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 目的 探讨严重脊柱畸形三柱截骨术中围截骨区卫星棒技术的可行性,并评估其临床应用价值。方法 回顾性分析2012年7月至2014年1月期间应用卫星棒技术行严重脊柱畸形三柱截骨并有完整临床及影像学资料的13例患者,男6例,女7例;年龄12~57岁,平均(30.9±19.1)岁。分别测量患者手术前后及末次随访时侧凸Cobb角、最大后凸Cobb角(global kyphosis,GK)、冠状面平衡(distance between C7 plumb line and center sacral vertical line,C7PL-CSVL)和矢状面平衡(sagittal vertical axis,SVA)。患者初诊及每次随访均填写SF-36量表。结果 随访时间平均为(15.8±3.8)个月。术前侧凸Cobb角平均为86.3°±22.6°,术后为45.2°±19.7°,较术前明显改善,平均矫正率为47.7%±19.1%;末次随访为39.9°±19.8°,随访期间未见明显矫正丢失。术前GK为80.9°±18.7°,术后为35.1°±14.5°,平均矫正率为57.8%±13.8%;末次随访时未见明显丢失,平均为36.3°±10.0°。手术前后C7PL-CSVL分别为(43.7±36.8) mm、(18.8±5.6) mm,术后有明显改善;末次随访时维持良好,平均为(19.2±8.3) mm。SVA由术前平均(55.0±51.5) mm减小至术后(29.3±19.5) mm,末次随访为(34.2±17.5) mm,亦无明显矫正丢失。13例患者术中监测均无信号异常。术后1例患者1枚螺钉位置偏上穿出上终板,1例患者1枚螺钉位置偏外。患者随访期间均无明显矫形丢失及断钉、断棒等内固定并发症。结论 严重脊柱畸形三柱截骨引入卫星棒技术既满足坚强固定需要又起到分散应力作用,术后矫形效果满意,随访期间矫正丢失及内固定失败等并发症少。  相似文献   

 目的 通过三维重建研究并测量移位型股骨颈骨折中股骨头的空间移位,探讨股骨颈骨折严重程度及判断预后。方法 收集80例移位型股骨颈骨折患者(Garden分型Ⅲ型40例、Ⅳ型40例)双侧股骨近端多层螺旋CT扫描的薄层原始数据(DICOM格式),导入三维重建软件生成双侧股骨近端三维模型。在健侧股骨近端生成患侧的镜像模型并与健侧相配准,使患侧镜像模型在健侧处形成新的蒙罩,在蒙罩上进行关键点标记,通过三维测量技术来计算股骨头空间移位参数,并对数据进行整理和分析。结果 GardenⅢ型骨折股骨头小凹最深点位移为(23.70±10.00)mm,Ⅳ型(30.24±8.96) mm,两者比较差异有统计学意义;GardenⅢ型骨折中股骨头中心的位移为(14.36±5.61)mm,Ⅳ型为(18.77±5.45) mm,两者比较差异有统计学意义;GardenⅢ型骨折中股骨头空间偏转的角度为29.18°±15.74°,Ⅳ型为39.08°±17.08°,两者比较差异有统计学意义。移位型股骨颈骨折股骨头移位方向主要为后下方。结论 Garden分型对移位型骨折的认识存在一定局限性;三维重建及空间测量技术能更科学、准确地评价股骨颈骨折后股骨头移位的程度,为骨科医生评估骨折类型、严重程度及预后,制定更合理的手术方案提供更为宽广的临床思路。  相似文献   

 目的 探讨采用外侧入路联合前内侧入路治疗肘关节“恐怖三联征”的手术疗效。方法 回顾性分析2008年7月至2011年1月,采用外侧入路联合前内侧入路治疗23例肘关节“恐怖三联征”患者,其中21例获得完整随访资料,男17例,女4例;年龄17~63岁,平均38.4岁;坠落伤15例,运动损伤4例,交通伤2例;受伤至手术时间为2~8 d,平均4 d。尺骨冠突骨折O’Driscoll分型:A1型5例,A2型12例,B2型4例;桡骨头骨折Mason分型:Ⅰ型2例,Ⅱ型12例,Ⅲ型7例;软组织损伤仲飙等分型:Ⅰ型6例,Ⅱ型12例,Ⅲ型3例。先采用Kocher入路内固定或人工桡骨小头置换治疗桡骨小头骨折,暂时修补外侧副韧带复合体,而后通过前内侧入路固定冠突骨折并修补内侧副韧带损伤;术后采用铰链式外固定支具辅助固定。术后分别采用Mayo肘关节评分(Mayo elbow performence score, MEPS)和Broberg-Morrey分级评估患者肘关节功能及创伤性关节炎程度。结果 21例患者均获得随访,随访时间24~48个月,平均32个月。末次随访时,患者肘关节屈伸及前臂旋转平均活动度分别为126°(范围,115°~135°)和139°(范围,125°~145°);MEPS评分为85~100分,平均95分,其中19例评定为优,2例为良,优良率为100%,无一例发生肘关节复发不稳定。术后1周,1例发生伤口浅表感染,经清创及静脉使用抗生素治疗后愈合;术后3个月,发生异位骨化症2例,桡骨头骨折骨不连1例,尺神经麻痹1例,均未行手术处理。结论 采用外侧入路联合前内侧入路治肘关节“恐怖三联征”具有一期同时重建骨结构和恢复软组织稳定性的优势,术后患者能早期进行功能锻炼,利于肘关节功能恢复。  相似文献   

 目的 观察慢病毒介导特异性短发夹RNA(short hairpin RNA,shRNA)干扰第l0号染色体同源丢失性磷酸酶张力蛋白基因(phosphatase and tensin homology deleted on chromosome ten,PTEN)表达对皮层神经元轴突再生及脊髓损伤修复的影响。方法 体内实验和体外实验两部分各分四组:阴性对照组(DMEM)、空载慢病毒组(Lenti��control)、空白载体组(Lenti��scramble)、慢病毒介导shRNA组(Lenti��shRNA)。体外神经元转染72 h后,Western blot检测各组PTEN表达情况,免疫荧光检测神经元轴突再生能力;体内载体注射1周后,Western blot检测各组PTEN表达情况;6周后荧光显微镜观察皮质脊髓束穿越脊髓损伤局部周围增强绿色荧光蛋白荧光强度及突触素表达情况。采用大鼠脊髓损伤评分评价大鼠后肢运动恢复情况。结果 慢病毒介导shRNA组体外转染神经元后PTEN表达水平比阴性对照组下降83.75%±2.85%,与其他组比较具有统计学意义(F=4277,P< 0.05);轴突长度(249.70±10.70)μm,大于阴性对照组(95.71±20.24) μm、空载慢病毒组(97.00 ± 22.82)μm及空白载体组(87.57±19.34)μm,差异具有统计学意义(F=84.74,P< 0.05);每个神经元一级突起数量(5.800±0.359)个,大于阴性对照组(2.800±0.678)个、空载慢病毒组(2.900±0.389)个及空白载体组(3.000±0.877)个,其差异具有统计学意义(F=16.47,P< 0.05);神经元突起穿越硫酸软骨素蛋白多糖基质的百分比20.60%±1.80%,大于阴性对照组6.70%±1.45%、空载慢病毒组5.50%±1.69%、空白载体组5.60%±1.77%,其差异具有统计学意义(F=94.90,P<0.05)。慢病毒介导shRNA注射大脑皮层运动区后,第6周大鼠脊髓损伤评分达(13.29±0.42)分,高于阴性对照组(7.00±1.48)分,空载慢病毒组(6.43±1.43)分,空白载体组(6.29±1.22)分,其差异具有统计学意义(F=44.85,P< 0.05)。皮层组织PTEN表达水平下降84.57%±1.87%,损伤中心尾端见绿色荧光,突触素染色阳性面积明显增大。结论 慢病毒介导shRNA下调PTEN基因表达后可明显提高脊髓损伤后轴突再生能力,促进神经功能修复。  相似文献   

 目的 探讨经椎弓根不对称截骨(asymmetrical pedicle subtraction osteotomy, APSO)在强直性脊柱炎(ankylosing spondylitis, AS)胸腰椎侧后凸畸形患者冠状面和矢状面平衡重建中的作用。方法 回顾性分析2005年10月至2012年6月采用APSO手术治疗16例AS胸腰椎侧后凸畸形患者资料,男13例,女3例;年龄22~48岁,平均35.4岁。术前、术后及末次随访均摄站立位全脊柱正、侧位X线片,测量冠状面和矢状面参数:冠状面Cobb角,冠状面躯干偏移(central sacral vertical line,CSVL)、胸腰椎最大后凸角(global kyphosis,GK)、矢状面躯干偏移(sagittal vertical axis,SVA)、胸椎后凸角(thoracic kyphosis,TK)、腰椎前凸角(lumbar lordosis,LL)、骨盆倾斜角(pelvic tilt,PT)、骶骨倾斜角(sacral slope,SS)和骨盆投射角(pelvic incidence,PI)。采用SF-36量表评估AS胸腰椎侧后凸畸形患者术前和末次随访的生活质量。结果 随访时间24~63个月。冠状面Cobb角由术前25.8°矫正至术后7.6°,矫正率70.5%;CSVL由术前5.6 cm矫正至术后1.8 cm;GK由术前76.8°矫正至术后25.6°,矫正率66.7%;SVA由术前15.1 cm矫正至术后3.8 cm。LL、PT和SS分别由术前的-0.4°、33.6°和10.3°矫正至术后44.1°、22.6°和20.9°,差异均有统计学意义。末次随访时,冠状面Cobb角、CSVL、GK、SVA、LL、PT和SS出现轻度矫正丢失。末次随访时AS患者躯体疼痛、一般健康状况、社会功能和情感职能评分均获得明显提高。结论 AS胸腰椎侧后凸畸形患者同时伴有冠状面和矢状面失平衡,导致其生活质量严重降低。APSO手术在矫正其矢状面失平衡的同时,还可明显改善冠状面躯干失平衡,可实现满意的双平面重建;患者生活质量较术前也获得明显提高。  相似文献   

 目的 评估保留与不保留残端对重建前十字韧带(anterior cruciate ligament,ACL)的意义及临床疗效。方法 2010年1月至2012年10月,收治93例残端存留的ACL损伤患者,前瞻性随机将其分为保留组(保留残端)和不保留组(切除残端)。保留组48例,男34例,女14例;平均年龄30.4岁;左侧25例,右侧23例;损伤至手术时间13.5 d;合并内侧半月板损伤7例,外侧半月板损伤16例,内侧副韧带损伤4例。不保留组45例,男33例,女12例;平均年龄28.8岁;左侧22例,右侧23例;损伤至手术时间14.9 d;合并内侧半月板损伤7例,外侧半月板损伤12例,内侧副韧带损伤2例。两组重建ACL移植物均为自体四股腘绳肌腱。术后两组患者分别行膝关节功能评估、稳定性评估、本体感觉功能测量和二次关节镜手术探查。结果 82例患者完成随访,其中保留组42例,随访时间(25.4±1.9)个月;不保留组40例,随访时间(25.2±1.7)个月。IKDC分级:保留组A级32例,B级9例,C级1例;不保留组A级30例,B级8例,C级2例。Lysholm评分:保留组(95.9±5.2)分,不保留组(95.4±1.7)分。Lachman试验:保留组,阴性38例,1度阳性4例;不保留组,阴性36例,1度阳性4例。轴移试验:保留组,阴性37例,1度阳性5例;不保留组,阴性34例,1度阳性6例。KT-1000测量侧-侧差值:保留组(1.1±1.2) mm,不保留组(1.2±0.9) mm。本体感觉测量关节位置觉侧-侧差值:保留组3.6°±1.8°,不保留组3.9°±2.2°。以上指标两组均无明显差异。二次手术探查移植物滑膜覆盖分型,保留组A型11例,B型6例,C型2例,D型2例;不保留组A型10例,B型5例,C型2例,D型2例。结论 保留较不保留残端并使用自体肌腱移植重建ACL对术后膝关节主观功能、稳定性、本体感觉和移植物滑膜覆盖无促进作用。  相似文献   

 目的 探讨严重僵硬型颈椎后凸畸形的影像学特征及不同类型的手术入路选择。方法 回顾性分析2007年1月至2012年1月,治疗17例严重僵硬型颈椎后凸畸形患者完整资料,男8例,女9例;年龄21~72岁,平均49.7岁;炎症3例,退变3例,神经纤维瘤病3例,全椎板切除术后3例,特发性2例,陈旧性颈椎骨折2例,神经肌肉源性疾病1例;后凸累及节段(4.3±1.2)个。患者临床均表现为颈部疼痛,视觉模拟评分(visual analogue scale, VAS)(7.6±1.5)分,颈椎后凸畸形进行性发展,其中合并脊髓病变4例、神经根痛2例、不能平视3例、吞咽困难1例。患者术前均摄颈椎过伸、过屈位及颈椎牵引位X线片,并通过矢状位CT重建片评价颈椎僵硬来源。继续颅骨牵引下,根据脊髓压迫情况、后凸累及节段及僵硬来源等因素分别采用前路、后路及前后路联合手术入路,术后根据颈椎后凸Cobb角恢复及Odom标准评价疗效。结果 术后17例患者均获得随访,随访时间2~5年。根据CT检查结果,17例患者中,僵硬来源于前方骨性强直7例、后方6例、前后方4例。采用前路手术4例,后路2例,前后路5例,后前路3例,前-后-前路1例,后-前-后路2例。术前Cobb角平均49.3°±14.6°,末次随访平均2.1°±6.8°,平均矫正角度47.2°;Odom 标准:优7例,良8例,可2例,优良率88.2%(15/17)。1例患者术后3个月出现近端交界区后凸,遂行翻修术;17例患者术后均获骨性融合,随访期内无一例发生后凸矫正角度显著丢失。结论 CT有利于判断颈椎后凸畸形的僵硬来源;手术入路的选择取决于脊髓是否受压、后凸累及节段的长短、颈椎后凸畸形的僵硬来源等因素;僵硬来源于颈椎前方骨性强直采用前路手术,来源于后方强直采用后路手术,来源于前后方强直需前后路联合手术。  相似文献   

 目的 探讨髌股关节置换术治疗单纯髌股关节骨关节炎的疗效和影响因素。方法 回顾性分析2006年3月至2014年12月,采用髌股关节置换术治疗并获得随访的18例单纯髌股关节骨关节炎患者资料,男3例,女15例;年龄46~74岁,平均54岁;术前美国特种外科医院膝关节评分(hospital for special surgery knee score,HSS)为44~63分,平均(53.28±5.71)分;疼痛视觉模拟评分(visual analogue scale, VAS)为4~7分,平均(5.33±0.99)分。术前根据临床症状、体征和影像学资料严格把握手术指征,其中11例采用AVON髌股关节假体(Stryker公司),7例采用Gender Solutions髌股关节假体(Zimmer公司)。术后第1天患膝即开始行主动和被动功能康复锻炼。结果 18例患者术后均获得随访,随访时间6~104个月,平均63.98个月。VAS,术后1个月(1.17±0.79)分(范围,0~3 分),术后3个月(0.72±0.67)分(范围,0~2 分),术后9个月疼痛基本消失;HSS,术后1个月(70.06±6.33)分(范围,61~80分),术后3个月(86.06±5.12)分(范围,77~95分),术后9个月(91.39±4.83)分(范围,82~97分),末次随访(92.06±4.05)分(范围,84~97分),其中优15例、良3例,优良率100%,较术前有明显改善。患者主观满意率94.4%(17/18)。1例患者术后2年再次出现上下楼梯时膝前疼痛,给予非甾体类抗炎药和适当减少活动后症状缓解。随访期间无一例患者出现切口感染、髌骨脱位、假体松动等并发症。结论 髌股关节置术后疗效与手术适应证、假体设计、手术技巧等因素密切相关,在选用合适的髌股关节假体、严格把握手术适应证、掌握好手术技巧及积极术后康复功能锻炼等基础上,采用髌股关节置换术治疗单纯髌股关节骨关节炎可以获得良好的疗效。  相似文献   

 目的 探讨颈椎人工椎间盘置换术后发生异位骨化(hetrotopicossification, HO)的原因及与颈椎小关节退变程度的相关性。方法 回顾性分析2009年5月至2012年5月采用Discover假体行颈椎人工椎间盘置换术的133例完整患者资料,男74例,女59例;年龄23~56岁,平均(42.63±4.15)岁;单节段109例,双节段24例。在颈椎X线片上测量术前及末次随访时手术节段活动度;在颈椎CT片上采用Park等颈椎小关节退变程度分级标准对小关节的退变程度进行分级;在颈椎侧位X线片上采用McAfee标准对异位骨化进行分级。统计不同随访时间节点手术节段异位骨化的发生率和分级。根据是否发生异位骨化将患者分为异位骨化组和无异位骨化组,并比较两组患者手术节段活动范围、术前小关节退变程度。结果 133例患者均获得随访,随访时间2.0~4.8年,平均2.9年。末次随访时,25例(18.80%,25/133)患者出现异位骨化,其中手术节段的活动度异位骨化组(6.8°±3.9°)明显小于无异位骨化组(9.1°±2.4°),两者比较差异有统计学意义;异位骨化组患者术前颈椎小关节退变程度明显重于无异位骨化组。相关性分析结果显示术后异位骨化的发生与术前小关节退变呈正相关(r=0.683, P=0.033)。结论 颈椎人工椎间盘置换术后异位骨化的发生与术前患者小关节的退变具有相关性。术后发生异位骨化的患者术前颈椎小关节的退变程度明显重于未发生异位骨化的患者,异位骨化分级越高,术前小关节的退变越严重。  相似文献   

 目的 探讨手术治疗肩部创伤致肩胛上神经与腋神经同时损伤的疗效。方法 回顾性分析2003年7月至2011年9月,手术治疗13例男性肩部创伤后诊断为肩胛上神经与腋神经同时损伤的患者资料,年龄8~59岁,平均28 岁;受伤至手术时间为2~7个月,平均3.7个月。其中肩胛颈和锁骨同时骨折2例,浮肩损伤3例,肱骨颈及关节盂骨折1例,锁骨骨折3例,肩峰骨折1例,肩胛骨骨折2例,寰枢椎骨折1例。13例临床检查均示单纯肩外展、外旋功能完全丧失,三角肌及冈上、下肌肌力均为0级。电生理检查示腋神经、肩胛上神经完全失神经支配。肩胛上神经断裂10例,其中6例通过1股腓肠神经移植修复,1例通过1股颈丛浅支移植修复,3例因远端撕脱而放弃神经修复;另3例肩胛上神经仅进行松解。腋神经断裂12例,其中10例采用2~3股腓肠神经移植修复,2例采用正中神经束支移位修复;另1例腋神经于四边孔处进行松解。13例患者中,10例患者的肩胛上神经及腋神经同时断裂。结果 13例患者随访时间36~134个月,平均85个月;7例肩关节上举恢复正常达180°,该7例的三角肌力均为4级,肩外旋40°~70°,平均56°;5例肩外展达30°~50°,平均38°;该5例肩外旋为-40°~30°,平均10°,三角肌肌力4级1例,3级2例,2级2例;另1例无恢复。结论 对于肩部创伤后出现的单纯肩关节外展、外旋功能完全丧失,应考虑肩胛上神经与腋神经同时损伤的可能。此种类型的神经损伤修复后的效果满意,应尽早进行神经移植修复。  相似文献   

IntroductionStiff knees are defined as those with an arc of motion < 50°. They pose a considerable surgical challenge to the operating surgeon. Based on our experience to deal with these complex cases, we have developed a working classification that outlines a flowchart to manage the stiff/ankylosed knees.Materials and MethodsIt was a retrospective study conducted in our department. Out of 570 TKA performed in last 5 years, 57 had stiffness and four had bony ankyloses (total 61 knees). Patients were classified based on the fibrous or bony ankylosis and preoperative ROM.ResultsPatients were followed for an average 2.4 years (1.8–5.5 years). KSS pain scores improved from an av. 32 preop (18–64) to av. 76 postoperatively (61–90). The KSS function scores improved from a preoperative value of 36 (16–56) to an av. 78 (52–90) postoperatively. ROM improved from an average of 35.6° (0°–44°) preoperatively to an average of 95.6° (ROM 73°–118°) postoperatively. Extension lag was an av. 8° (3°–12°) and was seen in 13 patients postoperatively. Residual fixed flexion deformity was an av. 7° (3°–14°) and seen in 17 patients. The stiff knees (type 1 and type 2) fared better than ankylosed knees (type 3) in all aspects. Complication rate was high (24%) in our series.ConclusionOur classification of stiff/ankylosed knees guides the surgeon to decide upon which approach to take, which implants to keep handy and has a predictive and prognostic value.  相似文献   

目的 :总结使用全膝关节置换术治疗严重膝关节内翻畸形中,应用螺丝钉骨水泥技术重建胫骨平台骨缺损的临床经验,探讨使用螺丝钉数量与骨缺损严重程度的相关性。方法:2009年4月至2015年5月,34例(40膝)接受全膝关节置换术,术中应用螺丝钉骨水泥技术重建胫骨平台内侧骨缺损。其中男8例(8膝),女26例(32膝);年龄55~82岁,平均(65.00±7.25)岁。每例膝关节使用的螺丝钉数为1~6枚,其中2例结合使用了延长杆(分别使用4、5枚螺丝钉)。分别测量计算每例患者胫骨平台骨缺损面积百分比、骨缺损的深度并记录使用螺丝钉数量,经过统计学分析,探讨胫骨平台不同缺损百分比与使用螺丝钉数量的关系,同时分析骨缺损深度对使用螺丝钉数量的影响。结果:所有患者获随访,时间1~72个月,平均24个月。HSS评分术前(43.33±6.11)分(32~51分),术后改善为(92.15±4.64)分(83~96分),各单项评分包括疼痛、功能、活动度、肌力、屈曲畸形及稳定性均较术前提高。所有患者获得稳定且力线正常的膝关节,胫股角由术前(167.00±6.39)°改善为术后(175.00±2.69)°;胫骨角由术前(78.09±4.51)°改善为术后(88.75±1.24)°。螺钉骨水泥技术使用螺丝钉数量与骨缺损的面积和深度存在相关性,可据此构建相关性直角坐标图。结论:螺钉加强骨水泥技术是一种简便、安全、有效的处理胫骨内侧平台骨缺损的方法,中短期效果可靠。临床实践中可利用缺损严重程度与使用螺丝钉数量的相关性直角坐标图,根据术中的缺损面积百分比和深度,得到推荐使用的螺丝钉数。  相似文献   

Revision total knee arthroplasty (TKA) in the setting of bone deficiency requires varied levels of constraint to restore knee stability. However, the outcomes between different levels remain controversial. Clinical outcomes for 183 AORI Type I knees, 168 Type II knees and 124 Type III knees utilizing posterior stabilized (PS), unlinked constrained (UC) or hinged prostheses were evaluated with standardized clinical assessment tools and radiographic results over an average of 7.4 years. PS yielded superior knee scores in AORI Type I patients (P < 0.05), UC in Type II and III aseptic patients (P < 0.05), and a hinge was preferred in septic Type II or III knees (P < 0.05). Revision TKA conducted with increased constraint appears effective in the setting of increased bone deficiency.  相似文献   



The purpose of this paper is to review our experience and study the feasibility and clinical results of one-stage total knee arthroplasty (TKA) for patients with osteoarthritis of the knee with extra-articular deformity.


Nine patients with osteoarthritis of the knee associated with extra-articular deformity underwent one-stage TKA from June 2006 to April 2010. There were two men and seven women, with an average age of 51 years (range 34–69 years); four of them had tibial deformities and five had femoral deformities. Eight of the cases resulted from malunion after fracture healing and one from femoral recurvatum. Six of the cases had uniplanar and three had biplanar deformities. The average angles of the femoral deformities were 13.3° in the coronal plane (8–22) and 11.3° in the sagittal plane (6–15); one femur had 10° external rotational deformity. Tibial deformity of 16° in the coronal plane (11–22) was noted, and one had sagittal plane deformity of 21°.


All patients were followed for an average of 29 months. The average Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) knee score improved from 18.7 points pre-operatively to 89.8 points at the time of last follow-up; the range of knee motion improved from 46.7° preoperatively to 100.6° postoperatively. The average angle of mechanical axis deviation was restored from 11.8° preoperatively to 1° postoperatively. One of the patients had unsatisfactory clinical results due to delayed union at the osteotomy site. No complications such as infection, deep vein thrombosis, ligament instability, low level or subluxed/dislocated patella or component loosening were observed. One-stage TKA with intra-articular correction of the extra-articular deformity was performed in seven patients, included proper planning, appropriate bone cuts to restore alignment and the necessary soft tissue releases to balance the knee in flexion and extension. Two patients underwent simultaneous extra-articular correctional osteotomy and TKA because the deformity was so large. Five knees that had good collateral ligamentous stability and balance received a posterior stabilised prosthesis; four knees that had ligamentous instability received a constrained condylar knee (CCK) prosthesis.


One-stage TKA is a technically difficult but effective treatment for patients with osteoarthritis of the knee and extra-articular deformity. If feasible we recommend TKA with intra-articular bone resection and soft tissue balancing.  相似文献   



An ideal approach for valgus knees must provide adequate exposure with minimal complications due to approach per se. Median parapatellar approach is most commonly used approach in TKA including valgus knees. A medial subvastus approach is seldom used for valgus knees and has definite advantages of maintaining extensor mechanism integrity and minimal effect on patellar tracking. The present study was conducted to evaluate outcomes of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and efficacy of subvastus approach in valgus knees in terms of early functional recovery, limb alignment and complications.

Materials and Methods:

We retrospectively reviewed 112 knees with valgus deformity between January 2006 and December 2011. All patients were assessed postoperatively for pain using Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and quadriceps recovery in form of time to active straight leg raising (SLR) and staircase competency and clinical outcomes using American Knee Society (AKS) score and radiographic evaluation with average followup of 40 months (range 24–84 months).


The mean VAS on postoperative day (POD) 1 and POD2 at rest was 2.73 and 2.39, respectively and after mobilization was 3.28 and 3.08, respectively (P < 0.001). The quadriceps recovery was very early and 92 (86.7%) patients were able to do active SLR by POD1 with mean time of 21.98 h while reciprocal gait and staircase competency was possible at 43.05 h. The AKS and function score showed significant improvement from preoperative mean score of 39 and 36 to 91 and 79 (P < 0.001), respectively, and the mean range of motion increased from 102° preoperatively to 119° at recent followup (P < 0.001). The mean tibiofemoral valgus was corrected from preoperative 16° (range 10°–35°) to 5° (range 3°–9°) valgus (P < 0.001).


Mini-subvastus quadriceps approach provides adequate exposure and excellent early recovery for TKA in valgus knees, without increase in incidence of complications.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo explore the feasibility and clinical efficacy of a modified medial collateral ligament indentation technique in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) with severe type II valgus deformity.MethodsConsecutive patients with Krackow type II valgus deformity >20° who underwent a primary unilateral TKA between May 2008 and June 2017 were studied retrospectively. A medial collateral ligament indentation technique was performed in 20 patients (MCLI group), and 23 patients received the routine lateral structures release technique (LSR group). Radiological parameters, such as the valgus angle (VA), and functional outcomes including the use of constraint implants, Knee Society Score (KSS), Knee Society Function score (KSF), and thickness of the polyethylene insert were compared between the two groups.ResultsA total of 43 consecutive patients had a minimum 2‐year follow‐up. The preoperative VA was comparable between the MCLI (23.5° ± 5.8°) and LSR groups (21.3° ± 3.2°, P = 0.134), as was the postoperative VA (1.1° ± 2.1° and 2.5° ± 3.0°, respectively, P = 0.084). The mean KSS and KSF scores in the MCLI group were 30.2 ± 4.8 and 38.8 ± 4.8, respectively, before surgery, and they increased to 91.3 ± 2.6 and 86.5 ± 2.4 at the last follow‐up. The scores in the LSR group were 31.5 ± 7.5 and 36.5 ± 7.8 before surgery and 92.4 ± 3.5 and 88.5 ± 3.6 at the last follow‐up. While no statistically significant differences in pre‐ or postoperative functional scores were found between the two groups, the MCLI group had thinner polyethylene inserts (9.5 ± 1.1 mm vs 12.9 ± 1.5 mm) and less use of constrained condylar inserts (15% vs 69.6%). During follow‐up, the MCLI group had fewer complications.ConclusionA modified MCLI technique can achieve good outcomes in TKA with type II valgus deformity of >20°. It can maintain a normal joint line level, reduce the use of constrained condylar knee prostheses, and is a reliable choice for severe genu valgum.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate screws and cement for large tibial bone defects during primary TKA. Of 14,686 consecutive primary TKAs performed between December 1988 and February 2010, 256 received screws and cement for tibial defects. Cox regression was used for the analysis. 20-year survival probability was 0.9897 (screws) and 0.9339 (no screws) (P = .4225 log-rank). Tibial bone condition was significantly worse in knees receiving screws (P < .0001) with 73.0% having defects in the screws group and 3.4% (P < .0001) for non-screws. Radiolucency appeared in 13.7% (screws) and 6.4% (no screws) postoperatively. Screws were $137 each, wedges $910 to $2240. Knees with tibial defects and screws performed similarly if not better than knees without defects at substantially lower cost than alternatives.  相似文献   



Subvastus approach used in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is known to produce an earlier recovery but is not commonly utilized for TKA when the preoperative range of motion (ROM) of the knee is limited. Subvastus approach is known for its ability to give earlier recovery due to less postoperative pain and early mobilization (due to rapid quadriceps recovery). Subvastus approach is considered as a relative contraindication for TKA in knees with limited ROM due to difficulty in exposure which can increase risk of complications such as patellar tendon avulsion or medial collateral injury. Short stature and obesity are also relative contraindications. Tarabichi successfully used subvastus approach in knees with limited preoperative ROM. However, there are no large series in literature with the experience of the subvatus approach in knees with limited preoperative ROM. We are presenting our experience of the subvastus approach for TKA in knees with limited ROM.

Materials and Methods:

We conducted retrospective analysis of patients with limited preoperative ROM (flexion ≤90°) of the knee who underwent TKA using subvastus approach and presenting the 2 years results. There were a total 84 patients (110 knees) with mean age 64 (range 49–79 years) years. The mean preoperative flexion was 72° (range 40°–90°) with a total ROM of 64° (range 36°–90°).


Postoperatively knee flexion improved by mean 38° (P < 0.05) which was significant as assed by Student''s t- test. The mean knee society score improved from 36 (range 20–60) to 80 (range 70–90) postoperatively (P < 0.05). There was one case of partial avulsion of patellar tendon from the tibial tubercle.


We concluded that satisfactory results of TKA can be obtained in knees with limited preoperative ROM using subvastus approach maintaining the advantages of early mobilization.  相似文献   

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