable marker for transformation of fungi.  相似文献   

Summary The facultatively parasitic zygomycete Parasitella simplex was transformed to neomycin resistance by a vector, which had been developed primarily for transformation of its host Absidia glauca. This plasmid, pAmNEF21, contained the bacterial resistance gene for neomycin (NPTII) under the control of the promoter region from the gene for elongation factor 1 (tef) isolated from A. glauca. Both flanking regions of the marker gene contain parts of the structural tef gene. DNA isolated from two Parasitella transformants was re-transformed in E. coli and the resulting plasmids, pAt21 and pAt35, were analyzed. The restriction map and Southern blot analysis show that both plasmids are rearranged. They had lost the structural tef information and were found to contain new DNA fragments, which were identical in both cases. Southern blot analysis of the transformants indicates that the rearranged plasmids are present in the fungal transformants and that the changes are not the result of re-transformation in E. coli. Plasmids were only recovered after growth under selective conditions. Southern blot analysis and re-transformation with undigested transformant DNA shows that the plasmids are replicated autonomously.  相似文献   

Summary The E. coli aroA gene was inserted between yeast promoter and terminator sequences in different shuttle expression plasmids and found to confer enhanced EPSP synthase activity as well as resistance to glyphosate toxicity. Subsequently, a transformation system using these newly constructed vectors in yeast was characterized. The efficiency of the glyphosate resistance marker for transformation and selection with plasmid pHR6/20-1 in S. cerevisiae laboratory strain SHY2 was found to be relatively high when compared with selection for LEU2 prototrophy. The fate of the recombinant plasmid pHR6/20-1 in the transformants, the preservation of the aroA E. coli DNA fragment in yeast, mitotic stability, EPSP synthase activity, and growth on glyphosate-containing medium have been investigated. As this plasmid also allows direct selection for glyphosate resistant transformants on rich media, the glyphosate resistance marker was used for transforming both S. cerevisiae laboratory strain SHY2 and brewer's yeast strains S. cerevisiae var. uvarum BHS5 and BHS2. In all cases, the vector pHR6/20-1 was maintained as an autonomously replicating plasmid. The resistance marker is, therefore, suitable for transforming genetically unlabeled S. cerevisiae laboratory, wild, and industrial yeast strains.Abbreviations EPSP 5-enolpyruvylshikimate 3-phosphate  相似文献   

Summary We have cloned a mutant oligomycin resistance allele of the mitochondrial ATP synthase subunit 9 gene from the filamentous fungus Penicillium chrysogenum. The gene was isolated using the equivalent gene from Aspergillus nidulans as a hybridisation probe. Using the cloned gene it is possible to select for oligomycin resistance in P. chrysogenum transformation experiments. This transformation system was used to introduce further copies of the P. chrysogenum isopenicillin N synthetase gene, which were stably maintained without selection. An assessment of the frequency with which homologous integration occurs was also made. With this system, it should prove possible to transform any strain of P. chrysogenum.  相似文献   

Summary We have cloned and sequenced the Trichoderma reesei pyr4 gene encoding orotidine-5-monophosphate decarboxylase. Comparison of this sequence with that of the equivalent gene from other filamentous fungi suggests that T. reesei is closely related to Cephalosporium acremonium and Neurospora crassa. The cloned pyr4 gene has been used as a homologous selectable marker for transformation of T. reesei. The majority of transformants obtained with circular plasmid were mitotically unstable and contained non-integrated plasmid molecules, sometimes in addition to plasmid integrated in the genome, Linearization of plasmid prior to transformation decreased the transformation frequency but increased the proportion of stable transformation obtained.  相似文献   

Regulatory sequences of the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate-dehydrogenase (GPD) gene from the homobasidiomycete Schizophyllum commune were fused to the coding sequence of the ble gene from Streptoalloteichus hindustanus, which codes for a phleomycin-binding protein. The resulting construct transformed S. commune to phleomycin resistance at a high frequency (up to 104 transformants/g DNA per 107 protoplasts) when regeneration was done in 0.5 M MgSO4. A similar construct with regulatory sequences from Aspergillus nidulans failed to give transformants, showing the importance of homologous regulatory sequences for the expression of genes in S. commune. The homologous GPD promoter could be deleted up to position -130 without any effect on the number of phleomycin-resistant transformants. This is the first effective stable transformation system in a homobasidiomycete employing antibiotic resistance.  相似文献   

Summary We have developed a transformation system for Trichoderma hamatum and Trichoderma harzianum Rifai, using dominant markers for selection based on the Escherichia coli hygromycin B phosphotransferase gene (hph) and the -tubulin gene (bml) from Neurospora crassa, respectively. Transformation frequencies and protoplast regeneration were low in both species. All the T. hamatum hygromycin-resistant transformants analysed were mitotically stable, in contrast to those of T. harzianum derived by benomyl resistance, in which only 50% of the transformants analysed were stable. Molecular analysis of transformants showed the integration of the transforming DNA into the genome and indicated that the number and sites of integration varied among the transformants.  相似文献   

Two S. cerevisiae genes were found to exhibit dominant phenotypes useful for selecting transformants of industrial and laboratory strains of S. cerevisiae. FZF1-4, which confers sulfite resistance, was originally isolated and identified as RSU1-4, but the two genes are shown here to be allelic. Cysteine 57 in wild-type Fzf1p was found to be replaced by tyrosine in Fzf1-4p. Multicopy SSU1, which also confers sulfite resistance, was found to be somewhat less efficient. In both cases, a period of outgrowth in non-selective medium following transformation was found to be necessary. The number of transformants obtained was found to be strain-dependent, and also to depend on the sulfite concentration used during selection. Undesirable background growth of non-transformants was not observed at cell densities as high as 2.5 × 107/plate. In two ura3 laboratory strains where selection for URA3 was applied independently of that for sulfite, the transformation efficiency for sulfite resistance was about 50% that for uracil prototrophy. Received: 1 July / 9 August 1999  相似文献   

Carboxypeptidase Z is a serine carboxypeptidase secreted by Absidia zychae NRIC 1199. The cDNA and genomic DNA carrying the scpZ gene encoding carboxypeptidase Z were cloned and sequenced. The nucleotide sequences of the cDNA (1.4 kb) and the genomic DNA (3.3 kb) were analyzed and the intervening sequences were located by a comparison of the two. It was found that the scpZ gene was interrupted by 11 short introns, 50–75 nucleotides in length. Genomic Southern analysis showed that there was only one scpZ gene in the genome of A. zychae. The gene encoded a putative pre-proenzyme composed of 409 amino-acid residues of the mature carboxypeptidase Z (Mr 45 421) and an additional N-terminal sequence of 51 amino-acid residues. The amino-acid sequence around the active serine residue of carboxypeptidase Z (-G-E-S-Y-G-G-) differed from the consensus (-G-E-S-Y-A-G-) which is conserved in most of the serine carboxypeptidases so far analyzed.  相似文献   

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