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目的观察小鼠感染广州管圆线虫后机体免疫的动态变化。方法分别采集感染前、感染后第1、3、7、18d的小鼠血清,用ELISA方法检测血清中细胞因子IL-2、IL-4以及特异性免疫球蛋白G(IgG)亚类水平。结果广州管圆线虫感染的小鼠血清中IL-2的水平较感染前呈逐渐下降趋势,IL-4的水平与感染前小鼠相比先下降后呈升高趋势。抗体IgG1的水平与感染前小鼠相比明显升高,IgG2a的水平与感染前小鼠相比未见明显变化。结论小鼠Th1型免疫应答较弱,Th2型免疫应答增强。表明小鼠感染广州管圆线虫后机体细胞免疫较弱,体液免疫较强。  相似文献   

白塞病(BD)是一种自身免疫性疾病,但至今仍未发现其致病抗原以及与BD直接相关的自身抗体。我们检测41例白塞病患者外周血T淋巴细胞亚群(CD3、CD4、CD8、CD16^*/CD56^*、CD19)及细胞因子(IL-1B、IL-2、sIL-2R、IL-6、IL-8、TNF-α)的水平,旨在探讨白塞病患者细胞免疫功能的变化。  相似文献   

目的 了解广州市广州管圆线虫中间宿主的感染情况。方法 采用人工消化法消化从广州市东、西、南、北、中各区收集的褐云玛瑙螺、福寿螺、中华圆田螺和同型巴蜗牛,对消化后的螺类材料中的广州管圆线虫第Ⅲ期幼虫进行观察和计数。结果 褐云玛瑙螺阳性率为13.27%(30/226), 平均感染度为794条/只;同型巴蜗牛阳性率为2.86% (2/70),平均感染度为115条/只。161只福寿螺和189只中华圆田螺无阳性检出。结论 广州市广州管圆线虫的自然疫源地中,褐云玛瑙螺占主导地位。不同区域褐云玛瑙螺的感染率差异较大。褐云玛瑙螺的感染度与其重量相关。  相似文献   

福寿螺作为广州管圆线虫的中间宿主在广州管圆线虫病的流行中扮演了重要的角色。根据福寿螺外壳及软组织特点将其分为三类:黑色福寿螺、黄色福寿螺、灰色福寿螺。将三类福寿螺用低剂量和高剂量的广州管圆线虫感染以观察其易感性,结果发现高剂量感染组中,黄色福寿螺感染率低于灰色福寿螺,这可能是黄色福寿螺在中国多个省份占优势的一个原因。通过对三类福寿螺对广州管圆线虫易感性的分析,期望为广州管圆线虫病的防治提供证据。  相似文献   

白塞病患者血清T淋巴细胞亚群和细胞因子变化初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨白塞病(BD)患者外周血T淋巴细胞亚群和细胞因子的变化。方法 用流式细胞仪和放射免疫法分别检测BD在患者血清T淋巴细胞亚群(CD3、CD4、CD8、CD16^ /CD56^ 、CD19)和细胞因子[白细胞介素(IL)-1β、IL-2、sIL-2R、IL-6、IL-8、肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)-α]的水平。结果 BD组CD8细胞显著高于对照组,CD4、CD4/CD8比值及自然杀伤细胞(NK)(CD16^ /CD56^ )细胞显著低于对照组,而CD3和CD19细胞两组间差异无显著性;BD组血清sIL-2R和IL-8水平显著高于对照组,而IL-1、IL-2、IL-6及TNF-α两组间差异无显著陛。结论 BD患者存在细胞免疫紊乱,血清sIL-2R和IL-8升高可能是疾病活动指标之一。  相似文献   

广州管圆线虫感染的免疫学研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

广州管圆线虫感染大白鼠的实验观察   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
用广州管圆线虫感染期幼虫感染大白鼠,获得成功。观察结果显示,感染后23~32天病死的大白鼠队脑部病变最为严重,这是由于幼龄成虫从脑向肺转移时损伤和刺激血管壁,引起脑出血,加上虫体对脑组织的直接损伤所致。40~68天病死的大白鼠,主要病变在肺部,此期由于虫卵的刺激和幼虫移行过程中造成的损伤,使肺组织受到破坏,肺部病变广泛时可引起呼吸衰竭。一般情况下鼠体内寄生的虫数越多,死亡时间越早。  相似文献   

广州管圆线虫感染家猫和犬的观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
广州管圆线虫为嗜酸性粒细胞增多性脑膜炎或脑膜脑炎的病原体,已有许多文献报告了该虫对猴子和各种鼠类等实验动物的致病作用的研究[1],但有关猫、犬的感染情况未见报道。我们用广州管圆线虫感染了家猫和狗,现报告如下。1 方法  从实验感染的福寿螺中分离出广州管圆线虫第三期幼虫[2],分别感染家猫3只,狗1只。经口感染和皮下注射感染。感染后一定时间用乙醚麻醉后处死解剖,观察脑、脊髓、心和肺部病变。2 结果2.1 猫感染情况观察 用广州管圆线虫的三期幼虫500条直接经口灌注猫1只,2min后猫将胃的内容物全…  相似文献   

感染广州管圆线虫小鼠脑组织的病理变化观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的 观察小鼠感染广州管圆线虫后脑组织的病理学改变。 方法 以广州管圆线虫Ⅲ期幼虫人工感染BALB/c小鼠48只,每鼠经口感染40条幼虫,在感染后第7、10、13、16、19、22、25和28天分别解剖6只小鼠。取脑组织,切片后HE染色,观察脑组织病理改变,计数脑组织内虫体。各组均设平行对照健康小鼠1只。 结果 小鼠感染广州管圆线虫Ⅲ期幼虫后,第10 天肉眼下可从小鼠脑组织中检获虫体,但数量较少,平均为(7±1.73)条;感染后第16天,检获虫体最多,平均为(23.66±4.93)条;随后随感染时间的延长而逐渐减少。小鼠感染第15天时出现明显的神经系统症状,多数小鼠在感染后第22天死亡。病理切片观察可见脑组织有机械性损伤,脑实质中可见空洞及炎症反应。脑膜及蛛网膜下腔可见虫体,第13天即可见脑膜炎症反应,并随感染时间延长而加重。 结论 小鼠感染广州管圆线虫Ⅲ期幼虫可引起脑组织病理改变,并随感染时间延长逐步加重。  相似文献   

福建省鼠类感染广州管圆线虫调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的调查福建省鼠类自然感染广州管圆线虫情况,为开展预防控制该病提供依据。方法采用笼捕法。每d将捕获的鼠类,以村为单位,进行逐一编号、鉴定鼠种、♀、♂和成、幼鼠后,取出心、肺,置生理盐水玻皿内将其撕碎,发现虫体再逐条取出置另一生理盐水玻皿内,计算成虫条数和鉴别♀♂。结果共调查9个地、市23个县(市、区)35乡(镇)67个村,除龙岩市的上杭县和福州市辖平潭(海岛县)未发现鼠类感染外,其余21个县(市、区)均发现感染。共检查鼠类4890只,发现感染鼠434只,感染率为8.90%。其中,以褐家鼠感染率最高,为17.75%(315/1775);黄胸鼠其次为6.21%(49/789);臭鼩鼱和小家鼠较低仅为2.81%(29/1032)与2.52%(3/119)(χ2=185.06,P<0.001)。不同鼠龄的感染率,成鼠为21.37%(222/1039),远远高于幼鼠的11.11%(30/270)(χ2=14.50,P<0.05)。结论福建鼠类感染广州管圆线虫已遍及全省9个市和绝大多数的县、市、区的农村和城镇周围。其感染鼠的分布与当地福寿螺的分布一致。  相似文献   

广州管圆线虫病(angiostrongyliasis)是一种人兽共患寄生虫病,是中国最具潜在危险的食源性寄生虫病之一。本文综述了PCR及其衍生技术在广州管圆线虫检测中的应用进展。  相似文献   

The role that T and B lymphocytes play in the clearance of Giardia muris in the mouse model is well known, but the cytokines produced by CD4+ T cells in response to Giardia antigenic stimulation are unknown. In this study, we have determined how Giardia trophozoite antigenic crude extract and T cell mitogens can trigger the production of cytokines by Peyer's patch and spleen cells removed from infected animals. When Giardia trophozoite proteins were used to challenge the cells in vitro , IL-4, IL-5 and IFN-γ were not detected in the culture supernatant. When the cells were challenged with Con-A, all three cytokines were released in vitro . However, the level of each cytokine released by the spleen or Peyer's patch cells varied with the latent, acute and elimination phases of the infection. The high levels of IL-4 and IL-5 released by Peyer's patch cells confirm the importance of IgA in the control of the infection. However, we propose that the relative success of G. muris in completing its life cycle in a primary infection might be due, in part, to the stimulation of a Th2-type response (IL-4, IL-5). A stronger Th1 response (IFN-γ) may lead to a better control of the primary infection .  相似文献   

Lee JD  Tsai LY  Chen CH  Wang JJ  Hsiao JK  Yen CM 《Acta tropica》2006,97(2):204-211
Several indices were used to assess whether blood-brain barrier (BBB) damage occurs in neurological disorders. Dysfunction of the BBB was surmised to be involved in the pathological changes of eosinophilic meningitis caused by the infection of Angiostrongylus cantonensis. The mean concentration of protein and albumin in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of infected mice gradually increased from days 0 to 18 after infection and then rapidly increased 21 days after infection. The concentrations of protein and albumin in the CSF of infected mice 15 days after infection were all significantly higher than those in uninfected mice (all P-values at least <0.05). Parallel with the increase in protein and albumin in the CSF, infected mice showed a gradual increase in their CSF/serum protein and albumin ratios. The increase became significant at days 21 and 18 after infection, respectively (P<0.01 and P<0.05, respectively). The higher the worm counts in the brain, the higher the CSF/serum albumin ratio was observed in infected mice at day 21 after infection (P<0.001). In addition, the ratios of the CSF/serum albumin were positively correlated with the worm counts in the brain (P<0.001). The total leukocyte and eosinophil counts were also positively correlated with ratios of CSF/serum albumin (P<0.01). The amount of Evans blue in the brain of mice 21 days after infection from peripheral blood via BBB became significantly increased than those in uninfected mice (P<0.001). Thus, the evidence of high concentrations of protein and albumin, high leukocyte counts in CSF, high ratio of CSF/serum protein and albumin, and high permeability of BBB show that dysfunction of the BBB occurred in mice infected with A. cantonensis.  相似文献   

HCV感染极易转变为慢性持续性感染,宿主的免疫功能变化可能是其重要原因之一,而T淋巴细胞在宿主免疫方面发挥举足轻重的作用。本文就丙型病毒性肝炎患者在慢性HCV感染过程中CD4 T细胞和CD8 T细胞及其细胞因子变化与联系进行综述。  相似文献   

The gender of vertebrate hosts may affect the outcome of parasitic infections. An experimental murine infection with Angiostrongylus costaricensis was followed with determinations of body weight, fecal larval elimination, number and length of adult worms, number of macroscopic intestinal lesions, and mortality. Groups of male and female Swiss mice were infected with 10 3(rd)-stage A. costaricensis larvae per animal. The results indicate there are no significant differences related to gender of the host, except for higher length of worms developed in male mice.  相似文献   

When non-permissive hosts are infected with Angiostrongylus cantonensis, the migration of the worms to the brain and their subsequent development manifests as marked eosinophilic pleocytosis. We used microchambers to demonstrate direct eosinophil chemotactic activity by adding a variety of antibodies into cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of BALB/c mice 21 days post-infection with A. cantonensis. The antibodies were directed to neutralize eotaxin, RANTES (regulated on activation, normal T-cells expressed and secreted), macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1alpha, and platelet-activating factor (PAF), respectively. Eosinophil migration into the polycarbonate membrane covering CSF with anti-eotaxin or anti-MIP-1alpha antibodies was significantly lower than that for antibody-free CSF (Student's t test: p < 0.01, p < 0.05). We also collected CSF from mice 21 days after infection with 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 third-stage larvae (L3) respectively for dose-dependent testing, and 40 L3 at days 7, 14, and 21 after infection for time-dependent testing. Chemokine production in CSF was affected by A. cantonensis infection intensity and post-infection time. In conclusion, eotaxin and MIP-1alpha released in the CSF of A. cantonensis-infected mice have eosinophil chemotactic activity in this in vitro assay.  相似文献   

目的:观察外源性白细胞介素(IL)-7对病毒性心肌炎小鼠脾淋巴细胞分泌的干扰素(IFN)-γ、IL-6及转化生长因子(TGF)-β的影响。方法:雄性BALB/c小鼠腹腔注射柯萨奇病毒,1周后分离提取脾脏淋巴细胞,分别用0、25、50ng/ml重组IL-17(rIL-17)培养24、48、72h,流式细胞术测定培养后T辅助细胞(Th)1比例,RT-PCR测定培养细胞IFN-γ、IL-6及TGF-β的mRNA表达,ELISA法测定培养上清液中IFN-γ、IL-6及TGF-β的水平。结果:与0ng/ml组比较,25ng/ml组rIL-17作用后Th1细胞的比例、IFN-γmRNA表达水平及IFN-γ浓度均下降(均P<0.05)。但是不同浓度组和时间组内,IL-6和TGF-β的mRNA及蛋白表达量均差异无统计学意义。结论:外源性IL-17对病毒性心肌炎小鼠脾淋巴细胞中Th1细胞分化及IFN-γ的分泌起抑制作用,但是对TGF-β及IL-6没有显著影响。  相似文献   

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