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Few studies have examined barriers to physical and mental healthcare among homeless mentally adults. Methods This study examined physical and mental healthcare barriers reported by 154 recently homeless mentally ill persons. Results Practical concerns (e.g. transportation and cost) were key components of barriers to accessing general medical care among uninsured men with poorer overall mental health, PTSD, and STD infections. Perceived stigma was an important component of mental healthcare barriers reported most frequently by those with greater psychiatric symptoms. Conclusion Focusing on individual characteristics underlying barriers to healthcare may lead to better interventions for improving access to needed care.  相似文献   

This qualitative study explored how individuals who are homeless perceive outreach practices and available services. Interviews were conducted with 24 people who had been homeless for ≥1 year and who consistently resided on the streets of west midtown, Manhattan, New York. Reasons why these individuals refuse services include a pervasive mistrust of outreach workers and the agencies that employ them, as well as a prominent lack of confidence in available services. The findings suggest a need for an approach to outreach that incorporates giving individualized attention from outreach workers, using an empathetic listening approach, minimizing stereotyping, providing greater choices, and employing formerly homeless people as outreach workers.  相似文献   

The present investigation used qualitative methods to explore the response to housing and experience of community integration of formerly homeless individuals diagnosed with severe mental illness recently housed in both independent and staffed residential settings. Findings indicate that entering into housing after a long period of homelessness is associated with improvements in community integration for most individuals diagnosed with severe mental illness. However, for a meaningful minority, the adaptation to housing may also be associated with challenges that can complicate the integration process. Implications of findings are discussed in the context of how best to tailor programs to meet the complex needs of persons diagnosed with severe mental illness and to maximize community integration.  相似文献   

To examine the hypothesis that a demonstration clinic integrating homeless, primary care, and mental health services for homeless veterans with serious mental illness or substance abuse would improve medical health care access and physical health status. A quasi-experimental design comparing a ‘usual VA care’ group before the demonstration clinic opened (N = 130) and the ‘integrated care’ group (N = 130). Regression models indicated that the integrated care group was more rapidly enrolled in primary care, received more prevention services and primary care visits, and fewer emergency department visits, and was not different in inpatient utilization or in physical health status over 18 months. The demonstration clinic improved access to primary care services and reduced emergency services but did not improve perceived physical health status over 18 months. Further research is needed to determine generalizability and longer term effects.  相似文献   

The current study describes a system-wide method of evaluating detection strategies for co-occurring disorders within a state mental health system. Information technology was used to merge administrative datasets from the New Jersey mental health and substance abuse systems and identify individuals treated in both systems. We measured a 53% detection rate of substance use disorders amongst adult patients in the mental health system with particularly low detection rates in acute settings (49.0%) and among female (43.7%), older (36.2%), and psychotic patients (43.6%). The methodology described here could help evaluate critical aspects of ongoing state co-occurring disorder quality improvement initiatives. This paper was presented at the 2005 American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting (May 21–26, 2005) in Atlanta, Georgia.  相似文献   

Treatments for people with the co-occurring disorders of mental illness and substance use (abuse or dependence) have been evolving and improving since the mid 1980s. During this period substance abuse treatment programs reported between 50 and 75% of the people they served also had a mental health problem. At the same time, mental health programs reported between 20 and 50% of the people they served had a co-occurring problem of substance use or abuse. The proposed solution is to integrate the two treatment systems so as to treat both disorders at the same time. During the 1990s integrated treatment was proposed and several models of integrated care were evaluated. The fallacy of these conceptualizations is that the authors of these models presume that the numerous treatment interventions from both treatment traditions are compatible. This is a critical assumption. What if the two are not compatible? Rather than integrate the two systems of mental health and addiction treatment in whole, I would argue, a model is needed that selects the best interventions from each field and discard the rest. Suggestions are presented here for a beginning inventory of best practice interventions that could be the foundation for effectively treating people with co-occurring disorders.  相似文献   

This paper explores what occurs when screening and assessment tools are integrated into clinical practice. Although there is an overall need for a standardized process and a shared mental health screening tool, no such system is currently in place. The challenges faced by addiction and mental health centres in under-serviced regions of Ontario are discussed at length, where minimally trained staff struggle with the high-demand of clientele and low resources. The need for better trained staff as well as standardized terminology are also discussed in terms of challenges incorporating systematic screening and assessment processes.  相似文献   

Nearly everyone writing on homelessness over the past 15 years has called for comprehensive integrated systems of care to address the multiple and complex needs of people who become homeless, especially those with mental illness. What is often overlooked is that calls for systems integration are far from new. Although the names have changed over the years, the underlying concepts have not. The purposes of this paper are fourfold: (1) to clarify the distinction between services integration and systems integration; (2) to map the evolution of federal programs to demonstrate that most of these really have been focused on services integration rather than systems integration; (3) to assess the extent that data from these programs supports the idea of systems integration; and (4) to show how the current ACCESS demonstration for persons who are homeless and mentally ill is likely to provide answers that prior programs have not. Without these new data, systems integration, as one solution to the problems of homelessness, remains a theory without empirical evidence; albeit a theory with persuasive conceptual underpinnings.  相似文献   

To date, South African research has not examined mental health service provision in substance abuse treatment facilities, even though these services improve client retention and treatment outcomes. To describe the extent to which substance abuse treatment facilities in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal provinces provide clients with mental health services during the course of treatment and to compare mental health service provision in these settings by type of facility and staff composition. Cross-sectional audits of substance abuse treatment facilities were conducted in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal provinces. Data were collected using the Treatment Services Audit Questionnaire. A response rate of 84% was obtained. Few treatment facilities provide clients with access to mental health services. Inpatient facilities are more likely than outpatient facilities to provide clients with access to mental health services. Facilities with for-profit ownership status are more likely than facilities with non-profit status to provide access to mental health care. Based on the above findings, a number of recommendations are made to increase the provision of mental health services during the course of substance abuse treatment.  相似文献   

Clinician-rated measures are in extensive use as routine outcome measures in child and adolescent mental health services. We investigated cross-national differences and inter-rater reliability of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents (HoNOSCA), the Children’s Global Assessment Scale (CGAS) and the Global Assessment of Psychosocial Disability (GAPD). Thirty clinicians from 5 nations independently rated 20 written vignettes. The national groups afterwards established national consensus ratings. There were no cross-national differences in independent scores, but there were differences in national consensus scores, which were also more severe than independent scores. The ICC for the HoNOSCA total score was 0.84, for the CGAS 0.61 and for the GAPD 0.54. These measures may usefully contribute to cross-national comparison studies.  相似文献   

The patterns of use of outpatient services during a 1-year follow-up in seven psychiatric services in four Nordic countries were explored as a part of a Nordic comparative study on sectorized psychiatry. One-year treated incidence cohorts were used. Three main patterns of outpatient care emerged at the service system level. First, in two of the services the outpatient care was dominated by emergency contacts. In four of the services the outpatient care was dominated by scheduled contacts, and most of the patients had no emergency outpatient contacts at all. In one of the services a remarkably large number of (38%) the patients had no outpatient contact at all. In addition to the characteristics of the psychiatric services, the following variables predicted the use of emergency outpatient services: self-referral, no inpatient care and no planned outpatient contacts during the follow-up, diagnosis of adjustment disorder or functional psychosis, and being on sick leave. The following variables predicted several scheduled outpatient contacts during the follow-up: no inpatient care and two or more emergency outpatient contacts during the follow-up, female gender, age less than 65 years, no previous inpatient care, and diagnosis of non-organic psychosis, neurosis, or personality disorder.  相似文献   

This study tests components of Wong and Solomon’s (2002, Mental Health Services Research, 4(2), 13–28) model of community integration, identifying both the dimensions and predictors of integration. It evaluates community integration among adults with psychiatric disabilities assigned randomly to receive either independent scatter-site apartments with the Housing First approach (experimental) or services as usual (control). Factor analysis supported a definition of community integration that includes psychological, physical, and social domains, but also suggested the existence of another factor, independence/self-actualization. Regression analysis suggested that choice and independent scatter-site housing were predictors of psychological and social integration respectively. Psychiatric hospitalization, symptomatology and participation in substance use treatment were also found to influence aspects of integration. We discuss several issues that future studies should explore including the possibility that the same factor can differentially influence discrete aspects of integration, the role of person–environment fit, integration that is not based in the neighborhood, and, finally, conceptions of community integration from the perspective of consumers themselves. Leyla Gulcur is affiliated with New York University, New York, USA. Sam Tsemberis is affiliated with Pathways to Housing, Inc., New York, USA. Ana Stefancic is affiliated with Columbia University, New York, USA. Ronni M. Greenwood is affiliated with University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland, UK. Address correspondence to Leya Gulcar, Ph. D., 48 Greenwich Avenue, #5C, New York, NY 10011, USA; email: leyla.gulcur@nyu.edu  相似文献   

The author played a key role in the creation of the Mental Health Screening Form III (MHSF-III). It is noted that one must understand who will be using a given tool, the setting it will be used, and how the information obtained from it will be used by staff. To meet the needs of clinicians, MHSF-III was required to be short, understandable, inexpensive, and easy to use. The tool is not meant to be diagnostic but rather one which can better screen for possible mental health problems and to effectively refer identified cases.  相似文献   

Using the National Survey of Homeless Assistance Providers and Clients (NSHAPC), we found that among homeless mothers (n = 588), those living without their children were more likely to: be older than 35 years, unmarried, have been incarcerated, have been homeless for at least 1 year, and to have used psychiatric medication. Many homeless mothers had histories of childhood trauma, but it was the accumulation of adulthood traumas that was associated with not living with one’s children. Without mental health treatment, younger homeless mothers living with their children today may become the homeless mothers living without their children in the future. Cheryl Zlotnick, Tammy Tam, and Kimberly Bradley are affiliated with the Center for the Vulnerable Child, Children’s Hospital & Research Center Oakland, 747 52nd Street, Oakland, CA 94609-1809. Tammy Tam is affiliated with the Alcohol Research Group at the Public Health Institute, Emeryville, CA.  相似文献   

The study compares counselor and client characteristics of state-funded co-occurring disorder (COPSD) programs in mental health (MH) versus substance abuse (SA) settings. SA counselors more often had graduate degrees and MH counselors rated their knowledge and skills lower on two of nine COPSD best practice principles. MH clients were more frequently diagnosed with schizophrenia, depression, and bipolar disorder, whereas SA clients displayed evidence of greater substance use severity and had higher rates of treatment completion and abstinence at discharge. Results reveal significant implications for workforce development and potential system changes to enhance COPSD services that are unique to each setting.  相似文献   

This study assessed the influence of service systems integration on employment outcomes for persons with mental illness. A survey was sent to all 125 key program staff that worked for community mental health treatment agencies or vocational rehabilitation agencies. The survey found that referral and employment rates were low; but that these rates were related to characteristics of the interagency systems integration. Community mental health staff referred 448 individuals for employment services. Staff from vocational rehabilitation agencies accepted only 26% of these referrals and found work for just 11%; 7% were employed six months later. Also, 39% of respondents reported that the linkage agreement between their agencies was never established. This study suggests the need for more effective strategies for integrating mental health treatment and vocational rehabilitation systems.A version of this paper was presented at the Academy/Health annual conference in San Diego, June 8, 2004.  相似文献   

American Indian (AI) parents of children involved with child welfare were compared to White, Black and Hispanic parents on mental health and substance abuse problems and access to treatment. Data came from the National Study of Child and Adolescent Well-Being, a longitudinal study of a nationally representative sample of children aged 0–14 years involved with child welfare. Weighted statistics provided population estimates, and multivariate logistic regression was used to predict the likelihood of caregivers receiving mental health or substance abuse services. There were significant disparities in the likelihood of receiving mental health, but not substance abuse, services. Unmet need for mental health and substance abuse treatment characterized all parents in this study. AI parents fared the worst in obtaining mental health treatment. Parents of children at home and of older children were less likely to access mental health or substance abuse treatment.  相似文献   

To examine the correlates of secondhand tobacco smoke (SHS) exposure in a sample of individuals with severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI) accessing community mental health services. Cross-sectional data were collected from a voluntary sample of 788 individuals with SPMI. Nonsmokers were more likely to be exposed on the street or at a bus stop, in a park or public place; whereas smokers were more likely to report SHS exposure where they lived and at their friend’s homes. In a multivariate model, only number of acquaintances who smoked and the number of sources of SHS exposure remained significantly associated with perceived frequency of SHS exposure when accounting for other correlates. There is a need for the enactment and enforcement of policies to curtail SHS exposure in outdoor, public, settings. Future research will be necessary to better understand the extent and impact of SHS exposure in this population.  相似文献   

General psychotherapy research has underscored the importance of the therapeutic alliance in client outcomes. This study examined the association between therapeutic alliance and client outcomes specifically between chronically homeless clients in a supported housing program and their case managers. Using data from a federal supported housing initiative, participants were categorized into those who rated their therapeutic alliance with case managers at 3 months as relatively high (top 75th percentile; n = 123), relatively low (bottom 25th percentile; n = 128), or did not identify any primary mental health provider at 3 months (n = 205). Controlling for baseline differences, there were no group differences on any outcomes, except that participants who rated high therapeutic alliance at 3 months reported the highest subjective quality of life and perceived social support. Client outcomes in supported housing may rely more on practical assistance and access to other services than the quality of the therapeutic relationship with their primary mental health provider.  相似文献   

Service use and 2-year treatment outcomes were compared between chronically homelessness clients receiving comprehensive housing and healthcare services through the federal Collaborative Initiative on Chronic Homelessness (CICH) program (n = 281) a sample of similarly chronically homeless individuals receiving usual care (n = 104) in the same 5 communities. CICH clients were housed an average of 23 of 90 days (52%) more than comparison group subjects averaging over all assessments over a 2-year follow-up period. CICH clients were significantly more likely to report having a usual mental health/substance abuse treater (55% vs. 23%) or a primary case manager (26% vs. 9%) and to receive community case management visits (64% vs. 14%). They reported receiving more outpatient visits for medical (2.3 vs. 1.7), mental health (2.8 vs. 1.0), substance abuse treatment (6.4 vs. 3.6), and all healthcare services (11.6 vs. 6.1) than comparison subjects. Total quarterly healthcare costs were significantly higher for CICH clients than comparison subjects (4,544 vs.4,544 vs. 3,326) due to increased use of outpatient mental health and substance abuse services. Although CICH clients were also more likely to receive public assistance income (80% vs. 75%), and to have a mental health/substance provider at all, they expressed slightly less satisfaction with their primary mental health/substance abuse provider (satisfaction score of 5.0 vs. 5.4). No significant differences were found between the groups on measures of substance use, community adjustment, or health status. These findings suggest that access to a well funded, comprehensive array of permanent housing, intensive case management, and healthcare services is associated with improved housing outcomes, but not substance use, health status or community adjustment outcomes, among chronically homeless adults.  相似文献   

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